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It was the height of the Cuban missile crisis, which began earlier that month . words of John F. Kennedy administration staffer Arthur Schlesinger, Stanislav Petrov, another Cold War hero who saved the world from nuclear annihilation. Arkhipov was appointed deputy commander of the K-19 in its maiden voyage in July 1961, under the command of Captain Nikolai Zateyev. . The intention wasnt to destroy it but to force it to surface, as US officials had already informed Moscow. Vasili Arkhipov. Russia was never an aggressor and never will be. It was then they learned that no shooting war had broken out between the US and Soviet forces, but by arguing against the launching of the nuclear-tipped torpedo, Arkhipov in effect had averted the start of a nuclear war between the two superpowers. But Commander Zateyev refused help, fearing Soviet military secrets would be compromised. We will die, but we will sink them all we will not become the shame of the fleet.. To close I would like to add a few words: The history of the Russian State demonstrates the peaceful nature of our people. Arkhipov's actions probably prevented an open nuclear war, the consequences of which would have included the deaths . In 1947, he graduated from the Caspian . Arkhipov l mt trong ba s quan ch huy cp cao ca tu ngm ht nhn tn cng . To those people who consider my father a coward I want to say: You havent experienced what he had to go through! But unknown to Washington, the officers aboard B-59 were out of contact with their superiors and had every reason to believe that their American counterparts were trying to sink them. The K-19 was then towed home. SWERTRES RESULT Today, Sunday, February 19, 2023. It was an era when the two greatest world powers, the US and Soviet Union, were at the brink of war over the presence of Soviet . Now, 55 years after he averted nuclear war and 19 years after his death, Arkhipov is to be honoured, with his family the first recipients of a new award. Already at 19 years of age Vasili Arkhipov was fighting in the war against Japan. Vasily Aleksandrovich Arkhipov. In reaction to the bombardment of the U.S. Navy, two of the three officers in command of the Soviet B-59 submarine decided to launch a nuclear torpedo. My father was the conscience of our homeland. It was anyway forbidden to talk about this subject. But while the two countries leaders were handling the negotiations, they were largely unaware of a much more precarious situation that was going on below the surface in the Caribbean. Anderson was the first and only casualty of the crisis, an event that could have led to war had President Kennedy not concluded that the order to fire had not been given by Soviet Premier Nikolai Khrushchev. Yes, the second-in-command on the B-59 had been given . Thinking that President John F. Kennedy was a weak man, he smuggled nuclear missiles into his ally Castros Cuba. Reader support helps us keep our explainers free for all. All three senior officers had to agree, and Vasili Arkhipov, the 36-year-old second captain and brigade chief of staff, refused to give his assent. Support our mission, and make a gift today. Orlov presented the events less dramatically, saying that Captain Savitsky lost his temper, but eventually calmed down. But Vasili Arkhipov said no. This inspired Thomas Blanton, director of the National Security Archive, to declare "the lesson . The prior year, Arkhipov was deputy commander of the new Hotel-class ballistic missile submarine K-19, where he survived the radiation spread throughout the ship due to the jury-rigged cooling water system that successfully reduced the temperature in the reactor after the primary coolant system developed a major leak.He then helped to quell a potential mutiny, backing Captain First Rank . It is with this in mind, Gentlemen, that we introduce you to our new contributor, Donough OBrien, who will be imparting his wisdom on obscure and unknown Gentlemen from throughout history withextractsfrom his book Who? The most remarkable people youve never heard of. Mr. Arkhipov had come a long way from the peasant family that lived near Moscow in which he had grown up. Vasily Aleksandrovich Arkhipov (Russian: , IPA:[vsilj lksandrvt arxipf], 30 January 1926 19 August 1998) was a Soviet Naval officer who prevented a Soviet nuclear torpedo launch during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Arkhipov, K-19s deputy captain was among the few who remained calm, maintained order and helped to organize a proper evacuation. Knowledge is power or so they say. 75, October 31 In the conning tower were the Captain Valentin Savitsky and Vasili Arkhipov, of equal rank, but crucially, also the Flotilla Commander. Cut off from communication with the outside world, the panicked Soviet sailors feared that they were now under attack. The U.S. demanded the removal of Soviet nuclear missiles from Cuba, while Moscow insisted that Washington should first remove its missiles from Turkey. The George Washington University The two superpowers were never closer to nuclear war than they were during those 13 days. The submarine surfaced and, satisfied that all-out war had not actually been taking place above, turned around and went on its way. "[20] Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., an advisor for the John F. Kennedy administration and a historian, continued this thought by stating "This was not only the most dangerous moment of the Cold War. According to her, he enjoyed searching for newspapers during their vacations and tried to stay up-to-date with the modern world as much as possible. Commander Nikolai Shumkov commanded the K-19s maiden voyage, and his task was to test a torpedo fitted with a nuclear warhead. The most remarkable episode that made him famous among submariners happened a year before the Cuban crisis. And the subsequent similar actions (there were 12 overflights altogether) were not as worrisome any longer. Although Arkhipov was only second-in-command of submarine B-59, he was actually Commander of the flotilla of submarines including B-4, B-36, and B-130, and of equal rank to Captain Savitsky. My father, Vasili Arkhipov, was Chief of Staff of the 69th Submarine Brigade of the Northern Fleet when, in October 1962, he was commissioned by the Navy High Command to undertake a top secret mission. During the Cuban Missile Crisis 58 years ago the world was facing nuclear war. Six decades ago, the Cuban missile crisis brought the world to the very brink of nuclear holocaust. The Americans had no idea that B-59 was armed with nuclear weapons, and started to drop depth charges in order to force the submarine to the surface. We should not destroy this life. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. It was the height of the Cuban missile crisis, which began earlier that month when a US U-2 spy plane spotted evidence of newly built installations on Cuba, where it turned out that Soviet military advisers were helping to build sites capable of launching nuclear missiles at the US, less than 100 miles away. She was his lifelong guardian angel! Arkhipov refused to sanction the launch of the weapon and calmed the captain down. It was fall and it was cold. With no backup systems, captain Nikolai Zateyev ordered the seven members of the engineer crew to come up with a solution to avoid nuclear meltdown. I worry when I see news about the arms race escalating. Moreover, I was still small at the time and I practically never saw my father. So sit back and let youre knowledge grow, There can be few people so significant and yet still so unknown. 2023 Initiative Gesichter des Friedens | Faces of Peace, Vasili Arkhipov (72), Chief of Staff of the 69th Submarine Brigade of the Northern Fleet,,, Ich bin ausdrcklich damit einverstanden Pressemitteilungen zu erhalten und wei, dass ich mich jederzeit wieder, Steve Killelea, Creator of the Global Peace Index (GPI), Sir Nigel Sheinwald, Chair of Chatham House Council, Farzana Kochai, Mitglied des afghanischen Parlaments, Jody Williams, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Die missbrauchten Frauen des Krieges (Teil 2) Interview mit Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bock, The Abused Women of War (Part 1) Interview with Vasfije Krasniqi Goodman, Die missbrauchten Frauen des Krieges (Teil 1) Interview mit Vasfije Krasniqi Goodman, Detlef Dzembritzki, Bundesvorsitzender DGVN, Im Visier Die Bedrohung aus dem Cyberraum, Chief of Staff of the 69th Submarine Brigade, Man kann uns nicht mehr ignorieren, deswegen werden wir bekmpft!, Diplomacy in the modern age can never afford to stand still!, Die Welt ist verantwortlich dafr, was in Afghanistan passiert!, We need to focus on human security for sustainable peace!, Die Prozesse sind komplex und zeitaufwendig!, For me that was my day of apocalypse the day that felt like the last of my life!, Fr mich war es der Tag der Apokalypse der Tag, der sich wie der letzte meines Lebens anfhlte!, Knnen nur hoffen, dass Donald Trump nicht erneut zum US-Prsidenten gewhlt wird!, Jeder kann einen Cyber-Angriff fr weniger als 18 Euro beauftragen!. He did his part for the future so that everyone can live on our planet.. This incident, it can be safely assumed, had a profound effect on Arkhipov. The Soviets wanted to shore up their nuclear strike capabilities against the U.S. (which had recently placed missiles in Turkey, bordering the Soviet Union, as well as Italy) and the Cubans wanted to prevent the Americans from attempting another invasion of the island like the unsuccessful one theyd launched in April 1961. Fifty-nine years ago, a senior Russian submarine officer, Vasili Alexandrovich Arkhipov, refused to fire a nuclear torpedo at an American aircraft carrier and likely prevented a third world war and nuclear destruction. Those on board did not know whether war had broken out or not. This presentation is the only known public statement by Vasily Arkhipov about the events on submarine B-59 during the Cuban Missile Crisis. I can therefore say, without doubt, that of course my father was aware of the consequences of his decision. With the United States and the Soviet Union on the brink of nuclear war, the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis was one of the tensest moments in modern history. He acted like a man who knew what kind of disasters can come from radiation, she said. Had it been launched, the fate of the world would have been very different: the attack would probably have started a nuclear war which would have caused global devastation, with unimaginable numbers of civilian deaths. "[16] Each captain was required to present a report of events during the mission to Marshal Andrei Grechko, who substituted for the ill Soviet defense minister. EZ2 RESULT Today, Sunday, February 19, 2023. It is clear that he is very unhappy about journalist Alexander Mozgovoys revelation (based on Vadim Orlovs account) of the near-use of the nuclear torpedo, which he sees as part of the plot to denigrate and defame prominent Soviet military and naval leaders and destroy the Soviet Armed Forces. Arkhipov describes the events of October 27, when his submarine had to surface because of exhausted batteries while being pursued by U.S. anti-submarine forces.