: [Shrieks in pain as Thanos presses the Power stone against his head]. Strange after his cloak smacks him] Im going to allow that. Once she hears that giving up the Time Stone is part of his plan, she's willing to gamble her own version of the Time Stone to a similarly massive being. Wait until Star-Lord learns that there was a remake. I like your plan. Thor He's never fought me twice. Rocket Raccoon THATs a thing right there. The first instance of this is when Banner, Stark, Strange, and Wong confront Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian. TChalla: { getting ready for battle} Evacute the city! I've killed twice as many enemies as that. You really are the worst brother! The Thanos-killing kind. The interaction between Thor and the Guardians crew was one of the film's best crossover moments; and then, it's with Rocket Raccoon (aka "Sweet Rabbit")and Groot that Thor travels to Nidavellir for a weapon of the Thanos-killing kind. : It culminates in an almost laughable game of one-upmanship in which they get knocked down and get up again to push the other one aside. Banner: No, not really, but when do I ever get what I want? You are imitating the god-man. [Loki reveals the Tesseract in his hands]. Indeed the movie is all of these things, but one thing I don't think is getting quite as much attention is just how damn funny Infinity War is. : I assume you're the captain, sir. Both the past and the present versions of Nebula run on the same loop. : Spider-man: I dont know whats happening.. Red Skull: In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. Thor Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine. Groot: [ in a sarcastic, sassy tone]I am Groot. : After Quill and Gamora share a tender moment, they realize in classic movie trope that Drax has been standing there watching the whole time. And if I die? : Unlike her sister, Gamora, Nebula was outfitted with a series of cybernetic implants by her abusive father Thanos in order to make up for her lack of expert fighting prowess. ( Bucky looks at him.). : Thor: [ to Steve/Captain America] Oh, by the way, this is a friend of mine. On a mission to collect all six Infinity Stones, Thanos plans to use the artifacts to inflict his twisted will on reality. Do it. Those cybernetic implants basically run on a closed loop, like a Wi-Fi network that Nebula (and Thanos when he taps into it) has access to. : Yes, they taught it on Asgard. Audiences may have assumed the case of mistaken identity was the result of some combination of Thor's indifference and his preoccupation with defeating Thanos. Its weird. It is the sequel to 2012'sThe Avengersand 2015'sAvengers: Age of Ultron, andthe nineteenth filmin theMarvel Cinematic Universe(MCU). Thanos: So Ive been told. Steve presents Sam Wilson with either a shield that he stole from the past or the same (now-repaired) shield that he fought Thanos with, all as Bucky looked on approvingly. Their relationship is definitely a highlight of the film, but there's a different relationship that was turned on its head: Bruce Banner and the Hulk. While Akoye's got the loyalty of the people, M'Baku's got a direct link to the throne, and five years is a long time to wait for another royal challenge. Worlds collided on Titan as Iron Man, Doctor Strange, and Spider-Man met Star-Lord, Drax, and Mantis. : Strange: I seriously dont know how you get that head into that helmet. [talking to Thor on the battlefield] As it turns out, though, it was Hulk who did the snap that undid Thanos' own fateful snap. Mantis Peter Quill : No, no. Quill: I feel your pain as well. Groot Well, he's never fought me. Banner: Im trying, but he wont come out. I am. : (flicks wrist). You may think this is suffering, no. You understand boy? : Thor spent his Avengers: Infinity War journey paired with callous rabbit friend Rocket Raccoon because the pint-sized Guardian of the Galaxy is typically unsympathetic, making him a dramatically rich partner for the grieving superhero in the wake of devastating losses. Quill: What? Stark: [ to Strange] What is your job exactly, except to make balloon animals? Dont forget, Im half human. Dr. [charging into battle] Thanos: I ignored my destiny once. I can't stress how deeply entertaining Avengers: Infinity War can be and the movie is jam-packed with great character moments and jokes that help to brighten the darkness. And he killed everyone anyway. After going back in time to return the Stones, he ended up sticking around to marry Peggy Carter and live out his life until 2023, when he showed up as an old man. Again, spoiler warning! Kill away! It was subsequently modified to serve as the first stage of launch vehicles for several spacecraft. [he, Rocket, and Groot charge toward the army. Ah, let me just ask the captain. And Im getting a new hammer, dont forget. KEEP READING: How Jane Foster Became the Mighty Thor - and What It Could Mean for the MCU. Well, he has never fought me. Some jerk lost a bet with me in Contraxia. Clint's serial killing spree of the worst people left after Thanos' snap was a subplot that was introduced quickly and dropped almost as fast. : $49.00 + $8.99 shipping. Thor [plunges a blade through Heimdall's chest, killing him]. And he's been partnered up with Rocket, who is perhaps one of the least emotional characters in the. Thanos: I counted on it. Loki The epic adventure THOR spans the Marvel universe from present-day Earth to the cosmic realm of Asgard. The Cap we see in Endgame has completely let go of his ego; he admits that Tony was right to be concerned about Thanos. Thor is at his lowest point that he's been in any of the films. Oh, by the way, this is a friend of mine, Tree. Thor NY 10036. Thanos: It was. Rocket Raccoon [Groot impales several Outriders with his arm]. Thanos: Little one, its a simple calculus. If you want to stand in our way, well fight you too. Reddit user u/__themaninblack__ has proposed Thor genuinely believed Rocket was a rabbit because he had never seen a raccoon before. Gamora: No, no, we were happy on my home planet. Obviously, major spoilers ahead, so do whatever it takes to make sure you're ready. NO! You will receive a verification email shortly. : It should come as no surprise that Drax was on fire during this movie, having some of the best one-liners, but this might have been his best joke. Stark: Hes from space. It is true that Thor spent time in New Mexico in his first film, and the "trash pandas" can be found in the state, especially in urban areas like Albuquerque. Soul Bruce tells her that Strange gave up the Time Stone in the present-past of 2018. Well, the easy answer is that the Soul Stone demands a sacrifice of the person who is receiving the Soul Stone. Dr. As soon as Natasha and Clint head off to get the Soul Stone from Vormir, audience members who remembered Avengers: Infinity War were likely squirming in their seats. You plan on helping out? I ask you to what end? But now, you kill, and torture and you call it mercy. : You might say, it is a certain wisdom. That's a great way to end a fight, but the scepter also has mind control powers, thanks to the Mind Stone. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Thor Every weapon you've ever designed - every axe, hammer, sword - it's all inside your head. If you were too busy sobbing your eyes out as nearly all the MCU heroes gathered to pay homage to Tony Stark's life and death at the end of Endgame, you might not have noticed a familiar-looking boy wearing a suit at the funeral. Stark: Happy trails, kid. : Quill: Dude, dont call us plucky. Maybe its a 4-digit code? Thanos: Today I lost more than you can know. Strange: [ discussion about Thanos getting all the stones] he could destroy life on a scale, heitherto undreamt of. Build Up Tony arrives at Stark HQ in NYC to stall Loki until Banner can get there. Rocket handles the Stone extraction while Thor gets to have that one final chat with his mother that he's always wanted, but the scene ends with a moment that probably surprised most audience members. Proxima Midnight In Infinity War, Thor meets up with the Guardians of the Galaxy, and Rocket hands him a new eye that he stole to put into his . What's "damn it" mean? Thor, Rocket, and Groot become quite the trio in "Avengers: Infinity War." After being rescued from floating aimlessly in space by the Guardians, Thor takes their pod (with Rocket and Groot) to . AboutPressCopyrightContact. And do you wanna know why? Eitri Even as he eats space nuts, he moves so slowly that he just knows it is imperceivable to the naked eye. : : A couple reasons. : I assume you have a preference? That misstep complicates things when a 2012-era Cap runs into a 2023-era Cap carrying the scepter. [seals Thor's mouth shut] : Your bodies would crumble as your minds collapsed into madness. Thanos Spider-man: Like in Footloose, the movie? The Earth's mightiest heroes. That was hard. Knowhere. : Thanos I assure you, brother, the sun will shine on us again. Its good to have you, buddy. Okoye: The Olympics. Clint has to actually give up Natasha in order to get it. Peter Quill As for his intricate arm tattoo, well, we're not sure we can answer why that exists. Bruce lifts up the face-plate of his armor]. I hated my life. Quill: I like to think of myself more as a titan-killing-long-term-booty-call, let her go. Eitri $60.00. It's kind of a good question and one that Tony Stark and Peter Paker can't figure out an answer to. One of the things the people love most about Avengers movies is seeing different characters interact with each other. This is a Marvel movie, after all, and while things get real serious when they need to, it's still filled with laugh out loud jokes. You were supposed to protect us. Thanos : Hulk tries to strike back, but Thanos blocks his blows. You're going to die for that! That's suicide. And it would all cease to exist. Eitri Turns the legs to jelly. So let me do the plan and that way it might be really good. Run from it? Thor Thanos lifts Hulk over his head and slams him to the floor. Rocket: How much for the arm? Bruce Banner Gamora: [ to Quill] Not him. Loki calls upon his alien army and a massive battle ensues. All rights reserved. Marvel Studios AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR..L to R: Doctor Strange/Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), Iron Man/Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), Bruce Banner/Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) and Wong (Benedict Wong)..Photo: Chuck Zlotnick..Marvel Studios 2018, The Maw: Hear me, and rejoice. : : To feel so desperately that you're right yet to fail, nonetheless. Nebula: You should have killed me (speaking to Thanos). Come Infinity War, Thor is helpless as he bares witness to the murders of dear friend Heimdall and step-brother Loki at the hands of Thanos, before the Infinity Stone-seeking warlord annihilates the spaceship transporting Asgardian refugees. The sparks that fly often result in some of the funniest moments of the films and Infinity War is filled with big personalities and egos that are bouncing off of each other for the first time. Yeah he has. Groot. At least I came out with both my eyes. We dont know what it means. Probably even harder than having to kill a sister. Rocket Raccoon Spider-man: What is it exactly that they do (referring to the Guardians)? I have never once in my life thought that I'd see a scene where Captain America meets Groot in Wakanda, but this is the time we live in. Were more optimistic, yes. Still, Clint and Natasha are both far more heroic than Thanos, and when push comes to shove, they're both willing to push and shove the other one down so that they can jump off the cliff in order to kill themselves to give the surviving member the Soul Stone. We don't have the Tesseract. It's also unclear if Thor stayed on Earth between Thor: The Dark World and Avengers: Age of Ultron, but even if he had seen a raccoon during that time, someone would have had to tell him what it was for him to be any the wiser. Like Kevin Bacon? Thor Ebony Maw The Time and Mind Stones are safe on Earth, they're with the Avengers. She's certainly a candidate for the throne, since she's both a trusted advisor to T'Challa and someone whose sway in the kingdom clearly carries some weight. The biggest movie event of the year has finally dropped, and fans are yelling, crying, and cheering as the credits roll on Avengers: Endgame. Thor Rocket Raccoon Basically, after Thanos snapped away his family, Clint went mad with grief. Rocket Raccoon Wakanda isn't a democracy, at least in the MCU, and we saw in Black Panther that the path to control over the kingdom requires both a direct bloodline and a ritualized battle. It was an elective. The universe has judged you. Cap was proud of his one-time sidekick, but the only person he's actively passed on the shield to has always been Sam Wilson. Thanos While arguing over their strategy against Thanos, Drax brings up the time the Guardians saved the galaxy with a dance-off. Loki: Well, for one thing, Im not Asgardian. : The rabbit is correct and clearly the smartest among you. Filming & Production You speak Groot? : Stark: Thats right. They gave you his eye? Hasbro Marvel Legends THOR ROCKET RACCOON TEEN GROOT Infinity War TRU 3 Pack. [Presents the Tesseract to Thanos]. It's a stand-up-and-shout moment in a movie filled with them, a moment as appealing to diehard Marvel comic book fans as it is to the average moviegoer. : Rocket Raccoon Thanos Thor: [ after Loki presents the Tesseract] You really are the worst brother. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution. Stark: No, youre still away. New York, Stark/Ironman: [ to the Maw, referring to Dr. Stark: Yeah, but the kids seen more movies. After he says he is "sure" he's invisible, Mantis pops in and ruins it by saying, 'Hi Drax.'. [smashes into the windshield of the Milano]. Thanos And for another we have a Hulk. Still, once the excitement settled down, you might've been left wondering just how Steve Rogers was able to lift the hammer, especially when he couldn't quite get it up in Avengers: Age of Ultron. : Spider-man: You cant be a friendly-neighborhood Spider-man if theres no neighborhood. Cinemablend is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. There are two more stones on Earth. : Strange: [ to Tony Stark] Oh, and congratulations on the wedding. Rocket: No, he gave me 100 credits. So that 50% of me thats stupid thats 100% you. By Cameron Bonomolo Stark: [ to Dr. : Red Skull: You should know, it extracts a terrible price (referring to the soul affinity stone). It's almost like he was created just for that purpose, the only one who could really be expected to survive the snap a theory that's proven later in the film after Tony uses the gauntlet with fatal consequences. Tony's nanomachines let him control his suit with a thought, and that extends to the Gauntlet that he built. While trying to grab the scepter and the Tesseract, Iron Man and Ant-Man accidentally let Loki get away with the Tesseract. Dr. If he gets all six infinity stones he can do it with a snap of his fingers, like this. Yes. : And watch the sunrise on a grateful universe. : Thor: [ after Loki presents the Tesseract] You really are the worst brother. : As a result, when Thor went to Nidavellir for a " Thanos killing " weapon it was no surprise that Rocket and Groot (Vin Diesel) joined him on his quest. New haircut? The children born have known nothing but full bullies and clear skies. : You're going to die for that! Marvel Studios AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR..Spider-Man/Peter Parker (Tom Holland)..Photo: Film Frame..Marvel Studios 2018. At this point, nobody knows. Of all the Infinity Stones that the Avengers have to steal during their time heist, you'd expect the Time Stone to be one of the most difficult. Gamora: Im not your daughter. And your trespassing in this city and on this planet. Pretty, isnt it? Or your brother's head? No, no. Gamora: If things go wrong, if Thanos gets me, I want you to promise me, youll kill me. What am I supposed to say, Jesus? What? : : Yeah that can be annoying. "It never was," Peter answers without missing a beat. You're very perceptive. Maybe they realize they live in a junkpile in a middle of space. : : A few minutes, maybe more. He then delivers a series of powerful punches, dazing Hulk. Destiny arrives all the same, and now it's here. : And eventually arrive at Wakanda, all three together in such a . Rocket: Well, if fate does want you to kill that crabsack, youre gonna need more than one stupid eyeball. This is only made funnier by the fact that Quill also calls Thanos Grimace, the purple McDonald's nightmare. Because I was thinking about hanging a couple on my belt right here. Knowing he has to leap into action as Spider-Man, Peter gets the attention of his best friend and Guy-in-the-Chair Ned Leeds and asks him to cause a distraction so that he can slip out. It'll kill you. : As the group heads into space to hunt down Thanos, Rocket turns and asks who hasn't been in space. Thor is at his lowest point that he's been in any of the films. [laughs with joy] Strange, she knows that he's eventually going to become the Sorcerer Supreme, and someone worthy of putting her faith into. Rocket: I could lose a lot. Banner: Theres an Ant-man and a Spiderman? : Knowhere? You are about to die at the hand of the children of Thanos. Thor You know whats happened since then? Rocket: Ever since you got a little sap, youre a total b-hole. | If you consider failure experience. And every one of them would have rather killed me than not succeeded. Be thankful, that your meaningless lives are now contributed to the balance. You should've gone for the head. Ooh. When Im done, half of humanity will still be alive. [mutters] Free shipping. Rocket Raccoon Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. While the Avengers' time heist seems complicated at first, it becomes even more complex once Past Nebula is able to access Present Nebula's memories, cluing Past Thanos in to the Avengers' scheme. : In a world with literal magic, celestial gods, and stones that can kill half of the universe and also bring them back, we wouldn't put too much stock in what a scientist says are unbreakable constraints of the universe. It comes down to two things: raw strength and an immunity to gamma radiation. Thor tells Rocket about the death of his family and friends and how he will kill ThanosAbout the film:Avengers: Infinity Waris a 2018 Americansuperhero filmbased on theMarvel Comicssuperhero team theAvengers, produced byMarvel Studiosand distributed byWalt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. : : Quill: Step-father, technically. That they never could. Before my father died, he told me I had a half-sister that he imprisoned in hell. [Thanos grabs Hulk's wrists and peels them away. Thor Thor "That's something that we tried to do with Captain America throughout our run with him, so to have Thor in a similar place and to be able to find what's left when you take everything away from Thor, it's a great journey for us as storytellers.". So, what actually are the rules of time travel. [to Thanos] Strange: Who wants to murder trillions. When the Hulk travels back to 2012, Tilda Swinton's The Ancient One gives an entirely different explanation: Time is literally controlled by the six Infinity Stones working in harmony, and removing one causes a branch timeline. Its been a while. asks Quill. You will not be taking our pod today, sir. [the Black Order look on in slight worry]. Mantis: Youre the ones Thor told us about. [as Thanos strangles him to death] | I assume you have a preference. Well, hes never fought me twice. Thor Chris Evans has been ready to move on to eating carbs and starring in indie movies for years, so it wasn't a complete surprise that he left the MCU on his own terms. To see if we could become something more Thor Eitri The answer is actually pretty simple. Thor Rocket: I hope these dwarves are better forgers than they are cleaners. Banner: [ trying to get Hulk to show up] I need to concentrate for a second. Yeah. Thats a compliment. It was an elective. That means that there's not really any consequences for borrowing a magical hammer, at least until they have to return the Infinity Stones. : asks Spider-Man (who was on point with his pop culture references). Or your brother's head.