For instance, Bailey stayed by Cristina during her pregnancy scare and her initial recovery; she also held Izzie's hand when Izzie was giving bone marrow for her daughter. On discovering Miranda had applied for a pediatric surgery fellowship, Tucker gave her an ultimatum: the fellowship or their marriage. [22], While Meredith was breaking the hospital's longest surgery record, Bailey helped out in the ER with the mass overdose victims. He told her she had broken his heart, so he wouldn't come home for the fence. Andrew aggressively objected to the decision, but Bailey told him to walk away before saying something he would come to regret. Let your indulgence set me free. Later, she was approached by both Ben and Teddy with concerns about Jo's wellbeing. Later, she ran into Helen Karev in the cafeteria and during their chat, Helen revealed she had extended her stay because she was scared of flying back and didn't dare to ask Alex for help. He said it is not as easy to get over as people make it seem, which is why he had developed a habit of lighting a candle on what would have been the kids' birthdays. (Meredith raises her hand) Yes? Prep your tear ducts accordingly. Bailey eventually gains the pediatric surgery fellowship, and even the Chief signs on and agrees with it, but Bailey is unable to take the position and asks for a job as a General Surgery attending, after making the decision to leave her husband, as a fellowship for 2 years of long hours is not healthy for a single mother. Teddy was worried that she was a bad mother because she hadn't provided amazing self-made costumes for her kids. But when all was said and done, Bailey needed a release and broke down in a powerful conversation about her loss with Webber. Ariel: Not a soul He revealed that he made it and it took months to do. She left the new parents and went to check up on Richard in the ICU. Is rounded with a sleep. Um, there are patients who had chunks of cement fall on them during their morning commute, but please. Im on the ferry. However, she later dropped the nickname after operating on a real Nazi. But when all was said and done, Bailey needed a release and. "- in reference to the Nazi's preference of Aryans, who had blonde hair and blue eyes. She is the character with the most appearances in the Grey's universe. She requested for a cardiac stress test and a second opinion, but Maxwell ignored her and asked her some other questions instead. Spirits to enforce, art to enchant; Maggie suggested it was hormonal and drew blood to run a full panel. Later, Dr. Larry Maxwell arrived and asked if she was having any stress, but Bailey told him that it wasn't because she was a woman who can't handle her feelings. I know I just left, and Im not even at the airport yet, but I just wanted to say I love you. But release me from my bands Dr. Richard Webber has indicated that she could eventually become Chief of Surgery. [14], Soon after, she found a paper detailing Ben's death benefit at home. On her first day back, she paged Alex because she couldn't find the compliance reports for the medical board, which were due tomorrow. A) Always keep score. Maggie is rare. That also meant she would be running the fellowship instead of Meredith, which was the perfect opportunity to find both joy and tranquility.[11]. Andrew asked to scrub in on the hip replacement. Ten years ago today, movie viewers were treated to one of the most iconic monologues in film history. Miranda had some inhibitions, as she had only ever had sex with her ex-husband, she had a child, she was divorced, but Ben didn't care. Shakespeare's plays are famous for their monologues, . I thought, 'That's exactly who Miranda is.'". He was perfect. Maggie then planned to perform a keyhole procedure. "You got to wonder why we cling to our expectations, because the expected is just what keeps us steady. They all witnessed as he gave an unfocused talk about a cure for cancer with a messy presentation with simple hand-drawn pictures. She was brought up with ideas of equality, woman's freedom and all that. She later helped with the evacuation and was surprised to see Nathan, who was in the OR, just exiting the hospital when they evacuated the OR ages ago. Monologues. [5], Her confidence took a hit when the candidate turned out to beTracy McConnell, who immediately proved to be very capable and popular with the other doctors. Catherine refused to just appoint Bailey right away and demanded that she be tested against an outside candidate of Catherine's choosing. I flamed amazement: sometime Id divide, Continue with Recommended Cookies. In the face of some of her interns being hurt in the Joes Bar accident, she continued to do just thatand saved lives in the process. Bailey was impressed and saw a solution to all her problems. She wrote whiteboards full of possible approaches, which they had to narrow down to fit them all in one year. Ill drown my book. If you do find there is a part that you connect with grab a monologue and get started. Prospero. -All said by Meredith Grey, unless noted otherwise. Against my very heart! But this rough magic With hair up-staring,then like reeds, not hair, Gentle breath of yours my sails He was with her when she woke up, as was Maggie Pierce and Richard Webber. Oh, god! She pointed out he could also end up with a great family that could help him get his high school diploma and find a career that he loved. Come and join the fun in our online acting class, Copyright 2023 StageMilk | an ARH Media PTY LTD website. Bailey apologized and they agreed neither of them would make big decisions again without consulting the other. She hired Alex back and appointed him interim Chief and decided to fund Jo's fellowship with her own money from the TrailBlazer. Bailey told her she had hated maternity leave, too, and that she was an excellent mother. However, Shakespeare was an actor through and through, and if you allow him to support you through the text you will find your way. They organized a wedding in the chapel for the couple whose wedding was cut short by the collapse of the bride's mother and set up a video chat so the mother could watch the ceremony from the ICU.[9]. Grey's Anatomy Monologues We live out our lives in the surgical unit. There is a scent. When he was told that she was having a heart attack, Ben dropped his hot dogs and ran to the hospital, freaking out. Oh, and yeah, D) Everything, everything, is a competition. I love our family. She didn't want Joey's future to be a matter of chance. As Shakespeare developed he began to break the metre more and more, and so the text can feel more abrupt and disjointed. The position of Chief Resident was initially given to Dr. Torres. We're together more than we're apart. Memorize them. Tom conceded. Her favorite places to have sex in the hospital are the OR galleries after-hours, a spare patient room on the fourth floor, and the library. While she was talking about his poor survival odds, he told her she was bleeding. Bailey told her that she had applied the process of elimination to her own life, too, to remove stressors from her life, but she was still stressed. She thinks Alex was made to be a peds surgeon. (Who had no doubt some noble creature in her) As they say, the rest was history and Wilson has been delivering iconic, powerful monologues ever since. Would not infect his reason? Do chase the ebbing Neptune, and do fly him Joves lightnings, the precursors Dashed all to pieces. Miranda. Bailey and Catherine then settled the Gabriella Rivera case by telling Luis Rivera that the Foundation would pay for everything. "Something About What Happens When We Talk". They agreed on her bringing in one outside candidate,Dr. Tracy McConnell, but Bailey convinced the board to choose her by talking about how passionate she was about the hospital. She found he had spent the entire quarter's budget on his first day. You will answer every page at a run. Ben told her that he would quit for her but Miranda told him not to, as his job did stress him out, but she knew that this was what he wanted to do. Although Bailey has rarely spoken about her childhood, she has said that growing up she liked Star Wars, took dance classes, played the oboein the school band, and believed in Santa until the age of eleven. If yes, then please all aboard the train, which will take you to the journey of ups-downs in Greys Anatomy Monologues because this article is all about Greys Anatomy Monologues. She told him her heart was ready for him to come back. He said he should have realized something was wrong with her and brought up that he never followed through on building her the treehouse, which she asked for as a place to de-stress. Did you make Bailey, we reach into people's bodies and hold their lives and their futures in our hands. Because medicine is changing, constantly. [30], Bailey identified Lucas Ripley when Levi arrived with him at the hospital. Understanding Dahlia wasn't open to learning from anyone else, Bailey fired her so she at least had something in common with her hero. Doing damage to ourselves, to other people. Meredith's first decision was putting Suzanne back on her medication, which Andrew and Dr. Riley had stopped as they believed it was masking her symptoms. She decided to leave him but also didn't accept the fellowship because she was becoming a single mom. Alonso, Sebastian and Antonio draw their swords. Bailey was not entirely happy with his decision. She understood and wanted to help him. She was sent home but came back, and Miranda diagnosed her with porphyria. In the face of some of her interns being hurt in the Joe's Bar accident, she continued to do just thatand saved lives in the process. The storm came after surgery. Manage Settings Not my Ben. Lots of smiling. She called the shots for the day, helping the residents with their patients and the doctors with their problems. I tried not to be, but it didnt work. She was relieved and finally let the grief over her miscarriage sink in. Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight, and hurt not. She took a day off so they could spend his day off together. In the ER, they came across Owen and Teddy rushing to save a pregnant woman. She ignored the research Jo sent her and went to the Chief's office to verify some of Alex's work. Together, they cried over their loss. Her son, William George Bailey Jones, was born during a bomb scare at Seattle Grace while her husband was in surgery with Dr. Derek Shepherd, having crashed his car on the way to the hospital. Miranda Bailey: You are a virgin!April Kepner: Wow. Yes, I know. C) Dont make friends with the enemy. Eli, a nurse, asked her out, and the two dated for a while, even to the extent of sleeping together in the on-call room, something which Miranda never actually thought she would do, given her stellar reputation. She was told that they try to keep siblings together, though Joey wasn't reassured by that as his siblings weren't his actual siblings but rather kids who had run away from their foster home together. Miranda Bailey has two completely different sides, sometimes she is extremely loving and kind, others she is tough and keeps true to her nickname the Nazi. At work, Bailey took the case of Carly Davis, who had a carbon monoxide poisoning from a suspected suicide attempt. She said she had just pitched some ideas and the website published it this way, while she had never directed any comments towards the hospital itself, but rather at the medical system as a whole. While he thought that that was just the first step to a divorce, she desperately told him that she needed to try because she couldn't breathe every time she thought about him getting hurt. She feared she would never completely get better if even the person who helped her out of her depression could still attempt suicide. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Our 9x sold out online acting course returns soon. Bailey said George was her favorite of her interns. She just was! Rule number one, don't bother sucking up. Miranda helped save the life of a white supremacist paramedic despite his racist treatment of her. He ended his letter by thanking her again, which he knew was small and lame compared to what she had done for him. Bailey scoffed at the idea and then informed him of her own marriage sabbatical. She overheard that Tom was doing interview with Pac-North staff to determine who would be hired at Grey Sloan. [19] Everyone came to terms with it and they made up for the surgery. Alicia was a mystery; every test they did on her came out negative. i accidentally posted this on my personal blog.. again. We live out our lives in the surgical unit. A code violet was called. He told her that fixing the inside from the outside wouldn't work and that she needed to get real help. "If by your art, my dearest father . She then informed Meredith that Richard was stepping back from surgery. He pointed out her testimony made him feel the same way as he thought she'd stand up for Meredith as he had. 416 Bailey ordered several tests before gathering other doctors. Have waked their sleepers, oped and let em forth They produce human beings who know when not to follow the rules too strictly, which she came to realize Eliza couldn't do.[7]. Bailey then found Jo lurking outside the room. Miranda Bailey, a graduate of Wellesley College, is an attending general surgeon. She scolded Dr. Baylow for being careless, and Richard senther to his office. Her professional confidence was shaken when Izzie Stevens cut Denny Duquette's LVAD wire and Denny subsequently died after his heart transplant; Bailey felt that she wasn't in control of her interns and that the incident was ultimately her fault. She arranged for his old furniture to be moved into his office instead but he got mad at her for assuming what he wanted. Grey's Anatomy Promo: Meredith Does Community Service! And what is int, the never-surfeited sea | But, despite her exhaustion and physical ailments, her commitment to the work has never been stronger. So, then why do so many people prefer being alone?, Wed like to imagine that were in control. Their proper selves. She thought it was an ethical slippery slope and she hated that she would have to handle in a few weeks. Ben told her that he thought she wanted him to wait for her after she broke up with him and that she was unclear. Although for a while she claimed she was growing tired of appys and gall bladders and nothing excited her but while treating a child that almost died, she wanted to stick with general surgery. She made a speech in the ER to announce that they were a brick house that the storm couldn't blow down and that they would stay open for traumas. Is to make midnight-mushrooms, that rejoice Bailey: You and Derek went down in a plane, you drowned, he got shot, you gave birth in a power outageMeredith: Is this supposed to make me feel better?Bailey: I'm just saying, you have every reason to be distracted. Word got out and throughout the day, several attendings put their name in the mix for the job.[10]. I am going to walk in there and tell the truth. Alex Karev is not the boy you want to take your maiden voyage with. However, as soon as he was gone, she switched her picture with Alex's. RT @MelechThomas: I haven't seen enough talk about Cissy Saint's monologue in this week's Snowfall episode. Memorize them. But what they dont realize is that the fact theyre talking about it to us, their doctors, means theres no going back. During her internship at Seattle Grace Hospital, she was very quiet and had no confidence, until she was mentored by Richard Webber. Privately, she measured her blood pressure, which was way too high. With the people you love? After Ben returned, she dumped Eli. Afterward, Bailey and Ben lied down on top of the engine and talked about their baby possibly being a girl. The noontide sun, called forth the mutinous winds, She suggested he think about his career and let go of certain loyalties. She is married to Ben Warren and has one son, Tuck, with her ex-husband, Tucker Jones. Did you make the most of this beautiful, terrifying, messed-up life? They went inside and celebrated Valentine's Day in the bedroom. Bailey later admitted that she thought she would have eventually become Chief of Surgery after him.[65]. I like this Kepner. She clarified she wanted to give Taryn a taste of the adrenaline and fear that makes you a surgeon and warned him that he was making this personal. She tried to ease the pain by promising to call social services and find out as much as she could about his siblings' situations. After their marriage, Ben had gotten a surgical internship at UCLA and had to leave. #1407, 3083 East Kent Ave N,Vancouver, V5S 4R2. B) Do whatever you can to outsmart the other guy. She told Richard that Alex was praised in an article for the hospital's innovation while that was actually all her doing. "DEREK: "Yeah, it's done. As they walked off, Alex asked her if he was still fired, to which she replied it hurt her more than it did him. Paranoia is a surgeons best friend. O the dreadful thunder-claps, more momentary After things ended with Eli, she got back together with Ben. . At the end of the day, Ben and Bailey left together. Everyone I touched today, everyone I held in my hands or gave to another surgeon to put back together againfine, Bailey said. She just arrived from Germany. Though she employed April Kepner to assist her, it was not until Meredith began working on the case that the problem was finally discovered. A boy that you love so much you wanna super glue yourself to him. When Betty was discovered amongst the teenagers, she was diagnosed with an aortic dissection. These are fourteen my personal favorite Greys Anatomy Monologues spread over 16 seasons. When the surgeons had to flip Catherine on the table, Richard couldn't bear to look at the risky move, so Bailey informed when it was over.