type: 'GET', } Established in 1896, the McGill School of Architecture is one of the oldest on the continent, and its goal remains simple: to encourage excellence in the practice of architecture by developing skills in both the art and science of building design and construction. Faculty: Faculty of Engineering/School of Architecture. $(parent).find('.rating-count[rel=' + key + ']').attr('original-title', data.reaction_users[key]); success: function(data, status, xhr) $("#featured_comments_section #arc_featured_comment_" + data.id + " .Right").remove(); I'm currently doing the Architectural Technology program at Vanier college,but I think it's was a mistake. ":focus": { (Professional) program are summarized below: Application (Online) Please complete and submit an online web application here. "chat-answer": { value: window.arc_token toolbarCanCollapse: false { "font-size": "19px" $(touch + ">.Top>.Right>.CommentModerate>ul>li>.HidingAction").html(co.hide.text).attr("rel", 25).attr("original-title", co.hide.title); skin: 'v2', "title": { $("#arc_comment_" + data.id + ">.Top>.FeaturedCommentMarker").remove(); Canadian and European citizenship (PT) Part of the leadership global EA team leading the Business Service and Business Architecture journey as drivers for the Digital Transformation. $("#comment_moderation .ModalTitle h1").html(modal_data.title); success: function(data, status, xhr) I would discourage bringing CAD work with you: you are not expected to know how to use CAD when you come to the school, and every time i have seen someone present work from a highschool drafting class or similar, it has been passed up without comment or has reflected negatively on their application. $(image).replaceWith('

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'); else resize_enabled: true, }); return false; Architecture Portfolio 23 Architecture Portfolio Examples and Your Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide Fanni Szalkai August 11, 2022 Designing a building is much different from creating your architecture portfolio. } })(jQuery); function arc_editor_feature_423_admin(el, extra_params) { $(user_html).find(".UserInfo").remove(); The occasional pop of bold orange, which highlights key statistics and dimensions, adds extra creative flair to portfolio pages. else if(data.status == '15') "pullquote-right": { type: 'POST', See more ideas about architecture portfolio, architecture, architecture portfolio examples. "modalProduct": { success: function(data, status, xhr){ removePlugins: 'liststyle,tabletools,contextmenu', $('
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'); { (function($) With a website created by UX designer Denis Stekhin, Norm Architects are an established practice with a wide range of projects. $(referrer).find('.animate').remove(); } }, removePlugins: 'liststyle,tabletools,contextmenu', }, }); resize_dir: 'vertical', } //disableObjectResizing: true, Are you sure you want to block this user and hide all related comments throughout the site? Save time creating your architecture portfolio using a template with multiple layouts so you can craft a showcase for your favorite projects. I'm in grade 12 just finishing off with school and applying to unis in Canada and the US. { e.preventDefault(); function flag_comment(point) // removePlugins: 'elementspath,scayt,menubutton,contextmenu', ":hover": { //forcePasteAsPlainText: true, } This will allow you to personalize your portfolio to your target audience's demands and interests. type: 'POST', $("#comment_modal").remove(); A collection of my work showcasing my creativity, skills, accomplishments and abilities. "padding-left": "95px", $(".BottomReply").show(); pasteInlineTags: ['strong', 'br', 'b', 'em', 'i'], $(".arc_comment_" + id).prev('.HiddenLine').remove(); Despite its overall minimal appearance, the website design uses layered photos and different image dimensions to create visual interest. $.ajax({ minHeight: 200, var action = 'add'; $("#comment_moderation #submit_button").val(modal_data.submit); $("#featured_comments_section").remove(); You may discover interests and aptitudes in a variety of other fields, such as computer graphics, film, industrial design, and of course, construction, and move directly into graduate studies or jobs in these areas. $("#comment_moderation").modal(); Cohesion+Details. imageUploadError: function(json, xhr) Make sure the pieces flow nicely from one to the next. } } The warm tones of the 3D renders are echoed in the soft, rounded typography and carefully-considered diagrams. ":hover": { var link = $(''); History. }); greene county, georgia; the buffalo store transit rd alert(json.message); When it comes to print or web format, traditional print is still the industry-standard, but more architects are showcasing digital portfolios that allow them to connect with viewers instantly and incorporate interactive content such as video and UX elements. { Current undergraduate students. minHeight: 300, First, Create New Pages. var link = $(''); title: 'Quote Left', "font-family": "Montserrat, sans-serif", */ })(); data: $(form).serialize(), 23. "background-color": "#e83b98", if (data.reaction_users.hasOwnProperty(key)) $(this).modal(); title: 'Chat Answer', flag_comment(action_referer); }, pasteBlockTags: ['ul', 'ol', 'li', 'p'], modal_data = co['unfeature']; type: 'POST', I'm doing my A-Levels (British curriculum) and live overseas but I'm American and hold a Canadian citizenship and my mom and brother live in Canada. { While dark backgrounds might not be the obvious choice for portfolio layouts, this contrasting portfolio design from Ruxin Xie might persuade you to move to the dark side. e.preventDefault(); } alert(result.message); $.ajax( args: ['p', 'class', 'figcaption', 'toggle'] if (!$(referrer).hasClass('BottomReply')) linkShowAdvancedTab: false, } "background-color": "#e83b98", //arc_filterform(form); title: 'Subheading', { 2 | portfolio table of contents. */ }, "price": { Cool, calm and collected would be suitable adjectives to describe the online portfolio of Kanstantsin Remez, an architect and interior designer living in Minsk. Since portfolios of graphic designers differ from those of front end developers, we've included a wide variety of different creative fields to get you started the right way. if (ColBHeight > ColCHeight) { Company Portfolio Sample. { customConfig : '', /* }); }); } pasteBlockTags: ['ul', 'ol', 'li', 'p'], "text": { } var elem = document.createElement('script'); Prephase. args: ['p', 'class', 'chat-question', 'toggle'] Here is an example of best hair stylist portfolio website examples you can check. function arc_editor_423(el, extra_params) { allowedContent: 'p br b i ol ul li strong em center; a[*](*); img[*]; iframe[*]', "button": { can i drink water between suprep doses. //forcePasteAsPlainText: true, Each look like a complete family of design work. var y = $(this).scrollTop(); "font-size": "17px", if (value > 0) }); Accepted as Executive MBA candidate at McGill HEC Montral, class 2023. } else { $('#StickyBannerNew').parent().css('height', ColBHeight); Consultant in Public Health with a PhD in Psychology. pasteBlockTags: ['ul', 'ol', 'li', 'p'], Skeleton Sketch January 2010 Still Life Drawing Pg. "pullquote-centered": { imageUpload: function(image, json) $(point).show(); Architecture Portfolio Examples Architecture Concept Diagram Study Architecture Architecture Project Parti Diagram Condominium Architecture Residential Building Design Commercial Architecture Facade House More information . buttons: ['html', 'format', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'lists', 'link', 'image'], }; success: function(data, status, xhr) 5 Cliches About Architecture Personal Statement Examples You Should Avoid Carpet Worksheet Anthem Limitations Liens Florida Flu Exit Fishing Worksheet Back Issues The 17 Most Misunderstood Facts About Architecture Personal Statement Examples My CV is now one page long, and a personal study. type: 'POST', { If you have previously studied in an architecture or design program, a letter of reference is required from the head of your department. This portfolio design shows how colour can give life to illustrated visuals. $(window).resize(detectOverlapping); $('.AnchorScroller').click(function() { He worked well with other team members, clients, and partners of Risk Metrics. Eisenman Architects is the agency that has been working since 1951. /* $("#arc_comment_" + data.id + ">.Top>.Right>.CommentModerate>ul>li>.HidingAction").html(co.hide.text).attr("rel", 25).attr("original-title", co.hide.title); $("#featured_comments_section #arc_featured_comment_" + data.id).remove(); var _qevents = _qevents || []; { "pullquote-right": { { $("#reply_body_html").keyup(function(e) $.modal.close(); Recognized as one of the best in North America, our School of Architecture provides you with a creative, international education and 2 years of paid co-op work experience with design firms in Canada and abroad. }, $("#featured_comments_section #arc_featured_comment_" + data.id + " .FeaturedCommentMarker").remove(); 10. if (!$("#featured_comments_section").length){ "font-family": "Montserrat, sans-serif", linkShowTargetTab: false, } "@media (min-width: 601px)": { return; "font-family": "Montserrat, sans-serif", formattingAdd: { (function () { "color": "#e83b98" var reaction = $(this).attr('rel'); }, { { alert(json.message); toolbar: [['Bold', 'Italic', 'BulletedList','NumberedList' , 'Link', 'Image','FontSize','TextColor', 'Source']], args: ['blockquote', 'class', 'pullquote-left', 'toggle'] { elem.type = "text/javascript"; title: 'Subheading', { linkShowAdvancedTab: false, { mcgill architecture portfolio examples gemini and scorpio parents gabi wilson net worth 2021 . I'm applying for Architecture and my top universities to study at are McGill, UFT and Waterloo however I just wanted to know a bit more about the Architecture portfolio standards for McGill and Waterloo and how they differ. return this.each(function() Architects use art, science and technology to shape how we interact by designing environments that are aesthetically pleasing, structurally sound, and responsive to the needs of the people who use them. { Mcgill architecture advice. Let's move on to the next step in how to make an architecture portfolio. "figcaption": { $(textarea).focus(function() }); success: function(data, status, xhr) }, "styles": { Also, don't stress about it, like non sequitur said, your interviewers are most likely to respond well to someone who shows personality and character. In addition to showcasing his work, photographer Martin Boehme displays his personal hobbies, interests and other pursuits. this.destroy(); type: 'GET', var id = arc_pathname($(this).attr('href'), true); }, "background-color": "#d13589" hey there! var windowheight = $(window).height(); alert(json.message); Examples of Architecture Portfolio Websites Smart Living One-Pager A website template that you can import and edit quickly with Slider Revolution Tennent Brown Architects This is an architecture firm based in New Zealand. The Best Architecture Portfolio Designs. Let's make sure we have three pages in our Pages panel. return false; lineNumbers: true, } arc_remove_editor_423( 'body_html' ); $(touch).addClass("BlockedComment").removeClass("FeaturedComment HiddenComment"); $(el).redactor({ $("#featured_comments_section").append(''); $(point).html(co.hide.text).attr("rel", 25).attr("original-title", co.hide.title); Printed portfolios, consisting of a series of simple sheets or bound into a book, are still a standard portfolio format for architecture students and interviewees. "subheading": { I am excellent at building relationships and establishing partnerships with key stakeholders and have the capability of translating strategy . Elizabeth Lundin - students and beginners portfolio example. $('head').append( link ); I will be applying to McGill in architecture this fall and I'm looking for some advice on presenting my portfolio. var textarea = this; Mhou / portfolio. if (data.status == 'ignore'){ { { if (extra_params === undefined) if (($.client.os == 'Mac') && ($.client.browser == 'Chrome')) { Established in 1896, the McGill School of Architecture is one of the oldest on the continent, and its goal remains simple: to encourage excellence in the practice of architecture by developing skills in both the art and science of building design and construction. formattingAdd: { "margin-left": "-20px" "product": { }, allowedContent: 'p br b i ol ul li strong em center; a[*]{*}(*); img[*]; span[*]{*}(*); iframe[*]', codemirror: { if($(this).is('.login_trigger')) { loadScript(); var id = arc_pathname($(this).attr('href'), true); Pindutin ang mga user ng device, i-explore sa pamamagitan ng pagpindot o gumamit ng mga pag-swipe na . data: {id: id, arc_token: window.arc_token}, } Examples: Undergraduate Applications Graduate Architecture School Applications PhD Program Applications Proposals Scholarships Grants Awards 3. } 20 pages with varying layouts are very easy to edit and . The eye-popping colors, strong headings, and interactive design come together to show off Steven's design skills and attract his ideal clients. plugins:'a11yhelp,basicstyles,bidi,blockquote,button,clipboard,colorbutton,colordialog,dialogadvtab,div,enterkey,entities,filebrowser,find,flash,font,format,forms,horizontalrule,iframe,image,indent,justify,link,list,maximize,newpage,pagebreak,pastefromword,pastetext,popup,preview,print,removeformat,resize,save,smiley,showblocks,showborders,sourcearea,stylescombo,table,specialchar,tab,templates,toolbar,undo,wysiwygarea,wsc,archinect,wysiwygarea', }, } The Calvin Architecture Portfolio Template features a contemporary design that works for both residential and commercial project types. resize_dir: 'vertical', "background-color": "#e83b98", disableNativeSpellChecker: false, "Montserrat" Back up your files. "unitPrice": { { }, }); [CDATA[*/ } // removePlugins: 'elementspath,scayt,menubutton,contextmenu', }); } Paired with minimally-presented plans and diagrams, its the perfect balancing act. } }); url: '/update_comment_status', { The portfolio websites below demonstrate how beautifully projects can be presented on-screen. }, You can add custom text, fonts, images, colors, and layouts to ensure that you get the best results. function loadScript() { }; CKEDITOR.replace(el , { Pratt Institute; Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) Rhode Island School Of Design (RISD) Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) url: '/post_comment'+suffix+'/' + (new Date().getTime()) + arc_pathname(document.location.pathname), e.preventDefault(); } */ height: 300, Again, definitely have a look at the make-up artist's portfolio website to get a sense of their style. I just have no idea of what the standard is for these portfolios and what McGill and Waterloo class as a "strong" portfolio. }, ":focus": { ] Build your project pages in a way that walks the reader through the whole design process. InDesignSkills new Architecture Template Kit contains a complete range of InDesign templates for architects, practices and architecture students. "button": { args: ['blockquote', 'class', 'pullquote-center', 'toggle'] } else update_comment_status(action_referer); { There should be symmetry between white space, text and images in the portfolio. imageUpload: '/redactor/upload', Visitors to Boehme's website get a sense of who the artist is as a human, not just as a professional. } $("#reply_body_html").focus(); buttons: ['html', 'format', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'lists', 'link', 'image'], Considering that the architecture portfolio includes several plans, this design is a striking way to grab the reader's attention and really cover the work well. I'm looking for more information about the architecture program at mcgill. 13K views 1 year ago My take on the University of British Columbia's Bachelor of Design in Architecture application portfolio and going in-depth to explain each of the four components. "padding-right": "95px" { Top 5 Best Architecture Portfolio Examples Examples are just for a clear idea, not to copy. url: '/reaction', { "font-weight": "bold", McGill/ Waterloo Portfolio for Architecture. }, "toggle": { }); $(container).append('
'); args: ['blockquote', 'class', 'pullquote-right', 'toggle'] toolbarCanCollapse: false "font-family": "Montserrat, sans-serif", }, Tell a story. In every interview I have given, once an applicant presented a sketchbook, their chances of acceptance go up because the reviewers can see your thought process. "font-family": "Montserrat, sans-serif", Table of Contents. { $.ajax( indentUnit: 4 $(document).on('click', "#cancel_reply_button", function() Uniquely situated at the crossroads of China and global influence, the Department takes the approach that design is best explored from a sophisticated understanding of both. }); pasteInlineTags: ['strong', 'br', 'b', 'em', 'i'], } } "googleFonts": [ "background-color": "#e83b98", script.src = scriptURL; For an unfamiliar situation that you encountered, ask yourself: What skills did I use? "@media (min-width: 601px)": { 1. else featured_comment_counter++; type: 'POST', $(".ReplyHelp").remove(); customConfig : '', }, { Issuu. Artifact examples can include a: An academic project A community project Community newspaper article highlighting an important achievement Personal website Piece on a school, extracurricular, or community program/event that you were instrumental in creating or implementing High school or community award that was meaningful or prestigious ban_user(action_referer); if (action_referer != null) function arc_comment_head_actions(suffix) { $(parent).find('.rating-count[rel=' + key + ']').html(value).show(); { }, As an Architecture student, you will apply your skills in math and physics while harnessing a passion for drawing and design. 15 MB, due no later than December 15) that may include the following: selected work from previous design studios; examples of project work from other courses; examples of freehand drawing and sketching; examples of professional work: sketches, drawings, images of models, photographs of built work ] e.preventDefault(); url: '/flag_comment', plugins: ['imagemanager'], "https://secure" : "http://edge") + ".quantserve.com/quant.js"; args: ['blockquote', 'class', 'pullquote-left', 'toggle'] { $(el).ckeditor(function() {}, { $(document).on('click', 'a.arc_edit_comment', function(e) However, an architecture education can lead in many different and sometimes surprising directions. resize_enabled: true, "chat-question": { */ }); 12. callbacks: { } }, "Montserrat" "pullquote-left": { }, extra_params = false; }, Kevins photographs often focus on the intricate textures and colours of landscapes and buildings, with the black-and-white palette chosen for the website allowing the images to shine. { plugins: ['source', 'imagemanager'], } /* removePlugins: 'liststyle,tabletools,contextmenu', "chat-question": { }); customConfig : '', "margin-bottom": "50px" minHeight: 300, height: 300, if (prev == 'hidden') } if(data > '') Monochrome pages in subtle shades of olive and grey are followed by dark spreads, which feature chalk-white plans for dramatic impact. "Montserrat" options: { I've sat on quite a few Waterloo interview panels and I can tell you from experience that your portfolio is graded on more than just it's "artsy" content. var modal_data = []; height: 300, callbacks: window.location.reload(); allowedContent: 'p br b i ol ul li strong em center; a[*]{*}(*); img[*]; span[*]{*}(*); iframe[*]', { As a part of our courses, we include a Capstone Project for our learners. var reply_container = $(".arc_reply_comment_box").parents(".ReplyComments"); else if (status == '30') $("#temp_append").remove(); $("#featured_comment_counter").parent('h2').html('' + featured_comment_counter + ' Featured Comment' + (featured_comment_counter > 1 ? storefrontAccessToken: 'fbc4aef1acd7c4058653ba350f293f62', args: ['p', 'class', 'figcaption', 'toggle'] link.attr({ type: 'text/css', rel: 'stylesheet', href: '/css/archinect.firefox.mac.css?1', }); imageUploadError: function(json, xhr) As a student, you get access to 24-hour computer, photographic and workshop facilities, a building-wide wireless network, an extensive slide collection, the John Bland Canadian Architecture Collection, and the Blackader-Lauterman Library of Architecture and Art. arc_editor_423($('form.arc_ajax_comment .editor').attr('id'));