ex. The textbook can also benefit and Index section, which I also mentioned under the Organization section of the Review. I did not see any accuracy issues, minus a few grammatical errors. Because they knew how much they needed to read each week in order to complete each section. } The topics in this text are presented in a logical, clear an linear fashion, which is very helpful to the instructor and student. Images and chart are available throughout the text. A high school diploma or equivalent is a prerequisite, meaning requirement, for most bachelor's degree programs. The topics were presented in a clear and logical fashion. The Culture of Fear: Why Americans Are Afraid of the Wrong Things. Nothing major though. The authors may want to consider providing more substantive and clarifying depth to the subject matter. The course includes the role of constitutional law, the United States legal system, criminal law, law enforcement Consistent in terms of terminology. English First-Year Composition Composition Earth & Environmental Science } It will be easy to assign students to read additional material without them feeling overwhelmed as the sections are shorter than most textbooks which students these days will appreciate. Credits: - 1 . The chapters are written by different individuals, so there are differences in tone throughout the book. Cultural relevancy and sensitivity would be an area of strengthening. Communication There are subtle differences in the style of each author, but this allows for students to understand they are getting some diversity of input and it also reflects the author for each topic has specific expertise in that area which lends to the credibility of the information. } Some chapters provided more detail/in-depth discussion than specific terms like a "wobbler" (a criminal act in CA that could be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony) are clearly explained. Lemmons Criminal Justice. Looking specifically at the Wedding Cake Model as an example, the authors expressed clear descriptions, pictures and explanations of content. In addition to the glossary at the end of the textbook, each chapter presents an illustrative use of the key concepts for students understanding. However, I did find that in some cases additional software was required. Easy flow and follow through. You Make the Call activities within Connect gives students the opportunity to learn and apply discretion by placing them in the role of officer, attorney, and probation officer in an exciting and completely interactive format. line-height: 1.5 !important; For someone who may not be familiar with the operation of the system or an incoming majoring student, they may have more questions than answers for their curiosity. display:none; Each of the chapters are written in prose that are easy to comprehend for dual-enrollment high school students and early year college students. While race and gender issues may not have been directly addressed in its own section, I think these issues can be easily inserted into other sections (i.e., police shootings, use of force, community policing, sentencing, death penalty, etc.). include staring, scorn, the cold shoulder, shunning, telling people they're doing something wrong. Once you find a topic that interests you, click that link and it will jump you down to a list of related textbooks. The most comprehensive secondary criminal justice text. I would prefer an academic book not use Wikipedia as a reference when many of us will not accept it from our students. main .toppar > .full_width_container:nth-child(2) > .container-fluid > .container { display: none; There were a few grammatical errors as the stories provided for better understanding were from personal perspective the tone and language used was appropriate for them. read more. Michele Luck's Social Studies. Get learning that fits anytime, anywhere, Inclusive Access He has also served as coordinator of the criminal justice programs at Collin County Community College in Texas; executive director of the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission; chairman of the criminal justice program at the University of Cincinnati; police officer in Dayton, Ohio; community school director in Springfield, Ohio; director of the criminal justice program at Redlands Community College in Oklahoma; and electronics repairman and NCO in the U.S. Marine Corps. These activities are presented within the discussions and not merely at the end of the chapter presentation as is the case with some textbooks. main .toppar > .full_width_container:nth-child(2) > .container-fluid > .container { The final sections address the third component of the criminal justice system, which is corrections. The additional incepts and discussion topics help to promote a consistent structure for the text. The Learning Objectives and Critical Thinking questions at the beginning of each section are I did not see any teaching resources available with the text. I did note at least one graph that didnt contain any date range information which was bit confusing, but overall, the graphics worked well and were well labeled. Although many professors already have some made up, having some come with the text ensures that all the information is relevant. } } This makes for easy reading and following. a correctional institution where persons are confined while on trial or for punishment. This is no different than with any other Criminal Justice textbook. The book combines topics that might be covered separately in a 16-17 chapter textbook, which I think is great. Specific areas of training will be provided in . The author uses first person throughout the book which undermines the "seriousness". Course Progress Best Score; Lesson 1 - American Courts: History, Development & The Dual-Court System American Courts: History, Development & The Dual-Court System: Video Take Quiz Plus get free shipping on qualifying orders $25+. I noted a few grammatical errors in the text sections and the glossary, but none that greatly impacted the content. She gives examples based on her own experience which is fine but makes the book sound like a transcribed lecture, not necessarily an academic piece. In some cases, this was likely due to the age and quality of the original picture. Plus get free shipping on qualifying orders $25+. The book's structure is similar to all other introduction to criminal justice textbooks that I have read and used in my courses. I found the content and style of writing to be consistent from chapter-to-chapter, even though the authors changed from section to section. } To me, this is the book's most significant drawback. Fort Hays State University. For example, in 5.9 Strain Theories, 5.10 Learning Theories, 5.11 Control Theories of crime, the author relies on the seminal works to explain the topics, but misses on the opportunity to use more recent research. The chapter exercises are clear and connect to real experiences. Criminal Law uses a two-step process to augment learning, called the applied approach. The textbook would benefit from more copy editing at some point. There is a dearth of OER textbooks in Criminology and Criminal Justice, which made creating this textbook all the more exciting. Since it is from more than one author some areas were less informative than others and could have had more content added. While I didn't see an associated test/question bank, I assume there is one available in the Library (perhaps?) However, this style of writing may attract the readers attention while providing a connection between the book and the students in a way that other books cannot. The Department is one of the largest and most comprehensive undergraduate programs in the field of . Each section has its own theme and content, and it can be taught in segment. More of the popular criminological theories in Criminal Justice could be more inclusive, as restated in the Clarity section of this Review. The text uses personal perspectives and stories from the authors and not strictly from an academic setting that helps student relate more to the subjects and understand the application of certain situations. For instructors, SmartBook 2.0 provides more granular control over assignments with content selection now available at the concept level. This text employs the classic organization for an Intro to CJ textbook. Economics Students who use this text will be introduced to all the classical and traditional works needed to comprehensively understand the legal system. Luckily, there are websites that offer free textbooks for high school and college students. Several links to websites are broken. Reduce course material costs for your students while still providing full access to everything they need to be successful. I found no grammatical errors throughout the book. Subjects are briefly addressed and then the section abruptly ends. CRIMINAL JUSTICE - #8702/#8703. Find open educational resources (OER) available to lower or eliminate the cost of textbook content for any course at Indian River State College. Political Science * The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. 1.1(d) Understand the goals of the criminal justice system. Average Lesson Length: 8 min. Criminal Justice. Course management, reporting, and student learning tools backed by great support. This textbook address the criminal justice system, which is factual, therefore not culturally insensitive or offense. Astronomy and Physical Science Certain chapters are referenced in other chapters and it was easy to understand the thought process behind it. Tiffany continues to operate in the field of CSI and forensics as an expert investigator and witness on violent crime. Reviewed by Sarah Fischer, Assistant Professor , Marymount University on 7/26/19, This book has fairly comprehensive chapters, but lacks a conclusion or any acknowledgement of what it leaves out (gender issues in CJ, cybercrime, comparative criminal justice, etc.). I would expect most instructors are constantly looking for current content to keep up to date with legal changes and to keep students engaged, so using this text as a starting point for each topic is a great way to compliment other more current and easily updated resources, such as internet content. Management Information Systems However, one topic included in this textbook that is often integrated into other chapters is criminal justice policy. However, examples from the book focus a lot on Oregon. I have another with 300 students. For instructors, SmartBook tracks student progress and provides insights that guide teaching strategies and advanced instruction, for a more dynamic class experience. With that being said, the only information that will need to be updated with some frequency is the current issues facing the system and changes to the system as well as any current events and examples.