". The people who run gifted programs are often special ed teachers who just got assigned that particular duty, and have the attitude that being smart is its own reward. Based on the end of Cullen's book, who was of course supposed to be a guest, most of them have moved on. I wonder if there was any homosex between those two. What can I say, the mention of Dave Cullen's book piqued my curiosity. So we're back to Pavlov and Skinner. "I just don't know how something that is so basic as how the brain works is something that can be treated with therapy.". But a new book, x93Columbine,x94 by Dave Cullen, reviews every bit of evidence about the shooting short of the parentsx92 firsthand accounts x97 25,000 pages of documents, including videotapes and journals of the killers x97 all of which point to the same chilling conclusion as the Carneal depositions: it is entirely possible for x93goodx94 parents to raise a murderer. Eric and Dylan worked extremely hard to conceal their machinations. Dylan: (predicting his parents' feelings of regret) "If only we could have reached them sooner, or found this tape. Brown can . Kids hide things. VOTN, they used to think blood-letting and reading the bumps on people's head was science, too. Sociopaths are born, but people who remain sociopaths as they age: either missed puberty; or had bad parents. ", Eric: "Morris, Nate, if you guys live, I want you guys to have whatever you want from my room and the computer room.". That kid was born with some sort of brain injury. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris opened fire at the suburban Denver school on April 20, 1999, killing 13 people before taking their own lives. But she focuses greatly on the lead-up to that day, hoping to shed light on what happened to her son in order to help someone else see signs in their own child while they still have a chance to intervene. Dylan kept talking about college, about his future. I am certain that Sue no longer lives there but she still does visit the house as two Columbiners took a Columbine/E &D tour" in Jan .or Feb and saw Sue outside the house as they drove by. I think those that readily (and outrightly) blame the parents are inclined to do so as to perpetuate some aspect of control, otherwise the shear nature of the case becomes too frightening. Reb". Dylan Klebold's mother: 'I felt I was a good mom'. He was enrolled in a program for juvenile offenders run by the county court, he was taken to a psychiatrist and given both therapy and medication. 1/12 Tom is home from the hospital. Now everybody expects the schools to fix everything for them. We monitored what movies our boys could see, and put them to bed with stories and prayers and hugs (p. 61). ", Eric: (shrugs) "My parents might have made some mistakes that they weren't really aware of. When I moved out on my own I gained the privacy afforded to adults. Dylan Klebold's father contacted authorities, saying the boy might be involved and offering to help, Jefferson County District Attorney Dave . Wayne - who owned guns himself - told the clerk he hadn't ordered any clips. ", Dylan: (talks about how his parents taught him to be independent and self-reliant) "I appreciate that.". He was kind, gentle, smart, and happy. Age : 36. Sunday, April 25, 1999; Page A8. Harris was a "budding psychopath, a person without a conscience," he said. I am with R14 and 15. The glaring one that Americans seem unable to see is the huge amount of available weapons in the US. Just know I'm going to a better place. No, they hated the gay boys almost as much as they hated the jocks. Dylan (Klebold) did not do this because of the way he was raised, Susan Klebold told columnist David Brooks in Saturdays editions of The New York Times. Very few people really care. Tom Klebold said they hope to understand someday why the shooting happened. . Dylanx92s father worked from home and saw his son every day. Harris's father erroneously stated that his son was "a member of what they call the Trenchcoat Mafia" in a 9-1-1 call he made on April 20, 1999. Goodbye. She hyped it up as a must see and an insight to what really happened. Ericx92s parents, too, did what parents do. 17 year old son of Mr. Thomas Klebold (then 52) and Mrs. Susan (Yassenoff) Klebold (then 50), younger brother to Byron. There was a creepy thread started by a sociopathic OP a couple of weeks ago where this was discussed. Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17, walked into Columbine High School with shotguns, automatic weapons, and homemade pipe . Dylan Klebold had been accepted by the University of Arizona and planned to attend this fall. For a couple reasons. If only we would have asked the right questions." They are particularly good at it. . OP is an idiot, laying the whole thing at the parents' door. You're a judgmental twat, r14. The Columbine story was recently remade, with some editorial changes, as The Hottie and the Nottie starring Paris Hilton. Don't believe me? LITTLETON, Colo. (AP) _ Columbine High School gunman Dylan Klebold was a follower, not a leader, who went astray after he met Eric Harris, friends say. . Psycrotrenic, charter member of the International Reb&Vodka fan club. Christ R22/R32/R39 et all. Dylan was behaving differently, getting in more trouble, not always acting like himself. What kind of parent lets their kid have a swastika prominently displayed in their room (as just one of many, many signs that their offspring had problems)? Yaron Steinbuch. If there is a hell, they are there, burning. Sue Klebold. But perhaps he/she IS a charter member of the Reb&VoDKa fan club - and you're just going to IGNORE it? Or it's everything. It's up to me what I do with it. Hey mom, gotta go Tom isnt even included in the insincere goodbye. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Indeed, R96. AAron Ontiveroz/the Denver Post via Getty Images Theyd never seen his rage, nor ever felt scared of him. it was probably dylan just being a snarky and sardonic person if the relationship had ever crumbled, or a classic father/son conflict. Other than that, we don't have much indication that Tom was anything other than a good father. People that want to pretend that the parents were just innocent distant bystanders who had no responsibility for anything that happened are repulsive. And while his father was the epitome of the military asshole, having to deal with him only served to hone Eric's skills in fooling people. Not to cure it, to manage it. He felt a need to be in control. I can't find any photos of Eric's older brother, Kevin. This page is focused on the tragedy as well as its perpetrators so we can try to better understand the psychology and motives behind this horrific event. Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A. M. (2017). In the days after Dylan Klebold along with Eric Harris shot and killed 12 students and one teacher and then himself at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999, his mother, Sue Klebold, remembered . You have to ignore a whole lot of what is wrong with society to limit it to a bogus discussion about how some people have "brains wired differently." Dylan Klebold's father, is Lutheran, and said her son . Shocking crime scene photos explode the myths and reveal shocking details! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The real tragedy of Columbine isn't the deaths, it's the failure to work to change our culture (from bullying to gun control) in the aftermath. multiple newspapers and media outlets in the days after reported dylan and his father having the kind of relationship where, when dylan would come home from school, they would share a snack and read the sports section of the newspaper together. April 20, 2009 6:01 PM. I must say, that rings true to me Id personally say it was because I was so self-sufficient and trustworthy as a child that my parents had no idea when I was going through (relative) difficulty in adolescence. Everyone ones there to be one systemic cause, one thing that failed, to point to and say "there, that's why this happened." Ken Caryl Middle, where he met Dylan Klebold. "Mrs. Klebold had her hair done the day after the shooting". When asked about Dylan's behavior, Byron indicated that Dylan appeared to be somewhat detached and he went on to explain that as a "pissed off teenager." Byron went on to state that Dylan gave no indication to believe that something like this was going to occur. But you also can't argue with success. I don't think it's fair to either demonize or absolve them, but from studies of psychopathy, even the best parenting can't make that be turned off. Focus on the mental. My parents didn't know anything I did, didn't care,and were happy if I stayed invisible. Are any of Robert Hare's books of interest, if you know? When in a store and two or three siblings are fighting and shouting and behaving badly, how does that parent not see it? I was just messing with you all a little bit in my other posts. Sue Klebold decided to speak up now because she wants to tell other parents the signs she missed and what she would do differently. She is the mother of Dylan Klebold, one of the perpetrators of the Columbine High School massacre that occurred on April 20, 1999. How are parents supposed to know everything that goes on in their children's minds? People need to understand this could have happened to them, he said. Klebold, S. (2016). No matter how angry they were they wouldn't be able to kill that many without those weapons. I wanted a contribution to help us understand why it happened, so that it would never happen again. He deflates a lot of myths surrounding the event. Can you imagine having one of those monsters as your brother? Sue Klebold broke down in tears as she remembered the funeral of her son Dylan. And society does not want to deal with real problems, so it easier to label people, and just forget about the whole thing. He'd gone with a traditional black tuxedo, bow tie slightly askew. Im horrified, Dawn Anna, whose daughter Lauren Townsend was killed at Columbine, told The Associated Press. His parents were both born in Colorado but while he was working in the Air Force as a transport pilot, Wayne Harris held 11 . I don't think the parents are to blame and never had, but it's a lot easier hating these two kids and their parents then hating the society that produced them. I say this as a person who worked as an assistant to special needs kids for years. They are rare. Their teenage son, along with his classmate Dylan Klebold, killed 12 students and a teacher at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, on April 20, 1999. Klebold's body was . But she came to realize the truth was far more troubling. It is absolutely the parents vault. Dylan takes the camera then and begins filming Eric. The Klebolds stayed, at least as of 2004. Eric also said he had purposefully not been spending much time with his family so there wouldn't be much "bonding" leading up to April 20 since that would make it harder to do. Wayne & Kathy Harris are the parents of infamous Columbine HS shooter, Eric Harris. Ignore them. The teachers at Columbine all seemed incredibly disengaged. The bombing was planned for April 19th, to coincide with the Oklahoma bombing, but for some reason, they were set back to the 20th. Eric Harris was a garden variety psychopath, nothing very interesting about him. Tom seemed in complete denial. [quote]It is absolutely the parents vault. ", Eric: (eventually) "That's it. Harris was born in Wichita, Kansas, but moved around frequently as a child due to his father's occupation in the United States Air Force, while Klebold was born and raised near Columbine. I knew it wasnt nearly so simple (p. 146). We've never left. Tom had a huge hobby for fixing up BMW's. When I was in high school, i was friends with a guy who very well could have done what those kids did. From what we cam tell, the Harris family took a laissez-faire attitude towards Eric. [quote]He had been in a gifted child program, and you'd think they'd have some type of monitoring since kids who are that advanced frequently have problems. When it came to intervention, these people had no idea what they should have been doing. He was easy to raise, a pleasure to be with, a child who had always made us proud (Klebold, 2016, p. 61). Ten years after the Columbine killings, the Harris family has not spoken publicly at all, and the Klebold parents have given one interview, to the columnist David Brooks here at the New York Times. His point is that "society" didn't have too much of anything to do with how Harris turned out--he was born that way. "This was murder," he said. Not only had Dylan experienced bullying in school, his school fit some of the factors that meant it was most at risk for a shooting by ignoring certain behaviors and otherwise unevenly enforcing the rules.