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Bn. The Battalions mission was general engineer work in the VII Corps sector in the area around STOLBURG, KORNELIMUNSTER, BREINIG. 51. Then time ran out for the B-17 and Don Scott had to slip down the hatch into the slipstream. 65. August 15, 1944: Bn. John Souther was on reconnaissance patrol when he nosed his halftrack up over the edge of the gully in the Tunisian desert. Additionally, the commander serves as the Commandant of the U.S. Army Prime Power School, the institution responsible for the development of Army and Navy power generation specialists. Support bridge which was across the MEUSE RIVER North of DINANT. Those do give us a better feel for the area and the time period. Many times there is a daily record of events which shows daily combat details within the company, troop or battery to which the individual WWII veteran was assigned. March 1, 1945: Co "A" started construction of a large box CULVERT just west of DUREN. 7. Through the United States Army Corps of Engineers, the 249th soldiers provide contracting officer technical representation on projects throughout the world.[9][10]. 115. 34. October 23, 1944: Co "A" relieved from attachment to 297 Engr. The Deep River boys were Ernie Calamari, George Ressler, Bill Ackerman, Waldon Hartson, Charlie Euston, George Watrous, Harvey Brooks, Doug Carlson, Ray Swain, and Victor Carlson. 74. The Battalion was the first American Unit to arrive in Berlin on July 3, 1945. Yours will be another great story for people to see. However, I do rent airplanes and fly and have the other pilot handle the radio. 21. 105. April 15, 1945: The Battalion moved to WIPPERFURTH, GERMANY. Date 1944-09-29. January 30, 1945: The Battalion moved from ERZEE, BELGIUM to the vicinity of HUY, BELGIUM. October 31, to November 7, 1944: Bn. My guess is he was in another unit prior to his service in the 257th. Vaughan and the destroyer O'Brien suffered a second kamikaze attack which killed all three of his hometown pals who served with him on board. 120. It was disgusting down below in the Queen Mary so Newton Riess went up on deck to escape the smell. August 4, 1944: Bn. Discover the military campaigns and battles your WWII veteran took part in. 93. December 10, 1944: Co "C" completed the Timber Trestle Bridge at MULARTSHUTTE. December 26 - 27, 1944: A large amount of artillery and mortar fire constituted the enemys [sic] activity during this period. Find out whether your WWII veteran was awarded valor medals for gallantry in action or for wounds received in the line of duty. Destroyers came alongside and were able to rescue all the men on board. Kamikazes had broken through the air cover and were headed for the convoy. understand the battlefield experiences and sacrifices of your WWII veteran and their military unit. 146th engineer combat battalion 185th Combat Engineer Battalion 238th Engineer (Combat) Battalion 250th Engineers Combat Battalion Roster 263rd ENGINEER COMBAT BATTALION 299th Engineer Combat Battalion 309th Engineer (Combat) Battalion 320th Engineer Battalion 331st Engineer 335th Engineer Regiment 340th Engineer Regiment 389th Engineers . Bill Adair was suffering from the effects of a concussion when the battle for the Philippines came to an end for him. Francis R. Fulton, Capt. April 9, 1945: Co "C" converted the railroad bridge in WISSEN to take vehicular traffic. His job in the 1st Armored Division was to be out in front with his eyes open, and he was doing just that when a huge amount of enemy was spotted. From then on it was the road to Berlin. Upon arriving to the front, the 249th was assigned to the 26th Infantry Division, already engaged and in defensive positions along the southeast corner of the Bulge. 90. Access WWII personnel records showing your veterans enlistment, draft, honorable discharge, serial numbers, promotions, military training, ranks, military duties and enlistment photographs. Without enough points to go home in the first wave of returnees, Frank Capuozzi became an acting mess sergeant and took over a kitchen. moved to the vicinity of ZWEIFALL, relieved the 294th Engr. Growing up in Baltimore, Harry Kone used to hang around the docks watching the cargo ships unload. C.P. The unit was assigned to V Corps, First U.S. Army. Part 2 of 3. Learn more. For more information, please contact the . This was a Pile Bent Bridge with 3-story trestle bents on the piles, 55 feet high. Bn. March 12, 1945: The Battalion moved to LECHENICH, GERMANY. moved to the vicinity of PLOMION. moved to BIRKESDORF, GERMANY. The Bn. It took us 21 days from Antwerp to New York. After practicing law for 55 years, I'm sure you have more than a few stories to tell. Henk Duinhoven was lucky to be in the countryside, where gardens had been harvested. location of the Company HQ on a map. December 28, 1944: At 0200 hours an enemy Infantry Battalion made an attack in the vicinity of the motor vehicle park and the Battalion FWD. RootsWeb is funded and supported by . Division launched an attack through our positions in the direction of HURTGEN and GEY; Co "B" made a limited attack in front of Post #2 & #3 for the purpose of deceiving the enemy. 89. of 9th Infantry Division made an attack thru Post #5 at 1100 hours; the Infantry met strong resistance 300 yards in front of Post #5; Post #5 was relieved at 1630 hrs. We. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. MARIEMBOURG, BELGIUM11 LENNEP, GERMANY.2 I fell in love with an English lass, Noreen, in Leicester. October 5, 1944: At 0400 hours an enemy patrol of about 5 men approached Post #2 carrying teller mines; men from Co "C", who were occupying the position, opened fire at close range, exploding the mines and obliterating the enemy patrol. 1st insignia of 90th Light Div. I am writing my memoirs and I already have over 200 pages. United States Army Center of Military History. We did all of our training with mines and bridges on the property formerly owned by Sir Walter Raleigh, and now owned by the Digby family. I'm sure he would be glad to share his experiences with you. April 7, 1945: Co "C" constructed a C1 #40 D/S Bailey Bridge at HANHOFF, GERMANY. 82. This was a Pile Bent Bridge with 3-story trestle bents on the piles, 55 feet high. Henk Duinhoven was in church with his family when the sounds of bombing started. This includes when and where the WWII veteran was promoted in rank. 22. 28. Co "C" (-) 1 Platoon relieved from attachment to 297th Engr. 76. 11. August 30, 1944: Bn. was relieved by 246 Engr. They had a little too much fun and ran into some MP's who had a grudge against their unit. 100. August 12, 1944: Co "A" replaced flooring on Bailey Bridge at St. BEAUDELLA. 113. Then he got acquainted with giant mosquitoes. From then on it was the road to Berlin. The battalion's motto is "Build, Support, Sustain!". Welcome sir. Thats where Stan picked up a large German Flag. Then fate intervened in the form of an ambulance without a driver. in honor of LtGen Lawrence Snowden & LtGen George Christmas.). November 16, 1944: The 4th Inf. moved to 3rd Armd. 12. September 6, 1944: Co "B" constructed steel Treadway Bridge 288' in length at HASTIERE across the MEUSE RIVER - bridge was opened to traffic at 1530 hours. On 16 July 1965, the 299th Engineer Battalion was alerted for movement overseas to the Republic of Vietnam. March 18 - 24, 1945: Companies "B" and "C" operated Heavy Ponton Rafts and LCVP ferries across the RHEIN RIVER in the VII Corps Sector. A round from a German 88 immediately tore through the engine compartment, but left him unhurt. Division assembly area in the vicinity of LE DESERT. moved to the vicinity of LUMINGNY. July 5, 1944: Co. "B" repaired damaged bridge at BAUPTE under artillery fire. 63. He was grateful when someone gave him some morphine to ease the pain from multiple shrapnel wounds. moved to the vicinity of COUPTRAIN and was given the mission of supporting the 9th Inf. #2 arrive in bivouac area. 109. As they approached the beach, the ship hit two mines and sank. Holtum. Holtum, Netherlands. Bn. August 16, 1944: Bn. New bivouac was established in the vicinity of CERISY-LA-SALLE - Co. "B" bivouac area received several bomb hits at approximately 2330 hours. The other patients and I raced outside and we saw the carnage. (Error Code: 100013) 3:33 | At the end of the war, combat engineer Bob Darino went from sampling delicious cherry pies in German farm country to experiencing the horrifying spectacle of concentration camps. Immediately after the attacks on the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001, elements of the 249th were deployed to New York City and were instrumental in restoring power to Wall Street enabling the financial district to resume operations within a week of the attack. October 21, 1944: Co "B" was relieved from the roadblocks by 294th Engr. 50. 52. As a professional researcher and World War II historian, Bill Beigel provides research services to genealogists, historians, authors, and civilians who are looking for information found in WW2 military unit records. Co "A" occupied road blocks #4 & #5; Co "B" occupied road blocks #1, #2, #3; Co "C" occupied position #11. 1 talking about this. It includes all units except for platoons and detachments that were a part of larger organizations and is based on the following War Department and Department of the Army General Orders: WD GO 70, 1945; WD GO 75, 1945; WD GO 116, 1946; DA GO 23, 1947; DA GO 72, 1948; DA GO 6, 1950; DA GO 37, 1950; DA GO 32, 1953; and DA GO 28 1956. With a commandeered ambulance full of casualties, he threaded his way through the ordeal thanks to luck and guile. The main thrust of the effort was to use assault boats to get troops from 5th Infantry Division across and later to construct a more stable pontoon bridge. It was a fierce week long battle for the city of Heilbronn. It was the highest bridge constructed by the first army Engineer Combat Battalion in the E.T.O. 79. In November 1945, the 249th Engineers were sent on their final orders to Camp Lucky Strike, near Marseilles, France and then redeployed back to the United States. Bn. Four German fighters pounced on the B-24 and it was engulfed in flame and going down. 17. EmailPhone, Research A World War II Veteran (WWII WW2). If you have additional information on the 294th I would like to share it with my father-in-law. Bn. Next, they removed minefields, anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. From there we were sent for desert training in Camp Pilot Knob in the Mojave Desert, near Yuma Arizona, which was started by Gen. Patton, as a training ground for the war in Africa. Bombers. April 8, 1945: Co "A" completed the Bailey Bridge in WISSEN, GERMANY at 2030 hours. October 12, 1944: Co "A" Platoon on Post #9 were straffed [sic] by our own planes at 1416 hours - no damage was done. 77. P.S. November 21, 1944: The rains came! March 24, 1945: The Battalion was relieved of the ferrying operations on the RHINE RIVER and moved to KONIGSWINTER, GERMANY. September 13, 1944: Bn. No one from shore was ever allowed on ships from one particular country. 4. . At 2300 hours U.P. The Battalion advance C.P. April 21 - May 7, 1945: The Battalion moved to BRAUNFELS, GERMANY on April 21st and was given the mission of re-constructing and repairing Route N-49, which was the First U.S. Army's M.S.R., from BRAUNFELS to the AUTOBAHN south of GIESSEN. I would try Richard Horrell of WWII Connections. On his first raid in North Africa, reconnaissance platoon leader John Souther captured a hundred Germans with no losses to his own unit. January 5, 1945: Co "A" started construction of a continuous Bailey Bridge across the L'OURTHE RIVER in DURBEY, BELGIUM. Often the names of ships or number of the landing crafts a veteran traveled on- or went into combat aboard are included in the reports. 26. It's rotten losing men at any point in the juncture, but so sad that all these men were killed in training. 69. September 18, 1944: The Battalion moved to a new bivouac at ROTGEN, GERMANY. Bn. Stan found out Frank was located in Liege, about 15 miles West. November 25, 1944: Co "B" was attached to 294th Engr. All Listings. Forward Observer Rufus Dalton went into the demolished city looking for a rifle company he was instructed to find. Their job was to prepare housing for the advancing units. Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection, Activation of the 298th Engineer Combat Battalion March 18, 1943 and Reorganization November 3, 1944, After/After Action Reports 26 July - 1 Dec 1944, Journal of 1128th Engr Gp Sep 44 thru Aug 45, Excerpts from the U.S. Army in World War II Series, More Excerpts from the U.S. Army in World War II Series, The documents below were kindly shared by Marc Shafer (whose father was a 298th member).