Taylor's Virginia Regiment, Articles O

(ii) Under the directed component of the inspection program, the employer shall: (A) Inspect and test each press on a regular basis at least once a week to determine the condition of the clutch/brake mechanism, antirepeat feature, and single-stroke mechanism; (B) Perform and complete necessary maintenance or repair, or both, on the clutch/brake mechanism, antirepeat feature, and single-stroke mechanism before operating the press; and. 6. Vertical and inclined belts shall be enclosed by a guard conforming to standards in paragraphs (m) and (o) of this section. (3) Tail rods or extension piston rods. If such a guard is constructed of sheet metal, the material used shall be not less than one-sixteenth inch in thickness, and if cast iron is used, it shall be not less than three-sixteenths inch in thickness. (iii) When presses used in the PSDI mode have flywheel or bullgear running on crankshaft mounted journals and bearings, or a flywheel mounted on back shaft journals and bearings, periodic inspections following the press manufacturer's recommendations shall be made to ascertain that bearings are in good working order, and that automatic lubrication systems for these bearings (if automatic lubrication is provided) are supplying proper lubrication. OSHA Conveyor Standards 1926.555 (a) General requirements. Demonstrations that such adjustments as may be needed (such as to the brake monitor setting) have been accomplished with proper changes made in the records and on such notices as are located on the press and safety system. Tail rods or extension piston rods shall be guarded in accordance with paragraphs (m) and (o) of this section, or by a guardrail on sides and end, with a clearance of not less than fifteen (15) nor more than twenty (20) inches when rod is fully extended. Belt shifters, clutches, shippers, poles, perches, and fasteners -. or existing codification. This is especially true of wheel-sleeve or adaptor flanges. (x) Foot operated tripping controls, if used, shall be protected so as to prevent operation from falling or moving objects, or from unintended operation by accidental stepping onto the foot control. If you work for a Federal agency, use this drafting 5. 1910.307 Hazardous (classified) locations. (5) Excluded machinery. Compliance with 1910.217(h)(7). tensile strength 60,000 p.s.i.) If the safeguard is not described in this section, give a complete description. (B) The length of the hand tool shall be such as to ensure that the operator's hand will be detected for any safety distance required by the press set-ups. (ii) The safety system shall be designed, constructed, and arranged as an integral total system, including all elements of the press, the controls, the safeguarding and any required supplemental safeguarding, and their interfaces with the operator and that part of the environment which has effect on the protection against point of operation hazards. Final decision by Assistant Secretary - a. 1910.1051 1,3-Butadiene. (iv) If pedal counterweights are provided, the path of the travel of the weight shall be enclosed. The driving point of all friction drives when exposed to contact shall be guarded, all arm or spoke friction drives and all web friction drives with holes in the web shall be entirely enclosed, and all projecting belts on friction drives where exposed to contact shall be guarded. (i) Diamond wheels, except certain vitrified diamond wheels. The objective of the certification/validation program is to demonstrate and document that the system satisfies specification and operational requirements for safe operations. The clearance between the edge of the rear table and the cutter head shall be not more than one-eighth inch. tensile strength 60,000 p.s.i.). 1 The recommendations listed in the above table are guides for the conditions stated. [Reserved] (ii) Be installed on a press such that it indicates when the performance of the braking system has deteriorated to the extent described in paragraph (b)(14)(i) of this section; and. This preliminary decision will be sent to the applicant and subsequently published in the Federal Register. For the purpose of demonstrating compliance with the reaction time required by 1910.217(h), the tests shall use the following definitions and requirements: a. 1910.213 Woodworking machinery requirements. 30, 1984; 51 FR 34561, Sept. 29, 1986; 53 FR 8353, 8358 Mar. 3. (ii) The control system shall incorporate a means of dynamically monitoring for decoupling of the rotary position indicating mechanism drive from the crankshaft. Use of a brake monitor does not eliminate the need for periodic brake inspection and maintenance to reduce the possibility of catastrophic failures. Equip.) 1910.219 Mechanical power-transmission apparatus. Table O-11 - Strength and Dimensions for Wood Ram Props. Pulleys with cracks, or pieces broken out of rims, shall not be used. The employer shall evaluate and test the PSDI system installation, shall submit to the OSHA-recognized third-party validation organization the necessary supporting documentation, and shall certify that the requirements of 1910.217(a) through (h) and this appendix A have been met and that the installation is proper. (2) Foot operated devices. The adjustment shall be done under the supervision of an authorized person whose qualifications include knowledge of safety distance requirements and experience with the brake system and its adjustment. (vi) Equipment shall be kept clean, particularly from accumulations of yellow lead oxide. 1910.6 Incorporation by reference. of this appendix or may request that the original application be submitted to the Assistant Secretary with a statement of reasons supplied by the applicant as to why the application should be approved. (6) Circular saw fences shall be so constructed that they can be firmly secured to the table or table assembly without changing their alignment with the saw. Immediately before mounting, all wheels shall be closely inspected and sounded by the user (ring test) to make sure they have not been damaged in transit, storage, or otherwise. (4) of this appendix. The removal of a hand from any control button shall cause the slide to stop. (a) The device may not be used on machines using full revolution clutches. If the validation organization has been recognized for more than one year, meets the requirements for expansion of recognition, and there is no evidence that the recognized validation organization has not been following the requirements of this appendix and the letter of recognition, an expansion will normally be granted. (See paragraph (d)(5) of this section.). (iii) Where the upper and lower runs of horizontal belts are so located that passage of persons between them would be possible, the passage shall be either: (a) Completely barred by a guardrail or other barrier in accordance with paragraphs (m) and (o) of this section; or. The time increase allowed shall be limited to no more than 10 percent of the longest press stopping time measured at the top of the stroke, or 10 milliseconds, whichever is longer. (C) Maintain a certification record of each inspection, and each maintenance and repair task performed, under the general component of the inspection program that includes the date of the inspection, maintenance, or repair work, the signature of the person who performed the inspection, maintenance, or repair work, and the serial number, or other identifier, of the power press inspected, maintained, and repaired. ), (7) Automatic snagging machines. (3) Upon issuance of the decision, any party to the hearing may file exceptions within 20 days pursuant to subpart C. If exceptions are filed, the administrative law judge shall forward the decision, exceptions and record to the Assistant Secretary for the final decision on the application. Appendix to Subpart E of Part 1910Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, and Fire Prevention Plans, Subpart FPowered Platforms, Manlifts, and Vehicle-Mounted Work Platforms. (Ts is defined as the sum of the kinetic energy dissipation time plus the pneumatic/magnetic/hydraulic reaction time of the clutch/brake operating mechanism(s).). 1910.1010 Benzidine. (2) It is recommended, however, that no projecting setscrews or oilcups be used in any revolving pulley or part of machinery. (3) Belt perches. Therefore, the wall dimension W takes precedence over the diameter of the recess as an essential intermediate dimension to describe this shape type. b. Flanges shall be dimensionally accurate and in good balance. All manually operated valves and switches shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. (12) Guard design specifications. (iii) Where brake engagement and clutch release is effected by spring action, such spring(s) shall operate in compression on a rod or within a hole or tube, and shall be of non-interleaving design. (1) Billet shears. 6.a. fOSHA Conveyor Standards (2) Modification. If previous design, history and application are considered to be similar, but not equal to or more exacting than earlier experiences, the additional or partial certification/validation tests should concentrate on the areas of changed or increased requirements. The application need not be submitted on a Federal form. (7) Feeder attachments shall have the feed rolls or other moving parts so covered or guarded as to protect the operator from hazardous points. Each recognized third-party validation organization and its validating laboratories shall: 1. One or more methods of machine guarding shall be provided to protect the operator and other employees in the machine area from hazards such as those created by point of operation, ingoing nip points, rotating parts, flying chips and sparks. (1) Type 1 straight wheels means wheels having diameter, thickness, and hole size dimensions, and they should be used only on the periphery. 1910.101 Compressed gases (general requirements). (2) Guard design. Gears shall be guarded in accordance with one of the following methods: (ii) By a standard guard as described in paragraph (o) of this section, at least seven (7) feet high extending six (6) inches above the mesh point of the gears; or. Have unit wired by qualified electrician. Conveyor safety hazards are varied, and the most common type is contact with the moving belt or other parts. (See Figures O-18, O-19, O-20, O-21, O-22, and O-23.). Mandatory requirements for certification/validation of the PSDI safety system are provided in appendix A and appendix C to this standard. 1910.309-1910.330 [Reserved], 1910.331 Scope. (i) The clutch shall release and the brake shall be applied when the external clutch engaging means is removed, deactivated, or deenergized. [39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 39 FR 41846, Dec. 3, 1974; 40 FR 3982, Jan. 27, 1975; 43 FR 49750, Oct. 24, 1978; 45 FR 8594, Feb. 8, 1980; 49 FR 18295, Apr. This monitor shall stop slide motion and prevent successive press strokes if decoupling occurs, or if the monitor itself fails. (d) Muting (bypassing of the protective function) of such device, during the upstroke of the press slide, is permitted for the purpose of parts ejection, circuit checking, and feeding. (iii) Type of clutch used on the press (full revolution, part revolution, or direct drive). (10) Material requirements and minimum dimensions. The integrated test specifications and procedures shall be made available to the validation organization. Mills and calenders in the rubber and plastics industries. The written procedures for test and certification/validation of PSDI systems, and the standards and test methods on which they are based, shall be reproducible and be available to OSHA and to the public upon request. 3. However, in determining eligibility for a foreign-based third-party validation organization, OSHA shall take into consideration whether there is reciprocity of treatment by the foreign government after consultation with relevant U.S. government agencies. The application, supporting documents, staff recommendation, statement of applicant's reasons, and any comments received, will be available for public inspection in the OSHA Docket Office. (5) Modified types 6 and 11 wheels (terrazzo) mean some type 6 and 11 cup wheels used in the terrazzo trade having tapered K dimensions to match a special tapered flange furnished by the machine builder. 1910.501 [Reserved] Installed in the front and in the back of each mill and located within 2 inches of a vertical plane tangent to the front and rear rolls. 1910.1001 Asbestos. (a)(1) OSHA Basics: OSHA's Special Industry Standards in Subpart R (iv) Overhead chain and link belt drives are governed by the same rules as overhead horizontal belts and shall be guarded in the same manner as belts. Appendix D to Subpart L of Part 1910Availability of Publications Incorporated by Reference in Section 1910.156 Fire Brigades ANSI B20.1-1976 was an extensive revision from the 1957 code. A correlation of the brake and/or clutch degradation based on the above tests and/or estimates shall be made and documented. This is known as the Ring Test. (xiv) The control system shall perform checks for proper operation of all cycle control logic element switches and contacts at least once each cycle. Records of inspections and maintenance shall be kept in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section. For flywheels with smooth rims five (5) feet or less in diameter, where the preceding methods cannot be applied, the following may be used: A disk attached to the flywheel in such manner as to cover the spokes of the wheel on the exposed side and present a smooth surface and edge, at the same time providing means for periodic inspection. (1) Hot trimming presses. [39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 43 FR 49750, Oct. 24, 1978; 49 FR 5323, Feb. 10, 1984; 61 FR 9240, Mar. The validating organization may utilize the competence, experience, and capability of its employees to demonstrate this competence, experience and capability. 1910.108 [Reserved] Belt fasteners. Selection of PSDI mode and the number of interruptions/withdrawals of the light sensing field required to initiate a press cycle shall be by means capable of supervision by the employer. (1) Feed chains and sprockets of all double end tenoning machines shall be completely enclosed, except for that portion of chain used for conveying the stock. 4. Table O-6 - Minimum Dimensions for Straight Relieved Flanges1. Machinery shall be oiled when not in motion, wherever possible. No one should ever climb over or crawl under a conveyor and NEVER ride on or otherwise use a conveyor for transportation. It shall be the responsibility of any person modifying a power press to furnish instructions with the modification to establish new or changed guidelines for use and care of the power press so modified. An OSHA catwalk serviced by a stairway is a type of stair landing. The guard shall have openings no larger than one-half (12) inch. (5) Each wood jointer with vertical head shall have either an exhaust hood or other guard so arranged as to enclose completely the revolving head, except for a slot of such width as may be necessary and convenient for the application of the material to be jointed. (52) Stop control means an operator control designed to immediately deactivate the clutch control and activate the brake to stop slide motion. (15) Combs (featherboards) or suitable jigs shall be provided at the workplace for use when a standard guard cannot be used, as in dadoing, grooving, jointing, moulding, and rabbeting. 1910.164 Fire detection systems. Comments or questions about document content can not be answered by OFR staff. (43) Operator's station means the complete complement of controls used by or available to an operator on a given operation for stroking the press. The PSDI safety system shall remain under certification/validation for the shorter of one year or until the system hardware is changed, modified or refurbished, or operating conditions are changed (including environmental, application or facility changes), or a failure of a critical component has occurred. (6) Types 27 and 28 depressed center wheels mean wheels having diameter, thickness, and hole size dimensions. 4. Upsetters shall be provided with a means for locking out the power at its entry point to the machine and rendering its cycling controls inoperable. (4) Arbors of all circular saws shall be free from play. 1910.180 Crawler locomotive and truck cranes. 2. 1910.25 Stairways. Where the upper and lower runs of horizontal belts are so located that passage of persons between them would be possible, the passage shall be either: Completely barred by a guardrail or other barrier in accordance with paragraphs (m) and (o) of this section; or. Stopping distances shall be expressed in inches of surface travel of the roll from the instant the emergency stopping device is actuated. Guarding Floor and Wall Openings and Holes OSHA Standard 1910.23 2 Overview This is a condensation of Standard 1910.23 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Outreach Training Program (10- and 30-hour Cards), OSHA Training Institute Education Centers, Severe Storm and Flood Recovery Assistance. In all other industries, wood guards shall not be used. In powerplants only the lower run of the belt need be guarded. (3) Work area. Sections 1910.217 and 1910.219 also issued under 5 U.S.C. (3) Bench and floor stands. 2. Guards shall be affixed to the machine where possible and secured elsewhere if for any reason attachment to the machine is not possible. The guard shall be constructed of heavy material, preferably metal, and the edge of the guard shall come to within three-eighths inch of the plane formed by the inside face of the feed roll in contact with the stock being cut. 1910.26 Dockboards. The written notice shall indicate the termination date. 1910.1003 13 Carcinogens (4-Nitrobiphenyl, etc.). (11) Hydraulic equipment. 1910.242 Hand and portable powered tools and equipment, general. Pulleys with cracks, or pieces broken out of rims, shall not be used. (i) Guards for horizontal overhead belts shall run the entire length of the belt and follow the line of the pulley to the ceiling or be carried to the nearest wall, thus enclosing the belt effectively. The timer shall be manually adjustable, to a maximum time of 30 seconds. 1910.144 Safety color code for marking physical hazards. The control system shall require that each sensing field be interrupted the selected number of times prior to initiating a stroke.