But never in my life have I seen any critter with a blown out boiler room moan and squirm as long as they do in RDR. Winning these races may permanently increase the speed of the player's active horse. You kinda have to be if you've seen the sorts of shenanigansI've seen (I work in employment law) and have a daughter. The player can kill the men and blow open the safe with dynamite. They're not guaranteed on every hit, but the chance is improved massively when both things are combined together. He will inform John that there is a cholera outbreak in Armadillo and that most of the citizens have left the town. If approached or questioned they will attack the player. As the player travels along the road leading west out of Rhodes, just south of the large red barn near the train tracks, they will approach a dynamite-rigged wagon on the roadside, which is then detonated. Killing him will result in an honor loss. A patron will complain about the cleanliness of the tavern and threaten to take their business elsewhere. If a prisoner is helped, he will give the player a robbery tip. In Saint Denis, a man will be speaking with an acquaintance on a sidewalk near a muddy street puddle. RDR2 gets its wicca on when you travel to an off-putting site to the north of Grizzlies East. The boy is found waiting under a tree, and his dog appears to be unhappy to see him. If the player decides to help, they must kill the two Murfrees before the man is set on fire. She doesn't like scary movies and we may joke around about it but I'm not going to be patronizing. Those at honor rank -6, will have -240 points and so on. The tax collector will tell them that he is not a federal tax collector and works for the state, although the Raiders do not believe him. Also, killing the rider will reduce honor. After killing the Night Folk, the hanged corpse can be shot down and looted to obtain one of two notes: in one, the victim confesses his fear of being stalked by the Night Folk, and in the other there's a lament of a nave young man who bet with friends he could survive an entire night in Night Folk territory. While crossing bridges in O'Driscoll territories, the player may be ambushed by a group of them, two or four of which shall appear in front of him from behind rocks or trees, and two others who will sneak from the other end of the bridge to kill him. If the challenge is accepted, the man will pass out from over-drinking after reaching the dueling position, or the player can kill the man. He will point out the wreckage and corpse before riding away to tell the authorities in Strawberry. If the player lassos the runaway and returns it to its owner, the owner will offer a small cash reward. Either I get a white cross or a red cross, but almost never can make a dude bleed out. In Valentine, the player can encounter two men spying on a drunk couple acting intimate in the bedroom . If the player approaches the three Raiders, they will become hostile towards them. and our If the player returns to the bar shortly afterwards, the bartender will state that woman's name is Daisy. The player can pick him up and take him to Saint Denis doctor. The woman will ask the protagonist to untie her and thanks them for saving her life. If the bullet has to penetrate an arm before reaching the torso for example, it wouldnt matter if the trajectory was on course for a lung hit, a lowpenetration rating MIGHT prevent it from reaching the lung. In one of the encounters, the player talks to a man, who will rant about not finding any gold and then he eventually finds some gold. Freeing the outlaw will result in a loss of honor. My one shots with animal appropriate weapons keep the 3* at perfect even with a bleed out (though I take a minor honour hit for being a cruel SOB). The player can come across some Lemoyne Raiders, who ambushed a prisoner transport and they are seen attempting to free their comrade from a prison wagon. Once you reach the top of one of the train cars, one of the two will stop and want to fight. In the swamps of Bayou Nwa or Bluewater Marsh, the player may come across two members of the Night Folk. The player has the option to accept or decline. The player will gain honor for helping. Copyright 2023 Robin Scott. Near the Thtre Rleur, a man is seen standing next to the building and a woman from the balcony of the building dumps the chamberpot onto the man. F7 - Toggling "Longer Bleedouts Mode" on/off (is disabled by default). He will start fighting the player. The driver will notice Arthur and calls out for help. If you notice any mistake, please let us know. Another encounter involves the player falling into a pit camouflaged with leaves and grass, located near Huron Glen. All rights reserved. The player can encounter a man named Joe, who is a hermit that lives in a tree and claims he is a king. The hunter will dismount his horse and start tracking a bear, commenting aloud how he cannot wait to eat it. shot a dude in the neck and had him stagger for a few moments before dying, also if you shoot someones leg off with a shootgun they might scream and clutch their mortal wound for a second before dying. If the player approaches, the gang member will attack the player. In Armadillo, an undertaker seems exhausted, trying to carry a corpse to a wagon, so he can take it to a mass grave but is unable to carry the corpse so he decides to take a break. Two prisoners chained together murder the homeowner after a failed robbery and can be found outside following the trail of blood from the slain homeowner. At night in Valentine, an angry man can be seen arguing with his wife and attempting to drown her in a water trough. By antagonizing them, they will become hostile and the player has to fight them, again risking a wanted level if done near witnesses or lawmen. In Emerald Ranch, a boy can be seen looking for his dog. The player can choose to antagonize the men to get lost, this will raise the player's honor and the men will leave. Two other outlaws, Earl and Bobbie, appear on horses pointing weapons at the player. The player can defuse or antagonize the Lemoyne Raider. The player can encounter a man named Norbert who was bitten on the leg by a snake. The player will gain honor for the help. If the player does not join the hunter and watches from a safe distance, the hunter dies. The man will thank the player for saving him from the two Lemoyne Raider and will raise the player's honor for intervening. If the player decides to help the woman, she would push the corpses off of her and tell the player to stay away from her. However, if the player is seen carrying the body, the law will be set upon them and they will receive a bounty. If done in the Epilogue, it will be a generic gang instead. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. She states that she recognizes the player and would like to get to know them. In Guarma, Arthur may fall in a pitfall trap set up by the soldiers. If the player chooses not to inter. ZBug_ posted. Either that or there just wasn't as many animals running after being shot and I just didn't notice it as much. Alternatively, the player can wait in safe distance until the men have succeeded in opening the safe with their hammer and then deal with them to get the loot. In Scarlett Meadows, the player can similarly encounter a woman riding a Thoroughbred horse who will compliment the player's horse. The player can encounter three different women trapped under their horses. The two street urchins, however, cannot be harmed, lassoed or murdered after nor before the ambush starts. If the player approaches the Skinner Brother who is using a bow, he will tell them to leave. The player can free the prisoner or they can turn in the prisoner for a small reward at the sheriff office in Rhodes. When spoken to, the man will explain that the owner of Lenora View apparently lost control of his wagon and drove off the cliff to his death. If the player heads down to where the body is located they will find a lockbox with a marriage certificate and a wedding photo of woman. Two soldiers approach the pit and with their weapons drawn at him. The stranger states that a conman sold him a fake serum, claimed to have been made from rhino horn to be used for a little problem the man has been having. Observing a train robbery, the player can intervene to earn honor or watch the passengers getting killed which will result in a loss of honor. If you end up getting stuck at another point, you might want to check out some of the other guides we have. This bleed out state is a lethally wounded state where they'll begin bleeding profusely from the spot you shot them in. The stranger will ask the player to watch the wreckage while they go look for help. The unfortunate man will walk away, muttering about how his ruined clothes had been brand-new. If the player chooses to intervene, they will be forced to dispatch the O'Driscoll's and one of the passengers will subsequently express thanks for the assistance. You can do it repeatably if you shoot in the neck as I saw it in a video but for the rest I don't know, by the way I do remember in one video a guy also bleeding out from a abdominal wound. The player can come across a woman calling for help and pretending to be injured on the ground. [3] However, if the player has the highest level of honor, she will actually accept the money, but she will not forgive Arthur or John.[4]. Rank 2 (80 points) - 10 percent discount at all stores. In Saint Denis, the player can encounter a blind beggar on the sidewalk. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. If the player does nothing, the man will drown his wife and the latter will lose honor. If the player takes too long delivering either woman to their destination, they will begin to complain, and then angrily force the protagonist to stop so they can get off the horse and walk back on their own. A man can be heard crying for help as another man is trying to rob him with a knife. If not, the protagonist will tell the police officer about how they saved the man's life. Arthur isn't happy with Bill for getting caught, and Javier asks him if he can help. She'll then tell the player she's from Butcher Creek, and that they have to cope with a demon there, taking control of the bodies and minds of the villagers. The man can later be encountered sitting outside of the gunsmith in Valentine, where he thanks the player for saving his life. The player can intervene or not intervene. In one encounter, he suffragette will ask the player's opinion on allowing women to vote, and the player will respond that he is fine with it, but does not see the value in voting. The player can take the items left at the camp, however looting the killed campers will lower the player's honor. The protagonist can choose to steal the wagon from the Lemoyne Raiders or to help the man. If the player decides to buy it from him, they discover that the book was actually a fraud, and so they can later return to Donahue and ask for a refund. The player can encounter two men making moonshine at their camp in Big Valley and they will notice the protagonist's approach. Between Chapters 2 and 4, as Arthur Morgan is out riding, Javier Escuella will stop him and tell him that Bill Williamson was captured by bounty hunters. The protagonist can find the conman inside an outhouse and hiding inside the toilet. He will show off by drawing it and pointing it at his friend, who plays along and raises his hands in mock surrender. In Guarma, Soldiers can be seen shooting two escapees and have orders to capture the two men dead or alive. The player's horse will buck the man off (if its bonding level is high enough or if the protagonist quickly whistles for the horse) or they can shoot or hogtie the thief.