The two exchanged many shots. The Punisher promised that whenever Russo looked at his reflection and only saw ugliness, he would always be reminded of his day. ""Pain is only temporary right? In the confusion of the battle, the Punisher mistook the masked Jack for Russo, as he had then furiously thrown his knife at the mercenary, embedding it into his shoulder which allowed the Punisher to charge forward and engage with his enemy one on one. Castle then made it inside Valhalla and went through the tunnel. As the surviving mercenaries recovered from the multiple explosions, the Punisher then grabbed his FN M249 SAW that had been hidden beside him and began furiously gunning down multiple men, with all the shots being powerful enough to tear through all their bulletproof vests. However, at the last moment, Russo predicted what was happening and dived for cover, which caused Castle to miss his shot. [21], Easy, easy. Castle and Madani had then begun discussing where they would locate Billy Russo, with Castle noting that if Russo had actually been lying about all of those mental and physical injuries, then it would be more likely that he would already be dead, as Madani had then asked him to explain exactly what he meant by this. However, Castle and the Larkville County Sheriff Station is attacked by John Pilgrim and his mercenaries who are retrieving Olin. Wilson then locked him in a storage room, before Wilson used his own explosives to commit suicide. Carl and Hayley then sat down beside the Punisher and thanked him for saving their lives. While Daredevil looked after Grotto in his final painful moments, Castle recovered and took the opportunity to fire upon the Dogs of Hell, shooting a grenade at their motorbikes which caused a massive explosion to alert the gang of his presence while Daredevil tried and failed to save Grotto's life, who died from his wounds moments later. Getting up, Castle told Madani about Arthur Walsh, explaining that he was the man who sexually abused Russo when he was a child at Ray of Hope, with Madani making it clear that she already knew the story. He then admitted to Page that he killed three women and he did not deserve help from her. He also enjoys reading and goes through books at a fast pace. [23], We need good people here to get things done. His spirit goes to an astral plane where it eventually comes in contact with one of the last people who can help: The Punisher. You wanna die here? ""You got the photos and the girl, and he's gonna know what the hell that's about? The whole compound went to full alert and Castle and Micro managed to escape.[28]. Castle listened as Hoyle explained that he was listed as Russo's next of kin, and he had gone to Sacred Saints Hospital to see Russo in person, as he commented about how bad Russo's mental and physical condition had been. [2], You're using my client as bait for the Punisher? ""For God's sake, man, killing me is not gonna bring yours back. Castle successfully got to the exit but confronted with a young soldier who told Castle to surrender. The Hulk then overpowers The Punisher, but The Punisher has one more trick up his sleeve. Once Bendix had walked away, Castle and Quinn shared a joke by commenting on her manners, with Quinn also referring to Castle as "rough road" which he laughed at. Settling in, Castle formally introduced himself as Pete, while the girl told him her name was Rachel. And you killed them for it.""Yeah. Castle said he got some advice. That wasn't true in every timeline. She also says that Ori pushed Page into Wilson's arms to escape. Mahoney tried to evade Pilgrim, but lost his way, causing the ambulance to fly off the side of the highway and crashing head first. Rawlins told Castle he was deeply disappointed on how he broke so easily under torture. While staking out Clay Wilson's house, Castle then called Page to warn her against going after Wilson. ""Goddamn right, I did!Jigsaw and Punisher. That shot was carefully, deliberately placed, and did exactly what it was meant to. The two then made a deal that saved Pilgrim's life. Castle got a call from Billy Russo, exchanging the location that they would meet at. After Punisher killed Venom and Spider-Man, he went to see the Hulk rampaging through the streets. When Netflixs Marvel-verse initially launched in 2015 with Daredevil, the show was treated as something of a standalone story, not unlike how the Marvel Cinematic Universe did with Iron Man, just in case it was a flop. Castle did not listen to Mahoney's orders, using Page as a human shield to get him to an elevator. So Daredevil's producers decided to make Castle the prominent "big bad" figure in most of Season 2 to flesh out his character, despite Daredevil's main villain being Wilson Fisk in Seasons 1 and 3. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram and tell him to post more often: @jimmydangus, Big Bang Theory Secretly Hinted At Paiges Dark Young Sheldon Future, One Big Bang Theory Main Character Was Only Meant To Be A Guest Role, Power Rangers New Red Ranger Zord Breaks A Decades-Old Franchise Trend. Donny Chavez asked Castle for any medical skills he had from the United States Marine Corps, but he simply walked away. I really loved the acting tho, except for Billy. [16], I had this friend, said that we're all lonely. You hit them and they get back up, I hit them and they stay down. Such a great line. The two of them got home once Bendix calmed down. [11], Okay, one more time. So how closely does the Netflix series hew to the source material in this regard? What are you gonna do? Castle then took a gas tank and swung it at Pilgrim. When Madani then asked Castle for an update about their current situations, as had simply insisted that she would not really want to know that, while Madani then admitted that she had already sabotaged her own career with United States Department of Homeland Security already just by helping him and bringing him and Amy Bendix there. Getting his mind back on the mission, Punisher checked through his rifle scope and discovered that Russo had kidnapped Carl and Hayley and tied them to the horses, with wounds that they were bleeding heavily from. Castle paused after Russo's car screeched to a halt on the street. Grabbing the shotgun he had hidden earlier, the Punisher shot one mercenary into his Bulletproof Vest twice, knocking him into another mercenary who he shot point-blank in the face. Although he first acted cold and distant towards her, Castle eventually warmed up to and became protective of Bendix. Having finished his last beer, Castle had then collected his jacket and prepared to say goodnight to Quinn and go back to his motel room, explaining that he would be leaving the Tides Motel first thing in the morning, in order to drive to another state, and continue his new life on the road, as Quinn had then questioned if wanted to have another beer, although he insisted that he had enough to drink already. ""You're going to take the bedroom, I'll take the couch.Amy Bendix and Frank Castle. Russo then ordered his men to kill him. And you sure carry yourself like a soldier.Daredevil, It's a Marine's best friend. Captain America was one of the last heroes alive, and Frank goes on to hunt for his last remaining target: Daredevil. As Madani asked him to confirm why there were no records, Castle became frustrated, as Madani already knew that. We gonna, we gonna bring him in for justice, is that what we're gonna do? Castle would often arrive to work early and work late into the night hammering down concrete walls by himself, quickly earning him the ire of some of his coworkers. Castle noted that Rex was a good kid, while they shared a laugh about him seemingly knowing a little too much about the world, although Castle insisted that Rex was more interested in playing hockey. Given that the character has already starred in three feature films not to mention 42 years of history on the page of Marvel comics most people tuning into Season 2 of Netflix's Daredevil are likely at least passingly familiar with the origin story of the Punisher. He's the Punisher. Although he flatlined, he came back to life without any medical aid. As Castle walked out, he noticed a group of men following him. Boom. While the Punisher kept his weapon raised up, Russo shut down the Carousel ride and aimed his gun directly at Carl and Hayley's heads, promising that if the Punisher did not come out into the open, then he would execute the kids without a second thought, forcing them to desperately beg for their lives until the Punisher finally came around the corner. Again, we'd usually expect Banner to transform into The Hulk and spit the bullet out, but in this version of events, he dies. [12], You nervous, Bill? As Punisher inspected the various guns, he looked at the bulletproof vest, noticing that the design on the front resembled a skull. Castle later read a newspaper article by Karen Page, whom the bomber had directly mailed, speaking out against the bomber, which he regarded as reckless provocation. That's what I think. Bendix had then also noted that Madani would be annoyed that they did not bother leaving town as she instructed, although Castle claimed that Madani would never even notice, also noting that Madani was never happy, which was a comment Bendix had also previously made. Whoever this is, they're in for a world of shit.Frank Castle to Micro. But while Season 2 of Daredevil arguably raised more questions than it answered about The Punisher's association with the masked vigilante he calls 'Red', The Punisher refuses to fill in the gaps. Castle then realized Schultz was not behind the deaths, in fact he had no idea. The Punisher is mad at everyone with superpowers in this comic. Letting of an empty clicking sound from the empty gun. Castle was the first to wake up, struggling to grab the unconscious Mahoney's keys. ""I am not leaving.Curtis Hoyle and Frank Castle. Castle and Curtis Hoyle went back to work, staking out over the night outside of Valhalla. ""Something like that.Frank Castle and Wilson Fisk. Castle was able to take the wounded Daredevil hostage onto a rooftop for interrogation and a discussion about their differing methods of justice. When Castle mentioned their last failure to protect Grotto, he was confronted by Karen Page who showed him a picture of his family and demanded answers. He sat down on the ground, reflecting. Eventually, The Punisher shoots Deadpool in the head once and for all. She recognized Castle and asked if he killed Carson Wolf. Castle went on a monologue about how he kept witnessing the death of his family over and over again. The Punisher debuted way back in 1974'sAmazing Spider-Man #129 as a former Marine who served in Vietnam. He's dead." It was only until Fisk revealed to Castle that Dutton had information on the deaths of his family in Central Park and could likely give him the name of whoever was responsible for the massacre, that Castle accepted his offer. Rex then questioned if Castle and his mother would ever be getting married, to which they had both insisted that they were only friends, before Rex then questioned if Castle and Beth had had sex the night before, which shocked Castle. Once Murdock finished his statement, Castle asked Judge Cynthia Batzer if he could make a statement, and proceeded to tell the jury that he would commit the murders all over again, promising that he was not crazy and did not need Nelson and Murdock's help and that he would never be sent to a mental hospital for treatment. Just as Paulie had started the car and attempted to drive away, Castle followed him downstairs, firing a single shot which hit Paulie square in the side of the head, killing him instantly. ""So, then, it's a trap? Castle and Bendix then stepped out, as Castle said he would have shower, sarcastically asking if that was alright, as Bendix commented that she would not watch, which Castle scoffed at. Castle and Beth Quinn had then left Lola's Roadhouse together, as Quinn walked them up to her car, before asking Castle to promise her that he would not be an asshole, to which Castle had then jokingly commented that this would be the sort of promise that any asshole would lie about. [27], I think that the people I kill need killing, that's what I think. [39], You think Konchevsky's dead? They silently searched for their target before being taken out one by one by Castle, who chose not to kill any of them. I was a real prick asshole just like you. Madani and Page then returned and helped, with Madani knocking O'Rourke out cold. If you go to your friend, she's as good as dead, you know it, don't you. Despite having the chance to honor their memories and accept their deaths, Castle believes his vengeance against those who murdered them is more important and ultimately what drives him to war. Months after helping Daredevil take down Nobu Yoshioka as well as the rest of the Hand, the Punisher continued to hunt and kill all of the gangs who had been responsible for killing his family. While they refused to turn it off and were unintimidated, Castle was threatened by Lance, eager to kill him when he pulled out his gun. Anything. When the next day had past, Castle sat on the ground nearby Lance and Paulie, overhearing that they were discussing plans for an upcoming heist. Which, Castle would knock down Olin who finished with the last hostile and said Bendix that they need to go. Three months later, Maria informed Castle that she had fallen pregnant with his first child, with Maria offering Castle the chance to walk away as she was willing to raise the child alone, only for Castle to instead propose to her, resulting in them getting married. However, the Punisher then grabbed the dropped barbel and furiously pinned Kazan up against the wall by his throat, as he then demanded to know who it was who had hired Fiona's Crew to take the photographs, although Kazan insisted that he would get killed if he told him, while the Punisher warned that he would kill him if he did not. Spitting out some blood, the Punisher had then glared at Barrett before walking away, with Barrett following. Later that night, Castle drove out of town but realizing he had a chance at a normal life, quickly turned his van around. [30] Office of the District Attorney codenamed Castle as "The Punisher," due to his brutality and ruthlessness against criminals.[2]. [1], Talk.""Okay! Frank? Castle was done with her and walked back inside, to interrogate Nelson some more. Later, when Bendix was about to leave to return to a normal life, Castle said he would miss her and even hugged her, a sign of affection that he rarely showed to others. He then got serious, telling her that the next step was to pull the trigger. Not while we're here.Frank Castle and Gunner Henderson. Madani found them and gave chase, but Castle blocked her and started to play chicken with her. Despite many of Castle's friends recommending against the marriage due to how short their relationship had been, Castle and his new wife began a happy life together living in New York City. He also avoided killing Daredevil, and when presented with the chance to kill him, Castle simply resorted to knocking him out. His goal, like Hulk's, was to kill the scientists who were trying to find a cure for the virus. Bendix pushed on saying she needed it for protection. With the distraction in place, Castle jumped on the roof of the truck carrying the weapons and stole it. Castle then noted that if he was ever back in Michigan, he would give Beth a call, before they exchanged a hug and Castle gently taped on their truck's window to say a goodbye to Rex, stepping towards the motel. ""I don't see my dad either. He forced Castle to apprehend himself while pointing a gun at Madani. Crucially, because this isn't actually the Punisher's show (though this episode appears to have mixed feelings about that), we don't hear all the details of his family's death. Towards the end of the story, however, it is revealed that cannibal Spider-Man isn't really that bad of a guy. Mahoney put Castle in a van and left with him. Feeling a stronger sense of trust between them, since they now both knew of each other's actual names, Bendix and Castle had then agreed that they would not keep running away from John Pilgrim any longer, and would now take action themselves working as a team together. Castle believed he deserved to be punished and submitted himself. With Schoonover now dead and his blood staining the walls of the cabin, Castle began exploring the room further. Castle told him that Schultz was at the trailer, then hung up, cussing to himself. As he delved deeper into Rawlins and Russo's operations, he became increasingly more vengeful and sadistic, abandoning the honor code of his squad in pursuit of his personal vengeance especially as he realizes it was a part of his own squad that betrayed him. When Daredevil regained consciousness, Castle informed him that there was only one bullet in the gun and that he was wearing body armor, so the only way to stop him would be to shoot him in the head. One that gets encrypted tactical frequencies. Thing is, every time I try to be someone different, that's when the wrong people get hurt.Punisher to Amy Bendix. ""Rawlins gave the order, did Billy Russo pull the trigger? You taught me that.Frank Castle to Ray Schoonover, He's tracking gangs to their home turf and taking them out with military precision.Blake Tower, Do you really think Castle's the kind of guy who walks into a building he doesn't know how to get out of?Karen Page to Brett Mahoney, Military grade hardware. The mission sees Krieg fake his death, while the son of mob boss Howard Saint is killed. Anyway, dealing in this shit is illegal. He was the Whirlwind. A lot of blood and chunks of flesh are shown. On the surface, this is all a pretty straightforward adaptation of the Punisher's comic book origins. In Episode 9 ("Seven Minutes in Heaven"), Castle ran into an old friend of the show, Season 1's Wilson Fisk. November 8, 2017. ""Probably the first useful thing your client's ever done in his life.Foggy Nelson and Samantha Reyes. As the Punisher starred down at the carnage he had created, Page emerged from her hiding place within the kitchen and was horrified to see Chaney's beaten and bloodied corpse. ""Just passing through. It does, however, provide the Marvel-Netflix corner of the universe with yet another dark and nuanced vigilante. Who needs me alive? Castle also appears to believe in returning favors, since him helping Daredevil defeat the Hand ninjas can be seen as him repaying the vigilante for rescuing him from torture at the hands of the Kitchen Irish. Rawlins stabbed Castle into his side, but the latter took it out of his side and stabbed the agent's throat and shoulder. ""Fair enough.Punisher and Jack. Castle had then told Quinn about his late wife and two children, confessing that there were dead and noting this was not an accident, as they were taken from him. Punisher family tree ; Fredo Castiglione: Mario Castiglione: Louisa Castiglione: Rocco Castiglione: Esmerelda Castiglione: Elektra Natchios: Francis G. "Frank" Castle (Castiglione) Senior The Punisher / Cosmic Ghost Rider: Maria Elizabeth "Angel" Castle: Hopefully moon knight series can prove me wrong. [23], What kind of a man was he?""Decent. Castle rushed to John Pilgrim's apartment and saw Amy Bendix around the corner with a shotgun. To make sure he won't come back, he chops Deadpool into pieces and buries him around the city. Castle threatened Schultz, wanting information on where Pilgrim was, but Schultz still refused to say he had a part in it. Castle heard this and found enough strength to spring up to his feet, fighting until his last breath. Leaving Barrett behind, Castle returned into the Apartment, where he had then found Amy Bendix surrounded by various boxes of food, as he questioned where it had all come from, to which Bendix explained that she had it all delivered. Castle then burned his house and left the city to continue his crusade. Having been pulled away from the mirror, a horrifically scarred Russo had attempted to fight back, only for the Punisher to break his arm and slam him face-first into the mirror. Howard Saint orders his men to discover what they can about Otto Krieg . Beth explained that the job at the bar was what kept all the lights on at their home and kept Rex dressed, before they noticed Rex was pouring excessive amounts of syrup on his pancakes, which they shared a laugh about. Castle tried to take cover despite being cuffed to the roof of the van. ""I'm Frank, Frank Castle. I would really love to see a scene in the movies done like this but we all know thatd never happen. The other alternative universe that has Frank Castle killing a list of superheroes is Marvel Universe - 95126. They could use Weems's height to suggest that the nightshade dosage wasn't sufficient to kill Weems but enough to make her appear dead as another reference to Shakespeare. Castle kept watch, until Turk Barrett had then arrived into the gym, as they had agreed, as Castle watched while Barrett then spoke to Kazan about arranging a meeting with Sergei Konchevsky. ""I'd say that's spot on. Castle laid back as Pilgrim said he knew what type of person Castle was. Castle rushed back to the trailer to get Schultz, but found both he and Curtis Hoyle gone, probably Hoyle's doing. Now that he is on the rooftop, Castle found it empty and slowly walk forward when he saw a flash coming from across. It's gonna be the same for you. I kept thinking God was gonna pull the rug out from under us, you know?Frank Castle to Daredevil. Once Castle had put his boots back on, he looked back at Quinn, who was asleep, as Castle touched his wedding ring and remembered his wife, before leaving the bedroom, intending to leave Michigan and to not see Quinn again. [35], Castle stayed in Page's car and listened to music until Page was finished being interviewed by Detective Brett Mahoney. ""You stupid son o-Ray Schoonover and Punisher. I would never give you up.Frank Castle and Curtis Hoyle. It stinks and it smells like shit and I can't get the stink out of my nose. Thing is, you sit there in front of me, you say you got no idea who did it. ""Where to? As Castle questioned if she mentioned his survival, Page denied it, saying that she would never compromise him. Once he had arrived at Quinn's Apartment, Castle had taken note of the guitars that she had on display, as Quinn explained that she had played during her high school years. As Bendix noted that Barrett's suggestion seemed risky, Castle had then noted that he was lying through his teeth. However, Castle had then noted that Madani also had her chance to kill Russo and failed to. Castle then traveled into El Paso, Texas, where he eventually tracked down Cartel Sicario, the final surviving Mexican Cartel member who had believed he had finally escaped from the Punisher's wrath as he had gotten over the border to Jurez. Castle started to tracking and eliminating all members of three gangs and other criminals along the way. Rawlins stopped the torture after two hours of beating Castle, taking a break while Russo convinced Castle to enter the codes into Micro's computer. Castle followed Wilson and Page to the basement kitchen where he attempted to talk him down and used the story about how he helped Curtis Hoyle as a signal to Page to grab the white wire on Wilson's deadman's switch. Bernthal also talked about the character's 'superpowers', saying. Daredevil carried the severely injured Castle to a graveyard, where he eventually found he could no longer walk and sat beside a grave. That's right. All they want is dumb forced jokes every second. Returning to Lola's Roadhouse, Castle ordered another drink and Beth Quinn thanked him for changing his mind. Location: United States With all those who had a hand in the deaths of his family lying dead in morgues, in the streets and other places throughout Hell's Kitchen, the Punisher accepted closure and proceeded to burn away the last memories of his former life, setting his home on fire. Castle then realized how he had lost control and realized he was becoming Russo. Hey, you notice that our fearless leader didn't even give us a name?""Yeah. Scene of the Week Scene of the Month . Changing the subject, Hoyle then told Castle about how he was dating Delia Robinson, which pleased Castle, although Hoyle insisted that he did not want Robinson to get anywhere near the war with Russo.