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Ford Foundation-funded scholarships were WebIn 1980, Barack Obama was identified as Barry Soetoro in his mother's divorce papers. However, Lolo Soetoro's putatively listing his stepson's nationality as Indonesian on a school registration form does not in itself demonstrate that Obama was officially regarded as an Indonesian citizen by the government of that country. and Barbara Bush's incredible love story. The Obama administration is currently demanding that Cuba release Alan P. George W. Bush, in full George Walker Bush, (born July 6, 1946, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.), 43rd president of the United States (200109), who led his countrys response to the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001 and initiated the Iraq War in 2003. It Was Not Kissinger. Second, he married Akuma and they had the following children: Onyango's third wife was Sarah, the one often referred to by Barack as his "grandmother." Image Via Frederic Legrand - COMEO / Shutterstock.com. Meanwhile, the mid-80s slump in oil prices had undermined the Soviet economy. When Joseph McBride came upon the document about George H. W. Bushs double life, he was not looking for it. When Barack Obama was two years old, his parents divorced and his father moved to Massachusetts to continue his education before returning to Kenya. Obama (1995, 2004), p. 43: He was working for the army as a geologist [sic], surveying roads and tunnels, when she arrived. working for CIA/USAID front, Lembaga Persahabatan Indonesia Amerika (LIA)the Dunham Soetoro's CIA chain in Jakarta were CIA station chief Bernardo Hugh [27], Dunham became increasingly interested in Indonesian culture while Soetoro became more interested in that of the West,[8] and their relationship was in conflict over differing values. It wasn't part of some neferius plot. Empathy is at the heart of my moral code , he wrote in The Audacity of Hope, a call to stand in somebody else's shoes and see through their eyes. Bush, son of a US senator, was a naval aviator in the Second World War. Bush and CIA-related activities by his father and children, including former President George W. The transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the Superior Court of California. No Doubt [They] Are Tumours On Global Politics. They married in 1965 The Dutch had ceded Western New Guinea to Indonesia, and geographer Lolo Soetoro returned to map the new divide between Eastern Guinea, which was under British/Australian control, and the Western portion. 30 May 2012. And [They] Are The Committee Of 300, Council On Foreign Relations (1921), Council Of Europe (1949), Trilateral Commission (1972), Bilderberg Group (1954), Atlantic Council (1961), U.N. (1942), E.U. Obama married Michelle LaVaughn Robinson on October 3, 1992. WebLolo Soetoro Mangunharjo or Mangundikardjo was an Indonesian geologist who is best known as the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. Reagan deregulated the domestic oil and gas market. On March 11, 1966, while Lolo Soetoro continued to assist Suharto in the And the presence of American troops in Saudi Arabia, home to the Muslim world's holiest sites, served as a chief complaint of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden ahead of the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks.His son would launch the 2003 invasion of Iraq after 9/11 and become so hated in the Arab world an Iraq journalist would even throw a shoe at him during a news conference. SmackTalkinEer. WebAugust 9, 1989. employed Obama's mother from 1978 to 1980, has been a long-time CIA front. This lawsuit claims Obama's dual citizenship disqualified him from serving as president. President Bush signs into law the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989, a compromise with Congress on the bail-out of savings and loans. Sick. Theyll Only Be Able To Parrot The Information Theyve Been Given On The Previous Nights News. Zbigniew Brzezinski. Hearst Television participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. That son being Bush al-Widhan, born in the aftermath of the 1991 Gulf War that saw U.S.-led forces expel the occupying Iraqi troops of dictator Saddam Hussein. green light by then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Which Brings Us Back To These Two Men Notice Kissingers Emotions? If You Control Food, You Control The Population. Henry Alfred Kissinger. The Oval Office in the White House is a feature of that historic building which most incoming U.S. presidents feel free to modify to suit their styles and tastes, choosing their own sets of drapery and rugs, furniture, artwork, and various other objects to display. With his CIA connections, Lolo Soetoro's dual chain-of-command, in addition Snopes and the Snopes.com logo are registered service marks of Snopes.com, Records document that Barack Obama received college financial aid in the U.S. as a "foreign student from Indonesia. His name fascinated others. Barack Obama after his graduation from Columbia University in 1983, DAI, which . While Barack Obama was at Columbia and CIA front BIC, his mother was under Inc. (DAI) of Bethesda, Maryland. According to the U.S. Senate Historical Office, he was the fifth African American Senator in U.S. history and the first African American President. In a related matter, under growing pressure from several groups, Justice Antonin Scalia announced that the Supreme Court agreed on Tuesday to hear arguments concerning Obama's legal eligibility to serve as President in a case brought by Leo Donofrio of New Jersey. [They] Are Not Hiding The Agenda, And One Can Often Catch [Them] Speaking Significant Truths. Brzezinski Was A Strategist At Heart, Cold, Repugnant, Evil, Serving His Masters. began when the Ford Foundation started the Modern Indonesia Project, a CIA cover David Mikkelson founded the site now known as snopes.com back in 1994. 7. mass killings of Communists. Before settling down to work as a cook for missionaries in Nairobi he was a traveler. With Bush's death, his legacy across the Middle East takes root in the 100-hour ground war that routed Iraqi forces. [8], In his 1995 memoir Dreams from My Father, Obama described Soetoro as well-mannered, even-tempered, and easy with people; he wrote of the struggles he felt Soetoro had to deal with after his return to Indonesia from Hawaii. Maybe we did. No Doubt [They] Are Tumours On Judicial Systems. Bush could be seen in 2016 on a billboard one Bedouin family put up to announce their son's wedding.That son being Bush al-Widhan, born in the aftermath of the 1991 Gulf War that saw U.S.-led forces expel the occupying Iraqi troops of dictator Saddam Hussein. Tovar, CIA deputy station chief Joseph Lazarsky and Jakarta embassy political Coalition Provisional Authority regime of U.S. Jimmy Carter Said We Never Dropped A Bomb. xlixliv: "January 8, 1976 letter from Ann Dunham Soetoro (Jl. Gordon, Larry. To qualify, for the scholarship, a student must claim foreign citizenship. The US had steadily expanded its Gulf presence during the 1980s, first with the Carter doctrines promising a military response to any attempt to control the region, then with the naval effort to safeguard navigation during the tanker war phase of the Iran-Iraq war. intelligence information to the CIA." labor federation, as primary supporters of the PKI and Sukarno. by the CIA "the shooting list.". [15][16], Dunham and her six-year-old son joined Soetoro in Jakarta in 1967. The latest breaking updates, delivered straight to your email inbox. CIA's Far East Division. AP WASHINGTON D.C.: In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama's qualifications for the presidency, the group Americans for Freedom of Information has released copies of President Obama's college transcripts from Occidental College. was performing such anthropological "field work" for USAID, a front for the CIA, Everyone thought it was a great name.". After her divorce from her first husband, Obama's mother married an Indonesian student, Lolo Soetoro, who was attending college in Hawaii. "I know I am doing the right thing.". International Development (USAID) embassy cover operation that helped identify Obama and his mother moved from Honolulu to Jakarta to join Soetoro in 1967, when Obama was 6.In their first neighborhood Soetoro usually was too busy working, first for the Indonesian army and later for a Western oil company.Zulfan Adi, a former neighborhood playmate of Obama's who has been cited in news reports as saying Obama regularly attended Friday prayers with Soetoro, told the Tribune he was not certain about that when pressed about his recollections. [30] He described his stepfather as following "a brand of Islam that could make room for the remnants of more ancient, classical, and Dharmic philosophies such as that of the Hindu. telecommunication support for the Cuban Jewish community. [5], Soetoro was born in Bandung, West Java, Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia), the ninth of 10 children of Soewarno Martodihardjo, an employee of a mining office from Yogyakarta. posed as anthropologists, much to the detriment of the anthropological research [21][27] She gained an M.A. "Ancestry of Barack Obama." WebMaya Soetoro-Ng. but that's not all bad. It Is The Same People, In Different Suits. In 1967, the family moved to Indonesia, where Obama attended elementary school in Jakarta until 1971. As vice-president and president, he made four WebLolo Soetoro Mangunharjo or Mangundikardjo was an Indonesian geologist who is best known as the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. What is missing at Barack Hussein Obama's press conference? He even accidentally broke the arm of one of his playmates while the two were riding on Applying this rubric, Obama criticized his successor, President Donald J. Trump, ten days after leaving office for his travel ban, which attempted to limit entry to the United States by refugees and residents of seven majority-Muslim countries. in Java, Indonesia. "He stood for our right for freedom, and he gave us back our country.". Bush's Mideast legacy. appear in American newspapers. In 1988, Prince Philippe, The Duke Of Edinburgh, Brought Up Overpopulation When Speaking To The German News Agency Deutsche Press Agentur About Reincarnation, In The Event That I Am Reincarnated, I Would Like To Return As A Deadly Virus, To Contribute Something To Solving Overpopulation. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, This Was Not The First Time Prince Philippe Brought Up The Subject. And the presence of American troops in Saudi Arabia, home to the Muslim world's holiest sites, served as a chief complaint of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden ahead of the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks. program during the Sukarno regime that was run out of Cornell University, Zapata pioneered offshore drilling, and branched out internationally;one of its contracts was to drill in Kuwait for Shell. Jakarta sent a airgram A-654 to Washington. WebWhen George Herbert Walker Bush became head of the CIA under the Ford Administration, he just got with his old buddy in the oil business, Lolo Soetaro and pulled See the other president's pics for a clue. Madras before being assigned to Jakarta to help plan the CIA coup against Even If We Go Back The Carter Era, We Find Brzezinski Very Close To U.S. President. Imagine The Immense Power [They] Have Had Over American Foreign Policy Decisions For Past 67 Decades. He told you he would change America, didn't he? For a long time, I have noticed that the decor at the White House has changed since BHO moved in. [They] Are The Pandemic Plaguing Our Earth, Our Daily Lives, Slowly Eating Away At Our Freedoms. Brzezinski Was A Senior Adviser To President-Elect Barry Soetoro On Matters Of National Security And Foreign Policy, And Probably Guided Barry, Eagerly Aided By Valerie Jarrett, Through His Entire Presidency To Achieve The Goal Of Their Masters. In Early Times, It Was Easier To Control A Million People, Literally It Was Easier To Control A Million People Than Physically To Kill A Million People Today, It Is Infinitely Easier To Kill A Million People Than To Control A Million People. Narrowly winning the electoral college vote in 2000 over Vice Pres. Rhodes College, Copyright 2023. Dunham Soetoro's USAID CIA cover chain-of-command after she arrived in Jakarta It Has Been Claimed That Queen Elisabeth II Is Direct Lineage Of The Roman Caesars By Blood. new compilation advisable." This document would seem to provide the smoking gun that many of Obama's detractors have been seeking. Madelyn Lee PAYNE was born in 1922 in Wichita, Kansas and died 3 November 2008 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Bush could be seen in 2016 on a billboard one Bedouin family put up to announce their son's wedding. Still Doubt Jimmy Carter Was Part Of The Cabal? But the elder Bush remained beloved, perhaps nowhere more than Kuwait, where Americans even today can get hugged while walking down the street. It Is Easier To Kill Than To Control. Zbigniew Brzezinski. Bushs son would fight a more disastrous conflict in Iraq, from this sense of unfinished business, not a war for oil but certainly a war with oil as a central character. and step-father but the fact that he has lied completely about their history. Stanley Armour DUNHAM and Madelyn Lee PAYNE were married on 5 May 1940, and had the following children: By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. WebFamiglia di Barack Obama. We Are Watching This Plan Play Out, With Front Row Seats. WebOn the outskirts of Kuwait City, the love Kuwaitis have for former U.S. President George H.W. In the early 1970s "He got a job with Union Oil," [Alice G.] Dewey said. bloody work in Indonesia on behalf of her bosses at the CIA, USAID, and Ford [17][18][19], On 15 August 1970, Soetoro and Dunham had a daughter, Maya Kasandra Soetoro. The Obamas chose to send their daughters to Sidwell Friends School, Sasha initially as a second-grader at the school's Bethesda, Maryland, elementary school campus and Malia as a fifth-grader at its middle school campus in Washington. Barack Obama graduated from Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he met his future wife, Michelle Robinson. The More People There Are, The More Resources Theyll Consume The More Pollution Theyll Create, The More Fighting Theyll Do. Corcoran, Monica. Web ART Phantom I · Accessoires micro, ART Phantom I · Accessoires micro, KM-ST 1800900mm KM1890S-, ART Phantom I · Accessoires micro,Manfrotto PIXI Smart MKPIXICLAMP-BK , ART Phantom I · The Sick Warhawks No Name And Kissinger Admired Each Other Tremendously. This could have curbed the overproduction that was driving down prices, and making it impossible for Baghdad to service its war debts. Dunham Soetoro began Economically, he largely accidentally reaped the benefits of falling oil prices, as new oil from the North Sea, Mexico and Alaska, along with improved efficiency, broke Opecs grip for a generation. 0. That Might Be True, However, Carter Did Send Brzezinski With $500m To Afghanistan To Create And Fund The Mujahideen, An Undisputed, Historically Recorded Fact. Growing up, Barack Obamas family influenced his values in ways that later shaped his political philosophy. "___Gambrell reported from Dubai, United Arab Emirates. [1] In 1962, Soetoro, then a civilian employee of the Indonesian Army Topographic Service, obtained an EastWest Center grant for graduate study in geography at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. In 1972, Dunham Soetoro returned to "He was a real man, a lion," said Mubarak al-Widhan, the father of the Kuwaiti Bush, of the American president. Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation has released the results of their investigation of Obama's campaign spending. Tovar, a native of Colombia, had been assigned One of the avenues of approach taken by "birthers" in their quest to demonstrate that Barack Obama is not eligible to hold the office of President of the United States is to try to demonstrate that, even if he was born in the United States, he gave up his U.S. citizenship somewhere along the way, and, if he's not a U.S. citizen, then he can't legitimately be president. After graduating with a degree in anthropology the following year, Ann and her young son, Barack, joined her husband in Jakarta, Indonesia. Robinson is the only surviving parent of either Barack or Michelle Obama. involved in funneling National Endowment for Democracy (NED) funds on behalf of researcher Guy Parker. Zbigniew Brzezinski Was A Cabal Conflict Strategist, And One Of The Most Dangerous Men In American Political History. This will not stand, this aggression against Kuwait," Bush famously warned. forces units, of which her husband and President Obama's step-father, Lolo But she didn't know the full story of the coup and the purge was slow to ""I feel tension in the stomach and in the neck but I also feel a certain calmness when we talk about these matters," the elder Bush once said about the 1991 Gulf War, according to biographer Jon Meacham. The Ruling Power Behind All Of The Evil Sits The Supreme Leader Of The New World Order And Satanist Queen Elisabeth II. 1969. Hawaii to continue her CIA work in Indonesia under the non-official cover of two Soetoro's student visa was revoked in 1966 because of political unrest in Indonesia, breaking up the new family. [7], Soetoro met the divorced Ann Dunham at the East-West Center while both were students at the University of Hawaii,[8][9][10] and married on 15 March 1965. A group of Kuwaiti officials including the country's National Assembly speaker met with the former president in October 2017 to wish him well.The former president's Kuwaiti namesake Bush al-Widhan ended up working in the country's National Guard. officers, as well as to members of the Indonesian Socialist Party, was Ford The 5000 targets' names appeared in what was called Obama's CIA "Mommy Dearest" identifying Indonesians for My English is bad. "Barack Obama Went Hawaiian Casual at Occidental College in L.A." Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/ancestry-of-barack-obama-1421628. WebSo, when George Herbert Walker Bush became head of the CIA under the Ford administration, he just got with his old buddy in the oil business, Lolo Soetoro and pulled I said: 'George Bush, George Bush. Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro was born after the family moved to Indonesia. of the Counterintelligence Staff. they Both Michelle and the Obamas two daughters were born in Chicago and, until moving to Washington, DC, on January 5, 2009, two months after Barack Obama was elected president, they had spent almost their entire lives there. It was mind-numbing work that didn't pay very much . Webstanley armour dunham cousin of george bush 28 Feb. stanley armour dunham cousin of george bush. decisive moment." 3. September 9, 1978, Zbigniew Brzezinski Plays Chess At Camp David. George HWBush founded a personal, not a political, dynasty. WebThe photo shows Lolo Soetoro on the left, Stanley Ann Soetoro (formerly Stanley Ann Obama, Barack's mother) sitting next to him with their baby girl, Maya, and on the right, "It would have taken us way beyond the imprimatur of international law assigning young soldiers to a fruitless hunt for a securely entrenched dictator and condemning them to fight in what would be an unwinnable urban guerrilla war.". He also was a two-term U.S. vice president under Ronald Reagan, His name fascinated others. The article appeared in the Fall 1990 issue of born 1970, age 47. with Ann Dunham. join Soetoro with young Barack Obama, Jr. in October 1967,while the CIA's [23] Dunham was a department head and a director of the Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Manajemen (LPPM)the Institute of Management Education and Development. Notice The Bandaid Under Brzezinskis Left Eye? Martens revealed the role of the CIA "shooting Defense agreements with Gulf nations grew into a series of major military installations across the region. As vice-president and president, he made four consequential moves: three of them shaped todays energy world, while one failed to bear fruit. Barack Hussein OBAMA Sr. was born in 1936 in Nyangoma-Kogelo, Siaya District, Kenya and died in a car crash in Nairobi, Kenya in 1982, leaving three wives, six sons,and a daughter. The first of Bushs consequential oil moves in office was in April 1986, when, as vice-president, he visited Riyadh counter-intuitively, to ask for higher oil prices, not lower. Indonesia in 1967: "In later years my mother would insist that had she known AP. probably killed a lot of people. Furthermore, the contacts of the key 5000 PKI members was also used by the sympathizer were tracked down and murdered, Martens would have been within "He stood for our right for freedom, and he gave us back our country. She was the primary caregiver for Barack OBAMA Sr. after his mother, Akuma, left the family when her children were still young. 6. In The Audacity of Hope, he wrote: As the child of a black man and a white woman, someone who was born in the racial melting pot of Hawaii, with a sister whos half-Indonesian but whos usually mistaken for Mexican or Puerto Rican, and a brother-in-law and niece of Chinese descent, with some blood relatives who resemble Margaret Thatcher and others who could pass for Bernie Mac, so that family get-togethers over Christmas take on the appearance of a UN General Assembly meeting, Ive never had the option of restricting my loyalties on the basis of race, or measuring my worth on the basis of tribe.. His team ably navigated this without provoking a major conflict. Intriguing That The Chairman Of The Kissinger Fellowship At The No Name Institute Is Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, Who Notably Was Knighted By Queen Elizabeth II In 1989 For His Services To Banking And Finance, Meaning Sir Evelyn Is Just One Of The Queens Many Loyal Lapmutts. David Mikkelson founded the site now known as snopes.com back in 1994. Barack Hussein OBAMA was born on 4 August 1961 at the Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein OBAMA, Sr. of Nyangoma-Kogelo, Siaya District, Kenya, and Stanley Ann DUNHAM of Wichita, Kansas. some 5000 key members of the Indonesian Communist Party Partai Komunis National Development Planning Agency, the UN's International Labor Organization, Lolo Soetoro adopted Barack Obama because he had married his mom. ensure that all suspected PKI members were identified for elimination by [US shale will be hurt the most from low oil prices, say analysts], [Oil hits 2018 lows on emerging supply surplus]. But the elder Bush remained beloved, perhaps nowhere more than Kuwait, where Americans even today can get hugged while walking down the street. It's a Muslim prayer curtain with Arabic symbols on it and has been there from the beginning. [6] He arrived in Honolulu in September 1962 and graduated from the university with a M.A. So Much In Fact, That There Is A Kissinger Fellowship At The No Name Institute. In This Speech, Brzezinski Asserts Americans Are Becoming More Difficult To Control, And Easier To Kill. [21] Obama attended the Indonesian-language Besuki School. WebLolo Soetoro CIA Tied to GHW Bush? Saatva Mattress Review: Our Pick for the Best Overall Bed of 2023, We Found 12 Cute Planters and Flower Pots That Cost Less Than $25, Here's Where to Watch and Stream Marvel's 'Ant Man and the Wasp: Quantumania' Online. Barack Hussein OBAMA Sr. and Stanley Ann DUNHAM were married in 1960 in Hawaii and had the following children: 4. intelligence or "SIGINT.". of PKI members because information on PKI officials "remains extremely The airgram was drafted by Martens Powell, Kimberly. When Barack Obama was two years old, his parents divorced and his father moved to Massachusetts to continue his education before returning to Kenya. She teaches at the Genealogical Institute of Pittsburgh and the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy. George HWBush, the 41st US president, who died on Friday at the age of 94, was deeply involved in oil throughout his life. They're all fabrications. Sukarno. The Indonesian army's and CIA's kill list would not end with the elimination And Lolo Soetoro had He was rescued by a submarine a short time later and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for WebIt's one of the most iconic and unlikely of friendships in the history of American politics. WebLolo Soetoro was a colonel in the Indonesian armed forces and worked for the CIA-installed dictator, General Suharto, from 1965, after returning to Indonesia from Hawaii, where he Mr Bush bequeathed to his successor, Bill Clinton, a permanent US military presence in the Gulf, a humanitarian disaster of sanctions, and an incoherent strategy that became the contradiction of simultaneous dual containment of two deadly enemies, Iran and Iraq. Were In For A Major Disaster If It Isnt Curbed, Not Just For The Natural World, But For The Human World. What Was The True Nature Of The Releationship Between Them? It was from this time that Web(via CNN) Eight years later, former president Clinton left the United States in the hands of his predecessor's son, George W. Bush, who left a similar letter to incoming president were truly Ann Dunham Soetoro's words, we can be certain of one thing: she Occidental has no record of a "Barry Soetoro" ever attending [Occidental], nor was there ever any such court order [requiring the school to turn over his transcripts], said Jim Tranquada, Occidental College's communications director, who personally answers the inquiries, demands and pleas of people looking for proof that the president is not who he claims to be. Bushs most iconic phrases, From the Vault: President Bush leads press corps on power walk, Trumps to attend state funeral for George H.W. America suffered only 148 combat deaths during the whole campaign, while more than 20,000 Iraqi soldiers were killed. Located in the South Side, the center will focus on civic engagement and community development. The document also lists Obama's religion as "Islam.". Masters, who was fluent in Hindi, had been posted in Frankfurt, Karachi, and If I Was To Estimate How Many Lives The Two Iniquitous Men Are Responsible For Id Weep For Days On End. Loftus disputes this, citing sources in "the banking and intelligence communities" and suggesting that the Bush family, through George Herbert Walker and Prescott, got $1.5m out of the involvement. Fakes. Martens, who previously served in Naples, Vienna, Salzburg, Oberammergau, and [26] In August 1972, Dunham rejoined Obama with her daughter and began graduate study at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. by Ralph McGehee, a CIA veteran of the agency's International Communism Branch "To occupy Iraq would shatter our coalition, turning the whole Arab world against us, and make a broken tyrant into a latter-day Arab hero," Bush later said. The airgram contained a list of 80 PKI leaders and There's a time when you have to strike hard at a He Didnt Get That In The White House Kitchen Bumping His Head On The Refrigerator Door Reaching For The Milk. "That hesitation allowed Saddam to regain the upper hand against insurgents and caused a refugee crisis in Iraq's northern Kurdish region. The AAA's Professor Ralph Beals [from UCLA] report stated Meanwhile, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs scoffed at the report stating that this was obviously another attempt by a right-wing conservative group to discredit the president and undermine the administrations efforts to move the country in a new direction. It is unclear whether Bushs exhortations had any impact, but nevertheless the Saudis did lead Opec to restore quotas by December 1986. How Many Individuals Did Brzezinski Handle During His Political Career? https://www.thoughtco.com/ancestry-of-barack-obama-1421628 (accessed March 4, 2023). He talked Israel out of retaliating for Iraqi Scud missiles attacks for fear of alienating Arab allies. One of Bush's last acts as president was pardoning former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and others for their role in the Iran-Contra scandal, an offshoot of that hostage crisis.Still, Bush's decisions in the 1991 war and its aftermath echo even now.