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So if youre preparing for a job interview as a flight attendant, be sure to read this article! Get the Trendy Girl's Guide sent to your inbox, completely Free! Seems like were in the same exact boat at the moment! Theres a lot of flexibility with this job if you stay and push through a bit longer. 58. But who could of thought searching was one of the main key players in the search of pursuing the dream career. I have always had a passion for traveling the world. I must admit, people love me too. In some ways, I think it was easier for those of us who didn't have a lot of pre-pandemic experience as flight attendants. A flight attendant is a member of an airline's cabin crew who ensures that passengers are comfortable and safe during their trip. I really appreciate your story ! Travel Consultant/ Travel Agent. I am lucky enough to go into work day in, day out with a smile and good spirits, no matter the squalls or storms. Through all the craziness of post-covid recovery, routes, and alot more, I've developed the mentality that I want to make everyone's flight the best I possibly can. You need to be fluent in English. It's designed that way. This would be a huge opportunity that Im ready for. . The interviewer is trying to gauge your interest in the job and whether you have the right motivations for becoming a flight attendant. I was just randomly googling why I quit being a flight attendant. Heres the thing: I never thought I would become the type of person to actively mourn the loss of a job. Job-wise, Im currently working as a waitress at a local restaurant. I am repeating the advice my therapist gave me. I get it; it's a job and not just a way to get free vacations, but this isn't what i had in mind. 35. My company is the wealthiest of the major 3 airlines in the USA, but the flight attendants dont ever see that money. I'm 23 years old, and so far I've had a lot of "dream jobs" in my dreams. Im a really big people person. We are a BBB Accredited Flight Attendant School. 86. But those with plenty of exciting and good routes make it enjoying and getting your days off are more likely. I am very friendly, caring & outgoing, I think I would be a great fit for this job. The jobs Ive had so far have not been fulfilling enough, I think this one will be. For more information, please see our Help me out so I want to became a flight attendant and it's my dream since childhood I really love it I want to travel the world and later try to become a pilot maybe I don't know. 78. Being a flight attendant can be a serious job. Im young, single, and dedicated to creating the life that I desire. In the past airlines had a guarantee of pay like 80-hours, but even if you didnt fly 80 you still got paid for 80. Meron din akong nakitang mga flight attendant that are so welcoming and warming which is that is the . My company was offering month-long leaves of absence almost every month, meaning I could take tons of time off to live in New Zealand while technically still being an employee (and keeping my flight benefits!). Fast forward and I live in Hanalei Bay as a gardener. We will also provide an example of a great answer to this question. This has been my dream my whole life. 82. Get a job where you will make money because this job wont make you happy forever it is literally a job for the young. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. 15. It's a critical job. Published February 27, 2020. Becoming a flight attendant has been always one of my goals and dreams. Ive been contemplating quitting flying for a bit now. 84. Copyright 2023 The Flight Attendant Academy All rights reserved. Im 46 and been flying since Im 23. I believe becoming a flight attendant would fit my skill set. I am also a people-person who loves to connect with others. 67. Im a retired school teacher and I finally realized I can accomplish my dream now. I needed this today. I love to travel to different cities and I also love helping others, Becoming a flight attendant is a way for me to do both. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Retrieved from For most flight attendants, it's a pleasure to sling diet cokes in the sky. Neither one of my childhood dream jobs panned out. If you just hate aviation dont just quit. I definitely remember the feeling. I want to become a flight attendant because it gives me the opportunity to meet new people. I miss having weekends off and seeing my friends and family and having some sort of normalcy and routine. The people are great, everyday is different but I think I just need more. Its been a dream for a long time and I finally have time to do it. 32. Power through it!!! Youve encouraged me in ways you cant even imagine. 56. I want to experience the world and enjoy the atmosphere while doing so. Since then, Ive always told myself Im going to be one someday. Cool!" was a source of pride. There are many career options for both of us, but we have to just find what we want and try it out and if it doesnt work we can try another career. They spoke on condition of anonymity to protect their career, but Insider has verified their identity and former employment. I did a google search just now for why I quit my job as a flight attendant and came across this page. Hands-On Training is Held at the Charlotte Airport. Flight attendants have a cheerful attitude and uplift others under uncomfortable circumstances. I started 10-years ago, and since then it has changed drastically. A great team is flexible and supportive and if things went wrong everybody should remain positive to find an immediate solution." Q11. Im a very outgoing and excited type of person, I need to be out and about mingling with others. , Thank you so much for your comment Keysha! my dream job is flight attendant because. And as vain as it sounds, having an answer that made people say "Woah! to help you write a unique paper. Being a commercial Flight Attendant will allow me to do that. 34. If youre looking for more job interview advice, check out our other articles! tony bloom starlizard. That question still gnaws away at me. In the spring of 2020, I finally landed my dream job of being a flight attendant for a major American airline. It is true that it is tiring to face passengers, even those who behave badly with a smiling face all the time but I would get the chance to travel around the world, and that is, in my eyes the best job. Because its shows me its normal to feel like this . 60. That last comment was literally ME! Im very motivated and love to be able to assist people and work under any circumstance. Im so free now. Im turning a new leaf. I love helping others with their needs. Im so ready to change my career. This is a settle for less kind of job. I always take the day off before and after important events just in case. Cool! was a source of pride. Ive been a stay at home mom and its time for a career. Its ruining my mental health. I can explore different things while enjoying this career. I love to travel and want to experience all the wonderful people and places this world has to offer. Check out behind-the-scenes at this flight attendant training facility in Auckland. Id like to have a career that keeps me busy and that is fulfilling, one that is both challenging and rewarding. Landed my dream job as a flight attendant and now I want to quit. You can pour a coke, say sorry, refer people to customer service number or website and nothing more. Edit: I always ask this question to people who want to quit and I always get downvoted. I also have experience in customer service, so I know how important it is to provide excellent service to passengers. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I love meeting and greeting people. Furthermore, work should be fun. They also do what they can to make sure passengers are comfortable during their flights. Opportunities are unlimited its all up to you how far you want to go. If you dont like it though and youre sure do not feel guilty just stay true to your needs and wants. Ive always wanted to be a Flight Attendant since I was a child but I had kids and never reached that goal. Copyright 2023 From dream job to heartbreak Madden became a Southwest flight attendant at age 64 after several other careers, including real estate and paralegal services. My advice is to learn how to finesse the bidding system. I am a huge people person and love to travel. 10596. I would like to travel and see different places now! But how can you answer interview questions about why you want to be a flight attendant? This is the perfect fit for me. This job isnt for everyone so Im not gonna tell you to stick it out, but I will tell you to think about it really hard before you quit. It has always been a dream of mine since I was a child. I want a good, fun-loving career now. Lesson 37. This job is certainly not what it once was. I am sure, that each of you once had had a desire to have an extraordinary job in his early childhood, be it an astronaut or a scientist. Required fields are marked *. Can you do an office job in Inflight? I applied to jobs that would pay less than I make now out of desperation to just stop flying. This job is very lonely. I understand we signed up for the job, but we were never told we would face so much abuse from passengers, and so much abuse from the company. Im grateful for the time, but I know the lines arent as easy as they used to be, and I think I pulled out just in time Really grateful you wrote this, I LOVE your outlook and honesty, and I hope you flourish in New Zealand and DONT LOOK BACK. I possess the charisma and interpersonal skills to share and communicate with others. You'll eventually know. I leave work after a trip and feel absolutely exhausted mentally and physically. This will show that youre interested in the company, not just the job. I think I could be useful and help people be as comfortable as possible and at ease while they are getting to their destination. 30. I also love the feeling of freedom while traveling. I thoroughly googled the pros and cons, and watched as many videos as possible to prepare for this job. In Thailand, many young people dream of working as a flight attendant, seeing a career in the airline industry as a ticket to financial independence, an elevated social status and a more . 100. 2. Distance can be nothingand everything. 20. Travel opportunities. My people skills would be a valuable asset to the airline., I want to become a flight attendant because it is a job that combines my two passions: customer service and flying. I was working for 9 years for a middle eastern carrier in the UAE . This job is for the young, the blue collar, the people who have a successful partner who want free benefits to fly, or for someone who just needs a job. The pay sucks, the benefits are not worth it, paying a lot for crap medical. In seven months in and the sleep deprivation is something I'm having a really hard time with. Im confident I have the people skills required to be a successful flight attendant. . 65. You are a waiter in the sky and ground people who have jobs dont really see your purpose outside the plane. You may use it as a guide or sample for I want freedom out of that bullet in the sky. I have a passion for safety and hospitality services. If you have ever travelled by plane, perhaps you think all they do is serve food and drinks. I am a very giving and caring person. 71. I was chosen out of 2k applicants to be a flight attendant by a main airline. 27. I hope that youve been able to find some clarity and make whichever decision is best for you. 96. Dream Job: [Insert 'Flight Attendant Life' Here] Currently, I find myself sitting at a beach bar in a place where white sand meets turquoise waters. Traveling and meet new people and make a person feel like a king or queen is what I enjoy doing. This means always involving others and being able to see other's points of view. The job is miserable and unbearable. Rent in a big city like Dallas, Miami, NYC, LAX is from 1800 to 3500, so there goes a bit portion of your check. However, the pleasure I am thinking of does not exclude stress or barriers, because work otherwise would be aimless and without any outcome. I Love to help others. They want to know if you understand what the job entails and if youre excited about the prospect of working as a flight attendant. Being a flight attendant is a dream job for many South Korean women. The most difficult aspects of the job. TLDR: Having a job on a different continent is hard and unsustainable. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. As more countries started lifting their COVID restrictions, demand for travel was on the upswing. I want a great career that I can be proud of so I can stay at one job. This is their story, as told to writer Fortesa Latifi. Being a new hire sucks. I love flying and traveling. It does get better !!! Im tired, wilting, all of the above I have a great schedule but I cant stomach another flight. I now know that what you do for work doesnt have to define you. one of the best things about this job is get to travel a lot from our country.. since i was kid i always loved airplanes. 8. I also love to meet new people every day and make them happy. Ive noticed that there are many senior citizen Flight Attendants. I think that my customer service experience would be a valuable asset to your airline. I definitely want to be able to have a career I would like and enjoy. Its a better opportunity than the job I have now. Same problem like Dabbie, no skills any company wants. I know that I have matured enough now. Lets email! Now, at a mainline, all i do is turns with 3.5 hr unpaid sits. But this job is so freaking amazing and it only gets better, just gotta give it time. I want to get the experience to meet people from around the globe, get to learn about different culture, languages and just to see the world in a whole different aspect would be one of the best decisions and opportunities I ever made and had. You'll need to exceed the minimum required height and reach to improve your chances of getting the job. This type of job can be done by men or women, but to be a successful flight attendant, you must have the skills, personality and look to fit the description. The faces you see, the friends you make, travelers that relied on you to provide the best service. I want to experience something different with my life. Im very energetic with an outgoing & fun lovingly personality that loves traveling and meeting new people. She can't comprehend that this job as a flight attendant will destroy our relationship and I don't accept getting cheated on. Get access to my ambition of life essays only from anti essays listed results 1 - 30 get studying today and get the grades you want only at. When a flight attendant asks you to do something, it's because we're trying to keep you safe, not because we like having power over you. Its always been my dream job. 2. I have a four-year degree in social work and I have worked in the healthcare industry for 32 years. I am Marnie 18 years old . M personal advice is DO NOT waste your time as a flight attendant for too many years. People thought we didn't have the authority to tell them to wear a mask, but under the federal mask mandate, we did. 11. Physically it was so taxing, I was chronically jet-lagged, couldnt sleep more than 3 hours at a time, and cried all the time by myself cause I felt so alone. My Dream Job Experience From Gaming Research Paper, The Pursuit of My Dream Job: an Accountant. . 94. Im 51 and want to live a different life. Example: "At my previous job, I often worked with customers that were not happy with the level of service they received. If you can move in with friends or family to fly less do it! I am so sorry you are going through such a tough time with this job. Being a flight attendant I know I have to work hard to achieve this dream job. My dream is flight attendant but I am scared Excuse my grammar English is not my first language. The primary function of a flight attendant is that of looking after the safety and . A fulltime employee at a regular job is gone to work 40 to maybe 50 hours a week, but we are gone 72 hours in one three day. Im ready to start what Ive been motivated to do my whole life. Heading to Chicago? There is nothing worse than physical work that exhausts you, so my idea of an ideal job is neither an extremely active work, nor a sedentary job, but something in between. Ive dreamed about becoming a flight attendant for a long time and I am ready to make a move towards my dream. I recently worked for the airport and seeing Flight Attendants do their jobs and what they do. Youre not a nurse, doctor, lawyer, journalist, engineer, you are a waiter in the sky with no real skill besides customer service which is not valued anymore. Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism As flight attendants work with customers regularly, it is important to demonstrate that you have control over your emotions and can properly handle an angry customer while remaining calm and civil. . I am a friendly person and I would love to travel and meet new people from all aspects in life. My Dream Job was to be Flight Attendant! 6. On anonymous job review sites, cabin crew members report working alongside "amazing . Although I got my degree in that field it is not a place I want to be in again. Now, if you share these feelings lets focus on you! Hey Brittany, Focus on the customer service aspect of the job:Flight attendants are responsible for providing excellent customer service. If you're ready to start studying towards your dream job, contact us here at ITC . Your friends and family will give you advice and kinda be your crutch, but you need an outside person who doesnt know you to talk to you. Regardless of that I also thought it was time to move on especially during the pandemic a lot of things changed . I enjoy traveling and making people smile by helping them in any way possible. 64. I know that working for your airline would be an excellent opportunity to develop my career., I want to be a flight attendant because it is a job that would allow me to travel and see the world. Sign up for our newsletter for the latest tech news and scoops delivered daily to your inbox. Shoot me an email if you ever wanna chat! I look forward to making a career in an industry in which I can interact with and serve people. from this job we can get more knowledge of diffrent languages. 28. And you would get to fly to other countries all month long, sometimes with 3-6 day layovers. This has always been my dream job, Ive been a stay at home mom and now its time for my career. I have started to looking into returning to school for something more profitable. But on the inside I was dying. 19. The more I am in the sky the happier I am. I also like meeting new people from all around the world and learning new things. My dream job is to become a flight attendant, WRONG ANSWER! Maybe faking my death and getting out of her life for good will allow her to get the memo. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. So much so that I did a google search for others feeling the same. The conversation has been edited for length and clarity. If after one or two months of being off you feel the same way, then this is not the job for you. Ive also been traveling the world for the past 6 years. I have a passion for helping people and making them happy. Even though a lot of flight attendants were furloughed and some chose to leave their jobs, I never thought I would leave. 57. Thats why I want to become a Flight Attendant! There are hundreds of bits of information and steps in the hiring process, therefore, it is best to have the training and a guide to help you successfully gain the experience and get through the hiring process to land your dream job. I could not in good conscience sustain my plan, so quitting was my only and final option. I have worked in customer service for many years and understand the importance of providing excellent customer service. By being a flight attendant, I will get an opportunity to interact with diverse people and address their needs. submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism. When I started feeling a bit of burnout I switched to doing long haul flights that I could hold which consisted of Carribean, and South American turns with a few layovers in Mexico and Peru. Im ready to make the change. 83. Have you ever had to move on from something you loved dearly? Im sorry youre going through that too, it really sucks especially since the job has changed sooo much (for the worse) since we started. 87. I love to travel and explore new places, and becoming a flight attendant would allow me to do this regularly. Your email address will not be published. 47. The duties of a flight attendant include: Keeping passengers informed about their flights, including delays and gate changes I look forward to making a career in an industry in which I can interact with and serve people. Definitely shoot me an email and well chat I can relate with you 100% and I just hit 11-years, and I want to cry. 2877 Views Download Presentation. Remove from my list. There are so many tough things about this career, I feel ya. HATE IT! Work experience and a pleasant disposition are important, but not enough. 38. I really want this, there is nothing holding back except the excuses Ive been telling myself, but that ends today. my dream job stewardess essay Topic impoverished third-world citizens hungry, that i was paul farmer everyone in argumentative sample essay by spudx6a visual reprinted pieces on today far. 85. Its an exciting career for me to have and goes perfectly with my lifestyle. Wishing you all the best! Sam Rowley Year 11 VCAL English Friday, 29 th November 2013. 52. I wish people realized that we're there for the safety and security of the plane and its passengers. Lufthansa, Air France, British Airways. For people who love this job and say, Oh but I work so little per month, they are wrong. Because it was my childhood dream to become a flight attendant I followed the Facebook page religiously. I think the best way to do that is by going out and traveling and learning from other diverse people, experience their different cultures. With this career, I will get the opportunity to interact with diverse people and address their needs. I Quit My Dream Job as a Flight Attendant Heres Why, The Ultimate Guide to Traveling New Zealand, The Ultimate 3-Week South Island New Zealand Road Trip Itinerary, Flight Attendant FAQ: 16 Questions I Get *all the time*. I have a college degree ( two of them ) and lots of experience in my previous career, but during interviews now they always ask, Why didnt you move up? Well, there is nowhere to move up to besides management and if you dont live where your companys hub is at then you dont have a lot of moving room. Alas, all good things must come to an end. As for me, I dont want to return to my previous career. I tried the previous career for 8-years, so it is time to spread my wings I take that back it is time to put my car in drive and go do something else. 98. Now remember that this has been my experience in the industry and it has made me a lifelong FA. It goes to the pilots and executives. I love to travel to different cities and I also love helping others, so becoming a flight attendant is a way for me to do both. Ive been working in the restaurant business for the last 14 years, serving tables and providing excellent customer service so I feel confident with my serving skills. They loathe going into work and there is no joy in the career for them. I dont want a career just to have a job, I want a job that I will love, and this is it. 54. When you are starting out, pick a small goal. Everyone has a purpose in life and being a Flight Attendant is where I belong now. To think that I CAN FLY is an amazing thing in itself. The adjustment process into non-airline life is difficult and takes a bit of time, but hopefully youll still be able to get a taste of it with your husbands job! Now I simply prioritize the mood and interactions I can create with individuals on they flights. Work got tougher (crazy rosters ) , more flying hours , sleepless nights and non stop back and shoulder pain etc . The first 5 years arent easy but the more they hire the better. When I talked with my high school career counselor, this was the career I decided was the best fit for me. I now wouldnt give this job up for the world. And life gets SO much easier as a LH. I have a vision of having a job where I can offer the best customer service while I get to see the world and meet different people. In the beginning, we got a lot more pushback. If I cant define myself as a flight attendant, who am I? Ive been working as a musician on cruise ships for the past 10 plus years. Flight Attendant. keene, ca haunted hospital; ripley county drug bust; riverside county property tax due dates 2021; delaware county daily times archives; Gelito Coffee Jelly. At my company if you dont fly you dont get paid, so yeah our employers are not here for us they are here for the shareholders. Id love to hear about it in the comments below. Its not easy, but even 4years later, it is still my dream job, and the best career Ive had. Some social skills you need include, being able to be kind to others even when they are not good to you. Then I fell in love with South American Culture and was only doing Layovers in Colombia.