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To make sure that his debuffs will not be resisted, Korath should be equipped with the Skirmisher ISO-8 class which will allow him to place Vulnerability as well and increase his Focus. Iron Mans ultimate inflicts enormous damage to a single target. His first skill delivers heavy damage to the single target. His second skill hits all enemies for a medium amount of damage and can hit even harder if Captain America is in a team. X-23s ultimate attacks the most injured non-summoned target ignoring Taunt and Stealth (it also flips Stealth) causing minor Piercing damage 5 times in a row. This is still a theory craft, but 1200 days of MSF experience gives me the right to predict something like this. Infector, A.I.M. The heart of the X-Men, Kitty Pryde uses her power to phase through solid matter and her dragon pet, Lockhead, to disrupt enemies and protect allies. You will be satisfied either way. He can be also gained by opening premium and milestone orbs. Her first skill inflicts heavy damage and always applies Defense Down on enemies. Hand Blademaster is a Hand minion who can chain his attacks to deal massive damage. Nobus ultimate grants one or two Counters to all allies. Passive ability grants her 1 Charge every turn to up to a maximum of 5. Passive ability grants 2 Ability Energy to all allies when Ghost Rider dies and enables him to cause massive damage to any target who killed one of his ally after which he is being charged with 5 Charges. The Thing is a Cosmic Brawler who punishes everyone who attacks him with his rocky fists. Iron Man is an Avenger Blaster with one of the highest base damage in the game. On the start of battle if there are at least 1 Hydra Minion ally and if not already charged Red Skull gains 8 Charges. Mister Sinister is a master of genetics, capable of cloning enemies for his nefarious needs. Hero, City, Mystic, Brawler, Defender, Martial Artist. Supporter who works best with the A.I.M. Ultron is a well-known adversary, now boosted and ready for your use. It also grants her and all Young Avenger allies up to 20% Drain and increases their Max Health by up to 20%. Shuris ultimate heals restores the amount of Health to the lowest health ally and repeat that action 4 times when the skill is fully upgraded. Infectors price is 100 shards which make him, along with A.I.M. The passive ability grants her Charged + Offense Up for up to 2 turns at the start of combat. As someone who can retaliate against every attack Blob should be equipped with Raider ISO-8 class in order to place Vulnerability as often as possible and to increase his AOE damage with critical strikes. His second skill grants him and all Sinister Six allies Offense Up and infuses him with 1 ability energy. Her first skill inflicts medium damage and applies Stun to the target if Mantis is Charged. It is true that his ultimate hits only one target unlike ultimates of other similar Protectors in the game but the fact that he can transfer all positive effects from the target makes him almost unkillable. Villain, City, Mystic, Protector, Hand, Martial Artist, Minion, If a head is cut off, two more shall take its place. It is not necessary to use the team combination we proposed since Kree Oracle and Kree Reaper can be as useful as Kree Cyborg and Kree Noble. Passive ability changes Speed Bar for S.H.I.E.L.D. The difference in strength between them and other teams is just too great. His second skill provides a random ally with 2 ability energy and applies blind to 2 enemies. Upon activating second ability Rhino is granted Taunt for 1 turn. Baron Zemos ultimate causes heavy damage against the primary target, places Ability Block for 1 turn and Slow for 2 turns, and then rebound chains to up to 4 adjacent targets placing Slow for up to 2 turns on each target. With Cloak she becomes a beast she supplements Cloak passive healing, her damage becomes devastating and she becomes a viable option for Dark Dimension IV City nodes and Doctor Doom Raid Mystic Nodes. Her basic skill causes immense damage against the primary target and applies Offense Down for up to 2 turns. While she is in Stealth her Critical Damage is increased by 100%. One thing is certain, Hydra with Red Skull will not have any chance in defense against Baron Zemos team and that is something that irritates me the most. Hero, Global, Skill, Support, Avenger, S.H.I.E.L.D. His skill-set is similar to Mordos skill-set but his AOE ultimate is somewhat stronger. His second skill causes devastating damage against the single target (damage is doubled and piercing if the target is Minion) and clears up to 3 Deathproofs from that target. His second skill inflicts medium damage to the primary target and up to 150% of damage to all other enemies. Hydra Grenadier has 2 abilities that strike the primary target and adjacent targets for a moderate amount of damage. Kestrel is overpowered in every way and will have amazing synergy with Black Bolts ability to make extra strikes against near-dead targets because of her ability to make extra strikes whenever someone attacks the target with Defense Down. Namor is a Mutant Brawler who is specialized for helping Fantastic Four allies in the Alliance War. Proxima Midnight should be obtained and maximized immediately even other members of the Black Order are unavailable at the moment. During Stealth, Miles Dodge Chance is increased. Venom needs extra Focus to place his debuffs so equipping him with Skirmisher ISo-8 class in an obvious course of action. Finally, Phyla-Vells presence in the battle lowers the Critical Chance of all enemies by up to 15% as long as she is not under the effect of Ability Block. If there are enough skirmishers she should use Striker class, otherwise, she should use Raider class. Villain, City, Bio, Controller, Spider-Verse, Symbiote, Metamorphosis. However since he is very slow before introduction of Baron Zemo he was considered as lowest Tier character. Infector is a virulent attacker who prevents healing and passes negative effects on his targets. It also has a 50% chance to place up to 3 additional negative effects (Bleed, Blind, Defense Down, Disrupted, Offense Down, Slow) for up to 2 turns on each target. Ghost Riders price is 100 shards currently available only in Offers and Devils Pact Orbs. Pyro is a hotheaded fire-starter who excels at burning enemies in an area to inflict damage over time. msf taskmaster team order. Ironheart is very similar to Vision with few exceptions. In Raids, Jubilee places Offense Down for 2 turns on all enemies, as well. They also have some team healing that is not too great but it exists and when it is combined with Yo-Yos ability to place Offense Down on every enemy before they attack it makes this team viable for raids. Choosing Jessica Jones for 5th member will be the first option for the majority of players but for me, the obvious and most logical choice is Silver Surfer, at least for as long as Heroes of Hire have only 4 members. Also, Minn-Erva is an irreplaceable character for the Dark Dimension II. The greatest numbers of team tasks in a single series was 9 in Series 14. White Tigers price is 45 Shards currently available only in Ancestral Spirit Orbs. His first skill shreds primary and adjacent targets for a medium amount of damage and applies Offense Down on the primary target. Wasp works best with Ant-Man because Ant-Man applies Evade to her at the start of every combat which means that she always can stun if they are on the same team. Researcher is an A.I.M. Her main strength is her high speed and dodge chance. Taunt is his second skill and additionally Crossbones gain Counter and heal himself while taunting. There are more than a hundred Ravager Clans all across the Universe with a unique leader in each clan. His basic skill causes moderate damage after clearing Counter from the target. A.I.M. Additionally, 50% Focus is granted for her and all Shadowland allies. Because of his special ability, he doesnt rely on Ghosts healing and he is practically self-sufficient. Vulture is a Villain City Brawler who gains bonuses after enemy or ally death and who is expert in fighting against City Heroes. This team may be more powerful than its place suggests for the sole reason that you are being able to decide which enemy will be cloned by Mister Sinister. Her first skill inflicts moderate damage against the single target and it is granted an Assist from Iron Man. In many aspects, Kestrel is a significantly improved version of Captain Marvel. Iron Fist is a versatile martial artist with healing abilities and a powerful single-target attack. Hero, Global, Skill, Protector, S.H.I.E.L.D., Minion. Additionally, Nobu provides his HAND allies with a chance to revive upon death. Gravitons ultimate inflicts medium damage to the single target, grants up to 100% additional damage per negative effect, and applies Stun to that target. She obviously needs the Healer ISO-8 class for reaching her full potential. Depending on what you are wanting to enhance, Ms. MAvel should use either Fortifier or Raider ISO-8 class. Her first skill inflicts heavy damage and has a 30% chance to chain to another target. She doesnt have dodge chance and she cannot cleanse but on the other hand, she can apply Defense Down, she is faster and most importantly she has synergy with Rescues Offense Up. Even though he can be equipped with Raider ISO-8 class, the best course of action is to give him Striker class so his damage can be even greater. The most loyal and resilient Hydra guards are trained to sacrifice themselves for thecause. When the game was released she was considered as a top tier Hero and by the opinion of the majority she was once the best hero in the game. His first skill causes medium damage to primary and adjacent targets and flips 1 positive effect on each target. Punisher is a versatile City Blaster who delivers AOE damage to his enemies. Stryfes price is 45 shards obtainable through Premium Orbs, Mega Orbs, Blitz Orbs, and Blitz Supplies. Silver Samurai is a Weapon X Protector who prevents the enemys healing with each strike and he charges himself while being attacked to deliver enormous damage with his Muramasa sword. After the initial strike Toad chains to up to 5 additional targets causing the same effect. All in all, this team has potential and can bring you victories when you dont have any other solutions. However, since they will need 5th member to assemble a defensive formation in Helicarrier the best possible option is to add them Silver Surfer whose abilities will fit just fine and will grant them an advantage against enemies with Immunities. The most known members of Hydra are Baron von Strucker, Baron Zemo, Red Skull, Viper, Crossbones, and Winter Soldier. She has everything you want from a hero she clears buffs and debuffs, she heals herself, she is very fast, her damage is insane and she has AOE. There are several options depending on which characters you have. Assault is a S.H.I.E.L.D. However, Spider-Verse team can deal with Spider-Verse nodes in other Raids now, which wasnt the case before. Stay tuned to Marvel.com and follow @MarvelGames on Twitter for the latest news and info on MARVEL Strike Force. Plus follow @MarvelStrikeF on Twitter and MARVEL Strike Force on Facebook. Along with A.I.M. Agent Coulson is very expensive for a reason. Kree allies also receive a random positive effect after the death of each enemy. In the process, it places Taunt + Deathproof to all Dupes. Mordos price is 45 shards and he was available through Mordo Blitz event, Premium Orbs, Mega Orbs, and Arena Store. Magneto is a famous Mutant Controller and a leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants who can shift positions of enemies in order to enhance the ability effects of his Brotherhood allies. agents. This character can be summoned by Yondu. who receive Bonuses for defending or attacking Helicarrier, Weapon X Teams has its AW bonuses for both Offense and Defense. Killmongers ultimate penetrates the primary target, chains to 5 additional targets, and grants 1 charge. His first skill delivers enormous damage and has a chance for a bonus attack on the same target. Black Widows first skill inflicts medium damage to target and copy and clear all positive effects from the target. Mysterios price is 100 shards which were obtainable through daily milestones and now can be acquired in the Heroes Assemble 2-3 Campaign mission, Raid Store and Raid Orbs. It is important to say that she can always remove negative effects and that she is a killing machine. At the same time, it applies Speed Up to all H4H allies for 2 turns. This team has unbelievable damage potential and it is capable of dealing with all existing premade teams even when all odds are against you (punch-up 100k+). Kree Reaper is a vicious hunter who doesnt give her prey a chance to recover, Villain, Cosmic, Bio, Brawler, Kree, Minion. His ability to apply stealth and evade on all allies made him one of the best protectors in the game overall, but after the introduction of new Heroes who have multiple options in dealing with Stealth characters and significantly increased damage potential, Hand Sentry influence on the game slowly diminished. Domino is a Top Tier character when combined with other members of the X-Force team. Click on the title. Stryfe is a Mutant Marauder who protects his team with constant Taunt and disables enemies with Ability Block. Nebula is a ruthless attacker who assails opponents with frequent attacks. His first skill inflicts moderate damage to primary and adjacent targets and applies Defense Down on each target. Security for reaching his full potential. Her first skill inflicts minor damage and clears Counter with the chance (100% when fully upgraded) to grant assistance from a random Inhuman ally. She is available for free early in the game when you start Villains United Campaign. New Warriors are incomplete at the moment, that is true, but you can assemble a powerful team that will provide both healing and damage nevertheless. Namors price is 100 shards currently obtainable in Premium and Mega Orbs and in Raid Store. For example, if you hit Drax who has taunt with Lokis second ability while Yondu is also in the enemy team, Yondu will (if mind controlled) remove Taunt from Drax. Thor is the God of Thunder who deals great damage and weakens multiple foes. Using Jessica Jones is also a viable option because Jessica stays without the team now but that is not the best option. This team will not be vulnerable to the Brotherhood of Mutants anymore because of Coulsons passive ability which grants immunity at the start of combat and they will be almost unbeatable to all other teams in Alliance War. His first skill inflicts medium damage but also applies Bleed and flips positive effects into negative. The passive ability grants Safeguard + Immunity to Adam Warlock and all Infinity Watch allies at the start of a battle. If Deathpool is fully charged (5 charges) the ultimate causes 20000% Piercing damage instead and clears all Charged. The sole fact that she and Adam Warlock will literally send Black Order on the bench with initial Defenders makes her irreplaceable for any average MSF player. Additionally, Red Skulls and Hydra Minions Speed and Damage are increased by up to 15%. His second skill deals medium damage to the single target and has a chance for bonus attack. His basic skill causes moderate damage against the single target and transfers all negative effects from Silver Surfer to that target. Hero, Global, Skill, Controller, Wakandan. Killmonger is a lethal assassin who drains health from enemies and eliminates weakened targets. More powerful in Alliance Wars. I am not 100% sure that the equal power Infinity Watch team will surely beat the Weapon X team with Omega Red because I must test it in combat, but I am 100% sure that Black Order and Heroes for Hire will be easy prey for them. On Alliance War Defense, She-Hulk always attacks the target with the most damage instead, ignoring previous Taunts in the process, and places Taunt on the most injured target. On Spawn if there are 4 or more Weapon X allies he places Trauma and Heal Block on all enemies and steals 15% of each enemy HP in a favor of his Weapon X allies. If someone tries to place Slow on Iceman, he is automatically granted a Barrier equal to 5% of his Health. If Dominos Health is below 50% her ultimate rebound to 5 adjacent targets. The problem with this team is because it has only 4 Marauder members and you must pick 5th member from your roster. He has mediocre damage output but he has a chance to gain counter (100% on Level 6 of the skill ) while attacking his target. Genius, egomaniac, and mastermind, Doctor Octopus enhances Sinister Six allies and summons them to battle. Deciding what ISO-8 class is best for can be kinda tricky because she can use Healer, Skirmisher and Raider class with the same success depending on the situation. Doctor Dooms ultimate grants him 2 Charged and can clear all negative effects from Doctor Doom, the most injured non-summoned ally, and the ally with the highest damage. The Supernatural team is now the force to be reckoned with and Elsa Bloodstone is in the center of that synergy. Villain, Cosmic, Mystic, Support, Ravager. This Hydra team will be especially effective in Alliance War Offense where they will easily deal with Defense teams that contain Minions such as A.I.M., Hydra with Red Skull, Kree, and S.H.I.E.L.D. With her basic skill, she has a chance to clear positive effects from an enemy generating 1 Abilit Energy for up to 2 allies. Her first skill inflicts medium damage to the single target and grants one charge to Storm. His second skill also delivers medium damage and chains to up to 3 adjacent targets applying Defense Down to each target in the process. Her second skill deals medium damage to the primary target but also inflicts heavy damage to most injured targets ignoring Taunt or Stealth. Hawkeye price is 45 shards which can be obtained via Mega Orbs, Premium Orbs, and 1-9 Heroic Assemble campaign mission. Taskmaster transforms the Mercenary team into Alliance War defensive specialists with additional synergies and a relentless Passive ability that applies Taunt to the enemy . Vision is granted 20% Dodge chance from his passive ability and if he has Tech allies they are granted Defense Up on the start of the combat. His first skill inflicts heavy damage to the single target. Additionally, while in Binary Form, she heals her self and attacks all enemies for 150% of her base damage at the end of each turn. His first skill inflicts heavy damage and has a chance to chain to 2 additional enemies. Using this for his own means and taking on the name Taskmaster, he has copied the fighting styles of numerous heroes and used his fighting skills to wreak havoc and train the henchmen of premiere villainous organizations. His healing potential is significantly increased in Alliance War defense if he is in the same team as the rest of the Mercenary team.