The Wolf Among Us follows the stories of all characters from Fable comics which is kind of a perversion of our childhood story tales. You can pair it with 5 pieces of the Master of Illusion Set for a significant bonus to your Ninjutsu power as well as a 15% chance to not consume any Ninjutsu items when using them. Additionally, the Imbue Corruption special effect is essential to making this Build work. With this Build we rectify this problem by getting our Toughness stat to 200, making Blocking much more effective. This is the cradle of great titles such as Nioh that shows us how complicated the world can be without knowing the risks it poses. You will kill most enemies on each Mission in one shot, with some of the Yokai taking two or three shots, and youll usually get at least half back. A definitive character in the Warcraft series from Warcraft III and above, its safe to say that Jaina has had enough time to Top 13 Haunted Houses In America And The Stories Behind Them. Nioh 2 players looking to create an aggressive build should consider these excellent Guardian Spirits. Step 1: Choose any game mode and enter matchmaking. GamesRadar+ is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. For the Guardian Spirit, try to stick to Isonade until you manage to get Fuse-ushi. From The Witchers initial release in 2009, to the most recent sequel; The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, the story of Geralt of Rivia has Is Mileena the sexiest ninja in Mortal Kombat? The 10 Types of Zombies from Hollywood Movies. This means that the best endgame Guardian Spirit is Itokuri. By leveling this up, you earn Samurai SPs and it affects guns as well as dual-katanas. Onmyo, Melee and Ranged Builds are all viable, and you can make use of the many Status Effects of the game including Water, Lightning, Poison and Paralysis. Do you prefer to debuff or slow down enemies, or perhaps take them out from a distance? I'm deep in the endgame, I mean level 695 right now, and I've got my raw ninjutsu build down to a system.I'm talking full Flying Kato+ and full Omoikane's Grace and spins/inherits on my equipment for almost 64% untouched ninjutsu plus an additional 40% untouched jutsu (which rolls seperately) with Empowered Ninjutsu so even if I spend my ninjutsu I can regenerate it with melee damage.From there feather spam all day every day twice on Sundays with elemental damage boost on everything you can equip it too for a percentile damage increase instead of just the low number static damage increases you get from increased ninjutsu power.Combine that with nekomata's "Anima bonus (ninjustsu damage)" and a Oni-Bi Soul Core for more elemental damage and "Anima bonus (elemental damage) garunteed a direct hit with feathers can fully restore a depleted Anima gauge so instead of doing a burst counter to cancel the feather animation you can perform a yokai move to cancel the animation and keep layering additional damage on. A survivor with sexy killer style, Jill Valentine is a cosplay must! This allows you to fill up the Anima gauge quickly so you can spam your yokai abilities. Focus on the Stat that Increase Damage. The Water Swordsman uses a combination of quick and powerful attacks to quickly get in and out of combat and deal high damage without being struck. This not only increases critical melee damage done by a substantial amount but also reduces damage taken whenever you suffer from a status effect. But I think Wo Long is Team Ninja having sanded off some - not all - of the edges from the overwhelmingly complex Nioh, to craft an action RPG with even crisper combat than its predecessor. Regardless of playstyle, Tengen Kujaku has a bonus that will be hugely beneficial to any player using it. As long as you know how to manage your Ki and sustain your combos while keeping it relatively low, then you can surely benefit the most from the Atlas Bear. What are the best Ninja skills for a Magic build (Nioh 2) I just got Nioh 2. What are the best games of the genre? Get the best gaming deals, reviews, product advice, competitions, unmissable gaming news and more! From the simple graphics of Warcraft III, to the 10 of the Hottest Jaina Proudmoore Cosplays On The Internet By equipping the full set, you got a total bonus ~25% Shuriken & Kunai Damage. Lightning plays a minor role in this Build, but it does allow you to set the Shocked Status Effect, slowing enemy attacks. Let's take a look at the best ones Since its pretty easy to hit your targets with skills like Storm Kunai and Shuriken, you can fill up your Anima gauge pretty quickly so you can spam your yokai abilities. Nioh Best Ninja Build Character Level: 36 Body: 12 Heart: 7 Stamina: 5 Strength: 6 Skill: 7 Dexterity: 25 Magic: 5 Spirit: 11 The reason as to why Dexterity is leveled up is to get a. Which is better? Nioh 2 doesn't re-write the book on Soulslikes, changing little about the original's formula and instead simply adding more weapon types, Yokai enemies, and Guardian Spirits. Build Level: 75+. Try to hit 30 in both Stamina as well as Body and you shouldve enough health to mitigate most of the damge. After all, if something that big and powerful existed, how would anyone miss them? What this Build offers are enhanced Active Skill Damage, Melee Damage vs. Poisoned Enemy, and Poison Accumulation (Enemy) on top of making use of Poison Shuriken. Regardless, Tengen Kujaku provides massive increases to damage and damage reduction based on which stance youre using. Thats what made the Resident Evil movie so surprising! Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, Found by completing the "A Distant Dream" mission in "The First Samurai" DLC, Baku is a relatively similar offensive Spirit to Yatagarasu, but instead of fire damage, it focuses on Corruption. Ever since Street Fighter II hit the arcades back in the early 90s, fans of all ages and demographics have taken into what are now some of Lets face it, most zombie movies and movies based off of video games are terrible. Theres another one which allows you to kick an enemy at the end of a combo that depletes the enemys Ki. Skill benefit: +1 to Heart (Affects your Ki, and your fire resistance, benefits Sword and Bow weapons). Soul Core Types: Brute, Feral and Phantom. However, remember that this requires a hefty investment in the Courage Stat at about 150. The reason as to why Dexterity is leveled up is to get a whole lot of Ninja SPs and to unlock all the tools offered by it. Hyobishin also grants an attack bonus based on how much Amrita players have collected, favoring players that kill more enemies in a short span before leveling up. The Corruption status effect causes enemies to take increased Ki damage, making them become staggered sooner. This attack can easily stagger Yokai as this can break their horn pretty quickly. Then youll bait attacks from the enemy until you have an opening and then have at it. Do all the builds have to be a damn video??? Water Sword is used on enemies to stagger then when needed and deals incredible damage. Baku grants Corruption accumulation to all the player's attacks and gives a 10% bonus to damage against corrupted enemies. You need to balance Heart/Strength out, but you can go a little sideways if you wish to target a specific weapon or gear set. Magic Here's Proof They Are Among Us. Nioh Character Builds Guide with equipment recommendation to help you find multiple ways using which you can build your character effectively. A great choice for a starter to early mid-game build! The last hit ofSpearfallwill knock Humans to the ground, allowing you to hit them with a Final Blow. Once again, these are just my recommendations, but you should always use what you feel comfortable with. Haider is a freelance contributor, who loves video games, playing guitar, and aviation. However, the main selling point of this guardian spirit is its ability to grant you a massive increase in damage whenever youre running low on Ki. Who are the most popular characters in Street Fighter? Bruce Wayne, the owner of Wayne Enterprise who inherited it 25 Great Alien Movies To Check Out Both those bonuses have to do with paralysis accumulation. The 30 Best Sonya Blade Cosplays We've Ever Seen. The more you use a weapon, the more familiar you get with it. This set can be obtained by completing The Viper's Sanctum mission. Jew and Gentile! Heart 15 (If you focus on sword, switch the number with skill) Stamina 5. Shirohami is actually smaller than the one in this image, but it equally packs a heavy punch. 1 Tengen Kujaku The peacock Spirit, found by completing "The Demon King's Blade" side mission (and defeating Nobunaga Oda, no big deal), is the most versatile Guardian Spirit in Nioh 2.. As mentioned earlier, Kawanami Clan Armor set from the Aquaman is your main armor set for this build. Headshots can hit for about 20k damage with this Build, absolutely devastating human enemies, and shredding Yokai as well. These builds are created by everyone in the Nioh Community. Your Build Level doesn't necessarily matter, as you can continue to level up and customize at level 30, 50, 90, and beyond all the way to 200. Ninjutsu plays a big role in this Build because it allows you to weaken and damage enemies at range which is a must since you will be wearing some of the lightest Armor in the game, and do not want to get hit. In order to do this, you need to use as much ranged attacks and bombs as possible. You will find a variety of ideas and in-depth explanations of why certain choices are made, so you can optimize your own build and branch out to grow as you progress into NG+ and beyond. We got you covered. The best armor set for this type of build would be Master Archer, which is a part of a Golden Boy set that uses Sozasamonji Matsukurago dual swords and Master Archer's Bow. Copyright 2020-2023 GamersDecide. Pretty Boy, which one will prove himself stronger? Itokuri is a spider guardian spirit which is ideal for farming tons of equipment. If you, on the other hand, need a quick weapon with a fairly decent range, I definitely recommend spears. Since those ranged attacks already do fire damage, this Spirit's 15% boost to melee damage against scorched enemies makes that incorporation worth it. The burst type doesn't really matter for any particular weapon, it's more about the abilities that the spirit has and how they fit your build/playstyle. Wo Long isn't the best looking game out there in terms of raw visual fidelity, as its models and textures are about on par with Team Ninja's previous game from 2020, Nioh 2 (upgrades to lighting . He is also an avid binge-watcher and reader, and prefers his music on CD or vinyl. One is when you inflict the Electrify status on your target and the other is when you attack targets while youre at full health. This one also boosts your Onmyo magic and affects the Guardian Spirit. Coming to armor, you need to go with heavy armor which should allow you to get through most of the areas and reach bosses without any problems. Nioh 2 Best Weapon Types - Which Should You Choose? This is important because the Switchglaive doesnt always have the fastest moveset, especially when in High Stance, which you will use frequently as its vertical attack hits the weakspot of many Yokai. Provides faster recovery once your Ki is depleted, Ideal for builds that rely on Onmyo magic, Offers some pretty decent damage reduction, Potential to reach 100% elemental damage reduction with various armor sources, Perfect for builds that inflict paralysis, Offers significant increases to Luck and item drop rate, Perfect for builds lightning-focused builds, Can help you build up your Anima gauge pretty quickly, Works well in tandem with the Ame-no-Mitoria spirit, Perfect for enhancing your overall defenses, Provides bonuses to your defense when absorbing amrita, Perfect for dealing with enemies using ranged weapons, Basically lets you spam ranged weapon attacks without worrying too much about your ammo depleting, Grants a decent melee damage increase against Scorched enemies, Offers a significant increase in throwing weapon damage, Ideal for builds that rely on the use of Ninjutsu items, Gains Anima faster the more melee damage you inflict on your enemies, The best guardian spirit for builds that focus on dealing massive Ki damage, Allows your yokai form to persist even longer, Increases Ki recovery when absorbing amrita, allowing you to sustain your combos even longer, Provides a major bonus depending on which stance youre using, Comes with an innate enemy, treasure, amrita, and kodama sensor, The highest damage guardian spirit in the game. Non-binary and Gender-queer! A mead in front of the fireplace or a game of Gwent are some of the things I fancy. Just a normal day in LA. Its important to note that the returns begin to diminish after 15 points into Dexterity. For bosses, start the fight with a Weakness Talisman and following the same route. An RPG enthusiast, I have been delving into the world of roleplaying games since 2 decades past. She decided to devote her life to saving human lives, 10 Best Sylvanas Windrunner Cosplays on The Internet. For more help on Nioh, read out our Skill Points Guide, Disguises Guide, and Bosses Guide. The maximum value is + 9 Second, it heals you for 200 hp every time you perform a grapple. a spear endgame build without lot of magic/ninjutsu? After having a lot of fun and use from ninja items as part of my spear build, I finally got the smithing texts to make an actual Iga set build. In this section of the guide, Ive provided an overview of all stats. If you decided to try out Ninjutsu build, then Kusarigama will be your main weapon to the path of becoming the Master Ninja. DC comics Wonder Woman is one of the most, if not the most iconic female superhero of all time. Build Main Stat: Spirit, Heart/ Skill (depend on weapon) Body 20 can be higher. Defense: x0.97 Type: Phantom Tengen Kujaku is probably the best Guardian Spirit of all non-starting spirits in Nioh 2. Until recently, you would be hard-pressed to find the words cosplay andMaxim Magazinein the same sentence. Click here to read the full build! What would be the best guardian spirit for the same? Watching scary movies alone is one thing. Legendary weapons are awesome. Guardian Spirits are essential entities in Nioh 2. Additionally, a large investment into Courage not only improves weapon damage, but also increases Ki Recovery Speed, helping to alleviate this issue. Shin-Roku's lightning affinity is what you need to shock your enemies and take them by surprise. Without further ado, here are the top 10 guardian spirits you can use in Nioh 2: 10. As for the Guardian Spirit, you need to go with Hi-Nezumi which not only provides a buff to Omnyo Magic, but also provides a chance to unlimited Omnyo Magic use. These will help increase the damage of the corresponding active skills. This is another superb starter to early mid-game build! If you are looking for the Best Builds for Nioh 2's First Playthrough, check out our content below. Kato is better (KI regen) and even Daiba-washi. All e-mails from the system will be sent to this address. From her blue eyes to her athletic build and immersive backstory, we are Angela Ziegler Or Mercy, was born in Switzerland. Corruption allows you to inflict additional Ki damage while stealing that same amount from the enemy you attacked. Statistically, the spirit will offer you a bonus to your Anima meter when guarded, reduce your Ki. Any number of moviegoers and comic fans alike will agree that Halle Berry's ability to crack that whip places her in the number 15 Video Games That Use Sex to Boost Sales. The Atlas Bear is one of the most popular builds among players for a couple of reasons. Below are some of the best Kusarigama in Nioh 2 Nioh 2 Kusarigama Build - Armor Set Nioh 2 Ninja Build - Early Game (Dream of the Samurai) As mentioned earlier, Kawanami Clan Armor set from the "Aquaman" is your main armor set for this build. For Onmyo Magic users, Switchglaive is the preferred weapon. Great advice for builds I am currently trying to build a swordsman and Switchglaive hybrid build. Because of this, it almost *always* takes more than one opponent to take him Ladies and Gentlemen! Best Build for Switchglaive About Build Focus on Magic as it scales the most with Switchglaive. Also grants hyper armor during Onmyo casts if you find it difficult to get an opening. Fight enemies and collect guardian spirits to help you throughout your journey. If its a human enemy, then youll be able to Grapple it when Paralyzed dealing tons of damage, and giving you an opportunity to attack them further as they are getting off the ground. The way this Build works is you will want to make use of the Ultimate Courage Skill because it reduces Ki usage when attacking enemies. Master Archer gives more electric damage, is heavy armor, Master of Spears gives you a spear bonus and Warrior of the West gives bonus to electrified enemy damage (so does Master Archer). The Best Funny Horror Movies To Watch Right Now There are a couple, it depends on your style and build. I'll probably pick up Dashing. Find your spirit animal in our guide to the Nioh 2 guardian spirits. If you happen to be struck mid combo, youll gain Health from the Obsidian Armor Set, your Guardian Spirit bonus and ideally youll have Life Gain from High Stance on your weapon. After the Middle Ages, perhaps there is no other source of culture so rich for the role-playing genre than Japan. For this build, all the credits go to Demaulicus from the comments section. The Explosive Cannoneer Build is a ranged build that focuses on the use of Hand Cannons and Rifles to surgically destroy enemies from range through out entire Missions without running out of Ammo, and without having to fire a million times to kill something. By leveling this up, you earn Samurai SPs and it affects axes. Thanks to life regeneration from Amrita, you should easily be able to block and absorb chunks of damage without running into any health issues. The base cap of Ninjutsu Capacity is around 35. It can be acquired by completing "The Warrior (Dawn)" side mission. The first time one of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty's tiger demons lunges towards you in a blur of flesh-shredding claws, you'd be forgiven for freezing in your tracks. What that stat buff is can be crucial to how players engage in combat, as each Guardian Spirit is geared toward a different playstyle. The Feral forms special attack (activated by pressing Triangle and Circle together) has you leap into the air and bring down a lightning strike on your enemy, paralysing it in place and opening it up to further attack. Itokuri increases overall paralysis accumulation by 15% and also adds it to all Yokai abilities. What better way to cosplay Yennefer than with a little lace, leather, and a fiery attitude? Heres how it works. Shin-Roku's 15% boost to lightning damage coupled with its Guardian Spirit skill which deals a ton of lightning damage is already a devastating combination. It also synergizes with the Master Swordsmans Power Set quite well. Then, it also buffs Yokai ability damage by 20%, so spamming those attacks becomes even more beneficial. This itsy-bitsy guardian spirit is all you need to strike paralysis into your foes. But don't think that this spirit has no offensive power. While that might not sound too much, you can actually pair it with 3 pieces of The Bold and Boorish set for an extra 10% damage reduction, as well as the Onryoki soul core for another 10%, making it a total of 35% damage reduction when attacking in mid stance. The Dual Swords and Splitstaff both have strong attacks that can hit multiple times, with each hit receiving that same 20% chance. , Nioh 2 Build Guide Kusarigama Ninja Warrior Build, Nioh 2 Build Guide Switchglaive Build Onmyo Glaive Master [2020], Nioh 2 Build Guide Level Up Stat Calculator, Nioh 2 Fist Build | Dragon Ninjas Apprentice, Nioh 2 Splitstaff Build Guide The Warrior Monk Reincarnate, Nioh 2 Build Guide Spear Thousand Thrust, Nioh 2 Odachi Build Water Element Odachi, Kusarigama targeting need some time to get use to. Any classic superhero needs a classic outfit. Similar to its predecessor, Nioh 2 offers players a wide variety of guardian spirits to help them throughout their journey. Mainly because she is tough and Top 30 Best Tifa Cosplays We've Ever Seen. You can get the Usura-Hicho spirit by completingThe Viper and the Butterfly mission. Each of these skills allow you to get different abilities and bonuses. Capitalize on having high survivability while inflicting poison and dealing huge damage with our Nioh 2 Poisonous Swordsman Build! Builds listed in this page are created and categorized by players, therefore you should not assume they are all optimized. Ethereal Rarity - A new item rarity for Nioh 2's equipment, these equipment comes with Increase +Value on equipment drops - For my playthrough, most equipment drops from Dream of the Wise are above +17 Stone of Penance - An item that let you increase the Yokai's damage in exchange for better drops and accessories upgrade. This is an extremely offensive Build, that relies on mobility to get out of melee range once youve pulled off your combos. The 25 Best Thor Cosplays We've Ever Seen (Female). owen1989 2 years ago #1 I looking towards nekotama atm for the 5% range damage ..anything better? A founding member of the Justice League, Wonder 77 Best Martial Arts & Kung Fu Movies Worth Watching. One of its best skills is the ability to shadow step whilst mid-combo, allowing you to disengage when the enemy charges up a devastating attack. Tengen Kujaku is probably the best Guardian Spirit of all non-starting spirits in Nioh 2. But which ones are the best? However, to make the most out of this, youll have to use skills that inflict single heavy damage such as the katanas Iai Quickdraw or the dual swords Sign of the Cross. In my opinion, and after hundreds of hours of playing the game and experimenting various builds, these guardian spirits are the best ones you could use depending on the playstyle youre going for. Shirohami is a white viper spirit that works perfectly well with players running a poison build. Fans everywhere Top 50 Best Skyrim Cosplays (Most Beautiful Skyrim Cosplays). How about combining both the massive attack of Tengen Kujaku and the life recovery effect of Usura-Hicho? Aside from that, it also provides faster Anima buildup whenever you hit a target with a ranged weapon. You should also consider using elemental talismans in accordance withe enemy weaknesses. Therefore, if youve something better, feel free to use it. rng 3 . I'll probably bite the bullet at some point and swap to it when I'm done text farming. It comes with a 5% increase in drop rate alongside 40 Luck which are two of the most important stats you should get if you want to farm stuff. Soul Cores are new to Nioh 2 and can drop from every enemy in the game, even humans. Think again! Dont forget to share your own character builds with the community by commenting below! Here are the 10 best horror games you can play today. Additionally, Odachis deal increased damage to humans, so this Build is especially good against difficult human enemies like Revenants or Bosses. Deal fast and massive Lightning Damage with the help of your powerful Clawed Fists with our Nioh 2 Lightning Monk Build. This means you can take more damage and perform more attacks . This makes combine this with a Dual Sword Sign of the Cross build (With Paralyzing) is super effective. What more could you ask for? Kaoru and her Can the World's Greatest Detective defeat the World's Greatest Inventor? Pretty Boy vs. Yatagarasu also increases Anima charge rate from cumulative damage, and fire damage just so happens to be cumulative. When Mortal Kombat was first released, it had a very small fighting roster. Additionally, because of the Heavy Armor we wear with this Build the damage we take tends to be rather low, and prevents us from being Staggered very often. Over time the game went through many changes but kept the characters. This entry could end right here because that's just the cutest thing ever, but Atlas Bear does offer more than good looks. The 37 Best Cammy Cosplays We've Ever Seen (HOT!). Nioh 2 Builds are optimized combinations of equipment such as Weapons and Armor, Skillsthatdefine a specific set of playstyle or highlight a certain natural strength of a character. Strength 10. Price: 55/60/$60. It fits theShrine Maiden's armor the best, which is a part of the Servant of the Gods set. Watching exorcism movies alonenow that, you may not want to do! Additionally, Low Stance combos cost less Ki, which makes it possible to attack and then Block afterwards. Because of the heavy focus on Water Damage, and the setThe Spirit of Seimei, youll be able to Saturate and reduce the Defense of enemies at the same time. Swords in the early game can do pretty decent damage if you can get used to their lack of range. Stack strength, get to fisting. Turtles might be slow, yet you'd be surprised by the quick attacks that the Genbu delivers. You can also equip Axe as a backup and a heavy-hitting, should the need arises. The Agile Archer uses a combination of Bow and Katana to take down enemies quickly and with precision. As for other bonuses and effects, Itokuri offers Anima Charge bonus and Paralysis Accumulation effect. Its a pretty straightforward build which can be completed in the Kyushi Region of the game. Shirohami is a white viper spirit that works perfectly well with players running a poison build. The rest is compensated by Active Skill like Spinning Blade or Crimson Lotus. The Brutes special ability sends the wolf darting towards your chosen enemy, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. The Kusarigama on its own has a very good attacks move with High Stance Light Attacks. The most content creators are endgame since a week, also the lists are so far from be finished what a waste of a wiki page for this game.. miss the old fextralife days. Since the initial release of Elder Scrolls in April of 2014, characters from ESO have continued to inspire some of the most eye catching cosplay Top 25 New Sci-fi Movies You Need To Watch in 2019. Overwatch cosplays has given us so many sexy characters to look at. New York, 1. Its main power is the Purification effect, which restores your health. This page features several Nioh 2 Builds by the Fextralife Team, as well as user-submitted builds. Meanwhile, attacks on mid stance will grant you a significant 20% physical damage reduction. *Boss Spoiler Warning* I present to you the most powerful Kunai build you can possibly make atm in endgame, aka, NG+, aka Dream of the Strong. For more information, please see our ", Dual Swords - Flow and attack quickly with ki recovery, Kusarigama - Barrage of Poison attacks & DPS, Odachi - Paralyze your Opponent and destroy them, Hand Cannon - Outstanding Ranged OHKO DPS, Tonfas - Break enemies to get grapple & final blow. Its a question that everyone has pondered at least once in their lifetime (and for many, over a hundred times). Don't miss out on it if . This is because we will have +20% Untouched Ammo from our Guardian Spirit, +20% Untouched Ammo from our Set, and +20% Untouched Ammo from our Accessories, Weapon and Armor, giving us roughly +60% Untouched Ammo. Its important that you keep these things in mind while building your character and choose things that complement each other. You can eventually attune . This three-eyed, three-footed raven found in "The Third World" side mission is built for players who like to combine ranged attacks with in-close melee brawling. For stats, you need to primarily focus on Heart and Strength as well as Spirit, but to a lesser extent. These can then be slotted into your Guardian Spirit to a maximum of 3, eventually, in order to give you passive bonuses and Yokai Abilities. However, his popularity cannot be contained in mere pages but have grown Heres how to enable all chat in Valorant: You can pick the following Active Skill to add to the base High Stance Light Attack moves. Despite the obvious inspiration that Nioh draws from SoulsBorne, there are some changes made to the games combat system. The game begins with Bigby Wolf (Get it? The bigger thing is that their anima generation stays pretty high, so you can build up anima to spam yokai abilities with Nekomata. You can also go for Reckless Charge to defend yourself as you are approaching them. Shirohami's two main bonuses are its 15% increase in poison accumulation and its addition of 50 points of poison damage to a player's Yokai abilities. The Poisonous Swordsman boosts offense while still maintaining a decent amount of defense for better survivability due to the Master Swordsmans Power Set. Here are the facts Can you guys pleaseeeee do a hatchet build? The Double-Headed Slice is a vital skill to invest in because it lets you apply poison effectively. Moreover, if you prefer something like Dual Swords or Kusarigamas instead of axes, you can level up Skill or Dexterity instead of Strength. What Post-Apocalyptic movies do you NEED to put on your binge list? Dual swords - Skill +1. The general strategy with this Build is to have the initiative when facing an opponent and then switching to a defensive playstyle. Each of these guardian spirits offer a host of useful effects and passives that will spell the difference between winning and losing an encounter. 10. In the beginning Zombies were low creatures who just walked around and were easy to outrun. Itokuri, a creepy spider, is one of the best Guardian Spirits in Nioh 2 and offers a plethora of great buffs and bonuses in addition to its great Skill. Guardian Spirits are perhaps the most visually-impressive addition to the Soulslike formula that Nioh 2brings to the table. The main armor in this build is the Kawanami Clan Armor Set which requires 16 Strength and 16 Constitution. The rest of your points can be divided to Constitution and Stamina to wear armor. Each Spirit can be unleashed with enough Anima built up, attacking enemies on its own while granting the player a significant stat buff. Nioh 2 best weapon choice for beginners would be spear and sword.