from the French by David (2001). Ptah - One of the oldest Egyptian gods who appears in the First Dynastic Period (c. 3150-2613 BCE) but most likely dates from the Predynastic Period (c. 6000-3150 BCE). God of war and patron of the Egyptian army. The majority of Egyptian people are afraid of black animals, especially from black cats and crows. For only $5 per month you can become a member and support our mission to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. His association with the primordial mound linked him with Ptah and, through Ptah, with Atum and Ra, the other names for the creator god/sun god. He was depicted as a lion or a man with a feathered headdress. Menhit (Menhyt) - She was a solar deity who represented the brow of the sun god Ra, depicted as a reclining lioness. Male: Egyptian-Amsi: Personification of reproduction. Star Deities - Gods and goddesses identified with the night sky. Shu and Tefnut were the first two gods Atum created either by mating with his shadow or by spitting. Gods of Egypt: Directed by Alex Proyas. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); To learn more about the Otherworldly Oracles website Privacy Policy, visit our Privacy Policy page here. He was the patron god of libraries and of scribes. Unut (Wenet or Wenut) - A protective goddess worshipped at Hermopolis and known as "The Swift One". Ancient Egyptian culture grew out of an understanding of these deities and the vital role they played in the immortal journey of every human being. Ravens, crows, jackdaws, magpies & jays are all corvids. Sothis - The personification of the star Sirius (the "dog star") whose appearance heralded the annual inundation of the Nile. She was consort of the god Montu and was primarily worshipped at Hermonthis (Armant) near Thebes. Duamutef - One of the Four Sons of Horus, a protector god of the canopic jar containing the stomach. She was originally Inanna of the Sumerians and Akkadians, who became Ishtar to the Assyrians and influenced the development of other similar goddesses such as Aphrodite of the Greeks, Astarte of the Phoenicians, Hathor of the Egyptians, and Sauska of the Hittites, among others. Uajyt (Wadjet or Uto) - Associated with Nekhbet, a protective goddess of Lower Egypt. Once the soul had made the Negative Confessions (Declaration of Innocence) the Forty-Two Judges advised Osiris on whether the confession should be accepted. He is depicted as a man holding the ankh and was sceptre standing in a boat surrounded by stars in a night sky. She became increasingly identified with Isis and was eventually absorbed into that goddess completely. Rainbow Crow flew up and up, on and on, and up and up for three long days. In this tale, the Eye of Ra goes forth from Egypt and transforms itself into a lion. 2.3k. Ra then had a vat of beer dyed red, to resemble blood, and placed at Dendera which Hathor, in her blood lust, drank. The double crown was an amalgamation of the white crown (Ancient Egyptian name 'hedjet') of Upper Egypt and the red crown (Ancient Egyptian name 'deshret') of Lower Egypt. The definitions of the god's characteristics and the roles they played are synthesized for clarity but it should be noted that not every deity listed was understood in the same way throughout Egypt's long history. And so is crow. 6 Witch Goddesses to Invoke for Magic, Empowerment and More, Horse Gods and Goddesses of the Ancient World. Kagemni - A vizier to the king Sneferu (c. 2613-2589 BCE) who wrote the wisdom text known as Instructions of Kagemni. Sed - An ancient jackal deity who name first appears on the Palermo Stone from the Fifth Dynasty (2498-2345 BCE) but who was most likely much older. Wepwawet (Wepiu or Wepuaut) - One of the most ancient gods of Egypt and the oldest depiction of a jackal god, pre-dating Anubis, with whom he is often confused. His image was softened by others showing his benign and peaceful side as lord of the wine press and this was softened further as he became associated with oils and perfumes. Wilkinson writes, "The deceased king, in his role as Osiris-Orion, is said to impregnate Isis as the star Sothis and to produce Horus-Sopdu" (211). Originally a Nubian deity. Imagery of the Virgin Mary holding her son Jesus comes directly from Isis cradling her son Horus and the Dying and Reviving God figure of Jesus himself is a version of Osiris. We have 8 possible answers in our database. Heka was the god of magic and medicine but was also the primordial force, pre-dating all the other gods, who enabled the act of creation and sustained both mortal and divine life. He was worshipped as the deity who protected one from snake bites and some form of Sepa was venerated in the Predynastic Period (c. 6000-3150 BCE). Magic was an integral part of medical practice in ancient Egypt, and so Heka became an important deity for doctors. The Greeks associated her with Aphrodite. The two are referred to as "The Two Ladies". Sopdu (Soped or Sopedu) - A protective god of the eastern border of Egypt who guarded over the outposts and soldiers on the frontier. She also became prominent as a funerary goddess who watched over the dead. He was also sought in protection against magic spells cast by one's enemies and possibly against demons or ghosts. He is depicted as a man with a hawk's head wearing the solar disk as a crown. Bastet was one of the most popular deities of ancient Egypt. She was the ancient Egyptian goddess of love and the Greeks associated her with the goddess Aphrodite. Please support World History Encyclopedia. Other gods were even considered mere aspects of Amun at this time. Dhumavati is depicted riding a large crow or being pulled in a chariot by two blackbirds. Last modified April 14, 2016. Cavern Deities - A group of nameless gods who lived in caverns in the underworld and punished the wicked and helped the souls of the justified dead. Her nurturing qualities were later absorbed by Isis. All of Mafdet's qualities were later assumed by other female deities but Mafdet remained a popular goddess from the Early Dynastic Period (c. 3150-2613 BCE) through the New Kingdom (1570-1069 BCE) when she appears as a judge in the afterlife. Study Guides . Shu - The primordial god of the air whose name means "Emptiness". She is the celestial cow goddess who rose from the primordial waters of chaos to give birth to the sun god Ra at the beginning of time. According to Egyptian mythology, the Deshret was first given to the god Horus by Geb to symbolize his rule over Lower Egypt. She was depicted as a woman with a rabbit's head or a serpent with a rabbit's head and is often referred to as "the rabbit goddess". He had his own temple at Heliopolis where he was associated with Osiris in a mummified form symbolizing his protective powers in the afterlife. His association with the Sphinx of Giza comes from these foreign workers who believed the Sphinx represented Haurun and built a shrine to their god in front of the statue. He is depicted as a jackal, sometimes wearing a scarf with a falcon before him. Indeed, as a child, seeing from afar the cruel and disastrous reign of Set over men, Horus wants to restore Egypt to its greatness. Her characteristics were later largely absorbed by Isis. This species can be gray to brown in the color with large parts of its wings being white, although this is mostly hidden by the wing . Thanks, Anonymous. Hathor was one of the most popular deities in ancient Egypt, worshiped by everyone from the pharaoh to commoners. She is the patron goddess of brewers. Confucius as he is now called is a crow very much on the mend. The gods and goddesses of Ancient Egypt were an integral part of the people's everyday lives. Raettawy (Raet or Raet-Tawy) - She was the female aspect of Ra. Thoth, the god of wisdom, gambled with Iah, god of the moon, and won five days worth of moonlight which he transformed into days. Sekhmet - One of the most significant goddesses of ancient Egypt. Native Americans associate the crow with renewal and rebirth. Horus, Egyptian Hor, Har, Her, or Heru, in ancient Egyptian religion, a god in the form of a falcon whose right eye was the sun or morning star, representing power and quintessence, and whose left eye was the moon or evening star, representing healing. Top 10 Egyptian Gods and GoddessesSubscribe The list of famous Egyptian gods and goddesses you might learn about in history class includ. His festival was one of the earliest observed and, merged with the Khoiak Festival of Osiris, continued to be celebrated throughout Egypt's history. She is frequently invoked in healing spells and associated with the goddess Serket. Many gods and goddesses, such as Set or Serket, transformed through time to take on other roles and responsibilities. She was the patron goddess of joy, inspiration, celebration, love, women, women's health, childbirth, and drunkenness. 4 All "Egyptian God" cards. She is depicted as a woman wearing a crown with an ostrich feather. Ipy - A Mother Goddess associated in some texts with the mother of Osiris, also known as Opet and "The Great Opet". I embrace them while everyone watches in wonder. She may have been an early Mother Goddess who evolved into a deity who protected people (especially children) from scorpion venom and then to one who protected from all venom. In this role he was benevolent but some inscriptions suggest he was an enemy of order who threatened the deceased king on his entrance to the underworld. In the Old Kingdom (c. 2613-2181 BCE) he was said to rule the afterlife with Osiris. She is best known from her golden statue found in the tomb of Tutankhamun. World History Encyclopedia. She was the daughter of Ra and closely associated with Hathor. Imhotep - The vizier of king Djoser (c. 2670 BCE) who designed and built the Step Pyramid. He is depicted as a serpent and, like Heka, has always existed. Ammit (Ammut) - "Devourer of Souls", a goddess with the head of a crocodile, torso of a leopard, and hindquarters of a hippo. She was thought to live in sycamore trees and so was also known as 'The Lady of the Sycamore." Pakhet - A hunting goddess in lioness form, her name means "She Who Scratches" or "Tearer". He was probably originally a lunar god, son of Atum (Ra) but later texts represent him as the son of Horus. Khonshu may not be Egyptian mythology's most famous god, but he's the main god tied to Moon Knight. Sobek is one of the best known gods of ancient Egypt and was extremely popular in his time. Later on, though, it came to be worn by other pharaohs because of the belief that they would become a form of Osiris after their death. The ancient Egyptians searched for a way to immortalize their legacy and were able to come up with the magical characters known as ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs from the heavenly gods to be used as a passage to the other side, the underworld. Linked with Sia and Heka. Ruty - The twin lion gods who represented the eastern and western horizons. Created By Olivia Brown. Kherty (Cherti) - He was a ram-headed god of the underworld who ferried the dead on their last journey into the afterlife. Banebdjedet - A fertility/virility god who appears as a ram or a man with a ram's head, associated with the city of Mendes, eventually another name for Osiris. Each had his own cardinal point to guard, his own internal organ to protect, and was watched over by a specific goddess. Men and women revered her equally and carried talismans of her cult. She is depicted as a woman with the head of a lion. He was the god of darkness, chaos, and confusion, and is represented as a man with an unknown animal head, often described as a Typhonian by the Greeks who associated him with the god Typhon. She is most often depicted as a woman seated with a lion's head or a serpent with a lion's head. She was known as "Friend of the Dead" for her care of the souls in the afterlife and professional mourners at funerals, who encouraged the open expression of grief, were known as the "Kites of Nephthys". Seth was the son of Geb and Nut, and the evil brother of Osiris. He appears in one story as gambling for the five days required for Nut to give birth to the First Five Gods and in others as mediating between the gods and delivering messages. He is one of the most popular gods in Egyptian history who protected women and children, fended off evil, and fought for divine order and justice. World History Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. Atum (Ra) is the first divine being who stands on the primordial mound in the midst of chaos and draws on the magical forces of Heka to create all the other gods, human beings, and life on earth. Asclepius (Aesculapius) - A god of healing of the Greeks also worshipped in Egypt at Saqqara and identified with the deified Imhotep. He is one of many gods associated with the falcon. There was also a Little Ennead venerated at Heliopolis of minor deities. He possibly an aspect of the god Nefertum, also a son of Bastet, and formed a triad with Nefertum and Imhotep at Memphis. In early myths he is shown protecting Ra while Set fights off the serpent. Hes credited with the discovery of the Elder futhark runes. Thank you for your help! Day-to-day meanings aside, the hieroglyphs could represent religious concepts and gods. She symbolized the vengeful aspect of the Eye of Ra. The work was so brilliant it was considered the work of a god and he was deified after death. His cult naturally merged with that of his wife and the Cult of Isis, with its symbolism of salvation, eternal life, the dying and reviving god, and the divine son born of a virgin mother, would later influence the development of early Christianity. These spirits symbolically united Upper and Lower Egypt and served the king in life and through death. Atum (Ra) - The sun god, supreme lord of the gods, first god of the Ennead (tribunal of nine gods), creator of the universe and human beings. He was known as "Lord of Time" and "Reckoner of Years" because he marked the passage of time and, through the powerful magic of his divine knowledge of words, gave the king a long reign so he could maintain order on earth. Mekhit - Goddess of war, probably originally from Nubia, depicted as a roaring lioness and associated with the moon. She is only mentioned in a Fifth Dynasty (2498-2345 BCE) inscription as a goddess of a region of Egypt inhabited mainly by Libyans - the 3rd Lower Egypt nome (province). Central to their mythologyand included in some way in almost every mythis Kutkh, the Great Raven and creator of everything. Her wooden cottage has a chicken foot as its foundation, and Baba Yaga herself flies around in a mortar with a pestle in hand. He was present at the dawn of creation and guarded (or laid) the celestial egg containing the life force. Many depictions show her on a cremation ground looking like death itself (decaying teeth, long fingernails, hag-like appearance). Some of these deities' names are well known: Isis, Osiris, Horus, Amun, Ra, Hathor, Bastet, Thoth, Anubis, and Ptah while many others less so. Min is depicted as a man holding his erect penis in one hand with the flail of authority in the other. Like the other leonine deities, she is a fierce protector of her followers and avenges wrongs done to them. Known also as the "Dweller in Orion", Pyramid Text chapter 186 welcomes the soul, "In the name of the Dweller in Orion, with a season in the sky and a season on earth" which can be understood as, "with a season in the sky after a season on earth". His name translates as "that soul". Shentayet - An obscure protective goddess whose name means "Widow" and who was associated with that aspect of Isis who lost her husband and then brought him back to life. Uat-Ur - The personification of the Mediterranean Sea. 2 Anime "Egyptian God" cards. Dating back thousands of years are stories of these cunning corvids. So he could forever guard his people and watch the coastline for foreign invaders. The ceiling is a symbolic representation of the heavens, featuring the waxing and waning of the moon as it travels across the heavens in the . Egyptian god. Wenenu - A protective god, aspect of Osiris or sometimes Ra, consort of Unut. Kemetic culture relied on the principle of Ma'at, or order. If we translate it word by word, it translates to "flip the well on its face and the daughter will look like her mother.". These creatures had nowhere to live and so Shu and Tefnut mated to give birth to Geb (earth) and Nut (sky). No harm in it. The appearance of Sirius heralded the inundation of the Nile, the promise of fertility, and represented the cyclical nature of existence and so came to be linked to Osiris, the dying and reviving god, and Isis, the one who revived him. The crow is a very symbolic animal in Native American culture. Reshep - A Syrian war god assimilated into Egyptian worship during the period of the New Kingdom (1570-1069 BCE). Lake of Flowers (Lily Lake) - The body of water in the afterlife which the souls of the justified dead crossed to reach paradise in the Field of Reeds. Asar was a revered king who was murdered by a usurper but became king of the afterlife, or spiritual realm. Her name means "The Female Scribe" and she was the consort of Thoth, god of wisdom and writing (though sometimes she is depicted as his daughter). Sokar (Seker) - A protective falcon god of Memphis who was originally an agricultural deity and one of the oldest in Egypt. Heh was depicted as a frog and Hauhet as a serpent. Her qualities were later absorbed by Hathor. He is an ancient god going back to the Early Dynastic Period (c. 3150-2613 BCE). She was also a grain goddess known as "Lady of the Fertile Fields" and "Lady of the Granaries" who protected the harvest and was the mother of Nepri, god of grain. She set the stars in the sky and regulated the seasons. Heqet (Heket) - Goddess of fertility and childbirth, depicted as a frog or a woman with the head of a frog. Her cult reenacted the sacred marriage between Qudshu and Reshep, a ritual long associated with the Cult of Ishtar/Inanna in Mesopotamia and Astarte in Phoenicia. Beset - The female aspect of Bes invoked in ceremonial magic. He is most likely the same god referred to as Khenty-Tjenenet in the period of the Old Kingdom (c. 2613-2181 BCE). His image (as Anhur) appeared on the banners of the Egyptian army as he led them to war, protected them in battle, and brought them safely home. Her name means "Mistress of the Temple Enclosure" or "Mistress of the House" referring to a heavenly house or temple. The White Tower in London was located where the Tower of London stands today. Ammon: God of a united Egypt. They bring me great happiness. In Irish myth, shes a queen with a voracious appetite for wealth and sexual partners. There are currently 125 playable gods in the game. His name means "Opener of the Ways" and this has been interpreted as opening the way for king in battle, opening the way to the afterlife, and opening the way at one's birth. The king was thought to be the living incarnation of Horus and, through him, the god gave all good things to his people. The old hag rewards her. She is typically depicted as an old hag who lives in a hut in the woods. I cannot speak to Norse mythologys finer details but in Irish, blackbirds are synonymous with corvids. People also asked. Well, its my meditation which actually dragged me to find this pageI saw a man with crow head standing near a magic future ballhe was just looking at me as I was in his world That was only once I saw him not afterwards but still I sometimes think of that figure.. The gods and goddesses of Ancient Egypt were an integral part of the people's everyday lives. She was also referred to as Uajyt in her aggressive form and was the counter-balance to the more motherly Nekhbet, her sister. Worshipped in the period of the Middle Kingdom (2040-1782 BCE). Sah and Sothis in the heavens reflected the divine couple Osiris and Isis and the god Sopdu, (son of Sothis), the astral form of Horus. Wilkinson notes inscriptions which reference "crossing the great green" by foot which would indicate a land-crossing through the Delta region instead of the sea.