Tell me how many national product ads meet that mix? For a clue to your answer, check out the reader comments down this page. I just want, as Tool says in Aenima, Mom to come and put everything back together again. Do black people love hockey? Watching commercials on ABC and NDC, I was shocked to learn that ~70% of black families drive Lexus SUVs and live in McMansions, because every commercial I see portrays this to be just normal everyday life in America. Sadly, its just one more example of advertising professionals being crap at their jobs, as half-hearted efforts like this fail miserably to engage or connect people or pass the smell test with anyone. I call these internalized values the Five Es and they are presented here: 1. Check out GoDaddy site, if you find a white person, is like a needle in a haystack. This country is so much in the toilet right now. A digital billboard in Times Square lights. I was brought up to love everyone, but enough of these commercials. The other 9% are asian and hispanic interracial marriages. Keep watching CNN and MSNBC! Always use the Golden Rule. Do not hurt others in any way. You are exactly right that advertisers are concerned about violence and how loud they are, that explains why the majority of commercials are full of black people and not anywhere near as many Hispanics/Asians. That is the main problem. I was offered one audition to play the stupid, out of shape, sweating know-nothing white male being berated by his wife while trying to buy a mattress. The squeaky wheel always gets the grease. Based on U.S. Census data, a commercial with 10 actors should have: 6 whites, 2 Hispanics, 1 black, 1 . Sorry, I have a life to live and just dont care about this issue anymore. The list goes on and on, Maria this, Carlos that. As a marketer, I understand that maybe advertisers are trying to reach new customer groups. I was with you right up until the point where you said No one cares. Judging by the number of replies to this blog post and thats only from people with the courage to stick their necks out Id say a hell of a lot of people care. If youre catering ads towards the people that are actually buying the product it would make sense to include those people when considering creating the ads and especially casting. I suggested it as further reading for all. I think the dramatic shift in commercials is very odd, mostly because I cant quite figure out what corporate America is trying to do. An example. Even then I remember observing how these articles addressed this new future as if it were simply a matter of natural human progression vs the very intentional Hart-Celler Act coupled with our governments refusal to police its border adequately. We need to stop allowing ourselves to be manipulated by the narrative put forth by the jackals who would divide us, and realize that the vast majority of our fellow Americans are in fact good people who are very accepting of different races and cultures. White girls too. I couldnt have agreed with you any better!!! There was a shooting today in a predominantly black neighborhood where 13 people were shot by a young white male, the white male is claiming he was driven by the great replacement theory, of course I dont condone his violent act but it doesnt take much for The Fringe to react, these commercials that have erased the strong white male in our society will push many white males over the edge and into acts of violence against those they feel replaced by. The only ad that comes to mind is a boy in ballet tights eating a Rice Krispie Treat with his unseen dad voicing over a note he had written on the wrapper!! Someone should research who is actually creating these ads! We all are being subjected to a new society. We are living the nightmare of Atlas Shrugged whodathunkit? BTW, a stumbling, bumbling white man? A person identified as white is a racist, by definition., Thanks, Robert. Bang on, Dennis. GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!! So much for learning from one another through healthy dialogue and debate. This is brand suicide. While I agree with the blogger on many of his points (especially the way ads portray whites as dumb and in need of people of color to survive in America), I read an article that stated Hollywood and Networks (most notably, CBS) are required to hire 50% of the minority applicants in order to push their social agenda. As a woman, I feel insulted by all the pandering that goes on towards females. Then speak clearly to that audience and deliver faithfully on brand promise. Michael Harvin, Senior Manager, Global Agency Relations at American Express. Having Empathy and respect for others. I really feel sorry for the kids being born today. By doing so you are only infuriating the general public. Stop this daily unfair portrayal of white males. (no picture! My question to you on this general subject is is all of this the result of advertising producers or at the directions of the advertisers? I dont trust American corporations any farther than I can throw them, but I dont trust a lot of advertising copywriters, either (present company definitely excluded, of course!!). Get out and enjoy your life, and leave those miserable techno-fascists behind. I dare say it has produced more comments than any of your other blogs. But this study will likely embolden even greater efforts to infuse more diversity in future commercial productions, I bet. Its called brainwashing. I think another reason companies are doing this, is because they are trying to change the Black culture. Hell, I have a hard enough time dealing with all my own female hormones and emotions I dont need another girl in the house to contend with (I have two little girls who will soon enough be teens with hormones Ill have to handle as well!) We will never be rid of it. and so true, so true.. Hi, Robert. Youre exactly right, Thor. I mean, according to these commercials, were all doing well right? The dollar is becoming essentially worthless and history clearly shows the connection between the corruption of currency and the decline of civilization in terms of morality, prosperity and material wealth. Yes, being a blonde haired man, Ive noticed that too. not what we are seeing on TV. And although these cultural problems dwarf the small, daily inconveniences that the forced-diversity agenda creates for creative professionals I wholeheartedly agree with your example of the difficulty in finding stock photography of white, rural-looking Americans I think those issues are important enough to our industry that they merit discussion. Whats ironic is that blacks are 14% of the population and are they represent the majority on tv commercials. Ive been playing the video game Watch Dogs: Legion, an open-world adventure set in near-future London where it seems 80 percent of the pedestrian population is Muslim or black African. Having Expectations to achieve as much as possible with persistence in spite of the obstacles and the snags that life presents. Like with so many things in life the pendulem has over swung in an effort to correct an issue. While interracial marriages are certainly more common now than they were in the past, I see very few black-white couples in the real world. Blacks are mayors of major cities, police chiefs, generals in the army, admirals in the navy, and generals in the air force. And not only that tell these companies youll be taking your business elsewhere; perhaps to a competitor that doesnt wear its politics on its sleeve. Oh, and dont forget critical race theory. Yall bitching cause Cheerios shows a black man with a dumb white wife and a Chinese kid? While Im sure that some of what we are seeing is driven by good intentions, Im also sure that a lot of it is driven by politics, fear of cancel culture, and cynical attempts by brands to hitch their wagons to the latest hot-button social issues. I think it is about destroying the indigenous populations of countries so Germans, English, Americans, etc. And therefore will feel comfortable buying products from companies that support diversity. Hollywood is not making art at all anymoreits all social engineering propaganda. Time to turn off the TV. You shouldnt be.). LGBQT. You wouldnt think it so difficult to properly represent diverse populations on screen, but for some reason, the people behind todays ads are tying themselves into knots over it and still failing spectacularly. I will never vote dem again. Look from within. Just like BLM is a terrorist group. Walking into stores and walking out with shopping carts full of merchandise and doing smashing grabs at high-end jewelry stores and theyre always talking about how everybody trash talks them and they dont get any respect and they still blame Whitey for keeping them down. That equates to about 3% of the poster images. Thats why I rely on you, my astute Cranky readers, who have never let me down! Ultimately the enemy is Satan. Marketers often fail by developing a campaign and then inserting a few diverse people to check off the diversity box. Ive been in the brand/marketing/creative realm for over a decade and am really surprised at the overtness of this trend, while looking for photo stock. But I am still trying to work in my mind why advertisers, particularly the advertising companies, are such willing participants (I understand why certain multinational corporations are pushing these agendas). Personally, I dont like being forced to accept anything by people that have an agenda to change society to their follies. Correct. :p. Scratch Duck Duck Go. If I lived in Pakistan, I wouldnt expect Christmas decorations to have equal weight with Ramadan. If only the other 95 percent of the U.S. population would do the same. But Google image search white family vs. black family and see what you get. I also think its ridiculous to write Pregnant People. Isnt a pregnant person a WOMAN whether she is trans or not? Interesting, RPD. After being pressured to leave Germany in the early 1930s, they came here. I keep my business behind closed doors where it belongs!!! Its great to hear from someone with marketing knowledge who isnt drunk on the Kool-Aid. Nabeel Alamgir, Bareburger Group LLC. The immigrants will be so happy to be free and have a chance at Western lives that they will vote for the liberals who bussed/planed/sailed them in. . It really has very little to do with cultural norms and more to do with economics. Yes, equity is paramount and we marketers should all strive to achieve it. Ultimately, however, they will all fall in a spectacular, but awful manner, as all would-be tyrants do. Apparently, these days there is "a lot of fuss over gaming "forcing diversity" and people getting upset that a character is gay, trans, etc." In a viral Twitter thread, self-described "straight white dude" gamer FightinCowboy decided to explain why this fuss is unjustified and give his opinion on why diversity in gaming is important. Great points well stated, Jim. Its really too bad its come to this. You rock! Thats why Im voting for the D. Thats the political mentality of so many of us. Todays Madison Avenue seems almost as preoccupied with social engineering as Hollywood. Its the preposterousness of the ads premises that makes so many commercials unwatchable. Thanks again! You should have a problem. I understand that the oscars criteria for being nominated for best picture includes a declaration that the movie pushes equality and diversity, and is socially all inclusive. Slavery is like the albatross around the white neck. One would think the population in America is majority black, with a handful of white women, and very few white men. The irony is that at the same time the majority of commercials has switched to 90% black actors, depicting black families living in multi-million dollar mansions, spouses buying each other luxury sports cars for Christmas, climbing Mount Everest, and flying all over the world on European vacations, Hollywood, politicians and the media still continues to debate the issue of how black Americans cant seem to find their way into a DMV without white assistance to get an ID to vote and dont have the money to pay for the ID card, and how its racist to even suggest we have a voter ID card like they have in other countries. I am really tired of seeing mainly blacks featured in TV ads! No, there is something else at work here. While Matthew Quint, director of the Center on Global Brand Leadership at Columbia Business School, agreed more diverse races and gender identities are appearing in advertising in general and. I think that job is pretty secure. one of the largest talent payroll and trafficking companies in the industry, extreme reach, just issued results of their study on racial diversity for on screen casts in TV commercials. Liberal white creative types were so wracked with white guilt the only thing they could think to do to assuage it was to erase white people (esp white men) from advertising. Facebook is as unreasonable as Twitter, its just more successful because, despite his many other flaws, Zuckerberg bears a slightly closer resemblance to a book than Dorsey or those now in charge at Twitter ever did. But, neither are other labels in society. Illustration published on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2021. The other problem is that all of these ads showing black people arent really representative of black people at all. Speaking on the subject of underrepresentation of Latinos in advertising, heres what makes it even worse. Just rather the observations of someone that knows more about marketing than most people. Very clear & accurate message!! Black female doctors, dentists, insurance agents. As an aside, Im not sure why the above article suggests that blacks shouldnt be depicted in commercials doing white things, that they should be depicted doing black things. Now I cant tune out. generally, its ridiculous. Astute readers have shared their well-considered opinions all over this page. Yes, Tommy, I too have heard about the difficulties white male actors are having finding work in advertising. Be careful when reading that research study. Great post, Anonymous. Holly Chessman, GlowTouch Technologies, If your communication aims to connect with a diverse demographic or subculture, make sure the messenger reflects that target. Up or down, it seems to vary in concert with social signals sent by Facebook, the autocratic, data-collecting platform that has several times blocked my ads promoting this blog post and restricted my account for hate speech.. It would be more accurate to describe the situation as a forced lack of diversity being stripped away over time as media companies seek larger profits. But the giveaways and removal of responsibilities took this motivation away from blacks, simply to secure their vote for the Marxist Democrats. Youre not going to see a straight white male in a commercial unless its to play an idiot with a lampshade on his head or if they need one to play a home intruder in a SimpliSafe commercial. His presence was a sign, so the argument goes, that the movie's creators had clear left-liberal . I, for one, really appreciate your post, and might suggest that in todays political climate youre not as socially far left as you think. Agreed on all points! None of my posts or replies are hateful, I dont use foul language, dont attack the people who post or who I disagree with although I will use sarcasm occasionally. If representation is so important and it is then why dont most advertisers bother to think even one shade beyond skin color to represent nonwhite races and cultures as something more than copy-and-paste color-palette swaps of affluent white people? Is it some sort of long-overdue come-uppance for having built the modern world we live in today? And youre right. The blatant portrayal that the white woman has washed her hands of the white man is wrong and must not continue. Im tired of having all the diversity being shoved down my throat. Alas, these are not sane times. And if by fake advertising you mean this totally unrealistic representation of people were all seeing, then youll be hard pressed to find a brand or advertiser who isnt guilty. I send emails every day to advertisers and tell them congratulations for being BLM loving SHEEP and just like all the other advertisers riding the black bandwagon just so they can be PC and shame on themselves for going out of the way to make white people look as stupid and frumpy as possible in comparison to the black actors! LEARN MORE: 7 Ways to Support Diversity Marketing with Video . I bet Im not alone.and the funny thing is, I am not a straight White male. I dont want to see 2 guys kissing, 2 girls walking hand and hand or every black living in in the Hamptons. Because 75% of black women are on welfare with a bunch of kids and no father in the house. Ladies and gentlemen, I am going to re-read this frank and insightful comment again probably a few times and I encourage you to do the same. I have no problem with persons of color in movies and advertisements, nor do I have an issue with mixed race relationships, so long as they are organic and natural. I would think that minorities, especially blacks, would and could argue that for decades they were grossly underrepresented in advertising and theyd be right. Until Black leaders come out and say something nothing will change. Certainly the George Floyd killing was a catalyst. I change the tv when a commercial comes on. I had to use DuckDuckGo for results to show up. You have it made! This country is not what the Founding Fathers envisioned. What does this say about women who arent blonde white models? It should be degrading them as it totally erases their culture and transforms them into white culture. Inclusive and diverse campaigns start from within. Wish we could go back to the 90s.. when America had a backbone and when the cops could beat the crap out of the criminals without the cops going to jail for doing their jobs and the criminals being made into heroes. Like I say, Im a liberal so I watch MSNBC. I dont know where it ends, but I hate the globalists for their evil, greed, and corruption, and try to contribute as little to their profits as possible. Diversity for diversitys sake has never been a good thing. The worst is the man whos lamenting the loss of his afternoon because the white woman with him is selling her car. White men are portrayed as imbeciles, weak, and foolish. . People are starting to hate them. AP Associated Press style dictates that only the word Black is capitalized when used in a racial, ethnic, or cultural sense; not white. Hey, I dont make the rules. Its like the response to Covid was, totally overdone, a total overcompensation to George Floyd and BLM. Im curious if people feel I am I wrong for stating this comment the way I did? Joan P. Hammel, Comcast, While looking to show inclusion and diversity in advertising products, start at home first. Once youve determined how youd like to improve, tap into the many new resources out there, such as Vices gender-inclusive stock photo library and the Conscious Style Guide, a guide for helping writers use more inclusive, mindful language. Art to be good, has to reflect truth in nature and if doesnt, then it is propaganda. Ive been thinking of writing a boilerplate type letter that I can use so I dont have to type my complaints & observations 100s of times. While 10% of all new marriages are interracial, only 1% are black/white marriages. The folks behind these changes can print all the money they wishand have been able to do so since 1913. You will see a lot of these cheap videos on YouTube, or like those small screen pop-up videos that plague monetized food recipe blog/channels. I agree, The advertisers are trying to brainwash our children. I doubt most have a problem with people of different backgrounds being represented. Im thankful my husband is sometimes rough and insensitive at times about whats going on in the world. Models are, in order: Black, black, black, white, black, black, white, black, black, black. I can live my life freely and am never required to participate in anyones cause, no matter how righteous its considered. I watched a fascinating interview on the Ruben report about an investor who talks about how, after the 2008 crash, Black Rock and other houses started actually pushing the fake green and inclusion narratives, posing as the investors voice, saying the general public wants this social awareness in companies. Dont just take it! Edit: Its six months later and the media still isnt done blaming the car: I am so disgusted by the the portrayal of feminized males in the media (and frankly their actual existence in real life) today. Excellent points. Were mostly a bunch of self-reliant ranchers, farmers, and cowboys in my neck of the woods and dont relate much to any of this urban minority messaging sorry. Thanks for reading. Microsoft censors 80% of my posts replying/responding to obvious left leaning readers/posters trying to give my conservative opinion/side & they constantly censor me. Do not lie, do not cheat, and do not steal from anybody or anything. I have been calling these commercial actors as vaguely non-white, This way, the Ad execs avoid pigeon-holing any one raceoh, except the whites where the bearded dad is goofy and the rest of the white family are redheads. Not to get too political here, but the progressive mind-set is akin to that of a sledgehammer when instead, precision instruments are called for. As a matter of fact, what that is is actually racist. Are they terrified of being called out as racists? Civil discourse, along with shades of gray, subtly and moderation are in short supply and disappearing fast. Ive looked for surveys of percent of actors in commercials/ads by race and they are almost impossible to find. Not one white male in the signage. Some want to throw back the hands of time and bring back the old days. Thank you for your comment. I agree. Its ridiculous given that white people in my town are the majority, and the majority of the library customers. I disagree that slavery is Americas sin. People who dont know history dont know that slavery has been widely practiced throughout the world for centuries, and in fact, millennia. Remember, brands and advertisers: its not diverse or inclusive if it doesnt include everybody. The second reason is the more we insult and lampoon strong male role models, the more our children will suffer. As a fellow white male who judges others by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin, and who has worked his ass off to get where hes gotten, I agree: the endless portrayals of white men as stumbling, bumbling fools and the foils for characters of other races in advertising is insulting, unfair, and perpetrated by hypocrites. For example, hire a woman to communicate about womens issues. Ive always thought that rule number 1 in marketing is to know your audience. The remote works for us all no matter what race creed or color we are. Whats racist is the over representation of minorities in tv now. THANK YOU for an amazing post, and for sharing your observations with us, as disquieting as they are. Sure, theres probably a small percentage of black and brown folks who live that way, but it seems a cheat, disingenuous and just plain lazy. So in short, replace the current population and weaken the next generation with confusion so there is nobody to fight back. And it is almost assumed at this point that every other couple is either interracial or gay. I like you already, Cathi! You may also not be able to link effectively with Facebook, Twitter, or other social networks and/or not be able to share content on social media. Its going to have an impact on how people vote. I hope you dont mind (especially as you remain anonymous), but I shared your comment on both LinkedIn and Twitter and posed the question, At what point does the push for diversity and inclusion become *exclusionary* and itself as pernicious as the problem it was meant to solve?. And I dare say that all but one or two comments have been from people who agree with the premise of the post boiled down simply, that blacks are conspicuously overrepresented in U.S. television commercials at the expense of other racial groups, and that todays advertisers are duplicitous asshats whose anti-white and anti-white male agendas are driven by propaganda either their own programming, or a desire to program others. That is my decision and I am very happy about it!! Not to mention that the sacred cow that feeds and finances most of the media is never called out. The term, forced diversity, is traditionally used by those who feel annoyed by the change in certain plot narratives of the audiovisual media. Yeah, Im not seeing how follow the money works here. And that white mans burden schtick is tired old racist pap. For instance: the commercial for a deodorant applied to the butt-cheeks where the spokestool says Im not a mathematician but 5/10 is greater than 0/10. ~insipid. And youre right, racism is racism no matter who is doing it. Some say they. Companies will be forced to address their . It is self preservation! Theres a lot of that in Hollywoodin Die Hard you have the evil blonde bad guy. When I say normal, I dont mean this in a derogatory way but normal as in real life normal. Yell and stomp enough, youll get your way. For instance, when men are in ads they are in the periphery unless its a couple then its a black male and a white woman. Yep I am surprised that was not mentioned in the article. All combos you can think of. History shows some of the first slaves in America were bought by other blacks, there were also white and Indian slaves, Chinese slaves, you name it we have all been slaves at one time or another, slavery was not right who ever pushed it, and it still exists around the world today. (This, as the woke Left shames and cancels people such as fitness instructor Jillian Michaels for not praising the morbid obesity of the musician Lizzo.) Dan, I think I botched my original reply to you, but all I really wanted to say was thanks. They have been totally emboldened and safe feeling, they dont need to wear a mask. (Ok, so sue me or yell at me, Im too old to care.). If you notice, the actors playing Bond have gotten shorter and less masculine over time. Personally, Id like to see the government reclassify these high-tech companies designations changed to utilities which would most certainly stop them from censoring the public as public utilities are forbidden to do any kind of censorship. It MIGHT be saying, instead, that there is no way any one is taking a chance to piss off a black Karen who thinks the buffoon or clueless black person is a form of a micro-aggression, or subtle racism, or some baloney like that! African American families living in 2 million dollar, mid-century modern mountain homes, driving 60K cars. Change is needed, but where should it begin? Some brands are particularly popular with people of different races. The overall ethnic skew of the marketing/advertising . Also note that Americans happily and overwhelmingly voted for this black man to be their president. What most on this blog are discussing is why for-profit companies believe they should misrepresent their target customers. My local library showcases certain kids books on the top of their bookshelves, and all of the books now are always ones with illustrations of non-white kids. It explains how ever since the post WW2 era our society has been led down this destructive path. So much truth here, especially in the fact that so many political, social, and religious agendas and conventional wisdom are driven by big-money corporations (Pfizer, anyone?). Staying silent is part of how we got here in the first place. Yours is a perfect example of how the current push for forced diversity is having real, negative consequences on people, on industries, and on the culture. I am amazed that the conversation of this topic has been started. Yes, yes. Im of the belief that our brains wont simply rewire from group and gather tendencies, no matter how hard we try. As is Jardiance Ron. Hes whiter than just about any white person you know. Retail Media Networks: A Forced Marriage or Perfect Partnership? EXCEPT . The whole you have to be an activist or youre a racist deal is getting old. Yes, the black family camping out in a tent in their back yard and cooking Smores together gave me a laugh, too. But, as with most things, acceptance is growing as the real world begins to catch up. That seems to be the only recourse we have left. Again, youre not racist just observant. Even at that age, consumers can tell when a brand is being opportunistic versus truly being committed to a cause or community. I was starting to believe that it was I who was exaggerating the amount of blacks in commercials. Spot on Dave as a former MarComm professional I feel as you do. The real issue for me isnt that they are showing more commercials of interracial couples but the fact that these companies are burying us in the number of commercials & completely exaggerating the actual numbers of interracial couples & transgender folks in these commercials. Certainly, hockey is expensive. The roles have changed and girls no longer need to be saved. Feminized males are in. Not when theres an agenda to push!