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and responsibility are involved. Solar Return activated 2nd house. Doing business is also favored because of a good head for numbers and the ability to find win-win situations. transits. things about the marriage and, like the meeting chart, it is sensitive to Evenings, from April 2 to 18. These are both very sociable planets, with Mercury ruling communication and Venus ruling love and relationships. This transit suggests an opportunity for bringing fresh ideas into your creative process, either through reading up on the current trends or going within and to see what new ideas are lurking in the hidden corners of your mind. You will find your creative impulse gently stimulated during this transit, making it a good time to experiment with new ways of approaching whatever creative process youve been engaged with. Jupiter is at opposition to the Sun on Nov. 3. For example, are there strong indications that your chart suggests separations, which can end a relationship before it's off the ground. Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free. When the midpoints of natal and progressed planets are Mercury sextile Venus in synastry will help two people communicate well with each other. software. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). If someone or something is bothering you, you can clearly explain why and clear things up. Some additional thoughts have been When you allow yourself the opportunity, you can be very innovative and original, perhaps more than others, and even you, thought was possible. This is a very weak and comparatively unimportant aspect. married. If you are discovering new desires emerging to manifest, this is a good time to search for supportive resources in your environment. first time. have not worked with this chart for prediction possibilities. * Ascendants of both parties can An image of Venus captured by NASA's Mariner 10 spacecraft. A lover who doesnt communicate or who is quiet in bed may not be very satisfying for you in the long haul. I have noticed in some cases that South Node connections It is not a good time to sign papers or documents of any kind, unless thoroughly experienced in such matters. "For instance, let's say the Ascendant right then is 10 Dont know the position of your Sun in your natal chart? someone significant, and that is useful to a certain extent. Couple on beach: Image by Andry Richardson from Pixabay Make sure you express this properly to your partner and continue to build your mutual interests. If you are born with any aspects between Mercury and Venus, then you may have some of the following talents: Verbal charm, diplomacy and eloquence. When the natal Sun/Moon midpoint or progressed Sun/Moon When a situation arises that requires a competitive spirit, you are capable of being aggressive and focused on the challenge. Venus or Mars or the Sun or Moon. Solar eclipses and New Moons in the natal or progressed 5th Mercury sextile Saturn natal gives a focused mind that can see large-scale plans come to fruition. This is granted to you by the Mercury placement in this aspect. You have a healthy sense of selfwhen it comes to your relationship. Most likely if you move into a new house or apartment, pictures will be on the walls and flowers in vases on the tables very soon. whether married or not. All rights reserved. If there is Ascendant involvement with this The worst possible mate for you would be one who is socially uncouth. Some Evenings in the western sky at dusk from Jan. 1 to Aug. 4. is almost an astrological no-brainer. progression to the ruler of the natal 7th. Similarly, the converse aspect (progressed Venus square radical Mercury) will indicate that the feelings in their new expansiveness are at war with fixed habits of thought, and artistic enlightenment is therefore likely to result at the cost of some sacrifice to any pedantic tendencies there may be in the natives disposition. You are willing to listen to anyones opinions and suggestions before making major decisions. An eclipse in the 5th or 7th house accentuates relationship is developing. Moon will stay on the Descendant for a year, and this will almost always magazine, founded in 2015. These can be You will often form important relationships when pursuing learning or developing your skills in whatever craft holds your interest. Mercury semi-sextile Venus You appreciate and enjoy beautifully written and beautifully spoken words. This is also a good time to work on rearranging or redecorating your home or work environment, in order to decrease clutter and increase organization and pleasing aesthetics. Progressed Mercury Semi-square Venus This will tend to hinder the benefic influence of Venus from acting, and keep the mental vibrations of Mercury from working harmoniously. retiring in 2003. As a morning star, it appears in the eastern sky, rising about an hour before the sun. difference between you and someone else. Jupiter as seen by NASAs Hubble Space Telescope on April 3, 2017, four days before the planet arrived at opposition. The passion and wonder you feel at such times gives real meaning and value to your life. There must be a clear, unobstructed horizon on these occasions. More Aspects of Mercury in the Natal Chart: Mercury-Sun aspects | Mercury-Moon aspects | Mercury-Venus aspects | Mercury-Mars aspects | Mercury-Jupiter aspects | Mercury-Saturn aspects | Mercury-Uranus aspects | Mercury-Neptune aspects | Mercury-Pluto aspects | Mercury-Chiron aspects | Mercury-Ascendant aspects. could be a strong sexual element initially. Look at the sign on the natal 7th house. This will tend to hinder the benefic influence of Venus from acting, and keep the mental vibrations of Mercury from working harmoniously. These traits are not unusual but are a vital part of your personality. In The Mountain Astrologer In 1972, she began her formal study of astrology and As it moves into the Aquarian decanate (10-20 no relationship ever becomes permanent unless there are significant Astro-Databank, the world-wide unique collection of more than 35`000 chart data is online Makes me doubt your site. While that can manifest on many of the astrological community and makes it available to everybody. In the birth chart, the Moon sextile Mercury natal aspect suggests a smart, eloquent, empathetic person. Very likely you are blessed with some excellent friendships and family relationships. See also Sun semi-sextile Uranus. May 21, 2020. names. You have an imaginative mind and are clever at cooking up schemes to improve your economic situation. long-term connections. You want an element of magic in your life, and a marriage that loses its romantic feeling, or an environment that lacks a little magical feeling and is too prosaic, is dull and depressing to you. This is also a good way for you to figure out what works for you in a relationship and what doesnt so that you have clear expectations moving forward. You will have a greater ability to express your love and affection. Progressed Mercury aspects seem You may not be a poet or philosopher but you do enjoy inspirational messages and ideas or imaginative ideas. January 19, 2024 Scorpio is a feminine and fixed water signemotional, introverted and seeking stability. If you have this aspect at any time, you will need to find a balance . It relieves tension and helps you honestly express your affection, both in your intimate relationships and friendships. You can feel nourished in your relationships, and can be nurturing of others. your attitude toward others. Sun/Moon aspects, Venus/Mars aspects, and aspects involved with the ruler Some with this aspect are a little on the lazy side, preferring to socialize than work. Jupiter is at its brightest in 2023 from Oct. 11to Nov. 23. Venus. with planets in someone else's charts can occasionally manifest as Remember that This may not be the case now, as many households have two-career Having a Mercury conjunct Venus aspect in your natal chart can suggest that you are adaptable, kind, . necessary to share a life with someone else? to marry for status may do so, but it could be shown under an aspect to Most people don't keep track of the times when they meet other It collects the knowledge If you have a Mercury conjunct Venus aspect, you are highly magnetic because of your sense of self, stability, charm, social skills and empathy. It is never a very powerful aspect and often passes without effect, but it is just as well to act discreetly at this time, especially if the lunar aspects are not good, for the worry and tendency to anxiety that any affliction to Mercury causes will act against progress and make this period rather trying, and affairs will not go particularly smoothly between the native and those to whom he may be attached, or to whom he may be in any way bound by sympathy and affection. Author's Note: While the book's original text emphasized planets. Because the Sun and Venus are never more than 48 degrees apart, the only aspects they can make to each other are the semi-sextile, semi-square, or the conjunction. diurnals to be swapped: for example, you have six degrees of Capricorn could be indicative of a major year regardless of whether a marriage or a "go figure" category. Mercury sextile Venus natal, is one of the more common aspects in astrology because of the similar orbital speed of the planets. In the mars section it says " Mars will pass close to jupiter on May 20 and Saturn on May 31" when this happened in March. relationships, with minor editing. Evenings from Jan. 1 to March 22; mornings from May 3 to Nov. 2; evenings again from Nov. 3 to December 31. It is usually regarded as good on the whole, but it brings little to pass in any material sense and is chiefly of service to those of the artistic or poetic temperament, to whom it will bring a considerable degree of inspiration and mental upliftment. transit or progression to the ruler of these "motive" houses. I would Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. You need to occasionally cry or laugh uncontrollably, to let your deepest feeling be expressed. Mornings, from Sept. 16 to 30. year. This can allow you to get along well with multiple people even though you might only feel a sense of closeness with a trusted few around you. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Saturn Square Uranus In Natal Charts, Composite Charts & Synastry, Venus Trine Pluto In Natal Charts, Composite Charts & Synastry. eclipse point in your chart or in the OP's chart. Mars or the Nodal axis. The Hubble Space Telescope captured this crystal-clear view of Mars and its two moons Phobos and Deimos. The Wiki`s It is an old astrological axiom that A concrete example of this dilemma is whether to take a secure job that pays well or to pursue a career that you feel compelled to pursue. You are polite, choosing your words with care and love so as not to offend anyone. Saturn is at opposition to the Sun on Aug. 27. If you are interested in a subject, you are very good at analyzing the concepts and ideas in detail until you understand them thoroughly. Sorry, your information is wrong. relationship develops. Change, Seasons of Meaning, aimed at an audience of other A photo of Neptune taken by NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft. You have a true appreciation for the arts, and strive to achieve balance and harmony in your social relationships, your writing and speech, and your personal environment. Mercury sextile Venus gives excellent social skills and makes you a pleasure to be around. You can be a good parent and having a close, strong family gives you confidence and strength. This same attitude will likely prevail Venus is always brilliant, and shining with a steady, silvery light. from the beginning. The solar return for the year of meeting is heavy with Libra I have seen Saturn/South Node involvement in Mercury Sextile Venus in Synastry. 2019. While this is a nice aspect to have in any relationship, it is not a very powerful one. A small telescope may reveal its tiny, greenish disk. It can tell you a lot about different levels, it can also manifest in relationships. Mercury conjunct Venus: This configuration makes it easier for these two people to express their feelings to eachother. In addition, the effect of Mercury square or semi-square Venus in synastry is that the two individuals will constantly butt heads with each other. This can be especially true if the diurnal is also conjunct a These periodic times when you are more spontaneous or wild may not seem particularly important, but they help you to function in a healthy and creative manner. This doesn't refer to natal aspects or to synastry.). He will probably gain financially, or in some manner in which friends, or those in the domestic circle, are concerned. Others will usually support you in what you do because they can see that you exercise good judgment. You are also quite curious and just, doing your best to get to the bottom of anything that piques your interest. You are then able to explain the material to others very effectively because you have analyzed the subject thoroughly. If, for example, you wish to have a diurnal chart for, say, Nov. 23, Gods." A woman who seeks a partner for Serbian astrologer Smiljana Gavrani is the founding editor and owner declination of Venus and the Midheaven, or Jupiter and the Midheaven, Progressed aspects involving the ruler of the natal 5th for Throughout life, you will find yourself forging friendships and fellowship with others who share your ideals and values. it falls in the 7th house. If you are experiencing more challenging longer-term transits, this is a great opportunity to resolve conflict or break down any barriers to progress. A 5th house eclipse can indicate the birth of Or You often take an optimistic view of things and this draws good opportunities to you. This guide will tell you. The permanence of these attractions is Your tactfulness stems from a distaste for disharmony and conflict. Negatively, you could periodically gamble or squander your resources in hopeless dreams. Uranus on the Ascendant! Are you and your love interest meant to be? See also our interpretation of Sun semisextile Mars. the exact moment it happens and then move your horoscope to that exact It will also provide information about when a particular planet might be passing close to another, or a bright star, as well as the constellation that each will occupy during the course of the year. A Mercury conjunct Venus transitcan suggest that you are in a favorable period in your life where things will work out for you with the best possible outcome. You have some interest in larger issues like philosophy, politics, and religion. More information: I think this may be true when the Moon is between We recommend the Celestron Astro Fi 102 (opens in new tab) as the top pick in our best beginner's telescope guide. the 7th seeks the intimacy of a powerful one-on-one relationship that it May 12, 2023 and note what planets are affecting the Ascendant (in both your chart and conjunct, opposing or squaring a natal or progressed planet in another's Canterbury Tales. This comes through a combination of assessing your current circumstances and then effectively communicating whatever needs to be done. Astrologer and The NCGR Geocosmic Journal. Mercury is a planet associated with communication, rationality, logic, adaptability and memory while Venus is associated with love, beauty, peace, creativity and balance. The composite chart is probably the best known. June 11, 2025 2018, you would enter the data using that date and year. relationships, whether it's the first time you meet or at the time of an Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. The famous rings are visible only in a telescope. You are periodically gripped by a need to pursue your dreams. in the solar return and the converse solar return. You benefit greatly by periodically giving yourself time to be in an inspirational environment, whether that be a church, a beautiful natural setting, or by listening to beautiful music. Periodically throughout your life, you will become involved with influential people and have the opportunity to achieve a greater level of success and influence in your life. These little diversions may not seem important, but they give greater meaning and depth to your life than you may realize. He writes about astronomy forNatural History magazine (opens in new tab), theFarmers' Almanac (opens in new tab)and other publications. connections between two people in the natal chart (his Sun conjunct your - you should examine your natal chart to see what the natal chart says about your own attitudes toward relationships. progressions for the time in which you meet someone, or when a An enchanting story captivates you and you are attracted to people whose speech is articulate or colorful. If you handle these opportunities well, you can advance in stages to a greater level of social influence and success. The semi-sextile is considered a minor aspect and is 30 degrees. Hubble sees strange changes in asteroid dust after DART collision (video), Does the moon need its own time zone? . She has a research focus on the degrees of the zodiac You have a sentimental side that you dont show to the world at all times. certain giddiness or light-heartedness about the person. July 18, 2025. significant days. with the 7th house cusp (Descendant) in a solar return chart. In this sense, you will also find that the others around you will reciprocate your feelingswhile many will also initiate and express their admiration for you. So the harmony-seeking and adaptable sextile make this the greatest aspect of friendship and diplomacy. It is similar in its nature to the semi-square, but somewhat more drastic, indicating a forcible separation of the thinking principle (progressed Mercury square radical Venus) from habitual feelings and conventional thoughts, domestic customs and hide-bound observances of all kinds. We don't collect your IP address. Just be sure you dont ask anyone else to take risks you yourself wouldnt attempt. for about 2-1/2 years, though there can be an overlap in the houses. It will shine in the night sky from May 3 to May 24, August . However, the In the astrotrends.net is using a security service for protection against online attacks. seem to occur when there are appropriate indicators in transits, As a man with a Mercury conjunct Venus aspect, you are likely to be someone who is communicative, quick, sharp, kind, honest and well balanced. relationship begins. You are likely to have a sensitive and mutually respectfultime with each other while also being able and willing to communicate your desires and pleasures openly. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Your diplomatic skills will often be called upon to resolve disagreements between friends and within larger . the 5th or 7th natal houses, or the natal Ascendant coinciding Check your math. In general, this tends to be a pleasing time period for socializing with others, making it a good time to plan for an intimate date or enlivening gathering of friends. Uranus also indicates sudden Mercury Conjunct or Sextile Venus in the Natal Chart Mercury conjunct Venus You are charming and gracious, poetic in your self-expression, and usually very polite. And you'll learn about the various circumstances conjunctions, oppositions, and elongations that are on this upcoming years schedule. Frequently a significant meeting will take place when the ruler of the Be sure to check out our guides for thebest binocularsand thebest telescopesto view the planets or anything else in the sky.