", Asked by: Grahame, Christine, Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 11 January 2023, "To ask the Scottish Government what recent discussions it has had with NHS Borders and NHS Lothian. a quick thought, quote taken from a commentor on guido. It now seems so. 6.1.1, The world's most-read Scottish politics website, Posted on I invite you to read https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/essential-tremor/symptoms-causes/syc-20350534 and reconsider your comment at 8:11pm. Best start looking through yer favourite shop, Totty Rocks for a frock with fetching stripes that match the latest fashion at Corton Vale. I didnt believe a word of it. Theres a huge crack in the dam, the water is gushing through and the entire structure is about to completely collapse imminently. Aided by the thousands of Wingers, who have to be the most knowledgeable collection of bloggers anywhere in the world. Christine D. Graham, M.D. Mr Wolffe, a former Dean of the Faculty of Advocates, said: No, I was not. For the benefit of any doubt the Office of the Lord Advocate has a single employee the Lord Advocate. And I say that as a non fem female, who never got higher than a 6 on the looks scale and Im fine with it really, really not intending to be bitchy. https://archive.is/SkBP7/823ea518b2ab80a8f7d851d96f5a80a9276ce2e4.jpg, So wild guess as to Jeggitss next best thing to independence. Bythe end, hed left nobody any the wiser. 24 February, 2021 at 7:26 pm Of course the censored chapters of Salmonds evidence is already in the public domain. Roland LeBay - Committed suicide via carbon monoxide poisoning. He knows too much and sky are quite happy to run with it, drip feeding it over the last month or so. ", 8. This is the time of me too, when every man is guilty of rape, and every woman is to be believed. Professional prosecutors and a big compensation division for paying out millions in damages. I wonder at those so cocksure of the SG and its withholding of evidence under the pretence of protecting the alphabet women. 24 February, 2021 at 7:15 pm She cant fall back on her legal career. Another way, lets put it like that. It just goes to show how deep the rot of corruption is here that a former FM has to go this far just to get a fair hearing and to find an honest judge. My mum is a sufferer. I used to joke about it with her I called her stevie wonder once. Thanks for that, SD, I wasnt aware of this condition. Hi zebedee. The UK media seem more interested in whether it will reduce support for independence rather than any facts. The same goes more or less for the High Courthow many of us could have withstood that kind of pressure? One day I found his bleeper, we used to have pagers, and if you clicked his pager it was Liberal Democrat whip messages to Liberal Democrats that said, Donald Gorrie in Evening News, do not respond, Donald Gorrie in Scotsman, do not respond, Donald Gorrie speaking to The Herald, do not respond, if STV phone about what Donald Gorrie said, do not respond. Find a doctor Back Find a Doctor. I used to think it was just some of the gang well most of them over the wall in La la Land that were a bit loopy now I know where they get it from ,The message from the top is stick with the SNP or you will jeopardise a vote for Independence fk me ok when , where and when is this just round the corner event likely to happen do I need to put it in my diary ,circle it on the calendar ,write its my forehead , Galashiels TD1 1SD. [3], After a period as a housewife, she returned to Edinburgh University as a mature student where she earned a Bachelor of Laws degree in 1984 and a Diploma in Legal Practice in 1985, subsequently practising as a solicitor at a number of law firms until her election as an MSP in 1999.[4]. that`s $65,000,000 going south every day,about $24 billion a year,if we nationalised our oil like Saudi. Come home Agent Sturgeon, your job is dome, signed your bosses at MI5. I see Johnson is about to bribe local councillors with cash to play with at local level (ignoring Holyrood intervention) Plus all of them stating it is to be treated as a plebiscite. This is from earlier today in the HoC. Using her married name, Christine Creech, she was the SNP candidate at the 1992 General Election for Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale. Those are words I never expected to have to say. I simply could not have put it any better at all. If the committee and/or the SPCB fail in getting evidence from the Clown Office then the publication of the documents which Craig Murray seeks is of extreme importance to everyone in Scotland who believes that it is fair and just that the soveriegn people of Scotland are given full rights to defend themselves unhindered by the spheres of the Scottish Government (including COPFS) and the Scottish Parliament. By insisting on post publication redaction of paragraphs which name only one woman other than the FM, will the professional and independent law officer involved, who allegedly acted without the approval of the Lord Advocate, be prosecuted for contempt of court by effectively identifying a complainant? https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2021/02/25000-reward-offered-for-copy-of-geoff-aberdein-testimony/. Scotlands first female First Minister, ends up making a total corrupt arse of it, and going down lashing out sullenly in shame and ignominy. Why have we heard nothing about / from her until now? analysis, corruption, disturbing, investigation, scottish politics, video View the profiles of people named Christine Grahame. For the record, we thought youshould see what the Scottish Parliament considers to be the appropriate treatment of an Urgent Question. @ Strathy Who does he report to now & is it waffle himself? See all of Christine Grahame motions in Parliament. But the animal is not Alex Salmond. This website contains useful information including details on how to contact me as well as local surveys and information. Is my first impression that you are a genuine bloke, attempting to shine light in dark corners totally wrong? In the 2011 Scottish Parliament election, Grahame won the redrawn seat of Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, defeating former Liberal Democrat finance spokesman Jeremy Purvis. https://www.scottishparliament.tv/meeting/urgent-question-february-24-2021?clip_start=16:00:51&clip_end=16:00:53, Graeme Hampton says: 2002, B.S. I just keep thinking, this must go deeper and be more insidious than we think, for them to keep digging the hole deeper, and deeper. The whole thing is about to blow up soon and more than the rest he knows things have gone beyond the option of just resigning in disgrace. I hate what unionism and British nationalism stand for, but I wont help put a deeply regressive and anti-democratic bunch of chancers like the SNP in to power. I think that the role of backbenchers and the role of people like me is to, in a way, hold your party to account a little bit at times; [though] not to freelance, because Im very loyal to the Scottish National Party and to independence Whereas in here, it may seem a bit [contentious], theres fewer of us. They look at each other and ask .Do you think there might be any others?. Please dont hesitate to get in touch with me whether you have an issue, a question or even a suggestion you would like to put to me. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. (More), Stats: Malcolm is, obviously, but there are not so many doing that and, in a way, its because were so small., Chisholm will soon be off too, the former health minister having announced he will step down at the next Holyrood election. Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Result 84 for, 4 against, 30 abstained, 11 did not vote, See all of Christine Grahame votes in Parliament. Top of the News. Rita LeBay - Committed suicide via carbon monoxide poisoning. 452 Msb M, Gainesville, Florida, 32610, United States Those closest to the Scottish Government are the most bent. Obviously they could see what was happening with the flawed processes some time ago. An untrained dog, taken in by a neighbouring family, was jumping up on local children. Is one supposed to give a free-pass to people with *alleged* difficulties, and yet those same people seem to waltz through life, and lifes challenges/social challenges without let or hinder? [6] Following her election, she was again selected as Convener of the Justice Committee for the session. Ms 2 and Ms 3. Sciences regresses as Galileos telescope goes unused again. Ah didnae dae it! (From what I have seen and read in the past few weeks, I am definitely not holding my breath.). Some days she can hardly get going, other days shes twitching all over the place. I can remember Malcolm Chisholm coming out in favour of minimum unit pricing against the whole of the Labour benches. Incidentally, in his interview with Mark McNaught recently Craig Murray identified a former MI5 agent working at the Crown Office. I remember being quite a nippy person in the law library if people were talking, says Grahame, who completed a two-year law degree at the University of Edinburgh. Under the public interest defence? They make an initial statement on becoming or being returned as an MSP. I love convening it suits my temperament, she remarks, insisting that her principal role is to ensure that everyone round the table has an equal say. She has a condition that causes a head tremor. Christine Grahame's office in Galashiels Grahame joined the Scottish National Party in 1970. View the map. I dont know about you folks but these days Alex Salmond dignity is clear to see. She compares her first spell as convener of the Justice Committee and fellow members as them all showing much greater skill today. Was that why the Lord Advocate took care to stress that he did not draft the letter, and that senior prosecutors act autonomously? You and Craig Murray could become the Bernstein and Woodward (Watergate) of Scottish UK media. We should expect those in whom we have placed our trust to protect above all else the constitution and the structures that protect us from tyranny. One of the best 50 quids I have ever spent Captain. How can he have not been near it? This is what makes me especially uneasy for the future of independence. I sincerely thank you for your post. Grahame has named her continued support of this as one of her biggest achievements[12] and said on its opening As someone who has campaigned for the return of the Waverley Line since 1999, it was an absolute privilege to be have finally traveled the length of the journey by rail, and to appreciate our wonderful countryside from a new perspective. Ive always struggled with puzzles. ((https://www.scottishparliament.tv/meeting/urgent-question-february-24-2021)). My sincere thanks to Al-Stuart for many enlightening points. In the 1994 European Parliament election, she contested the South of Scotland constituency, again unsuccessfully. Or a more likely scenario would be something like: Scotia Future (assuming they are now approved for May) standing only constituency candidates, and a bunch of SNP names joining that party. Watch the bit of the briefing again and youll see what I mean. Id never campaign shoulder to shoulder with some of the loathsome individuals in the SNP at present. Another shite performance under what can only be described as polite questioning .I hope that someone wasnt paid public money to coach him The entire interlude in the chambers proceedings was a complete waste of everyones time, producing no information of any value or truth. The setback, however, did not stop the Bill narrowly passing at Stage 1, as an amendment that would have removed the controversial rule change from the proposed legislation fell by three votes. Information about committees and records of all debates, questions and answers. He was reasonably composed until he hit the point about not seeking to limit the evidence blah blah about 15.57.20. And intriguingly it seems the Crown Office will soon have another opportunity to obstruct the committees work: Hopefully that one will be less of a damp squib. Thank you. [9] In April 2020, Scottish Labour's Lewis Macdonald was elected as interim Deputy Presiding Officer in her absence. Stand Fast! She then took a back seat, whilst the two original complainants came forward (A and B in the civil case, who became different Alphabetties in the criminal case.). But at least now youve seen it for yourself. Exactly the same as the wummin oan her wedding night said tae her man efter seein him naked for the first time, Willie Jay says: I mean that seriously. The move drew some criticism from commentators and fellow MSPs, however on the BBC Radio Good Morning Scotland programme, Grahame stated: "I'm earning and working for my constituents far more than if I sit hypocritically in the chamber watching a monarch for an institution I do not support. I suspect you have misdescribed me. [citation needed]. @Willie Jay Top Holyrood seal clapper and nodding dog is Kevin Stewart MSP. Alex Salmond hit initially a target of 50k and then I think 100k in about 24 hours if I recall correctly. I note that the Lord Advocate did not answer any of my previous questions. Without asking awkward questions. Whats going on in Ghana? However, I doubt the SP will do so. The dividends of which are now starting to arrive by the bucket load. That was Christine Grahame, and although I agree she did appear to be in accordance with Wolffe, Grahame, I think, suffers from Parkinsons. Dont forget this guys responsible for several failed malicious (declared so by a judge) prosecutions which cost this country millions. Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale Constituency. They oppose the proposed HCB, TRA extremism and self ID, they want immediate action on independence. Thatll be the harassment + abuse that the Jury determined didnt happen! Real professionals! See previous para. As the first from a working-class housing scheme in Edinburgh to go to university, Grahame found herself burdened by the feeling she didnt fit in and, she believes, underachieved as a result. After graduating, Grahame worked as a secondary teacher of English in a number of schools in Fife and Dumfries and Galloway. Ive seen the television news channels are now all over the story and there will soon be nowhere to hide. This is then updated with any changes they provide. However I believe she was also gaslighted by British State plants whom she thought were her friends, within the SNP and Scottish Government Civil Service apparatus who no doubt reinforced the #BelieveHer messaging which followed and reinforced #MeToo in late 2017 and into 2018 until this day. I wonder how much Nicola or Leslie or Liz or Peter etc will raise in their first fundraiser. We are a very small parliament with therefore a small number of backbenchers so we dont have the same kind of freedom of thought across all the parties that they have at Westminster. Previous roles in cross-party groups are not included in this list. Like many of you, I suspect, I grew up with Labour. Then he turns into a stuttering mess for some reason. As a few have noted she does have a medical condition. Everybody knows. This website is using cookies. J. Hillis Miller Health Center is part of the Hospitals & Physicians Clinics industry, and located in Florida, United States. ", See all of Christine Grahame's questions submitted in Parliament, Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Animal Welfare, Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Gardening and Horticulture, Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Older People, Age and Ageing, Culture Tourism Europe and External Affairs Committee, Solicitors in the Supreme Courts of Scotland Amendment Bill Committee, Edinburgh Airport Rail Link Bill Committee. Grahame says that she is listening to the debate. Adjust parties involved and which have constituency or list candidates depending upon which are a approved by the Electoral Commission. That Liam Fox? Spanish, University of Nevada, Reno; 2006, M.D., University of Nevada School of Medicine If you want justice in this country fuck lawyers, HIRED THUGS are cheaper, more reliable, and amazingly, more honest. but McDonalds is open. How much worse can it get? So hasnt he just said something that will aid jigsaw identification for a lot more people who dont follow Wings or Craig Murray? He cannot be seriously expecting us to believe that being the head of COPFS and his neck on the line on this that he did not scrutinised that letter in detail before it was handed over to the committee. Above looks interesting , is the press turning? Walter James Wolffe, Her Majestys Advocate, known as the Lord Advocate, Alison Di Rollo, Solicitor General for Scotland, Who else is in the frame as a seniur profesional prosecutor apart from the now notorious, and named by Jackie Bailey, He will have an answer ready & close LF of at the pass & continue to impart the information for us all to hear. I am definitely no expert, but I think this last attempt at obfuscation, whoever was involved, sealed the COPFS, Nicola and her husband to the recycling bin. And I know why [it happened], hes worked very hard on this, everybody has a moment when they get carried away. So, Angus places the lotion in the basket? Christine is related to Terrence Davis Graham and Ronald J Szypajlo as well as 3 additional people. It was confirmed at that meeting that the Crowns sole concern was one paragraph in its article about the former First Ministers ministerial code submission. Hearing that commitee are now using their powers to compel the release of Murrels text and WhatsApp messages. Salmond did (pretty much) say in his recent submission that he thought the conspirators would have been successful in stitching him up and falsely imprisoning him had it not been for the protection of the court and jury system and in particular the Court of Session and High Court of Justiciary (which are I think the two highest courts). TNS2019 says: 24 February, 2021 at 5:37 pm Democracy is fragile. Family Medicine . Find out what motions Christine Grahame has submitted recently. This site is the glue that holds us all together. Both, in fact, appear very, very nervous. He previously served from 2011 to 2016 as Lord Advocate, one of the Great Officers of State of Scotland and the countrys chief Law Officer, and as Solicitor General, the junior Law Officer.[3]. Twitter Jeggit. Even more apparently lately. Terence A Wildey Other occupants: I wonder whether Spear feels the same way about men who threaten corrective r*pe of one of her erstwhile colleagues, or is that all right for her? I knew that aLurker, but the point I meant (and made badly) was the corporate integrity of COPFS is currently blemished by malicious misconduct and incompetence, which doesnt sit very well with the Lord Advocate blowing sunshine up the arses of Scottish Law Officers. A week or two at the tops @jeggit Jason Michael. If it wasnt waffle himself (huge if) was it his missus? The Crowns sole interest in the matter is to secure respect for that court order. It is my understanding that the current Loard Advocate. The current SNP, after the New Labour Blairite model, has become a mostly middleclass enterprise. And the reason these ScotGov plants AND the Scottish COPFS are trying to suppress Alex Salmonds testimony, is because the manner in which the case was orchestrated against him is ALREADY STANDARD throughout the UK (& beyond) *secret* Family Courts system. My bet is on the MI5 crown agent. Something happening all right. Professional, independent upholders of due process, which has so many safeguards to help prevent any travesties of justice and democracy merely humble profferors of sage professional advice in this instance but its heehaw to do with us anymore were so over it. The Crown raises issues and concerns in any case in which it apprehends that a contempt may take place. It emerged yesterday Christine Grahame, SNP MSP and convenor of the committee, has been accused by a former employee of making sectarian remarks about colleagues, including members of her own. I am always happy to hear your views. Was this man given parliamentary privilege meaning that he could effectively be lying and never risk contempt of parliament? It can be strange, what you find on Tinternet. The Lord Advocate: Submitted by: Dr. Sandesh Gulhane, Glasgow, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party. I appreciate he will not be questioned directly on it & if he sidestep into the redacted area LF will try to silence him. There we have it ladies and gentlemen and all in between. Her first name is "Christine" and her last name is . The second best result is Christine Anne Graham age 50s in Brighton, MI. SNP has already lost my regional vote (Ive done the wurkie-outs). Jackie Baillie did at least try to get a straight answer from the slimy slippery Wolffe, but to no avail. Which is why they cant afford for us to be independent. Will AS give evidence & not give a jot about the redactions. Daring the COPFS to challenge AS in another court case namely contempt of court She was a shambling mess in THAT Sophie Ridge interview but looked very cocky today. When ultra-unionist (and clueless) Guardian columnists like Martin Kettle are out batting for Nicola then if you cant smell the coffee then you probably have Covid-19. After the election, she was reshuffled from chair of the Scottish Parliament's Health committee to Shadow Minister for Social Justice, generally seen by media commentators as an upwards shift. Bernaith smiles and catches his sneeze to protect the house of cards. She has served on the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body since May 2021.[1]. A fishing expedition ensues. Rumour of good news imminent on Twitter anyone got anything concrete?? test in court its ability to publish all Salmond evidence. This really is the sort of thing the CIA gets up to in South America. Some people say I am wrong/cruel etc. Text relay calls welcome. I am neither a unionist or a nationalist, but I have a strong mistruct, based upon experience, of Scottish lawyers. He never did Im hanging on until the election or a leadership election, whatever comes first. Dr. Christine Graham, MD is a Pediatrics Specialist in Tucson, AZ and has over 17 years of experience in the medical field. The questions asked were also pitifully vague and tedious. There is something no quite right about Craig Murrays trial. Could he be deliberately stirring mischief in his alleged other role? After gaining Diploma in Legal Practice she worked as a solicitor. Too many people know! So, was he basically telling us that the only interest the COPFS ever had in all this was to mutilate Mr Salmonds and Aberdeins evidence to stop the public knowing that Sturgeon breached the ministerial code? If the SNP get a majority you can have independence if they dont then thats it once and for all, https://twitter.com/RhiannonV/status/1364604468285894661. Rev, you have to be the hardest working Investigative journalist in the uk. We know this because this is what she said to the court. Heavy investment is made into encouraging a concrete complaint. If so, she has a neurological condition called Benign Essential Tremor. At that point the charges amounted to Ms 2 and Ms 3, together with the AlphaBetties. SCOTLANDS prosecution service is to be ordered to release material Alex Salmond claims will show he was the victim of a high-level plot to destroy him. It is like a sausage machine, whichever government it is. A stalwart of Holyrood since its inception in 1999, Grahame is both a formidable and highly respected character having been called on to convene four committees two of which, justice in her 15 years. She would either have to perjure herself or spill the beans. Mist001 says: A disgrace, that learned gent trousers a pretty penny .was that performance even worth a penny. But weve got to change our thinking. [2], https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alison_Di_Rollo. Whoever from COPFS did this is either a loose cannon or not too bothered / doesnt feel the need about getting the Lord Advocates permission or input. Both you and Mr Salmond are showing Scotland how the good behave. that`s $65,000,000 going south every day. He wears ill-fitting suits from a charity shop and has green teeth. Fundamentally, what is at issue is an order by the High Court handed down to protect the anonymity of complainers. The truth will out in full and in glorious technicolour. Those poor women have been abused just like the Lloyds Names were abused. Has no one mentioned to them, their cover up has not worked? Somebody needs to tell those Brit Nat Press and Media whores that Salmond is no longer a member of the SNP for one. It would be the same tactic (described by Chomsky) used against the NHS and welfare state. At the 2021 Scottish Elections I was honoured to be again re-elected as the MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale constituency. After her visit, she told the press: "I found it quite upsetting. Isnt that what lady Dorian said too? Its nothing to worry about. Its all building up nicely; If even a part of what Alex Salmond says is true, it represents an ethical collapse in Nicola Sturgeons Scottish Government, Given that the Scottish Parliament derives its authority from legislation passed in this Parliament, what mechanisms do we have to ensure that the conduct of the Scottish Government does not bring politics in the whole of the United Kingdom into international disrepute?. MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale (Constituency) 2011 - present day, Former MSP for South of Scotland (Region) 1999 - 2011, The Scottish Parliament Edinburgh EH99 1SP. Christine Grahame (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP): "No strikes. ", Asked by: Grahame, Christine, Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 2 November 2022, "To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of whether inflation and any possible reductions to public sector spending by the UK Government will impact on prospective capital projects in Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale. I dont think [I am] a thorn [in the side], I dont think so at all. Phone: 0131 348 5729 In a situation where both the Lord Advocate because of his sitting in cabinet is in disrepute but the crown as represented by COPFS infested with MI5s is also in disrepute, the Lord Advocate becomes the weakest link, the expendable one. Following yesterdays accusations by AlexSalmond against Nicola Sturgeons govt, I asked the House of Commons what mechanisms we have to ensure that the conduct of the Scottish Government does not bring politics in the whole of the United Kingdom into international disrepute.. Looking back now I see it was much more of an investment. Aye right Netflix devoured in silence as guitars and drums scream out to be heard. Was that a waste of time? At the 2021 Scottish Elections I was honoured to be again re-elected as the MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale constituency. The way to force the release of the information from the COPFS which can not be resisted, is simply to pass a one paragraph Act. The only wummin you are interested in is yersel hen. Keep on going even though told they will lose by their own briefs. Its a GLOBAL-WESTERN system DESIGNED to FACILITATE false accusations of domestic abuse, driving exaggerated statistics of Violence Against Women & Girls for mainstream media PreCrime amplification, to demonise, dehumanise and *normalise* the courts-judicial criminalisation of men as STANDARD, which is intended to lead to the destabilisation of the family unit and the subsequent *divide and rule* fracturing of multiple societies being gaslight set-up just to be put back down. [15] Grahame favoured siting the tapestry in a disused building in Galashiels arguing that that option had more potential to regenerate the area and encourage tourists to access transport links from Galashiels to the wider region. (S6O-01939)", Christine Grahame (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP): "I will quote a business in my constituency. Dr. Christine D. Graham is a pediatrician in Tucson, Arizona. That arse wipe Spear on Twitter has just accused Alex Salmond of a abuse of Power where is yer evidence Mr Spear it is a mister isnt it ? Still waiting for a reply from my MSP. Now, granted, I dont know over-much about Haggerty, so I wont cast aspersions on her personally, but too many leadership supporters have been carrying on cheerfully without much opposition, and with fawning praise from certain quarters (not the Tory press, obviously, but parts of the media) that they actually believe their own hype and think they are invincible whereas in fact its largely the awfulness of Johnson and the Tories that has caused the frankly underwhelming rise in support for independence. Because if there is only one court order for anonymity, Wolffes non-answers make no sense. I note that the Lord Advocate said that he was not consulted. I know. The significance is that if Alex Salmond had been charged by the police, the judicial review would be sisted. Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage. Surely one of the papers will publish one of the key witness statements currently hidden from the committee shortly? NS has shown contempt for our democratic system. 12 mins ago The Crown Office may try to find reasons for not producing them. Machiavellian is better and that points to one person only.