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They genuinely enjoy learning, they might be bookworms from an early age. Mercury in Aquarius cares little about breaking the rules. Positive: Relaxed and imaginative. She needs to be intellectually inspired to feel emotionally connected. For children with this placement, it is important that someone open-mindedly listens to them and comes up with logical arguments why something should be one in a certain way. In fact, you may find that you cant stop talking with this planetary influence and you may be putting the world to rights. They are interested in humanitarian pursuits and enjoy sharing their ideas with others. Individuality is a hallmark of this sign, and they object to being told how to behave or what to think. Gemini rules children, romance and fun. If your date of birth falls within any of the year and month parameters listed below, then your Mercury Sign is Aquarius. Additionally, Aquarius Mercury males are prone to developing proficiency and aptitude with technical skills and their use of tools. Please contact me directly to discuss your requirements. Its about your community, siblings and neighbours. And the individuals born under mercury in Aquarius, mostly have an intellectual motive in life. Mercury will move through the middle portion of the sign of Aquarius this year starting January 29, around 10 p.m. through February 4 around 2 p.m. On a bad note, it makes individuals nervous, indecisive & emotionless. Its about conversation, connection and asking for what you want or need. Certainly, youre wise to keep close tabs on your money but trust your intuition and listen out for hunches and coincidences. Our thoughts and ideas become more progressive when Mercury sets up camp in Aquarius. For those who had stopped their studies due to some reason, it would be a good time to start their studies again. WebIf you have Mercury in Capricorn, your mind is clear, disciplined, serious, practical, organizing, objective and realistic, and you are unimpressed by exaggerated claims or Mercury stations retrograde on January 14, 2022, at 1020 Aquarius, and stations direct on February 3, 2022, at 2423 Capricorn. These natives are true innovators for whom the present is the past and the future their playground. As Plutos a generational planet, the themes may not resonate with you immediately. You like to spend your time with people who are in some way original themselves too. The trickiest period is from the 14th to the 17th. Mercury can make Aquarius an individual fall in love with panoramic activities, theories, and astrology also, which is quite different from Aquarius personality trait. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of individuality and revolution. People who have this placement think outside of the box and are highly cognizant of social and interpersonal strife. They are also very eccentric which can make it easier for them to stand out from the crowd. So lets start, with our knowledgeable journey. Aquarian energy in the birth chart implies a need for authenticity, freedom, experimenting. WebMercury in Aquarius is a strong and influential female that brings about radical change, almost always for the better. These people will have conversations about topics that span the universe. They dont like to discuss emotions and other things that are not based on facts. Love partners will have a good relationship. WebMercury in Aquarius Personality The mind of a Mercury in Aquarius dwells in some indistinct era in the next millennium. People with Mercury in Aquarius see things clearly and objectively, rarely allowing emotions to interfere with their judgments and decisions. By Holiday Mathis. And they also can complete any task easily by doing so. Be wary of a sob story and keep your trust antennae on high alert. Aquarius Mercuries love to shock for the simple sake of transgressing norms. Have your say, find your voice and join in with your tribe to make a difference. They can be somewhat opportunistic and glib because of this. The truth is important. They have a disinterested kind of impetuousness that helps them live each day to the fullest. In the birth chart, Mercury speaks about how you communicate. A few keywords that describe them include being creative, intellectual, innovative, eccentric, and individualistic. She prefers the role of observer rather than that of the performer. The position of the planet Mercury in your Natal Chart indicates how you tend to think and problem solve. They are willing to entertain any ideas, but bottom line, they have an internal set of rules and standards that they always abide by. Because of this, Mercury in Aquarius people tend to really enjoy research. Sign up for the weekly horoscopes & astrology newsletter today. He always stands out because he is never doing what everyone else is. Its about creative writing, your hobbies and leisure activities. These individuals want nothing more than to push the limits of acceptability and tradition. The New Moon is conjunct Neptune (25 Pisces), conjunct Mercury (5 Aries), sexile Pluto (29 Aquarius) and square Mars (28 Gemini). Unorthodox. The last time Pluto changed star sign was 2008 when it entered Capricorn, the sign of big business, coinciding with a financial crash. Reasoning and statistical abilities is bestowed by Mercury. Mercury is interacting with all of the heavy-hitters, giving voice to how some of these energies will manifest this year. In the birth chart, this placement suggests that your mind is oriented on improving existing structures, optimizing things, adding a touch of new and revolutionary to how things are done. Someone who can make her laugh will be well received. The fastest-moving planet Mercury retrograde in Aquarius from 30th January 2021 to 4th February 2021. WebMercury in Aquarius. This astrological event is bound to We earn from qualifying purchases. Theyre interested in understanding and participating in the zeitgeist that is responsible for fomenting the next momentous change in society. Take some rest from work if possible. There is a flip side to Saturn, however, as sometimes it can slow you down or indicate a period of hard work or hardship. Blog Furthermore, they prefer to march to their own drum and write their own rules rather than conform to conventional expectations. If you know anything about astrology, you may already know that March heralds two big astrological events: Saturn entering Pisces on the 7th and Pluto entering Aquarius on the 23rd. A natal Aquarius Mercury implies that you like to question what you are told. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. WebMercury in Aquarius can be the most flexible and the most rigid thinker at the same time. The transit of Mercury through Aquarius lasts approximately three weeks, though it can take between 15 and 60 days depending on the year. Celebrities that were born with Mercury in Aquarius include Bob Marley, Martin Luther King Jr., Mozart, Jules Verne, and Thomas Edison, among many more. Technological communications flourish during this time but beware that in retrograde, machines tend to go haywire. Mercury in Aquarius indicates that you are detached from your own emotions too. So, when Mercury goes retrograde in this sign, its possible well experience extra frustration with mishaps in these areas. Pluto now moving through this air sign is all about the progression of humanity, and about focusing more on what is going to serve the collective rather than just the self. You are good at separating your emotions from your thoughts and the way you speak, which can make you seem distant. Have your say, find your voice and join in with your tribe to make a difference. These are potentially lucky dates for you as Jupiter is your ruling planet. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The native with Mercury in Aquarius is a clever reasoner, but does not altogether disdain sophistry. Were ready for change and this transit can bring some very exciting opportunities. Of all the airy Mercury placements, Aquarius may be the least other-oriented. Youll find her at parties talking to a group of friends instead of dancing, taking an art history class instead of playing on the volleyball team, or spending the night in with her favorite book and a glass of wine. In the field of ideas they bring original thinking, humanitarianism, and freedom to communicate their message. Celebrities born under Mercury in Aquarius include Oprah Winfrey, Rihanna, Christian Bale, and Eddie Redmayne. Pluto moves into Aquarius on March 23rd, where it will remain until 2043. Probably one of their best abilities is to adapt to circumstances and new situations. Its quick movement through the sky makes it a very personal feature of the horoscope. When intimate, their partners may think of them as detached and too cerebral. They are especially interested in technology and technological innovation. In your horoscope, Aries rules communication and education. If youre a typical Sun Aquarius, you often want to play your part within society, politics or your community. May 4 Birthday: Zodiac Sign, Personality, Positive Traits, Negative Traits, Love and Health, May 3 Birthday: Zodiac Sign, Personality, Positive Traits, Negative Traits, Love and Health, May 2 Birthday: Zodiac Sign, Personality, Positive Traits, Negative Traits, Love and Health, May 1 Birthday: Zodiac Sign, Personality, Positive Traits, Negative Traits, Love and Health, April 30 Birthday: Zodiac Sign, Personality, Positive Traits, Negative Traits, Love and Health, April 29 Birthday: Zodiac Sign, Personality, Positive Traits, Negative Traits, Love and Health, April 28 Birthday: Zodiac Sign, Personality, Positive Traits, Negative Traits, Love and Health, April 27 Birthday: Zodiac Sign, Personality, Positive Traits, Negative Traits, Love and Health, April 26 Birthday: Zodiac Sign, Personality, Positive Traits, Negative Traits, Love and Health, April 25 Birthday: Zodiac Sign, Personality, Positive Traits, Negative Traits, Love and Health, Impact of the New Moon in Taurus on our Mind, Emotions, and Love Relationships, THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE HAVING SEX WITH A PISCES, The Birth Chart: the importance and the trines of a birth chart. In the sign of Aquarius, mercury is focused on the future. You appreciate eccentric, quirky things, and like to put yourself in environments that are different from your own, so that you are exposed to as a much new stimuli as possible. You enjoy thought-provoking and intellectually stimulating conversations, and get a kick out of mentally sparring with people who challenge you. She is one who believes in non-conformity and wanting to be her own person even if it goes against the grain of what society expects. Astrology Podcast He is a rationalist, who believes in thinking before speaking or making any decision. 28th February 2023 By Sally Kirkman Leave a Comment. Nevertheless mercury in Aquarius represents an embrace of forward thinking ideals that deviate from anything they regard as antiquated and stagnant. They are often quiet and like spending time on their own, reading, learning. He is straightforward and doesnt believe in theories. If youre a typical Sun Aquarius, you often want to play your part within society, politics or your community. Yes, the Sun and Mercury will be in this decan at the same time this year. This transit can give us the answers to questions we didnt even know we were asking. Those with their Mercury in Aquarius have grand ideas with the laser focus to see them out. People born with Mercury in Aquarius have a distinctive style of thinking. Mercury rules our communication and the three elements or tridoshas of our body. It is not possible to give a fully accurate reading without considering the various elements of the chart, including planetary combinations, aspects, friendships, directional strength, and more. The Mercury in Aquarius man is definitely quite different from other men in almost everything related to his personality traits and attitudes towards life. Science fiction is a common interest for some (The Scorpio-Pisces Attraction), 6 Signs An INTP Likes You | How INTPs show love, 6 Reasons Why INFJ and ENTP Belong Together, Pisces Compatibility With Each Zodiac Sign (love and friendship), Here Is Your 2018 Career Outlook Based On Zodiac Sign, The Angel Number 1212 An Angelic Reminder of Divine Support, Jupiter in the 12th House - Turning Suffering Into Success, Saturn in the 7th House - Difficulty Forming Attachments, Saturn in the 10th House - Worthy of Power and Authority, Pluto in the 1st House - Strong First Impressions, Saturn in the 8th House - Transcendance Through Tribulation, Pluto in the 4th House - King and Queen of the Castle, Saturn in the 12th House - Self Isolation, Saturn in the 3rd House - Socially Withdrawn, Pluto in the 7th House - You Belong to Me, Jesus Christ Born: Saturday, February 28, -6 (7 BC) (Julian cal. You are drawn to inspiring people. March 21st, 2023 New Moon In Aries. Lucky Jupiter is pulled into the Aries picture as it teams up with the planet of love and money Venus on the 2nd and talk planet Mercury on the 28th. This would be a good time to reach out to other people. Mercury In Aquarius: Rebellious Thinking Season. Furthermore, they are attracted to ideas that are different and novel in nature. At the same time, shift your financial attitude to become more of a saver than a spender. Keep reading to learn more about what Mercury in Aquarius reveals about a person! WebMercury in 11th House for Aquarius Mercury in the 11th house in Aquarius is a placement that can give rise to an intellectual free spirit who often directs his mental energy towards social activities and philanthropic endeavors. As the Earths movement makes it appear to us that Mercury is transiting through Aquarius, you will feel more progressive and creative in your ideas. They can also seem aloof and detached, for they are not usually emotionally attached to things and tend to live more in their heads than anywhere else. Delightfully quirky. Copyright 2023 -, Inc. - All rights reserved. This ends up being a good thing since well have the ability to look at life from a different angle and gain fresh perspectives. > Theyre willing to stand out and for their individuality and sense of authenticity. Mercury will make the beginning Pluto's transits are generational, so Plutos move into Aquarius is a big one. Want to know if your Mercury is in Aquarius? Sometimes they want to be different just for the sake of being different. Their sense of humor and enjoyment of life is contagious to those around them, but there is also the streak of individuality and rebelliousness that makes some find it difficult to get along with these people. Sometimes, youre learning about life the hard way. For Mercury, this includes lucky, random and quick witted. Astrology Readings Though they live in pursuit of some idealized version of existence where humanity is better, these folks aren't exactly into actually engaging with the rest of the world. Compassion and equanimity are factors that weigh heavily in their rationale and thinking process. If you are born under Mercury in Aquarius, you tend to have a quirky and creative way of thinking. What does it mean to have your natal Mercury in Aquarius? They have a very clever mind and their ability to think abstractly is unparalleled. They do not necessarily have to believe or feel strongly about the ideals they promote. Their sense of humor is might be too much for some people, but they see things from a unique perspective, what allows them to have witty, surprising remarks that are appreciated in a social setting. These individuals are interested in understanding what makes people tick for the purpose of appealing to their interests and motivations. These individuals tend to be very delightful, witty & unusual and are very interesting too. Jim Carrey was born at a Mercury-Neptune square. The mind of a Mercury in Aquarius dwells in some indistinct era in the next millennium. They have a distaste for narrow-mindedness and glib groupthink that is contrary to the principles of individual freedom and integrity of speech. A major new chapter is opening up this month and its wise to pay attention to the basics, the everyday matters that keep you well in mind, body and soul. Mercury in Aquarius likes to talk about ideals and impersonal subjects, and they enjoy airing their views. Our goal at Best in Music Education Center is to help create and support musicians of all ages. Mercury will make the beginning of 2022 memorable, as its retrograde passage from Aquarius to Capricorn will disrupt the status quo and foster aligning with a more authentic path forward. For those who are still unemployed, it is seen bringing the good news of the planet Mercury. It is important that adults around them answer their questions and appreciate their curiosity. The personality traits and character of a woman with natal Mercury in Aquarius are not that different from those of other Aquarians. Beware of nightmares and maybe a bit of paranoia invading your thoughts at this time. LEARN ASTROLOGY Everything each aspect in detail, we will discuss here. Everyone will praise you because of your quick response and clever decisions. During Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, you will retrace your steps to come to a better understanding of these new insights. They are the type of people who will pass up a vacation to stay home and work on theories that they hope will change the world. He will only believe in facts as well as realities. Intuitive communication. Mercury Combust in Aquarius 2023: The planet Mercury occupies a special place among all the planets as its effects are extremely beneficial for the natives.However, the planet of intellect and speech, Mercury will transit in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, on 27th February 2023, and on the next day it will combust. Because of their detachedness, they are less likely to fall prey to manipulation.