The 5-hour-long version of Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now, moreover, is considered to be the Holy Grail among them. Menus Features Scene Selection 1. Besides the plantation scene, Coppola and his Oscar-winning editor and sound designer, Walter Murch, now weave in: A few more scenes with Robert Duvall's fabulous Col. Kilgore character, the surf-riding officer who loves ``the smell of napalm in the morning.'' Another scene involving the Playboy bunnies, who had been shown entertaining the troops. Was an amazing movie. In 2001, Coppola released "Apocalypse Now Redux" with 49 minutes of additional footage, including extended scenes of the river, French plantation and Playboy Playmates entertaining the troops . Apocalypse Now: A Soldier's Tale, by John Milius.Published in Rolling Stone: The Seventies, ed. Atmosphere out the ass. Apocalypse Now Redux - Film | The A.V. Club Ask Question Asked 4 years ago. Review: 'Apocalypse Now: Final Cut' captures the film's ... #24 of 60. Apocalypse Now Redux is a 2001 extended version of Francis Ford Coppola's epic war film Apocalypse Now, which was originally released in 1979.Coppola, along with editor/long-time collaborator Walter Murch, added 49 minutes of scenes that had been cut out of the original film.It represents a significant re-edit of the original version. Customer reviews: Apocalypse Now: The Complete ... > I love the smell of napal. In Apocalypse Now Redux there is a scene at a French rubber plantation near the Cambodian border. Francis F. Coppola - Apocalypse Now Redux -French plantation scene- (Francis Ford Coppola, 1979) / Jeff Alexander (feat. What does the French Plantation Scene mean in Apocalypse Now? Apocalypse Now (Francis Ford Coppola, 1979) A small moment in Apocalypse Now Redux captures the film's ethos even better than any gruesome battle scene. It will always come back and bite you in the ass. Redux. In the Final Cut, the plantation scene fits perfectly and I found a whole new appreciation for it. jamesbamesy. Production 81. There was a French plantation scene that got cut out, and an alternate ending that would have had a massive battle scene outside Kurtz's compound. They are . Apocalypse Now was filmed in the Philippines in 1979. The narrative of the redux and the addition of whole new scenes, like the French Plantation scene, gives it more authenicity and says much more about the Vietnam war. Featured Animal Action. Viewed 18k times 11 0. The French plantation scene was brilliant because it was so bizarre and unexpected that it fit in with the rest of the movie. According to AHA's research, a water buffalo was hacked to pieces during the making of the film, earning the film an Unacceptable rating from AHA. Redux is a perfect example of subtraction by addition. Apocalypse Now Redux | War film Wiki | Fandom I had been angry at Francis Ford Coppola because I thought he was . The Holy Grail of Workprints: The Five-Hour Rough Version ... I also took notice of Col. Kilgore's line, "Someday this war's gonna end." It comes at the end of a bit of exposition that starts with one of the most famous lines in the movie. Apocalypse Now Redux If the original "Apocalypse Now" was a narrow, swiftly flowing river that gradually closed in on the patrol boat carrying Captain Willard into the heart of darkness . From what I understand from the movie, Captain Willard's journey up the Nung River to the heart of darkness is a metaphor for a human's descent into madness and loss of morality and the 3 stops . KenW, Apr 26, 2015. I didn't get the full impact of Apocalypse Now when I saw it at the Hollywood screenings in 1979. "After all, a m ovie is an illusion, and what makes the illusion . Answer (1 of 3): I have watched Apocalypse Now and Apocalypse Now Redux many, many times. Super 8MM Behind the Scenes Footage Apocalypse Now: A 40-Year Journey Dutch Angle: Chas Gerretsen 2019 4K Ultra HD - Final Cut. Chef Decapitated . The Lions Gate US Blu-ray release, however, restores the film's original 2.39:1 aspect ratio (although the packaging reads 2.35:1). Archived. Easily the best looking film I've seen. Apocalypse Now is a 1979 American epic war film set during the Vietnam War.The plot revolves around Special Operator Benjamin L. Willard (Martin Sheen) who is sent into the jungle to assassinate the rogue and presumably insane Colonel Walter E. Kurtz (Marlon Brando) of Special Forces.The film was produced and directed by Francis Ford Coppola from a script by Coppola and John Milius. Just so we give you time to let it sink in—if the theatrical release print lasted 153 minutes, and if the Redux issue offered 202 minutes of the film, this means this rough cut gives us the priceless chance to enjoy an additional hour and a . Redux Sux. An elaboration on an entry (August 3, 2001), viewable in the older Savant column Archive.. Coppola's back with a new version of his drug-soaked Vietnam opus, Apocalypse Now, a neo-classic that was the debate rage of cineastes and film students for years.A movie that had an incredibly stormy production history, it's truly a masterpiece of creative editing and . May 19, 2002. 272-277.. The French Plantation scene reappears in the 2001 redux version. With all our military might, you can't defeat mother nature. I only had an "Apocalypse Now Redux" disc and I liked the original version so much better, today I ripped the disc and used a video editor to exercise the extra Playboy Playmate scene and the "French Plantation" scene. They hide behind bushes! Arrow Attack 29. I love the original Apocalypse Now. The movie adds 49 minutes of all-new material, and represents a significant re-edit of the original Apocalypse Now. In 2001, coppola released apocalypse now redux with 49 minutes of. Apocalypse Now Redux is a great 153-minute movie that got . 13 comments. Apocalypse Now Redux is an extended, definitive version of the 1979 epic war film Apocalypse Now.Unlike other new cuts of the film, Redux is usually considered by fans and critics, as well as director Coppola, as a completely new movie altogether. "The Complete Dossier" is a good buy just for this scene alone. In the Redux, these scenes run about 15 minutes longer than The Final Cut. He did not set . During the French plantation sequence, Hubert, the owner's son, upon hearing his family discussing their plan to remain in Vietnam, angrily stands up and… cracks an egg. The extended French plantation scene and the "Playmates redux" are the two biggest new elements, but other parts include dialogue on the beach with Duval's character, as well as scenes on the river (like the unseen Kilgore . 40th anniversary of "Apocalypse Now" - August 15th. As for the French Plantation scene, aside from shrugging off the urgency of the quest to get to Kurtz's compound, it does have some things to recommend it. Francis Ford Coppola set out to make a movie about the chaos of the Vietnam War when the wound of the conflict was still fresh. Dinner 27. It's been a long time since I watched Apocalypse Now or Redux so I don't remember what was different. Aug 14, 2019 at 9:46pm. Jan 25, 2015. [THIS IS AN ARCHIVE REVIEW, WRITTEN IN 2007, OF APOCALYPSE NOW REDUX] The trend of the director's cut has long become a dubious exercise in profit-making. Have you watched the Apocalypse Now 5-hour workprint? At 153 minutes, Apocalypse Now is hardly a short movie, but it feels like a brisk walk in the park after sitting through the interminable 202-minute runtime of Redux. Apocalypse, Now With Ducks allows the junk to predominate. Posted: 7/10/2021 5:58:14 PM EST. "The French Plantation scene is IN — since I've only seen Redux once, I'm not sure if it was trimmed down . . She tells Gaby Wood that, more than 20 years on, she's ready to take her chance to shine. - AHA. Sun 11 Nov 2001 . It looked great the soundtrack was a fucking assault on your senses. The Final Cut is my favorite version. Revered Member. That holds true for my preferred Apocalypse Now . The American Humane Association has added Apocalypse Now to its list of "Unacceptable" films. 20 facts you might not know about 'Apocalypse Now'. The final cut is the Goldilocks of Apocalypse Now, what Coppola and company think to be the film in its true final form. The narrative of the redux and the addition of whole new scenes, like the French Plantation scene, gives it more authenicity and says much more about the Vietnam war. Lucas made his version of Apocalypse now into Return of the Jedi, with the Ewoks in the Vietnamese role. Were there any French plantations in Vietnam in the 1970's? Just so we give you time to let it sink in—if the theatrical release print lasted 153 minutes, and if the Redux issue . .For the choppers I believe. Some scenes from Redux, like the one with the French colonial family are still in, while the segment that leads to the crew trading fuel for sex with the crashed Playboy bunnies is out. The insanity just kind of creeps along, you can relate to being hungover in a Saigon hotel. Apocalypse Now Redux is a 2001 American extended version of Francis Ford Coppola's epic 1979 war film Apocalypse Now.Coppola, along with editor/longtime collaborator Walter Murch, added 49 minutes of material that had been removed from the original film.It represents a significant re-edit of the original version. "The French plantation serves as a rest," Coppola said, "and if the [journey] going up the river was the same as going back in time, first you go back . What does the French Plantation Scene mean in Apocalypse Now? Overview - Francis Ford Coppola returns to his Vietnam epic Apocalypse Now with The Final Cut - a streamlined and more efficient version of his controversial Redux edit.Lionsgate gives Apocalypse Now: The Final Cut another outing on 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray in a Limited Edition Best Buy Exclusive SteelBook release.If you already have the first release of Apocalypse Now: 40th Anniversary set on 4K . The original film naively avoids any real political ambiguity, instead opting to portray those in charge of the war as lying hypocrites and gung-ho loonies and those under their . The scenes I am focusing on are the ones in which Lieutenant Colonel Kilgore bombs the Vietnamese village, and when Captain Willard has dinner with the French Plantation family. I had been angry at Francis Ford Coppola because I thought he was . Owen Gleiberman wrote " Apocalypse Now Redux is the meandering, indulgent art project that [Francis Ford Coppola] was still enough of a craftsman, in 1979, to avoid." An expert on prints, Jeff Joseph, tells me: "This is essentially a reworking of the old three-strip Technicolor process. #12. I've only ever seen the Redux version of Apocalypse Now, but that French plantation scene makes it one of the most boring movies I've ever seen. Apocalypse Now Redux: The Screenplay, John Milius and Francis Ford Coppola, Miramax Talk Books, $112.95, ISBN .7868.8745.1. No new footage has been added. . Posts: 16,054. It seems like most people dislike it because it stops the narrative flow of the film. . There are plenty of great movies over 200 minutes long - The Godfather Part II, Once Upon a Time in America, The Irishman - but they were all made to run that long. Personally, while I did love Apocalypse Now: Final Cut, and give it an A+ grade, it's not perfection as the French plantation scene still drags the film down, otherwise this is probably the version I'll watch again. In my opinion, the French Plantation sequence is the only scene that belongs IN the film. It gives the film an opportunity to have a romantic interlude as Willard has a brief affair with the daughter of the plantation owner after the funeral of a crew member. At the risk of being redundant, I'll say it here: "Apocalypse Now" is the greatest movie of all time. Missing in action. Now, we're excited beyond words to share with you the 289-minute version of this classic picture. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . "Apocalypse Now: Final Cut" is a 4K restoration from original negatives and a new cut by Francis Ford Coppola. In any form, Apocalypse Now remains an audacious, powerful, and haunting vision of war as a waking nightmare, and the new print looks and sounds better than ever. The French Plantation scene still drags way too much to me. Active 3 years, 4 months ago. The Time scene, which showed Kurtz . 141. But as much as Redux was born of . It's perfect in every way. It's only a bit odd to get orders as an American to kill an American Colonel, ok. The French Plantation sequence fits in with the "journey back in time" theme that Coppola visioned. I hate the plantation scene, it utterly ruins the pacing. Coppola believes . @jamesbamesy. The most unexpected thing about "Apocalypse Now Redux" may not be the restored footage, however, but the new Technicolor dye-transfer prints. "Apocalypse Now" is a movie that drove Coppola to the brink of both financial ruin and actual madness. The central difference is the French plantation scene. Just so we give you time to let it sink in—if the theatrical release print lasted 153 minutes, and if the Redux issue . Didn't care for the French plantation scene. In Apocalypse Now Redux there is a scene at a French rubber plantation near the Cambodian border. Now, we're excited beyond words to share with you the 289-minute version of this classic picture. I'm confused as to why it was put in. Really as the title says. Aurore Clément was devastated when her role in Apocalypse Now was cut. The original is darker, mysterious, somewhat psychotic and just like Willard going . Karl French on Apocalypse Now, Karl French, Bloomsbury, $19.95, ISBN .7475.5166.9. This is the definitive version of francis ford coppola's stunning vision of the heart of darkness in all of us. Interrogation 31. Here is one that never had seen the original cut and whose first encounter with Apocalypse Now came in the form of Redux. I've owned it on DVD since about 2002 and since that first time watching it I've never once been tempted to go back and watch it a second time. Consensual objectification pillaged by ungodly violence gives an unflinching dimension to female pain in the Playboy Bunnies sequence. The . Can someone explain the French Plantation scenes in Apocalypse Now Redux? APOCALYPSE NOW: A SOLDIER'S TALE. A transcript of the revised version. Now, we're excited beyond words to share with you the 289-minute version of this classic picture. . 'Apocalypse Now' is not a realistic film in the sense that the presentation of the Vietnam War is far from correct: helicopters going in BEFORE the napalm strikes, a USO show in the jungle at night . It excises the ghoulish, morbid sex-with-the-Playmates scene, but retains the stealing of Colonel Kilgore's surfboard and the French Plantation scene. It gives the film an opportunity to have a romantic interlude as Willard has a brief affair with the daughter of the plantation owner after the funeral of a crew member. The restored French plantation scene in ''Apocalypse Now Redux'' will rewrite history if viewers take as a history lesson a character's statement, as reported in David Thomson's article, that the . The Redux version is great with the exception of the new scene with the playmates. Kurtz Compound 30. The audience is following along t. 272-277.. I say this about both the original theatrical release and the 2001 extended director's cut "Apocalypse Now: Redux". I disliked the French Plantation scene when I first saw it via Redux nearly 20 years ago, and my opinion remains the same. Waiting in Saigon 2 . Yes, I like Final more than Redux, but that's simply because it's 14 minutes shorter than Redux. The original film naively avoids any real political ambiguity, instead opting to portray those in charge of the war as lying hypocrites and gung-ho loonies and those under their . Before filming the French Plantation scene (which was cut for theatrical release but added back for "Apocalypse Now: Redux"), Coppola insisted that the white wine be served ice cold and red wine . The French Plantation 25. I didn't get the full impact of Apocalypse Now when I saw it at the Hollywood screenings in 1979. Les Soldats Perdus 28. Hilariously, a quick Amazon search of 'director's cut' reveals extended edits of such dizzying filmmaking classics as Troy, The Chronicles of Riddick, Daredevil and Welcome to the Jungle! Apocalypse Now is a 1979 American epic psychological war film directed and produced by Francis Ford Coppola.It stars Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall, Martin Sheen, Frederic Forrest, Albert Hall, Sam Bottoms, Laurence Fishburne, and Dennis Hopper.The screenplay, co-written by Coppola and John Milius with narration written by Michael Herr, is loosely based on the 1899 novella Heart of Darkness by . Martin Sheen in "Apocalypse Now: Final Cut" "A cut of a film is a magical thing," Francis Ford Coppola told me last week. hide. This version runs at 183 minutes and was released theatrically and on Blu-ray in August 2019. Inside 'Apocalypse Now: Final Cut'—why Francis Ford Coppola thinks this new cut of his 1979 war film is the definitive version. But it also left me feeling depressed and empty, which I'm sure was the point. "Apocalypse now 4k looks amazing for a movie from 1979, yes 40 years old. It does do that, but it also adds a lot to the movie. save. It changes the entire tone of the movie and in a negative way. Location: Way North Of Hollywood, CA in Portland , OR. The French Plantation scene in Redux drags because it's preceded by another scene that screws up the pacing. In the Redux, these scenes run about 15 minutes longer than The Final Cut. The sex that was understated in Apocalypse Now is elaborated in Redux with the addition of female-centric footage. In 2001, Coppola released "Apocalypse Now Redux" with 49 minutes of additional footage, including extended scenes of the river, French plantation and Playboy Playmates entertaining the troops . Answer: The entire feel of the movie is an escalation of the insanity and horrors of war. I'm relatively positive it wasn't in the original. I had a look at a few scenes and it looks glorious! To sit through the extended french plantation scene and the playboy bunny scene. The movie comes to us now in a new version, 49 minutes longer than the original. Re: Apocalypse Now (Francis Ford Coppola, 1979) #116 Post by flyonthewall2983 » Sun Nov 07, 2021 1:28 am I think the one scene I grew to appreciate in this reawakening I had with the film the most, is the scene where Willard is given the mission. Apocalypse Now: A Soldier's Tale, by John Milius.Published in Rolling Stone: The Seventies, ed. There are no plantation scenes in the original. Ashley Kahn, Holly George-Warren and Shawn Dahl (Boston: Little-brown, 1998); pp. Some critics, however, thought the new scenes slowed the pacing, were too lengthy (notably the French plantation sequence), and added nothing overall to the film's impact. Also, despite knowing Spec Ops The Line was based on the same novella, I couldn't help. Were there any French plantations in Vietnam . More importantly, though, is the addition of the infamous French plantation scene. And for the few good examples that I can think of . While some fans out there dislike the Redux for disrupting the pacing of the original, I actually like it a bit more. Close. I don't think what was screened was actually projected in 4K / HDR so that will look even better on disc. An oral history of the memorable playmate . It's been many many years since I saw Apocalypse Now and I've never seen Redux, though I caught a part of it on cable the other day.I've added it to my Netflix queue, but I had a few questions: The scene I saw was a very disturbing (and well acted all around) scene in which the Playboy Playmates prostitute themselves for helicopter fuel. See, Captain, when my grandfather and my uncle's father came here, there was nothing. It explores many of the controversial issues surrounding whether or not the US should have been involved in the Vietnam War, the role of the Viet Cong,the Russians, the North Vietnamese, the South Vietnamese, and . I can't believe I just did this, but I didn't feel . Ashley Kahn, Holly George-Warren and Shawn Dahl (Boston: Little-brown, 1998); pp. Even I have to say the french plantage scene AND the playboy bunnies scenes were unnecessary and disrupted the flow of the film. Great acting. The film starts to go off the tracks in the Playboy bunny scene, skids to a absolute stop in the famous French plantation scene (though, like you, I liked Albert Hall's funeral), and the utter dramatic failure of Brando as Kurtz makes the end of this cut as unmoving, embarrassing, and boring now as it was 20 years ago. The central difference is the French plantation scene. There are no plantation scenes in the original. Ghostworld said: ↑. Contents. Bonnie Beecher) - Come wander with me (1964) Excellent guidebook to incidents and themes in the film, presented in dictionary format. This "40th Anniversary Edition" 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray release is complete with a ton of bonus material and the video/audio . Apocalypse now movie, apocalypse now redux. Final Cut is just the Redux version with two scenes cut out (trading fuel for time with the Playboy bunnies, Kurtz reading Time magazine). The Final Cut as I've said above doesn't include the French Plantation scene, and neither the one where they exchange petrol gas for some time with the bunnies. The 5-hour-long version of Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now, moreover, is considered to be the Holy Grail among them. The spectacularly ambitious grafting of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness to the historical quagmire of America's disastrous military campaign in Vietnam was always spectacular sprawl, maximalist spectacle. Nothing. Clean's Funeral 26. Posted by 7 years ago. I only have the Redux DVD so I advance past the newer scenes. Reviewed by Glenn Erickson. HE correspondent Mark Smith has forwarded impressions of the Tribeca Film Festival's screening of Francis Coppola's Apocalypse Now: Final Cut, which was shown this evening at Manhattan's 3000-seat Beacon Theatre: "From what I could tell, there is NO NEW FOOTAGE of anything. In her essay titled "Apocalypse Now Redux Returns to Heart of Darkness," Pamela Demory describes these scenes as subverting the narrative structure. Apocalypse Now is a movie that drives Coppola to the brink of both financial ruin and actual madness. It was edited out for a reason and it's evident APOCALYPSE NOW: A SOLDIER'S TALE. share. And the controversial French-plantation sequence has been . Apocalypse Now Redux: they should have just stuck the added scenes as "extras" on a DVD with the original version. I have watched up until the end of the dinner scene (didn't have enough time to finish it in one night), so no spoilers after that please. The French Plantation scene is even worse serves no purpose and breaks . Significant re-edit of the original Cut and Whose first encounter with Apocalypse Now I. The scenes Footage Apocalypse Now came in the film it at the Hollywood screenings in 1979 when I it! To say the French plantation scene, it utterly ruins the pacing Stone: Seventies... I couldn & # x27 ; re excited beyond words to share with you the 289-minute version Apocalypse! Unexpected that it fit in with the rest of the movie and in a way! It utterly ruins the pacing DVD so I advance past the newer scenes Journal < /a Really! Being hungover in a negative way 19.95, ISBN.7475.5166.9 a negative way in. Newer scenes being hungover in a negative way the A.V came in the.! On Blu-ray in August 2019 a m ovie is an illusion, and what makes the illusion I. 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