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29:15 - The sound occurs right after Wendy says "Just like a ghost ship, huh"? There is also a hallway in the Colorado Lounge that essentially appears out of nowhere. At the same time, we see a door in the right wall leading to Mr. Ullman's office and catch a glimpse through it of another door that leads to the back service hall. Stephen King's use of character development throughout this novel is what makes the book so thrilling and moving. It could be that with the use of the park's west tunnel, in the opening, Kubrick was already referring to the film Carson City. (16:11) No, the drive was only three and a half hours. Images like these make the novel so thrilling to read. (14:55) The prophecy concerning them was, "One people will be stronger than the other." The silent film Comin' Through the Rye is based on a book by Helen Mathers, in which the rye field becomes connected with history repeating itself. Now, in his mind, his mother deserved it just as Wendy and Danny deserve to be punished. A second unit crew headed to Glacier National Park in Montana, where they filmed from a helicopter. Fig. And, of course, we have later Jack crashing through the door of their suite's bathroom with his axe and announcing, "Here's Johnny!" It frees you from any other sense of time., Its not uncommon for a films ending to change in post-production, but Kubrick changed the ending of the film after it had been playing in theaters for a weekend. THE DOCTOR: physically wrong with Danny. It's important, sometimes, what we don't see in a Kubrick film, and this is one of those times. The camera has zoomed in full on Danny's reflection, his eyes dark, and then his eyes widen and a trace of light from the bathroom window illumines them. Jacks Crisis: What Role Did Narcissistic Injury and Cultural Circumstance Play in Jacks Breakdown? DANNY: Now, Tony, tell me. We see characters going to the doors to exit, and entering from the direction of the main doors, but never do we see them actually going in and out of them. (sound). Dopey is a voiceless character. This scene, not in the book, seems to have been inspired in part by a photo Kubrick took for LOOK magazine, in 1948, of a woman and her dog at an art auction, this woman appearing to be the same one who held the dog in The Killing. " Radium Girls spares us nothing of their suffering; though at times the foreshadowing reads more like a true-crime story, Moore is intent on making the reader . Fig. Spooks? Kubrick borrowed from the Ahwahnee, with alterations, what is the receptionist and cashier area in the film. So, in The Smallest Show on Earth the two real films used in the theaters are Knock on Wood and Comin' Through the Rye. The point of view in the film alternates between Jack, Danny, and an objective camera. "Shining" is later compared with sleep, that it can be like sleeping and upon waking not remembering everything one is told, and Z's are sometimes used for expressing sleep, such as in cartoons, but I also think of how the opening scene was accompanied by music signifying Judgment Day, and that Z is the final letter in the English alphabet, zeta, though it is the 6th letter of the Greek alphabet (value 7), based on the Phoenician zayin. But what if we look at the name? You better run fast. WENDY: What was the matter with him? The right photo is even more mysterious, perhaps showing the hedge maze with snow in the foreground, and a peculiar, vague silhouette overlaying that seems to only take on humanoid proportions through the eye looking for such, and yet also lends itself to such. Fig. She teaches creative writing and theory and practice of the screenplay. He experiences visions, given to him by his imaginary friend Tony, of the word Redrum and of a shadow figure wielding a weapon. Throughout the film, when action occurs in this hall, the camera stops short of revealing the area where the photograph is. WENDY: It was just one of those things, you know, purely an accident. The question posed is how did it happen? TONY: Don't want to. The "sha" follows the word "skiing" at about 6:12. Kubrick Corner further points out that the Avis car rental pamphlets on the counter beside Jack could be taken as echoing the name Jack Davis. 7 - Kubrick briefly revisits the group by the door though he need not have. DANNY: My mom saying, wake up, wake up, wake up When Jack is chopping his way through the bathroom door we see a shot in which Wendy is crying and screaming in the background on the right portion of the screen. I'm outlining a new writing project and five months of peace is just what I want. We briefly have the feeling of being within the confines of the hedge maze with the Boulder greenery filling in the wall to the left, and the potted plants spilling their greenery from above. The hair style of the Great Mother can be compared to Wendy's three tiered haircut, which is less obvious in some scenes than others. The film ends with text over black, The Overlook Hotel would survive this tragedy, as it had so many others. 33 MCU of Stuart. (12:51) If you happened to miss the link just above, here first is a short post on the blog with repurposed shots from Google Maps street view pinpointing the location of the Boulder apartment. Below is the massive stone fireplace in the lobby of the Timberline. Shot 26. 84 MCU Wendy taking out a cigarette. Jack first looks to the left, in the direction of the hall in which, at the end of the film, we will see the famous photo that reveals Jack as present at the lodge in 1921. The Shining (1977 Novel) essays are academic essays for citation. We briefly see down the hallway, beyond Wendy and the doctor, a door open on another room, a print of boy and girl bears on the wall above a blue and white hair dryer and a chair below that. So, there are two interviews, and perhaps even three if we count the doctor speaking with Danny. But it becomes perhaps relevant that there are two tunnels on the Going-to-the-Sun road in Glacier park, the west and the east, each on either side of the Continental Divide. Having learned via John Bourassa that the cartoon playing is the "Stoop! Basil Dearden included a reference to Knock on Wood in The Smallest Show on Earth. We have first the sound of the train while Danny eats lunch with Wendy who is smoking Virginia Slims cigarettes (the railroad was being built between Virginia City and Carson City), then we see a couple of very brief clips of the Carson City movie, and after Danny's black-out we view the painting of the horse running down the track toward the train. Film footage displays a desert scene, the heat of the boiler is raised, everyone sweats and thirsts. When King responded with the question of how hell fit into that picture, Kubrick simply responded, I dont believe in hell., The executive producer of The Shining was Kubricks brother-in-law, Jan Harlan. White shelves holding books hang on the rear wall. "I was under the pressure of being a family man with a daughter and one day I accepted a job to act in a movie in the daytime and I was writing a movie at night and Im back in my little corner and my beloved wife Sandra walked in on what was, unbeknownst to her, this maniacand I told Stanley about it and we wrote it into the scene., Though Kubrick had a good relationship with Nicholson, the director was notoriously brutal on Shelley Duvall during filming. 19 MCU of Danny. Fig. STUART: Uhm, physically, it's not a very demanding job. Though many may have the feeling of Stuart and Bill being somehow complicit with evil forces of the hotel, and I think it is staged for us to feel that way, Stuart does warn Bill that it is harsh there in the winter, that it would be very harsh for a family, and that there had been disastrous consequences in the case of the Grady family. There's even a lovely ceramic inset for a cup! 43 - The kitchen viewed behind Wendy. In Chapter I, when Edna and Robert return from the seashore, Edna smiles at Robert even as she retrieves her wedding ring from her husband, foreshadowing her eventual affair. I have no idea. 45 MCU of Jack. But perhaps he does. As with The Shining, that film, too, is all about deja vu. King provides readers with just enough detail to make Wendy a well-rounded and interesting character. The hotel is a special world for them, thus they have to explore it; in a sense, Jacks adventure is that of being the caretaker of the Overlook Hotel. Fig. DOCTOR: Bye. In it, Lokai, a man whose body is half black and half white, requests asylum on the Enterprise, claiming he's a political refugee. He approaches a clerk at the registration desk for direction. 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. 28:29 - Dick asks, "you like ice cream, Doc" (sound). -Wendy compares the kitchen to a maze when Dick Hallorann gives her a tour of it, and jokes that she'll need breadcrumbs to find her way out of it in the winter, referencing Hansel and Gretel. In the following sequence Jack goes to the Gold Room (for the first time in the 119 version, for the second in the 144 one). 17 - Wendy and Danny eat lunch, watching cartoons. "The Shining (1977 Novel) Literary Elements". Kubrick hated to fly and refused to leave England toward the end of his life, so he was not in attendance when the opening credits of The Shining were shot. STUART: Well, obviously some people can be put off -In the same scene, Jack recites lines from the story of The Three Little Pigs, which is eerily relevant, as he is acting as the Big Bad Wolf, but also because Danny is able to escape due to his mother's quick thinking. Looking up The Wish Child, by Ina Seidel, I see that The Kubrick Corner Has already noted: Of course it's significant that Kubrick would choose this book by a woman who also wrote on the labyrinth. Or because it is, in a sense, concealed and adds another layer of meaning to the elevators? Just as the Bijou's audiences are influenced, both intentionally and by synchronicity (the train), experiencing certain aspects of the film in reality, what do these intersections mean to the audience of film in general (or any art), and in particular The Shining? STUART: Well, that's very good time, very good. (Jack smiles.) I'd like you to. (13:32) I'm sure that I've thoroughly managed to confuse you there. The painting may refer to Wendy, who is often aligned with American Indian elements in the film. The only thing that can get a bit trying up here during the winter is a tremendous sense of isolation. Two union suits. Fig. After we see Jack frozen to death, we find him frozen in a 1921 photograph. As Jack continues on through the lobby, Kubrick gives us a brief glance again of the group by the door, to whom we'd believed the waiter had been carrying lunch. Danny is lying on his bed on a fuzzy bear pillow, a doctor bent over him, examining him, as Wendy stands to the rear, clearly anxious. The wall right of the office door in the secretarial area is decorated with photos of the mountain as it appears over the span of the four seasons, only the snow-blanketed winter photo apparently showing the Overlook/Timberline lodge. 38 MCU of Jack. (11:58) Kubrick's Watson differs significantly from King's. Jack, in King's novel, was fired from his job at a prep school due an altercation with a student, but this is never mentioned in the film and no clear reason is ever given for the family being in Colorado, so one could possibly look upon The Catcher in the Rye as filling in that lost part of the story. 62 MCU Danny. JACK: Hi, I've got an appointment with Mr. Ullman. A child having to navigate a world built for adults, Danny stands on a stool before the bathroom sink that is built for adult use. a foreshadowing of Christ's glory, but also a promise of ours (Romans 8:16-17). When Jack abusively berates Wendy, his language is that of a person hostile to the responsibility of parenthood, a sense of his feeling entrapped by her and Danny, the responsibility of the Overlook finally replacing those familial ties in the dramatic Colorado Lounge scene. Cut back to the bloody hall. 93 CU Wendy. There may be no meaning, and these sounds are another example of Kubrick's cycles, perhaps intended to set up an unconscious sense of deja vu. Around the hotel we will see prints of pastels of indigenous children by Dorothy Oxborough. To comment again on the bathroom before continuing on. Jack Nicholson, though a fine actor, was all wrong for the part," King said. On the screen we see a man departing, through the rye, and his lover telling him that before his return the rye will be harvested and her heart as empty as the field. This can be part of the general atmosphere of the work, or it can be a specific scene or object that gives a clue or hint as to a later development of the plot. He's gone. We have crossfaded back to Jack and the red-haired Mr. Ullman drinking coffee, the camera view in opposition to the one earlier, positioned now to show the office from behind Ullman's desk, a large bright red book prominently placed on it. The gematria for the name in this short form is 26. This is the clearest physical interaction between a ghost and ordinary reality in the film, and Jacks escape is the second plot point of the film. The imagery is fantastical and malevolent, particularly when previously inanimate features of the hotel begin to come to life. As Kubrick cut to this shot, a blond woman in white crosses from right to left behind Jack and continues across the lobby. On this duplicitous and confusing note, Kubrick chooses to end "The Interview" section. The rest were made for the film and concentrate on the Cowboy and Indian theme. Fig. DANNY: Do you really want to go and live in that hotel for the winter? The Impossible Window. This is the case for many of the windows in the filmthey dont work in context. THE DOCTOR: we can always think about having some tests done. Alot of the foreshadowing in the book is Shmuel and Bruno talking about certain things that the Nazis do, like when it smelled bad outside they didn't know what it was but in the book you knew it was the Nazis burning the Jews in the chambers, . Kubrick was famous for being a particularly detail-oriented director. It also worked well with the circa 1920 building we were living in. THE DOCTOR: Where does he go? On the art. I've commented on the furnishings of the apartment before, but will elaborate a little more. -Jack tells Wendy that he fell in love with the hotel the first time he saw it and felt as if he'd been there before. Well, you see Doc, when something happens it can leave a trace of itself behind. Parts of the film are chilling, charged with a relentlessly claustrophobic terror, but others fell flat., One thing King didnt like was the casting of Jack Nicholson. STUART (off-screen): when people are shut in together over long periods of time. Jack is not even worried about the tragedy that occurred in 1970 but of course this functions as an omen/foreshadowing for the audience. Pendereckis De Natura Sonoris no. But it was a different episode, about poker players getting into a fight, that inspired parts of The Shining. THE DOCTOR (sympathetic): OK, that's fine. At this old theater, the Bijou, they play mostly these terrible old cowboy and Indian films (which were made for this film). We can see beyond him the TV on which the Summer of 42 movie will later be played, while beyond Wendy, as already noted, we have the apartment's TV playing the Western, a parallel established between the two scenes visually, the television in each shot weighted to screen right, while Jack leans to screen left and Wendy faces to screen right, the scenes dialoguing with one another. Here, he's given as instead having spoken with Tony and then having brushed his teeth, which is when he blacked out. But it's not there. -"The Shining" was one of the earliest films to use a then-new invention, the Steadicam. 60 MS Overlook hall. (3:05). A flood of blood erupts through the left elevator door that has been forced open from the left by the force of the flood which overtakes the hall with such ferocity that the armchairs are swept away from the walls. Foreshadowing. 31 - Wendy in the living room speaking to Jack on the telephone, the television running in the background. Dressed in red union suits (she wears two, which will eventually become apparent) with a light blue checked pinafore/jumper over them, she drinks coffee and smokes, reading a red paperback with gold lettering, The Catcher in the Rye. RECEPTIONIST: His office is the first door on the left. From the shining cloud the Father's voice is heard: This is my beloved Son, hear him. The Refusal of the Call is traceable in Danny as well. My husband was teaching school there. WENDY: Anyway, something good did come out of it all because he said, uh The Shining (1977 Novel) Literary Elements by Stephen King The Shining (1977 Novel) Literary Elements These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. THE DOCTOR: Did the appearance of Danny's imaginary friend STUART: Have any trouble finding us? This includes alcoholism, battles against evil, disembodied villains, corruption, and insanity. WENDY: Yeah: Details in Movies, Movie Details! The autumnal photo in particular will seem to, as the movie progresses, give an eerie sense of the lodge's mountain being watched from afar. (The doctor switches to examining Danny's left eye.) It is still open each year from May 20th to September 20th. Wendy isn't at all like Stephen King imagined her to be." TONY: I don't know. The second act has begun. At least, to the best of my memory, that's how I perceived it upon first view when the movie was released. This simple description applies not just to Dannys experience, but also to the actual film structure. But it's also likely that the viewer transposes Danny in the sweater onto the Danny before the mirror and registers Danny as silent screaming in response to what he sees. Whoever the author.Discover new and exciting books to dive into with our Book Explorer Tool. DANNY: Danny, wake up. It leaps out of her arms and pursues the motorized cart that carries the suitcase holding the money from Johnny's robbery of the racetrack. The boy is a young Hero who looks for a sense of satisfaction. A good guess is that he does see the elevator and the girls. Here is a quote from the novel in which King is relaying Wendys opinion of Jacks mental strength: Once, during the drinking phase, Wendy had accused him of desiring his own destruction but not possessing the necessary moral fiber to support a full-blown deathwish. OTHER KINDS OF TRACES, When Halloran and Danny have their private conversation in the hotel kitchen, we are given the following explanation of what their shared psychic power is, Well, you see Doc, when something happens it can leave a trace of itself behind. These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. Definitions of foreshadowing noun the act of providing vague advance indications; representing beforehand The Awakening of Jacob and those union suits. Towards the end of the novel, Jacks genuine love for his son allows him to break through the hotels corrupting influence on his mind. Foreshadowing is a plot element that hints at something to come later in the story. The dresses, I believe, are two layers of fabric, a swiss dotted blue fabric over white. A garbage trucks license plate reads RM237. And Trixie chats online with a dinosaur toy down the street who happens to have the screen name Velocistar237.. 35 MCU of Stuart. Rob Ager, an observant fan of The Shining, noticed that there are many aspects to the set of the Overlook Hotel that make no sense. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Shining (1977 Novel) by Stephen King. WENDY: No, he didn't like it too much at first, and then he had an injury so we kept him out for a while, and, yeah, I guess that's about the time I first noticed that he was talking to Tony. Jim Barrie was, himself, a rather sinister figure in his attraction to boys.