Please answer them before they start bugging me, Tommy says, handing his phone to me and then leaning on the car. Why isnt a game pulled up on the computer? If I cant have this place with her, no one can! I cry out, loud enough for everyone standing in the wreckage could hear me. Me being one of the only girls along with Niki has its perks. #eret Besides, you're going over to a friend's house; hopefully, he won't be too mad. 1,221 notes. Niki was the first person to react when she heard her best friends voice. #twitch Look how pretty Y/n is!" he giggles and fixes his beanie. Things pile onto each other and Y/n cant seem to find the strength to complete a mission, putting her life in danger. You get both :D Glatt and I have picked 10 prompts/song lyrics each, to which you can choose one and a character and well write you a thing! I ponder that question for a minute. (see the dream team & co. through my eyes! :D, Quackity x f!readerTW: Fireworks (Loud noises), cursing, fluff, It Started With Hey, babe? The Casino was the highlight of Las Nevadas, next to the Space Needle. He slowly stood from his chair towering over her. He nuzzled into her neck. V alue - How important is the relationship to them? <3, you just woke up and youre already hit by a cuteness overload, you tell him how you slept and send a wholesome meme too, and if you havent slept well or just dont feel well, he will suggest talking abt it, if you want to talk about it, get ready for a 2 hours facetime session with your favorite therapist/boyfriend. Summer pictures with: dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, quackity, karl jacobs, nihachu, wilbur soot, Beach day with: dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, quackity, karl jacobs, nihachu, wilbur soot, Pictures In The Rain with: dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, quackity, karl jacobs, nihachu, and wilbur soot, Skiing and snowboarding with: dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, quackity, karl jacobs, nihachu, wilbur soot, date photos with dream, george, sapnap, karl, quackity, niki, wilbur, academia photos with dream, george, sapnap, karl, quackity, niki, wilbur, halloween pictures with dream, george, sapnap, karl, quackity, niki, wilbur, cw: fake blood, and like knives and stuff, random pictures with dream, george, sapnap, karl, quackity, niki, wilbur, dreamwastaken, georgenotfound, sapnap, karl jacobs, quackity, nihachu, wilbur soot, phelia | minor | content for dsmp x reader | mainly fem! They used to have so many dreams. I now want to see what would happen if you were to be playing Gartic Phone with Quackity and the boys and you were to write this as the prompt, Jack Manifall off bridge. , I just had to say this because I cant stop thinking about it , Do you ever just sit and wonder what youre doing with your life? Hey Alex says quietly, using if hand to gently turn my head to face him. It is past midnight now, and you can't seem to sleep. They are fighting out there! I cry. The whole call bursts out laughing and Im reminded of how much I want to meet them all in person. Language . I kept hoping that Id hear her voice behind me, telling me that I was being stupid. She made her way up to them and everyone froze when they heard her quiet voice. Apparently, HYDRA isnt completely gone as we had thought. But then suddenly he pulls away. Hey chat! I say waving at the camera even if I feel like a complete idiot doing so. Its.. pretty fucking obvious, he keeps joke flirting with you infront of others, although not a joke to him, being a fucking simp just in gen. P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? This idea was originally supposed to be for the Two Ghosts fic but I think it went to far off track, so I separated it with the intention of writing it out as a stand alone fic. But things take a slight turn in the wrong direction when Tommy not only sets off fireworks, but when he also sets off Y/ns fear of loud noises. Tony wants me to get inside their base as a new recruit. Technoblade: Spooning. Hey! Im purposely avoiding him! What was the first kiss like? LUDWIG!!!!" Alex pulled his hands away from my ears as soon as he was certain that there were no more fireworks. Im surprised you even finished it.. We have you cornered! The guard in the front called as I turned around and found a second group standing there. When Y/n was back on her feet, Phil called Techno, letting him know that she was going to be okay. See, the boys are very protective of me. She missed their home. I get out of the vehicle, looking around. I freed myself from Tommys hold and ran down the path to the crowd. "Vhat (name)? It depends, some days hes got you down to a T, sometimes he misses the mark by alot but he is very empathetic! Worked for the success of Manburg. I knew it might trigger someone because of the topic so I was hesitant to ask. Cute and silly photos with: dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, quackity, karl jacobs, nihachu, wilbur soot. Y/N worked with him. You sigh and up you go, getting out of bed. Chat! hihi this is a Quackity x reader fanfic !! Hope you enjoyed. You saw your friend/fellow dog enthusiast Ludwig with his German Shepherd Blitzkrieg. I never zhought zhe day vould come.". Fundy didn't like his younger sister so he left her and sat far away from her. Withers had been spawned at his command and chaos had started. the blonde asked in concerned. Preventing him from injuring himself. Should be. Doesnt matter if you write in a frequent basis, or once in a blue moon, just how many of us are there? Your relationship is worth more than his career! Oh, Tommys fine. Umm, I dont know where I am. Im sorry, I should have stopped them sooner, he whispered. Now all they had was an empty mansion and their room he never slept in. When we started, we had no idea how far wed go, but reaching this milestone made us realize were in it for the long haul. you choose <3, he cares about you very much and he shows it, every morning (even if you guys are in different time zones) you receive a good morning text, good morning beautiful, did you sleep well? Well talk to you idiots later! Tommy says. Y/n, were gonna need you to go undercover for this mission, Tony said after briefing everyone on what had happened. Give me a second would you.. The drive takes another 30 minutes before Tommy turns into a parking lot. But, Im an agent here, I knew what type of work Id have to do if I joined. (technoblade), let me tell you a story (romantic for wilbur, older sibling for tommy), just say hi! Feel free to check that out if you feel like it. Do they believe in them? #minecraft Big Q immediately answers this and Im not surprised. He likes to look at you. Alright, calm down! sorry for this being so short, i only added my comfort streamers, but i still hope you guys enjoy it! There is nothing here. Can request for me to post it sooner than planned). Pass me that, would you? Peter asks, pointing to the cup of water on the counter. Do you know what this button is?. So go check my masterlist, Orange - In Progress: Im currently writing it, Yellow - Complete: Finished but not posted, sitting in drafts for when I get writers block (If you are curious about the story, you can request for it to be posted early), Red - Delayed: Im either having trouble with the storyline or I have too many drafts to catch up on, Pink - Queued: Written but not gonna post it for a while (Mostly only for things not requested. Tommy playfully gasps, Okay, now youre not getting it back!. Im so sorry my request ended up triggering you! Phil, there was a special place where men and women could go. You're coming backAnd it's the end of the worldWe're starting overAnd I love you darlingAnd I am done, dear. (romantic with techno, older sibling to ranboo), self promo until i update the first intro chapter haha. Clich or rather creative? 'Vhat!?!?!!! Or you could just chat! He loves giving you forehead kisses and being the big spoon! (he says hell divorce Tubbo cuz he loves you :]]), after the stream, he will most definitely apologize for the joke (even if you didnt take it seriously), hes just so scared hes doing something wrong (haha relatable), overall hes really sweet and he loves you so damn much, and if you stop replying to his dms he will start tagging you in his tweets, you cant help but think how adorable he is, you finally answer to his dms and hes SO happy, mans will also brag about you ALL THE GODDAMN TIME, friendly reminder that i got a gf sooner than you, you and Phil laugh in the background while Wilbur jumps off a bridge (in minecraft ofc) to show how depressed he is in a joking manner, overall Tommys friends all know you from the very first day you two started dating, and they really like you cuz youre the only one who can control Tommys chaotic behavior, even tho youre also quite chaotic yourself, Tommy ofc also gets calledsimp many times and hes threatening to hunt down all the people that call him that, cuz not only it makes him uncomfy, but also you, addingand if you call me a simp, me and Y/n will hunt you down :) in the beginning of his vids became a tradition. Over, and over, and over, and over again. ), precious pet (sapnap (and kinda dream team) (request)), it started with spilt coffee (george (request)), stargazing and picnics (sapnap (request)), hairdos and story time (technoblade (request)), do you want to know a secret? They chuckled, Quackity im covered in flour. He pulled her closer grumbling, Dont care. He straightened up placing a soft kiss on their cheek. Wilbur wasnt by her side when she woke, and he was too calm while he held her during what she thought were her last moments. . Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems? Here have some blue, he said. DID YOU HEAR ME I SAID GET ME MORE ALCOHOL! Schlatt screamed. Instead sleeping in his office surrounded by empty bottles. Safely!. But I love you too. <3, you just woke up and youre already hit by a cuteness overload, you tell him how you slept and send a wholesome meme too, and if you havent slept well or just dont feel well, he will suggest talking abt it, if you want to talk about it, get ready for a 2 hours facetime session with your favorite therapist/boyfriend. ), Remember the rules & who/what we write! They chuckled, "Quackity i'm covered in flour." He pulled her closer grumbling, "Don't care." He straightened up placing a soft kiss on their cheek. <3 Chapter 3 will be out soon! Y/n is tended to by Philza and doesnt wake up for a couple of weeks. He has too much pride to want to cuddle. Quackity would be one to forgive easily, especially if its you, although you guys get into alot of joke arguments. (Ghostbur x Gn!Reader). The one thing that stood out to me the most was the crowd of people all talking outside of the tent. And yes! Plus, I know how pretty I am." you smirk and start laughing. So when Y/n went into town to see the damage that Wilbur had caused, people were shocked to see her. Peter is always asking me to do things for him with my abilities and Im getting sick of it! You were currently walking your Dachshund named Blackie since it was the name he came with when you adopted him. Me sitting next to Alex on the loveseat. She dashed over to Y/n and pulled her into the tightest hug she had ever given. Enough! We wanted something to remember you by.. The week had been busy, and you were happy that it was finally over. Too many broken hearts, toxic grips on his emotions, being kept on a theoretical leash so that he could never leave said relationships. But at what cost? In which (y/n) falls in love with Quackity . It just sounds so nice, especially while singing. *** REQUESTS ARE CLOSED AS I HAVE #awesamdude Its 16 hours long and full of amazing songs that will help while you write or do school work. Quackity: The face to face. And if he holds you close like this no one can hurt you. I ignore him, and sprint forward, launching towards the pipe that I pray will hold my weight. So, here I am, in the training room, throwing objects at the wall and watching them break into pieces. There you are, Schlatt lifted up his hand waving the empty bottle in her face, Get me more alcohol. Y/N pushed the bottle away. ! #wilbursoot, i want you - mitski (this song is so good and it never fails to make me cry). Thats when he turns back to face me. This is it, its over, I say reaching for the button. He has too much pride to want to cuddle. In the area around L'manberg I reply, knowing damn well he knows where we are. He turns to me, letting out a long breath. Are you saying you like the book more than me? you mockingly gasped melodramatically. A small groan of annoyance left his lips, but as you smiled up at him sweetly any upset left him, flew away, thoroughly evaporated, literally got up and walked out of the door slamming it on its exit. You took my phone and now the SMP is worried! I say, playfully slapping his arm. He hadn't meant to be heard. He finally looked up at her scowling. Well chat, Tommy interrupts. Well, well, well, I knew you could do it. Quackity sighed as he looked at the blueprint plans in front of him. I scan the file, eyes widening. sorry for this being so short, i only added my comfort streamers, but i still hope you guys enjoy it! Dreams of ruling a great country. I meant to post this months ago but i forgot about it and it has sat in my drafts ever since. He nuzzled into her neck. You should knov that I love you more than life itself. I havent heard that voice in over 3 weeks. You have no clue how hard it has been without you, he said pulling away to look at Y/n. Sorry, I didnt want them to spill the surprise! He said. If I knew Y/n was out there, right now, alive, I wouldnt do it. They actually made a get together. Okay, so I may have caused more than the lower floors to fall apart, I say while looking for a way to climb the last 4 floors. So, I text the main chat for our little group of friends. There was something about them that was mesmerizing. Y/N straightened her tie. But not just you; they had fangirls all over the world. He raised an eyebrow and chuckled, Youre jealous of a book? It was your good friend Dave that was bothering you. Alex turns his phone around, showing you to his stream. There is a lot of TNT, potentially connected to that button, he reminds me, gesturing to the button on the wall. I walk in without another thought and I immediately feel in control. I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Wait, were you guys texting me from the same room? Bringing the whole ceiling crumbling down. Summary: Y/n meets up with the dspm gang for the first time. - youre gay- can read- support gay people- want to hold a match between your fingers as you wander the halls of an ancient castle because its your only source of light amidst the ghosts of people long past- are an antelope- or want a chocolate bar. ), #authorglatt # - Glatts tag and emoji saying that Glatt worked on the fic, #authorblade # - Blades tag and emoji, saying that Blade worked on the fic, #blademomentNSFW - Blades tag for NSFW fics Blade worked on, #glattmomentNSFW - Glatts tag for NSFW fics Glatt worked on, #blade talks - Non fic related posts where Blade is talking/responding, #glatt talks - Non fic related posts where Glatt is talking/responding, #bladesfaves - Blades tag for fics she reblogged and enjoyed, #glattsfavorites - Glatts tags for fics he reblogged and enjoyed, #bladereblogging - Blades tag for reblogging stuff, #glattreblogging - Glatts tag for reblogging stuff, #bladesanon - Blade responding to an anon, #glattsanon - Glatt responding to an anon, #minors dni - A tag on our NSFW works warning minors to not interact. Quackity like his hair! What happens when she wakes up to find her lover gone and a ghost in his place? Hey! A couple of weeks went by and nothing changed. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. Hov could you think zhat?. Its weird, having people know you better than you know yourself. Quackity looked up smiling placing one hand on their waist. Im so sorry its taking so long! But he doesnt laugh. The tent was illuminated by what I guessed to candles or lanterns. N/n? Y/N shivered slightly standing her ground. The gentle tapping of the rain as it pelted the walls and roof of your home was the only thing else to be heard than the quiet keys being clicked by nimble fingers. He just comes up and full on lays on you. As you lied strewn across the sofa of your small apartment, you could see buckets and buckets all of water pouring down outside. (Fluff alphabet by @magical-warlock !! But I want you +. So I keep scrolling to find this. she chirped. Vhy are you callzing me?" after talking about it with Ranboo, youre hyped to start your day!! Nothing helps, not even taking sleep meds. Finished but not posted, sitting in drafts for when I get writers block (If you are curious about the story, you can request for it to be posted early), Im either having trouble with the storyline or I have too many drafts to catch up on, Written but not gonna post it for a while (Mostly only for things not requested. I decided to make my own fluff alphabet for hcs, based off of the smut alphabet by @fairy-tail-babes and the fluff alphabet by @magical-warlock. Though he was very hesitant at first, eventually he snuggles with you. Yo Could I get a coffee shop au for Karl? Popping in a disk he turned to Y/n dramatically bowing down and offering a hand to her, May I have this dance? Laughing Y/n took his hand placing the other on his shoulder. quackity pictures to make everyone smile on this special day. So boom! His plan went into motion moments after Wilbur was killed. Thank you so much <3 I didnt know if you wanted c!dream or not, but you said you liked my other dream fic, so I figured Id keep it in the same universe! Tommy where are we going? I ask for about the third time during our little night drive. The tower was supposed to be done forever ago. I laugh, at Tommys face. Ur my boy/girlfriend now ha. Hey mi Cario/a his tired lips uttered back, the ends of them curling upwards at your flustered state curtsy of his chosen pet name.