The aim is to do the c-section before you go into labour. I Scheduled My C-Section and I Don't Feel A Tiny Bit ... 4 mins readHe also says the best time to have a scheduled C-section is around 39 weeks' gestation or one week before your due date, Hospitals vary, 2020 - Explore Vanessa Ybarra's board "Scheduled c section" on Pinterest, more and more women are electing to schedule the surgery for convenience or other nonmedical reasons, Scheduled C . He is 4 months old now. They will try whatever they can to delay it until your 39 th week of pregnancy. The Tricky Business of Scheduling a C-section | She died from lack of oxygen. Scheduled C Section: How I Prepared for It - Lexi Conaty Co Babies born early (called premature babies) may have more health problems at birth and later in life than babies born on time. My c-section was scheduled for 38 weeks and 2 days. Induced labor at 39 weeks may reduce likelihood of C ... C-section was performed the next day and he had a bit of breathing trouble, but otherwise all was well. Your last check-up appointment at the doctor's office will be when you schedule the date to have your baby. A classical c section scar looks the same on the skin but is a vertical incision into the uterus x . I'm going to be scheduled for a c-section with this pregnancy, as I'm not comfortable with the rupture rate of up to 5% (this was NOT an easy or a quick decision - I would SO LOVE . Carrie06 Wed 04-Mar-09 09:49:47. Packing for a scheduled cesarean section isn't much different than packing for a v-bac delivery but there are a few crucial items that you won't want to forget. This is why it's important to wait until at least 39 weeks for a scheduled c-section. If your pregnancy is healthy, it's best to stay pregnant for at least 39 weeks and wait for labor to begin on its own. Generally most babies have mature lungs between 36 and 37 weeks (though in some cases this is not true. Delivery at 39 Weeks Not Optimal. This is the American ICD-10-CM version of O75.82 - other international versions of ICD-10 O75.82 may differ. The 2022 edition of ICD-10-CM O82 became effective on October 1, 2021. This is the American ICD-10-CM version of O75.82 - other international versions of ICD-10 O75.82 may differ. The data presented by Stutchfield et al show that delaying non-urgent elective caesarean section until 39 weeks is much more effective in avoiding neonatal admission than giving steroids. *this is for scheduled Csections only, when I say mandatory. Doctors were already expecting quite a big baby, predicting his weight to be 13.8 lbs., so Cary had been scheduled for a C-section. Mine was a little over 39 weeks. My baby's transverse but there's no spots available for a planned c-section until the day before my due date. Cx. With my first C section my Doc took him at 36 1/2 weeks,, this time that SAME doc is doing my Csection at 39 weeks 2 days. I . Table . When you're planning a c-section, you will have your baby at 39 weeks instead of 40. Babies are totally fine delivering at 39 weeks. It is happening on Tuesday! Doctors like to schedule c sections for when you're about 39 weeks to try to avoid you going into labor beforehand. Im not comfortable with it this time. Delivery at 39 Weeks Not Optimal. Jan. 7, 2009— -- When 37-year-old Alicia Cooney of Cleveland was pregnant . And, while the overall risk of infant death is . 10/17/2012 13:32 . 1 For the 15% or so of such women who will go into labour between 37 and 39 weeks, the inconvenience of having their caesarean "out of hours" is likely to . It would kinda defeat the purpose. Needless to say, it was going to be a long morning. Your C-section might . Babies born by surgical delivery before 39 weeks may suffer more health issues. Morning of Schedule C-Section. References to this type of surgery go back to ancient times in many cultures all across the globe, but it was only done when the mother was in critical condition. Pregnancy Help: Apr 1, 2010: Scheduled C-section? Pregnancy Help: Jan 21, 2010 As you can see, there are a TON of team members doing a TON of different tasks, so it can get confusing at times, if you don't know what's going on! For example, if you're expecting more than 1 baby. I wanted an NVD and was disappointed that all my prep - walking, exercise, etc - did not help me have one! This is so you don't go into labor before your scheduled date. Being abdominal surgery, pain in the early months is very common after a caesarean section (C-section) and needs to be managed with rest, pain relief, and. Encounter for cesarean delivery without indication. Scheduled CS for second at 39w after emergency CS with first at 39w6d. In case of any problems with your baby's health, your doctor may recommend a C section at 37 weeks. Repeat C-Section Best Scheduled at 39 Weeks, Study Says Operating sooner, later worse for babies, preliminary research finds FRIDAY, Feb. 10, 2012 (HealthDay News) -- A new childbirth study says 39 weeks' gestation is the best time for elective Cesarean delivery for women who have previously delivered via C-section. Having your bag packed by 37 weeks is pretty standard. Excited? Still, they opt for cesarean sections in case they believe there will be complications during labor. In the absence of medical need, planned, elective C-section before 39 weeks gestation is not recommended by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG), unless testing shows that the. Pregnancy Help: Jan 21, 2010 If this is your first or your second c-section, you will most likely be scheduled around the 39th week of gestation. This ultrasound was to check the size and position of the baby. Doc found umbilical cord around baby's neck and advised C section. Are you even allowed to say that about a C-section? . Sometimes there's a medical reason for delivering the baby earlier than this. 2nd - scheduled for 38 weeks 2 days but water broke at 37 weeks 4 days. About 1 in 10 women whose planned caesareans are scheduled for 39 weeks will go into labour first. My first pregnancy I carried twins, and I was blessed to go full term. I'm going to be scheduled for a c-section with this pregnancy, as I'm not comfortable with the rupture rate of up to 5% (this was NOT an easy or a quick decision - I would SO LOVE . I had a version at 37 weeks which did not work so they scheduled the c-section for 39 weeks. Since the fetus is measuring a full two weeks ahead of schedule, my doctor recommended that he perform the C-section on the day I am officially 39 weeks pregnant, which is the Sunday of Memorial . Otherwise, it turns into an emergency c section. Scheduled C-section at 39 weeks. I had a scheduled C for my 2nd right at 39 weeks. They also have a higher chance of having cerebral palsy, which can affect movement, hearing, seeing, thinking, and learning. Over the course of a year, this means that this would prevent up to 6,000 stillbirths a year. Pregnancy Help: Apr 1, 2010: Scheduled C-section? This can be subject to last minute changes in order to ensure maximum . I loved this subreddit especially since I received a diagnosis of partial placenta previa and had a breech baby. You will usually have a planned c-section at 39 weeks of pregnancy. In July, it became one of 19 Banner Healthcare facilities to prohibit scheduled cesarean sections and labor inductions before 39 weeks of pregnancy unless they're medically necessary. I had a breech baby and went into labor without anyone realizing he was breech at 38 weeks. C-Section Too Early Risks Baby's Health. During my last pregnancy, I was induced at 42 weeks and during the short time I was in early labour (5 hours) my daughter went into fetal distress which ended up in an emergency c-section. The aim is to do the c-section before you go into labour. (Surgery) March 2015. At my OB appointment this past Friday, my doctor . A cesarean section, or C-section, is a surgical procedure to deliver a baby through the mother's abdomen. I had all the info provided at my 24 week appointment. Only about 60% of women with 2 previous cesarean deliveries were able to delay delivery until 39 weeks, and only about 50% of those with 3 or more. Babies induced or delivered by C-section before 39 weeks are more likely to have problems breathing and feeding, have severe jaundice, and need intensive care after birth. "If your C-section is scheduled at 39 weeks but your water breaks earlier, you're going to the hospital right then anyway," says Nina Spears, birth doula, childbirth educator, and founder of the . "If the mother is healthy, current research indicates that delivery should not be scheduled before 39 weeks' gestation." According to a 2007 CDC study, infant mortality risk for babies born at 37 or 38 weeks is 1.5 times higher than babies born at 39 to 41 weeks. Cesarean or C-section deliveries are usually performed to reduce the risks to the infant, such as when the fetus is in a breech position rather than head first in the birth canal Scheduling a C-section.The TBT suggests performing a C-section at 39 weeks if your baby is in the breech position, says Dr. Cahill How is a breech baby delivered safely? About 1 in 10 women whose planned caesareans are scheduled for 39 weeks will go into labour first. "If your C-section is scheduled at 39 weeks but your water breaks earlier, you're going to the hospital right then anyway," says Nina Spears, birth doula, childbirth educator, and founder of the . Posted 3/21/11 11:03 AM. You will usually have a planned c-section at 39 weeks of pregnancy. The group asks that doctors remind women that the of risk of placenta previa, placenta accreta and hysterectomy increase with every cesarean delivery. That means their waters break or their contractions start. My baby has her butt wedged on in my pelvis with her feet in her face up at her ribs. Babies born earlier than 39 weeks are more likely to need help with their breathing. Obiously you can't stop labor when it's time, its time, and excludes emergency . Pregnancy Help: Aug 31, 2010: Those who had a scheduled c-section: Pregnancy Help: Jun 25, 2010: Scheduled c-section on MONDAY! Short description: Onset labor 37-39 weeks, w del by (planned) cesarean section The 2022 edition of ICD-10-CM O75.82 became effective on October 1, 2021. Although cesarean delivery with a classical incision is relatively uncommon (representing 0.3%-0.4% of deliveries), it presents a significant risk of rupture in subsequent pregnancies (1%-12% on the basis of published reports). When Do You Need a C-Section? I had a c-section with my daughter do to her being breech.I opted to have a repeat c-section with this baby.I am 39 weeks pregnant and they have not scheduled my c-se. Scheduled C section: Hi girls - Had my 40th week ultrasound today. 2 weeks from when they scheduled it to the actual surgery. Which week is best for C-section? Just be really weird to schedule a c section for 39 weeks and then have them change it anyways. Babies born early (called premature babies) may have more health problems at birth and later in life than babies born on time. I have had two c-sections, one at 41 1/2 weeks (emerg), and one at 39 weeks (scheduled b-c was only 14 months after first and risk of rupture was too high for vbac). Positive scheduled C section - placenta previa & breech baby. What happens if I go into labour first? In some cases, the benefits of scheduling your c-section early outweigh any potential risks. via. NinaFreeman85 member. Even if I go early (fingers crossed I don't) I will just go into a c-section. Each baby is different). Scheduled c-section okay at 40 weeks? If you schedule a c-section and your due date is off by a week or 2, your baby may be born too early. he even asked me not to eat breakfast until 9.30am from 38 weeks just in case! Timing of Scheduled C-Section: Nov 11, whose estimated weight was in the 95th percentile (>7 lbs.,, and some aren't ready to be born at the 37-week mark, jaundice and admission to a neonatal intensive care unit are also increased in babies delivered by elective caesarean section at 37 or 38 weeks' gestation rather than at 39 to 41 weeks' gestation, weeks, Evidence demonstrates however . The problem is that all our technology can't tell for sure how far along you are. Completely healthy. March 2015. Prematurity can be an issue with a scheduled c-section. Babies born earlier than 39 weeks are more likely to need help with their breathing. That way if you are scheduled for a c-section at 39 weeks but your water breaks early then you're ready! I went into labor on my own at 37w2d and after 36 hours of labor and an emergency c-section later (early morning on 37w4d) my little boy was born. Due to the weird way my appointments were scheduled, this happened when I was 36 weeks and 6 days so I was basically 37 weeks already. Pregnancy Help: Nov 8, 2012: 2 Breech babies and a C-section scheduled for 39 weeks! The research was slated for presentation Friday at a meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine in Dallas. Most doctors schedule for 38-39 weeks to avoid you going into labor and needing an 'emergency' section. My understanding is that it's harder as they not only need to stop contractions but also deliver the baby out pronto. Jan. 7, 2009 -- More than a third of babies born by planned, repeat C-section in the U.S. are delivered before 39 weeks gestation, and these babies are at increased risk for birth-related health . In this cohort study, 2086 patients were enrolled based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Report 1 Reply. Said that this could be the reason that the baby's head has not engaged yet. New to forum - scheduled c-section in 13 days! That's pretty much a C-Section in a nutshell! I was due 1/16, it was scheduled for 1/11. Short description: Onset labor 37-39 weeks, w del by (planned) cesarean section The 2022 edition of ICD-10-CM O75.82 became effective on October 1, 2021. This is why it's important to wait until at least 39 weeks for a scheduled c-section. Elective induction — labor induced when there is no medical need to do so — before 39 weeks is known to pose health risks for newborns. I elected for a repeat. You will usually have a planned c-section at 39 weeks of pregnancy. Available data suggest that scheduled cesarean at 36-37 weeks optimizes both maternal and fetal outcomes in these cases. 1st - 39 weeks. There may be a cancellation and the dr will call if so (possibly on the day, eek. How do I know if my c-section opened inside? New to forum - scheduled c-section in 13 days! Spending the next two weeks in the womb allows your baby's brain and lungs to fully mature. Report 0 Reply. For women who decide to go through with an elective C-section, ACOG recommends scheduling the procedure no earlier than 39 weeks of pregnancy. But when her water broke at a doctor's appointment, they bumped the surgery up a day and she and her husband, Tim, welcomed newborn baby Finnley, who clocked in at a massive 14lbs., 1oz. Pregnancy Help: Nov 8, 2012: 2 Breech babies and a C-section scheduled for 39 weeks! When you schedule your baby's birth, you schedule either labor induction or a c-section. But that definition has quietly evolved to 39 weeks in light of recent research that babies do . I am currently 22 weeks along with this pregnancy, due March 17. I am now expecting baby #3 and we will have a scheduled c-section at 39 weeks. Between 37 and 41 weeks, this rate increases even further, with each successive week in this time frame increasing progressively from 1.3 to 4.6. My water broke with Elliott at 3am and my planned c-section wasn't scheduled until 9am. — the biggest that Cary's . The aim is to do the c-section before you go into labour. Your provider will give you a scheduled date for the C-section. Graduation! Deciding Between ECV or Scheduled C-Section. If you wait until 40 and if you go into labor early it may cause a little more stress on you. Historically, a full-term pregnancy has been considered 37 weeks. JHaworth84 member. Re: At what week was your scheduled c-section for? FRIDAY, Feb. 10 (HealthDay News) -- A new childbirth study says 39 weeks' gestation is the best time for elective Cesarean delivery for women who have previously delivered via C-section. Babies born earlier than 39 weeks are more likely to need help with their breathing. Date and time was scheduled for c-section at 39 weeks unless medically required before then. O82 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. The recommendations are clearly for this procedure to be done after 39 weeks gestation c-sections are scheduled prior to 39 weeks only if medical criteria are meet. Anyways, now looking forward to meet the LO. I scheduled it for 5 days prior to due date. Table . The neonates were evaluated in terms of the following items: transient tachypnea of . Sometimes there's a medical reason for delivering the baby earlier than this. via. Scheduled C section and what to expect. This is the American ICD-10-CM version of O82 - other international versions of ICD-10 O82 may differ. What!? I had two healthy, HUGE baby boys. In fact, some obstetricians actually prefer this. For more of a traditional aspect on preparing for a scheduled c-section, take a look at this article from Mayo Clinic. With this pregnancy I will be having a scheduled c-section. C-sections scheduled prior to 39 weeks have an increased risk of complications. That is why he would schedule my c-section for 39 weeks (if it comes to that). If this happens, you will have an emergency rather than a planned caesarean. 1 An example would be with triplets or higher-order multiples, placenta previa, or fetal distress. The risk of breathing difficulties in babies requiring admission to NNU is slightly less at 39 wks vs 38 wks - think it's something like 1.4% vs 4% according to the booklet I received on elective sections from the hospital. On January 21st, I went to the doctors to get my 36 week ultrasound done. It takes longer to recover from a C-section, compared to vaginal birth, and the surgery may increase the risk of problems with vaginal birth in future pregnancies. And, while the overall risk of infant death is . I just got off the phone with the nurse coordinating my scheduled C-section, which will happen at 39 weeks on the dot, and couldn't be more excited. Only about 60% of women with 2 previous cesarean deliveries were able to delay delivery until 39 weeks, and only about 50% of those with 3 or more. It was up to the hospitals schedule, either going to be (friday) 1/8 or (monday) 1/11. "That's a 50% higher risk of infant mortality," McCabe said. Overall, delivery at 39 weeks via C-section is estimated to prevent 2 fetal deaths per 1000 live births. Elective C-Section: 38th Week Too Soon C-Section Before 39th Week Ups Baby Breathing Problems By Daniel J. DeNoon From the WebMD Archives Dec. 11, 2007 -- Babies born by elective C-section before. In summary I was admitted into hopsital twice at week 28 and week 30 for bleeds and baby was breech, I had a scheduled C section booked in at 39 weeks. ). However, elective induction at 39 weeks . Since the fetus is measuring a full two weeks ahead of schedule, my doctor recommended that he perform the C-section on the day I am officially 39 weeks pregnant, which is the Sunday of Memorial . Mine was scheduled at first OB appointment at 20 weeks (in Canada) as it's my second child. Well, I am. Went into labor a few days before that and still had a C-section (so it was rushed but not an emergency). They also have a higher chance of having cerebral palsy, which can affect movement, hearing, seeing, thinking, and learning. Babies induced or delivered by C-section before 39 weeks are more likely to have problems breathing and feeding, have severe jaundice, and need intensive care after birth. Went for my 1st appt last week (I'm 8weeks) and just like my last child, the doctor wants to schedule me at 39 weeks. So unless you know your day of conception, your due date could be 2-4 weeks off. Pregnancy Help: Aug 31, 2010: Those who had a scheduled c-section: Pregnancy Help: Jun 25, 2010: Scheduled c-section on MONDAY! I have had two c-sections, one at 41 1/2 weeks (emerg), and one at 39 weeks (scheduled b-c was only 14 months after first and risk of rupture was too high for vbac). Because it is now mandatory (in my state) that you can't take them before 39 weeks. Why are planned C-sections done at 39 weeks? FTM and I have to have a c-section and my doctor prefers it to be at 39 weeks up to a couple of days prior to 40. I've just highlighted prep and procedure. While it is possible that you may go into early labor within this time frame, it is not considered a problem. You will get opinions on both sides, but I LOVED having a scheduled c-section. While a baby is considered full-term starting at 37 weeks and ready for life outside the womb, babies benefit from staying inside the womb until 39 weeks when possible. This study was conducted to compare neonatal complications in scheduled cesarean sections (CS) between 38 and 39 gestational weeks with CS performed after 39 gestational weeks in Iranian low -risk pregnant women. Most scheduled C-sections occur at 39 weeks' gestation, Dr. Brimmage says. Scheduled Induction—Pre-Operative Procedures. If you schedule a c-section and your due date is off by a week or 2, your baby may be born too early. 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