Nba Combine Vertical Jump Record, Articles I

They Do), Do Butterflies Like Roses? My harassment began with a bang one spring morning in 95. This is a type of Street Theater and psychological sensitization tactic that is intended to make the target appear crazy or mentally unstable if the target complains of this type of Harassment. My husband attempted to put me six feet under, but he never was able to go through with it. my opinion stems from the fact that he advised to change my modem which i never thought i could do and every tech guy advised it being useless and routers being the only device needing securing. It worked for a few months but the stalkers found a cheep residence that put them within eye sight of my uncles house. link to How to Recover IKEA Outdoor Table to Original Color. Dont Think about it. What about the other people who find this disruptive? I have a first cousin who is a biology professor at Hebrew University, in Jerusalem. Sorry in advance for the long post! Brighting also occurs when bright lights are flashed into a victims home-windows. This is done so that targets will have no means of support, once they do realize that something is going wrong in their lives. The downstairs neighbors slam the door all the time and it is very loud, like a bomb going off. And install a top-notch door closer. Not only does slamming damage the door, it can also give your neighbours an unpleasant shock. You could say that I had been locked in a closet, shackled to a wall, gagged and blindfolded for the first twelve years of my life. The door-slammer is a 60 year old professional woman, follows Rasta faith, has no criminal record, never fired from a job during a 45 year career, and does not own weapons. I want to communicate with other TIs for support. Deception using lies about the target appear to be the most common method used to get citizens to participate. Oftentimes, their actions are a way of coping with anger that they don't feel comfortable openly expressing. I was literally kept awake for the entire duration. This is what the constitution of the United States sought to protect all American citizens against as alone we cannot stand and no individual should have to fight an army as the concept is ridiculous by the shear ratio of numbers. I got the opportunity to look at it this morning in more detail and I think this is going to be the right choice. What things do they like and dislike? My first cousin sends her Pink nurse to the building where I live and she visits Donnell Enns, who does not appear to live in my building, but rather, seems to be on surveillance duty. Yes, make sure they are in their best mood to avoid misunderstanding; this worsens the situation. 00:13 Trying the Door Handle When dealing with someone who is passive-aggressive, be assertive and clear about your expectations. Daily interferences, nothing that would be too overt to the untrained eye, but psychologically degrading and damaging to the target over time. Sensitization is getting targets sensitive to an everyday stimuli. (We know that some persons hire Mossad agents to silence victims. On other nights will wake up once, cry for a few mins before one of us is in to settle. Members of these Organized Stalking and Harassment groups will also communicate with each other on the street by using signals. I'm thankfully on the top floor. Is the ordinary citizen able to get this equipment on his own, or might the police be helping him? Where they shop, work, play, who their friends and family are. I wonder whether any persons in the upper sector of society possess the decency to look into the matter of serial torture and murder of my family of origin. I could be. Hi Mark your neighbor, might not be aware that they are making this noise. Then they will say the target is a prostitute, drug dealer, crazy, terrorist, racist, pedophile, etc. Click below to listen now. However, they are fronts to stalk, monitor and collect data on different demographics, funded by huge capital firms like Goldman Sachs. Posted by: Undisclosed | July 06, 2007 at 03:45 PM. Just had heart catch. Show 3 more Show 3 less . Despite the statements to defame, I have done nothing but help others my entire life. Share. Like other mediums of harassment, the topics of these threads may be about events that are unfolding in your personal life, as well as threats or insults covertly directed at you. Jekle and Ms. Hyde. No. These cult members are actually being given Harassment tasks and Street Theater Scripts to perform at a certain time of the day for the purpose of Harassment of another individual, despite the fact that the individual being targeted can easily document this Harassment and Cult behavior using a video camera with a date and time stamp, and sue the individuals for damages of Harassment and Emotional Distress. Keep these in a file, unopened even after either of you leave the company. Not smoking more than two cigarettes a day so I dont come down with cancer eventually, from the stress and all the useless fidgeting around it causes me to do. I had a VP who got angry in a meeting and kept slamming his fist on the table as he yelled to the point where I also felt unsafe. I told personnel and he was warned about his behavior. I did contact the police, when it first became very obvious that a small portion was being scratched up and treated with caustic solvent, daily. I did not know that I had 15 aunts and uncles and some 20-30 first cousins. Second, many stalkers actually want the victim to engage them in some fashion. Multiple neighbor bedrooms, including my old bedroom, were in close proximity to that door. I think part of her behavior has aspects of bullying. I feel like a freak show. I do work for her manager as well as the other managers in our offices, so there are times when we must interact. I think that this has occurred with a little prodigy child, named Alma Deutcher. We are not criminals, they are psychopaths, sociopaths, manipulative, sick,pathological mental disorders and anti-social behaviours. Stalkers belonging to an organization may simply be following orders. Posted by: Anonymous | July 09, 2007 at 10:47 AM, hasnt the supervisor or director spoke to her about the temper tantrums? MOVING STUFF AROUND DRAGGING STUFF AROUND DROPPING THINGS ON PERPISS AND STOMPING THE FEET GOING BACK AND FOURTH. The first mystery that I ever attempted to tackle on Nightmare Expo was one surrounding the Polish haunting called "The Slamming Door". These Arm gestures are being done to the victims as a degenerate NLP subliminal sexual symbolic masturbation trigger, we already know that individuals involved in this crime and cults are obsessed with symbols and numbers. If you recieve please contact me. However, Mobbing may be a tactic used by the perpetrators of Gang Stalking. If not and you feel it is becoming a hostile work environment when she explores I would send a formal complaint. To not even give it 1% of your brain power. Despite what the leaders or members of Stalking and Harassment groups say or believe, all forms of Stalking and Harassment are illegal. It can also be used for purposes of sleep disturbance. Every state has a law against harassment and stalking. I could really use your input. Gathering information about the target. Sending or flooding the targets neighborhood with many white vehicles, this can be done subtly or all at once. There seems to be no escape. This will probably happen repeatedly by the same person or people. With most people, being calm and polite will immediately resolve the problem. When the waters are turbulent, I agree ignore the behavior and document, document, document. 2012;94(3):296-303. doi:10.1080/00223891.2012.655819. Do not derail the posts of others. This same thing happened to me and to a friend of mine. Remember that passive-aggressive anger stems from the person's experiences and background and, therefore, is not your responsibility. And never underestimate the effects of trauma, in keeping a victim from quickly figuring out who and why he or she is being tortured with murderous intent. THEY US EVIL MAGIC ON ME AND FOLLOW ME AROUND TOWN WITH COLOR HARASSMENT AND TRYING TO SOMETIMES TAKE PICTURES OF ME AND RECORD ME. Offhand comments or mild irritations are not considered harassment. Everyone else took care not to let it slam, except for the mean neighbor, who would let it slam anytime of day or night. The network is run by contractors and by DHSs (Department of Homeland Securitys) 78 fusion centers. However, having been subjugated to deprivation and many forms of abuse, in the most unimaginable way, from early childhood, I was not even capable of knowing or articulating very basic needs. They will learn to recognize set-ups and will find ways to either document and/or foil the types of overt operations described in the following article. i think the final attempt is pinning it on me and claiming me insane. The covert methods used to harass, persecute, and falsely defame the targets often leave no evidence to incriminate the civilian spies. Their own weaknesses, addictions, grandiosity and anger management issues have been exploited so that they think it is OK to attack citizens of their own country. Brandt A. It can be challenging to be compassionate and empathetic toward someone who is difficult to be around. Neighbors constantly slamming doors becomes antisocial If it produces nuisance and disturbance. People dont act like normal people. I should emphasize that the majority of Organized Gang Stalking victims are completely innocent of any crimes. I am utilizing a logical pen name, above. Just reading other posts on this sub about people with misophonia who have noisy neighbors, has been incredibly helpful and reassuring. Blocking targets path, getting ahead of them in line, cutting or boxing them in on the road, saying or doing things to elicit an angry response from targets. It is the same as any mafia. The files might have a picture of the target, and information about some alleged crime, incidents that the target has been flagged for, or is under investigation for. HACKING INTO MY COMPUTERS AND CELL PHONE. I get electronically harrassed at home by a repetitive series of accusations on a sound system in the apartment upstairs, and the person who lives there blasts loud chatter and content with loud sound effects on a set of speakers with loud bass set on the floor. This mental paradox is meant to do damage. Once he was taken out of our house, my family told me a horrid lie, that the system was looking at me as an accessory. I have to see a neurologist & a cardiologist & I wonder how am I going to do this? The foot patrols will then communicate back to the Informant in the car, using a combination of hand signals. having been in in this field i can truly say it only creates a constant feedback loop of constant self doubt and question that can only tell u that u are the problem. Targets will daily get wrong number calls. You came to this earth now for these last days. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'budgetfriendlyfurnishing_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_4',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-budgetfriendlyfurnishing_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Below, I have discussed some ways in which you can politely talk to your neighbor about the noise that they make and that is bothering you. Where every you go, there is going to be difficult co-workers of various kinds and degrees. Slamming doors is considered to be an antisocial behavior since it involves a deliberate way of making noise. In countries like the US, Canada, and the UK, its a grievous offense and can be tagged as privacy invasion, physical abuse, and attempted murder. The perpetrators of Organized Gang Stalking are serious criminals who do great damage, and the acts done are very serious crimes by any measure. My life is ruined and the last family member I have thinks Im nuts. You could call the attention of other occupants of the building if the neighbor in question did not adhere to you after speaking with them. Other times, they may simply never follow through with what was requested. Following a target around in vehicles, tailgating the targets vehicle on the road, driving or creeping by the targets home, two vehicles intentionally passing the other vehicle by or in front of the targets home repeatedly. So, if you try to understand where they are coming from, it can go a long way in helping you cope with their behaviors. Does anyone know if the FBI is in on this? This same neighbor uses insanely heavy foot stomping to pound up and down the stairwell, causing the building to shake. Every time I go somewhere during the day, an anchoring threat is made by car or truck with a door(s) or trunk open and no one in it sitting in someones driveway along my route. Organized Gang Stalking, also known as organized stalking, community harassment, community stalking, is a systemic form of control, which seeks to destroy every aspect of a Targeted Individuals life. Apparently, the criminals are supported by a rogue element in DHS; DHS vehicles have participated in this on occasion. I worked for one such administrator for 5.5 miserable years. This means that when you dial a number they will intercept that phone call and pretend to be the service or repair person you were trying to call. How Do You Handle It? To answer this question we must distinguish two types of legal claims. Hopeful that things change with the change of country. I plan on writing a book. Not family , not friends, or anyone I thought I could trust back in my home town. F.B.I. Yes you should be worried about a harassment charge. I would be heated every night in my lower legs. she? The harassment is aimed at destroying my life at every level possible including Career, finances, social life and mental health. The Number Harassment may be done in synchronicity with other members of these cults. It would be thrilling to have normal, nice neighbors around me and not a sadistic old woman who enjoys inflicting distress on those living around her. The entire system is designed for them. By then, I was well aware that I could not mention this to anyone or seek assistance of any kind. Criminals in power hire people who suffer from group delusion created by deeply-entrenched Stockholm Syndrome. Taking a few minutes to talk to your neighbor can make a difference; you just have to remember to stay calm, polite and to approach them at the right time. Mass strangers doing things in public to annoy targets. The manager has put me in danger so many times. With or without doctors. For example, if you approach your neighbor in the middle of a party when they might be a little bit tipsy, the effect could be counterproductive. A Noise Harassment Campaign is an orchestrated effort to produce stress in a victim through prolonged exposure to significant noise levels. I am not involved with any organizations, have never done or suggested anything illegal, and have no ulterior motives than the preservation of our soldier-won US Constitution and Bill of Rights. ", Setting boundaries can help stop this cycle. I was there for half a year to help out when my dad had a stroke. I was marked at age 19. This is all designed to be psychological warfare, so that the target again feels like they are under observation at all times. Almost was 302 again, trying to report my husbands abuse with proof. Indeed, a lot of little things can provoke this action. Stick to what you know is right regardless of any emotional abuse they may inflict. 2023 Budget Friendly Furnishing. My privacy has been invaded to a degree only seen in concentration camps or iron curtain countries, others are encouraged by the abuse of my civil rights to join in and destroy me and my property or those who are close to me. Hacking into their computers. Inform us about the issue you're havingnoise, pets, or harassment; Provide the details of the problem you're experiencing; We'll generate a customized demand letter that includes: The gang stalking phenomenon, that has exploded with the advent of the internet and smartphones, is a very serious problem and needs to be handled by professionals, and your simply out of your league and not qualified. If it were a antagonist country against us that would be more credible to me. They tell me that,no me guessing. My brother was treated for serious allergies, some fifty such allergies, which no other member of my family of origin or extended family a huge family had. When moving around your home, especially at night, be aware of your footsteps and try to tread lightly if you can. Confronting a person with passive-aggressive behaviors at work, school, or home requires honesty. Make Use of felt pads. Synchronized activities refers to the synchronized activities done by members of these groups to Harass a target which may include but not limited to neighbors arriving home at the same time or leaving home at the same time, or strangers or neighbors leaving or arriving home at the same time. I almost had commited suicide. Forget you have the ability to recognize it in your life. I think that they would like to force me to have diabetes. e. I believe all parts of the shadow government have infiltrated these intelligence agencies,,, basically they need someone to target so that resources can be allocated for these programs and since there are very few things and people who they see as real targets why not use are own citizens,,also these elites are all psychopaths so this is fun and games for them,,,the FBI is a good agency,,, although I believe that they have certain parts of the organization that have been corrupted by these infiltrators who misuse their power to continue programs like this,,read Richard lighthouse and Ted Gunderson testimonials,,,as targets very few people can help in this maybe try a american civil liberties lawyer, Have faith in god brpther. (Until things build up after a couple weeks and she has another tantrum.) The phrase Gas-Lighting has come to mean similar actions and behavior, as used in the film, against a victim. Most of them are not coherent, so its hard for me to know what to think. THESE CREEPS FROM MY HOME TOWN ARE TRYING TO STEAL MY BRAIN DATA AND USE IT TO PROFIT OFF OF AND LINK IT TO DESCRIPTIONS AND PEOPLE. So Im curious why my chest is hurting on left side. For example a member of the cult arrives home at 7:07 in the afternoon and another member of the cult leaves at 7:07 at the same time. An Illusion is created that you are receiving much more attention than you actually are. Vehicles or groups that travel in cells the cells may use vehicle Color Harassment. I said that I did not give permission. Slamming the door is a very vicious form of disturbance, usually getting into the ears and sometimes the brain.