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The track management was so impressed, they asked for prescriptions. Every earlier study of fluvoxamine (such as observational studies) showed it work and the mechanism had been shown. This advice is now outdated. Fluvoxamine was reportedly added to just 2 practice guidelines (Ontario and Johns Hopkins). Timing is everything with respect to outcomes. The medical community did nothing (with a few exceptions like Dr. Seftel). Fluvoxamine has at least a 30% hospitalization and death benefit. The man who ran Risperdal sales, Alex Gorsky, is now CEO of Johnson & Johnson. Why fluvoxamine isnt used. Now they turn to Rust. It is in a class of drugs known as selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), but unlike other SSRIs, fluvoxamine interacts strongly with a protein called the sigma-1 receptor. Medicine has been transformed to doing whatever the NIH/FDA says, regardless of how many lives will be lost. 4000fluvoxamine750 Theres nothing there.). Note that a total of 77 people got the drug, not 65. Timing is everything with respect to outcomes. Steve Kirsch Nov 5, 2021 145 92 Here are the key things you should know about fluvoxamine for COVID: It works. It doesnt get any better than this. There are now 5 independent observational studies that show that the drug works (2 in France, 1 in Germany, 2 in the US). (article I did after the TOGETHER trial). I took it myself at that dosage and noticed zero side effects. With covid, 80% of your patient population does just peachy with no treatment at all, just a little bed rest and fluid. He was recently featured on 60 Minutes, . The web price charge of . The NIH picks the drug that makes the most money for the drug companies regardless of long-term safety Molnupiravir! Added to FLCCC protocols and Fareed-Tyson protocol among others. I've collected fluvoxamine evidence here for convenient access. Kirsch is a serial entrepreneur who has spent decades pitching the next big thing, whether optical mice (Mouse Systems), document processing (FrameMaker), search engines (Infoseek), digital. Try refreshing this page and updating them one How I recommend people treat COVID and the fascinating backstory of how fluvoxamine was discovered. YouTube , , , fluvoxamine, , , , , , , , , , Adverse reactions/side effects. In two trials (both published studies in peer reviewed journals with Editor's Choice in both cases), the drug had a 100% effect size in protecting against hospitalization from the respiratory symptoms from COVID. Mouse Systems is not a household word, he told the journalist. But an Editor's Note urged physicians to treat this as a hypothesis and not as a basis for clinical decision-making. So instead of this paper being treated as confirming an earlier hypothesis, it was treated as generating a novel hypothesis. Dr. Seftel's paper has been accepted for publication and will appear in OFID in early February. Quick Summary . This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. Everyone says "we need more data" to show fluvoxamine works for COVID. That receptor also helps regulate the body's . After two weeks (since it was a tight knit community, everyone could see what was happening to the two groups), every track worker who got sick with COVID, demanded the drug. And that is what has allowed Kirsch, and people like him, to become so influential. Since FLV is a safe drug, it should have been widely discussed with patients that there is virtually no downside and a huge reduction in hospitalization if the drug is given early. Fluvoxamine has a 40 year safety track record. The 5 observational studies is icing on the cake. The drugs mechanisms of action were explained to the KOL panel which voted 2>1 in favor of fluvoxamine. Since then, he has continued to promote fluvoxamine, along with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. We dont want to feed the anti-vaccine trolls, so we actively suppress clear scientific data. Doing something is better than nothing. This alone will give roughly a 50% effect size and explains why all of the the SSRIs are effective including those that do not activate the Sigma1 receptor (e.g., Paroxetine). But as Kirsch has clashed with the experts he initially surrounded himself with, hes grown increasingly close to others who share his perspectives on vaccineswho have, in turn, provided a large and receptive audience to his claims about a fluvoxamine conspiracy. Hes now outlived his initial prognosis by several years. But I know something else that few other people know, thanks to a source at the NIH: the NIH was planning to approve fluvoxamine months ago, but they got a call from the FDA telling them not to. The NIH wrote a bullshit rejection because the FDA told them not to approve it. @stkirsch. It has shown to be 100% protective of hospitalization in 2 clinical trials. We asked Steve to tone it down. We pretty much practice government agency opinion medicine all over the world now, with just a few exceptions. That was a lie. site visitors volume is 1,957 unique day-to-day guests and their 3,914 pageviews. This advice is now outdated. 36m "We found Fauci was the most highly compensated federal employee. Thanks to the volumes of data and information provided by pharmaceutical companies and regulators, as well as large numbers of trials from independently funded research groups around the world, I now trust that theyre safe for the vast majority of adults. So far, doctors have failed to share his sense of urgency. Why the FDA should grant an EUA for fluvoxamine immediately, a brilliant op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, "Too much caution is killing COVID patients. 1 hr ago. Steve is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and philanthropist who founded the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF) at the beginning of the pandemic. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Steve Kirsch created the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF) to finance trials of off-patent drugs in an attempt to find a potent treatment that had been staring us in the face. I also think it makes a lot of sense to look for pre-existing drugs that can help treat covid symptoms. Steve Kirsch is looking for an explanation for 171,000 excess deaths. I must admit that this is an anniversary that snuck If you cant get a prescription for COVID, then perhaps you have OCD? After publication of the recommendation in December 2021, the NIH did absolutely nothing change their recommendation. Steve Kirsch. There are two ways Ive discovered that I may be able to save the world, he told an IEEE Spectrum reporter in 2000. Then he hosted a superspreader event. Please read and agree to the disclaimer before watching this video.. Steve Kirsch On COVID Early Treatment and CensorshipSteve Kirsch is an entrepreneur and . So it was both obvious and convincing the difference between the groups to the workers and the track management. If you do have a side-effect, it is usually mild nausea which goes away when you stop taking the drug. The NIH picks the drug that makes the most money for the drug companies regardless of long-term safety Molnupiravir! Government agencies are ignoring the science. I couldnt tell I was on the drug. Fluvoxamine public data repository: The fluvoxamine public repository has all the documents related to fluvoxamine for COVID, including the RCT, RWE, observational studies and a link to the 1 hour lecture on serotonin and fluvoxamine. Summary of key evidence. Three of the four outpatient trials have been reported out: all were successful. See my article on treatments. . He immediately tweeted an offer to give anyone $1 million if they could win a debate with him about vaccine deaths. So much for evidence-based medicine. In fact, he was unwittingly the source for one of Kirschs figures. Thats why they didnt change their recommendation when the Phase 3 trial was published in Lancet. He started a new pseudonymous account, @VaccineTruth2, to continue broadcasting messages. Ive used it personally at 50mg twice a day and experience no adverse events at all. Ive talked to doctors who are extremely familiar with the drug and all the trial results and they would prescribe it to their patients. Soon after his appearance on the DarkHorse podcast, several partners of his most recent startup, M10, expressed concerns about the increasing extremism of Kirschs vaccine views. and here are the slides I used in, Collections of op-eds and presentations about fluvoxamine, Please see my answer on Quora It was tested in coronavirus patients because fluvoxamine has very strong anti-inflammatory properties. This give another 50% of benefit. Author Affiliations . So check the side-effects list to be familiar with which side-effects are associated with which drug so if you have a side-effect, youll know which drug to reduce or eliminate. Its really, really common for a small effect, something that looks exciting, to be a statistical fluke when you look at a larger population. Other drugs in this class include Prozac (fluoxetine), Zoloft (sertraline) and Paxil (paroxetine). He prefers iconoclastic approaches, whether by directly funding asteroid detection or advocating for nuclear power to combat global warming. Here is what, e) which concluded: Under a variety of assumptions, fluvoxamine shows a high probability of preventing hospitalization in outpatients with COVID-19., For more about fluvoxamine (and other SSRIs that work), see, fluvoxamine completed a Phase 3 study showing it works that was published in the Lancet Global Health, NIH basically dismissed the fluvoxamine study as I predicted they would, few people werent afraid of expressing their displeasure, the highly acclaimed Bangladesh mask study showed, Johns Hopkins has incorporated fluvoxamine in their treatment guidelines, Ontario has become the first province to list fluvoxamine as a treatment doctors can consider for patients. Medicine today isnt about saving your life. Drug researchers at Washington University in St. Louis reached out to Kirsch looking for $67,000 to finish a very smallbut placebo-controlledtrial. February 17, 2021. . Silence from the medical community. So it was both obvious and convincing the difference between the groups to the workers and the track management. The race to find covid-19 drug treatments that actually work, The antimalarial drug Trump took for covid might actually be dangerous. Hes also made several videos and podcasts with Vladimir Zelenko, the conspiracy theorist doctor who convinced Trump to take hydroxychloroquine. He has a history of giving away some of his millions to good causes, and when COVID-19 began. Boulware disputes that, and says that although Kirschs funding was important, his statements about drugs and vaccines have proven problematic. Its motivated out of his sense of keeping people safe and advancing health care.. ALWAYS check with your doctor and report any medications you are taking before or plan to take after you start taking fluvoxamine. It was approved by the FDA in 1994 and has been used in millions of patients worldwide. Jeffrey Glenn, an infectious disease professor at Stanford University, calls the inaction on the current evidence on the table "criminal.". He applied the drug to a large COVID outbreak at Golden Gate Fields just days after the Lenze trial was published. just like ivermectin). Over the last 18 months, the fund has granted at least $4.5 million to researchers testing the covid-fighting powers of drugs that are already FDA-approved for other diseases. Fluvoxamine is a very safe drug on market for 37 years, tens of millions of people have taken it, no record in scientific literature of anyone dying on overdose, and according to doctors that know the drug the best, about as dangerous as taking a Tylenol. Its board told him that if he wanted to remain part of the company he would have to stop making public anti-vaccine statements. Fluvoxamine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), a class of anti-depressants, mostly prescribed for people suffering from an obsessive-compulsive disorder. The FDA is will take months to deliberate on the fluvoxamine EUA application that we submitted on January 29. (One of them, Eric Lenze, was in fact giving a presentation on fluvoxamine to the National Institutes of Health the next day.) My website has tons of info on fluvoxamine with all the links. Fluvoxamine has a 40 year safety track record. How I recommend people treat COVID and the fascinating backstory of how fluvoxamine was discovered. Kirsch and his wife, Michele, fund a charitable foundation, which by 2007 had given $75 million to different causes. But they will refuse to give it to you even after being proven in a Phase 3 trial that was approved by the WHO. P-value was 10^-14 on that study (done by Dr. Seftel). People who report not tolerating the drug are typically prescribed too high a dose. He is frequently brash and interruptive, peppering dire warnings about vaccines with veiled aspersions toward Anthony Fauci and vague references to influential people who agree with him in private but cannot speak publicly. Even though an expert panel was overwhelmingly convinced in just one hour, hearing a very small subset of all the supporting evidence, the organizations that they belong to are taking their time. I see it all the time on social media, Morris told me. Im just telling you the truth. If the drug is started right after symptoms, weve seen 100% prevention in hospitalization. The trials that were abandoned for futility werent getting events because the patients were given standard of care meds. It doesnt get much better than that. All the medical journals refused to publish the meeting notes (rejected by 6 journals). [NIH] doesnt want any of these treatments. The WashU Phase 3 study hasnt been disclosed yet, but they had compliance problems with their patients this time around (phase 2 was local so the patients got the drug early and also were very compliant and the placebo group was truly taking nothing). But they dont want their names used. Think about it Molnupiravir has a 50% risk reduction whereas fluvxoamine is over 90%. If you take fluvoxamine, please avoid caffeine while on the drug. See this. It does not matter how many lives will be saved. That work has yielded one promising candidate, the antidepressant fluvoxamine; other CETF-funded efforts have been less successful. See this Wall Street Journal op-ed. Once the Phase 2 result came out, it should have been embraced by doctors. He started a covid-19 vaccine company. Fluvoxamine public data repository - Google Drive, On Cytokines, Fluvoxamine and COVID-19 Part 1, Jon-Emile S. Kenny MD[@heart_lung] You see, we have a kind of allergy to the past; its our national disease, and the very assurance with which you insist that the past is within the present is l, On Cytokines, Fluvoxamine and COVID-19 Part 2, Jon-Emile S. Kenny MD[@heart_lung] Apocalypse is played out now on a personal scale; it is not in the sky above us, but in our bed. -Mark Doty Introduction With a proposed pathway coupling patho, Effect of Fluvoxamine vs Placebo on Clinical Deterioration in Outpatients With Symptomatic COVID-19, This randomized trial compares the effects of fluvoxamine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor with immunomodulatory effects vs placebo on a composite of dyspnea or pneumonia and oxygen desaturation among adult outpatients with polymerase chain reactionconfirmed mild coronavirus disease 2019 (, Prospective cohort of fluvoxamine for early treatment of COVID-19, Abstract. Steven Todd Kirsch is an American entrepreneur. That way you can start immediately. Ivermectin has a very high quality systematic review, the highest possible level in Evidence Based Medicine. If you have trouble getting a prescription, perhaps you have OCD? Doctors who are most familiar with the drug would prescribe it to their patients. He pushes fluvoxamine, an anti-depression drug which despite doing very well in covid treatment studies has been strangely neglected. So take the lowest likely effect size * 60% success rate and you are looking at an expected 45% reduction in death which is clearly better than a 0% reduction. The group who declined the drug were very sick with 12.5% requiring hospitalization and one died. Now weve lost the high ground, Morris told me. Thats what creates some of these heroes.. Here's why. Jeffrey Morris, director of biostatistics at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, has made debunking Kirschs claims something of a hobby. There were no studies reported out so far where fluvoxamine made things worse or neutral. with a list of newsletters youd like to receive. . The NIH never did a risk benefit analysis of this drug. But how many did it help? Nobody who took the drug got sick at all, most all wanted to return to work within 3 days after starting treatment. Every year, we pick the 10 technologies that matter the most right now. This post was written to memorialize the corruption. The infectious disease scientists lied to me. more time. If there is a better drug on the table today than fluvoxamine, the NIH panel should put that one on the guidelines. This should be top news, but the press is ignoring this and attempt to write stories about it are killed by the editors. The choice couldn't be more clear cut. The next major effect is that that fluvoxamine activates the sigma-1 receptor. Fluvoxamine is the poster child of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF). Read More fluvoxamine The Fluvoxamine FAQ O, Platelet reactivity to thrombin differs between patients with COVID-19 and those with ARDS unrelated to COVID-19 | Blood Advances | American Society of Hematology, Fluvoxamine for COVID-19 summary Steve Kirsch Executive Director COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund 650-279-1008, Fluvoxamine for COVID-19 Steve Kirsch Executive Director COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund 650-279-1008, Drug Repurposing Research Leads to Potentially Game-Changing Treatment to Prevent Clinical Deterioration in Outpatients With COVID, The Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund was launched to provide funding for research in order to, Steve Kirschs answer to What is the current treatment for Covid-19?