I will look into this issue as soon as I can. So the player opens the hatch and jumps down to the enemies.What do you think? You signed in with another tab or window. The source code is located in "scripts" and is separated into 2 packages: Visualizer and Controls. Can't wait to see what you do next! As most people said, game is hard as balls, except the Shack, I was able to get all of the experiments there in 1.0.0 before trying another level and getting frustrated. X-18 door code for CoC . It would involve too much programming work and animation changes. Input the code! I just bought the game and already put an unhealthy amount of time and focus into it. Genre: Survival. Also, what do you think about opening up for players to add their own levels? or a secret? For upgrades, I was thinking maybe a special damage increase similar to the drug that maybe drops every 5-10 rounds just to help people last a little longer in the locations. So I think it's fine this way. I'm gonna look into how to fix this. System Requirements Minimum: OS: XP (SP3)/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 Processor: AMD Phenom 9550 Memory: 2048 MB RAM Graphics: Radeon 4800 or gtx 560 But building entire levels that look good and make sense is beyond me. I would say that killing a boss gives an alternative way for players to end a level, and beating a boss would give the option to exit or continue and it can track how early the player beat the boss or how many times they beat the boss in a single run, stuff like that. (P.S. At the moment the cash value is "vulnerable" to cheat engine, something to note if something like that bothers you - tested to try out some of the more expensive vendor items. If you don't want to work out the door and simply want the answer, here it is: Door code solution: 1966. Ending sucks, I agree. Finishing it all how do you get some of the experiments done like the face assaulted 25 times or the impregnated 25 times stuff without being mind broke? A mind flayer would be just perfect. I'm gonna be honest: I'm quite overwhelmed. I personally enjoy the cave and space station enemies the most because I'm honestly into it, but I feel there should be a warning for bloody effects in the animations which weren't given when I first started to play this. If you have never used ROS or catkin before, I recommend following these tutorials. Captivity is a project to create an interactive room/gaming environment. Till we talk again my friend have a very happy day :). Oh, that's not good. This is not a multiplayer game so it's fine.Thanks for your input! Maybe about half the damage they do now.Other remarks:Head Humper (face hugger): I like the way this enemy is. Gallery mode is next on todolist!The orange android with no legs is just there for fun, she doesn't do anything. (ability on the left like mind control has a bar like health which when full increases the abilitys level which increases the effect)Some rough ideasRioters : (2020 vibes please don't take it politically)Defendinga Police station against Angry and Horny Rioters (adding a Police or SWAT Outfit? If that doesn't work leave a comment. All progression and stuff that gets saved to your save file like highscores and experiment completions happen mid-gameplay, so you don't have to wait around to get mind broken first.Goblin minor animation is way too long I know. Right now I'm studying too so I don't have allthetimetoworkonCaptivity. I am at 16 currently and have been scared ~12 times. To be a bit more precise: this is the first game I've ever released.Stay tuned! It is fine downloading it and extracting it (even did a file insight and Norton said "seems legit") but actually attempting to start it triggers Norton to quarantine it. I had a good bit of difficulty with AI and pathfinding. tf is up with that? Captivity Game. Comments 13 to 1 of 297 - Captivity (18+) by Perveloper. Captivity 0.1 APK download for Android. Captivity. I can't keep up with all the cool stuff you guys are coming up with. Wow, thank you for the kind words! Cheat mode sounds good. I have no game audio and nothing is muted. After that I will probably start on a new stage. So it makes me abit less nervous to hear good feedback on the drawing and character design. The challenge in the distance between vendors and limited time is so you need to prioritise and choose what's the best option: Should you refill ammo or perhaps find a better gun at the Weapons Vendor, or is it smarter to refill your health so you don't get gangbanged again?As for the experiments that ask you to have sex with enemies: Buy Anaphrodisiac. Some suggestions i think would make sense based on JakeLone's andmy feedback: -The wakeup animation for when you first log into the game and subsequent wakeup animations after failure should be switched around, that way you only have to see the longer animation once on startup and shorten the subsequent ones. I am just too exited, because I liked this game the moment I looked through the screenshots. now, i cant be wrong. All these enemies have such a potential for an adventure platformer that it makes me sad. Just be sure to communicate enough to your fans and they will be happy even if it a small update or just a "hi are you doing today" post here or there. I'moverwhelmedwithsuggestionsforthe game rightnow,I'mgonnagostepbystepandthe do things with priorityfirst, such as a Gallery mode. I think that you can leave this as a gamemode as an addition, but make a full fledged adventure out of it Btw. were costumes reflective of elizabethan clothing? I'm glad to see you like this game! Still, completely justified price increase. I did this on purpose cause I don't want people to play the game while crouching 95% of the time. I like to think it's a quality game. That sucks. Thank you for making the game, i hadn't enjoyed a porn game as much as i have with this before :). That's why I don't want to reduce the rate at which the player gets fucked by Flies. I am not lying that I would pay for a button or slider just for that singular sfx*Edit*Scratch that, the Master volume can be off and it still plays the fly sfx ahahaha. Are there any plans to add multiple playable characters or body types like a THICC body optionorFuta/Ts, also curious if high heels are a possible addition? I hope therewill be more content with hypnosis or mind control staffin the game (hypno-traps, bots with flashing hypno-eyes, brain parasites, microchip implant etc.). -The starting pistol, imo, is fine as it is, the problem is the pistol weapon class in general. captivity game door code. Some animations are too long (like Goblin Minor animation). Learn more. It's the most recent stage I've made as well, so things I had learned through the progress of developing this game is applied to that stage. I'm not sure its implemented and I'm missing it, as the data counts are awesome, playing the animations would be cool too after unlocking them. And yes, this is the first H-game I've released. An entirely new experience from the makers of the 'The Forest' Sent to find a missing billionaire on a remote island. Especially with all the different types of clothes that are around. Are you sure you didn't move files around in the game folder? A solution would be to use a different type of mini-game that doesn't require finger dexterity. Shouldn't they take that down? $14.99 Enter the Kingdom. I'm a programmer, not an artist. Great game, payed a little extra after messing around with it. Please The game is 2.5 days old and people are already so excited. It's randomly generated for every player. Hmm that doesn't sound too good. So I'm gonna think about some way to balance this, maybe a new drug with proper pricing or something.- A drug that makes escaping sex easier. I'm sure you are well passed the point of taking suggestions for you're two upcoming levels but I also would be down for hypno stuff. As the name indicates it, "captivity_catkin_ws" is a catkin workspace that has all the code for the main server, this should run on a laptop with ROS installed. And welcome to our game's page! Or both? The Weapons Vendor will remain the same, cause some guns are clearly better than others and I don't like the idea of just buying the same best guns every time you play. There have been a lot of good recommendations and compliments in the comments so far so I don't have a ton to add, but I don't think anyone mentioned the idea of bosses. But there are many cases where she (and they) will simply be captured and given an opportunity to escape or be rescued. Is it the general gameplay of shooting and dodging, or the escaping of sex? If I may chip in not a game, but a management suggestion: You should write up a roadmap. : Does the saving work, but just reset when closing and starting the game? This is only the beginning of your journey behind The Secret Door - Step through it again to be taken somewhere new. I really gotta say this game is quickly becoming one of my favorites, great job on this my dude. Meeting with other captives would be really cool, and I thought about this idea quite a bit in the past. Sothat30$per monthwouldn'tchange much regarding development speed. Game 64,552 Vie I can see how the game is overwhelming when being attacked by all the different types of enemies on each stage (Jungle stage and Cave stage are by far the most difficult ones, I lose quite often on those stages as well).Here's my ideas to make the game a bit more easy and less frustrating (based on your ideas as well as my own): - Strength is getting buffed: This means you can more easily escape sex with the amount of Strength you have. I encountered something like that in the past too but I thought I fixed it. That's also why many people liked it. I managed to play the game and I strongly recommend to make a platformer game with some kind of plot. If that's so, follow this guide: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/make-norton-permanently-ignore-file-68725.html. I think it will fit nicely with the game, especially on stages like Space Station. The second folder "ESP" contains a bunch of directories, these are all the code for the individual nodes (esp) as well as templates to create new nodes that will connect to the network easily and the ros_lib needed in your arduino library to implement ros on an ESP. Mostof theweapons felt a bit weak after like round 10 unless you had the 50% damage perk with shotguns really fucking you due some being really slow to reload plus theenemies just being all over the place. Please try the most recent version of the game. I care about this game: I want to make it as good as I possibly can within the capabilities and competence that I possess. And proper balancing is definitely within my capability. A group of creators and collaborators doing things a little differently with lewd entertainment. Never think that you have to work on something like this or people will be disappointed/ mad at you if you don't update or something. I think most people just want to play a fun game and play with their private parts enjoy the graphics and animations.You don't like the thrusting sounds of the futa bots? Captivity. lol the music even turned off now. You're the second person to comment that. I already knew that people wanted this feature, but it seems like alot of people really want this. I would never be able to release it if I hadn't transformed the game into a wave shooter.The GUI of the note and keypad in the captivity room, and the keypad and key to unlock the Wunderwaffe in F.E.R are a result from the previous iteration of the game. I'm gonna make the game a bit easier to play for normal other people.And holy crap you played for 8 hours straight? Crouching doesn't change anything except for making you a smaller target for projectiles. Also make the invincible frames after the sex a little longer so you can get up better. in the cave level it could happen that if a musca grabs you to the nest, then drops you then grabs you immediately after, it bugs itself and no longer does anything after the animation. Sidenote: any plans for more bestiality outside of the zombie hounds? Let Jackys scare you 6 times in a single game without a broken mind. I still haven't got all the idols is it a chance drop or a end of theround drop? As most people said, game is hard as balls, except the Shack, I was able to get all of the experiments there in 1.0.0 before trying another level and getting frustrated. This could make the stage quite boring if all enemies are slow and tanky-like. The only special directories that are not for an ESP are: the names of these directories are pretty explanatory by themselves and the ESP folder has its own README. In any case I will propose Human enemies.1. maybe you should add some rewards that give you some starting wave bonuses, like extra money or a starting weapon. I see that it can be annoying and frustrating to deal with this. But I love this game, and judging by the comments others like it too.