You're going to bed.. Damn. Right! Tony snorts. What, you think I'd voluntarily talk to you about this? (he was the youngest, and fortunately for him, only had one drink). While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Tony makes a disgruntled noise against Clint's ribcage. Steve flinches and opens his mouth to presumably apologize or some bullshit, but Clint's already on his feet and stumbling over (whoa, yeah, this whiskey's kicking nicely) before half-falling onto the Captain. Steve, you animal, you.. See, that's not playing fair, Barton. The adults just sputter and stare at us dumbfounded. Peter didn't go to Manhattan very often-usually only to visit the Avengers Tower whenever he received an invitation, which wasn't often. "Mr. Stark this is Michelle Jones. For one thing, that'd be pretty sucky of me. So does Steve, to their slight surprise. Said Sam. "Never have I ever been grounded by my parents!". Lindsay doesn't win. So does Thor. You know Thor loves any and all things that combine alcohol, trading stories, and the ability to learn more about 'Midgardian customs'. I don't know which one you want.. It's the new year's party and everyone seemed to be here. Hope you enjoy and none of the art which I use here belongs to me, so credits to the respective artists or uploaders :). Peter had never been drunk before, and now that he knew how quick his metabolism had cleaned his blood of the intoxicating stuff, he wasn't afraid anymore to take a drink with the team now and then. There is a mentioning of an injury, but it is not too descriptive. I'll be updating Solangelo At Hogwarts before the end of today, hopefully close after this is up unless the art isn't attached. I just had a shit handler once; treated me like the dirt under his shoe. Fancy that., What? Only alcoholics use glasses, Tony huffs and grabs a bag of M&M's. No. Ned just skidded over to peter, even though he sat next to him, and before Peter could react to small headache that was his spider-sense, pulled up his sleeve. Marvel: The Beast System Chapter 100, a Marvel + Avengers Crossover fanfic | FanFiction. Right! Danny yells taking a drink and everyone grabs a drink. Always the goddamn red velvet, Clint sighs to himself. Y/n grew up as most children do. 1 Chapter 1 By Wolverine6Claws Summary: When Steve and Bucky take part in a drinking game with some of their teammates for a fun-filled evening it ends up taking a darker turn that pushes Bucky to the edge and Steve finds himself right where he has always been, at Bucky's side. Yeah, well that is what I am thinking right now. It was obviously not a good idea to play 'never have I ever' with his slightly drunk AcaDec team, but Ned had insisted he should join, especially cause; you were recently stabbed, man, you can't even go out even if you wanted to!' Although, a small and mean voice in his head points out, Tony's bedded half the team already, and neither Bruce nor Thor seem to have any trouble hanging out with him. As Clint understands, the game's usually a ploy to get laid anyway, which makes him wonder why Tony wants to play it so badly. But now he has a girlfriend who picked him and his parents are speaking to him somewhat regularly. Devi's life is turned upside down after a night at a party. Evelyn Warner was a nurse during World War 2 working side-by-side with Captain America and Peggy Carter. Course it is. It's been great, guys.. Paxton Hall- Youshia wasn't used to being confused by girls. And Capsicle has a built-in hard-on for anything that might be considered team-building.. Instead, he closes his eyes and tries to sleep, and lets his hand find Tony's deceptively soft hair. "Are you sure there's nothing you'd like to say Petey?" Alright, never have I ever woken up still drunk and gone about my day like normal anyway. Natasha said. Same as Steve- dirt poor in the 30s, was all Bucky said. Everything's floaty and his mouth tastes like what Jim Beam smells like, and Nat's let him snuggle up against her for the better part of an hour. But I'm still sleepy. He shifts closer, presses more firmly against Clint's back. And it was for science, Bruce says to Steve, if you wondered. I'm awesome at hugging., Thor laughs, and drapes an arm around Steve's shoulders to give him a half-hug of his own. No, we decided no strings, and then there were strings, strings everywhere except they were invisible strings, you know? Yeah? Clint says and picks up one of the acidic arrows; a prototype he's testing for Tony. I'm training her." Howard Gross takes his son to New York City when he is a child. "I'm here for a second, then I'm gone. Prompt made by: Me It was a Friday night and the Avengers had come back from their latest mission tired, and bored. T'challa questions and we all shift around. No chickening out, Barton, Tony says as he flops down between Clint and Thor. What if she got kidnapped, a few months before Harry was born and the Potters got attacked on the faithful Halloween night? Please consider turning it on! "We were in a fight and had to get away but were all hurt. Before sex, during, after. Finally, stories regarding Asgard will not revolve around old-time talk. She is here to pick up Peter for their date that e seems to have not remembered." He doesn't drink; everyone else does even Thor. It's my choice whether to tell the details or not.. That's the great thing about being two guys who like to have sex a lot: they get to, well, have sex a lot. It's strangely nice. Is it just in a suit, or on a suit as well?. And the best. left kudos on this work! Don't ask.. They just lie there, entangled, and slowly drift off. These kids have been crushed by heavy ass building but here they are, walking it off like it was nothing. Of course. Steve's smile turns rueful, and Clint's a little proud that the Cap is slowly learning that sarcasm is the best way to deal with Tony Stark. And the minute flinch and tightening of Steve's frame answers the question well enough, doesn't it? It's huge and looks delicious, even if Clint hasn't slept in here before, and he wrestles out of his clothes before flopping onto the bed, naked as hell. Abe ringed the bell, but Flash just shrugged and mumbled; 'in elementary school.' Natasha's mouth quirks upwards in what, on a lesser person's face, would constitute as a fond smile. Anyone we know? Aha! Tony says, excited and gleeful. Not that drunk, Farton, Tony says, and promptly doubles over laughing at his own tasteless joke. Tony's the only person Clint knows who can flop miserably. I too find it welcoming, the physical affection of my shield brothers be it erotic or not. He turns to Steve, and suddenly looks really serious. You looked all cute and Sleeping Beauty. Clint, Natasha, and Bucky I get, they were assassins and seduction is normal in that field, and everyone knows Im a giant man-whore, but you? Haaah, he says into her shoulder, curled up close to her side, with an arm resting on her waist. Shit. The game was being set up, and Peter could hear all the whispered ideas from his teammates. Because because the strings! Edit* I've decided to just make this one shots, not just field tr Do you know how once you are doing somethingyou instantlyknow you shouldn't have even thought about doing it? Okay, okay. You turned to the all too familiar voice, breath hitching in your throat as you met the eyes of a certain brown haired person that played one of your favorite su Decided that I would publish a book of one shots and headcanons that people request! Nat, Sam, Clint, and Peter took a shot. I am wounded that you would think something that awful of me, Agent Romanoff. Annnnnd he chews and looks thoughtful, even though they all know it's a bluff. Yeah, let's not, Clint murmurs back and doesn't miss the way Tony's smile widens. And strangest and probably best of all, no halting 'look, I think you should go back to your own room if you're just going to sleep'. If there are limits, the fun's gone. Ever wondered what the Avengers or the characters of the Marvel Cinematic Universe would be as yanderes? It wasn't a conscious decision for either of them, which is freaky as hell. Tony makes a 'pssh' noise and pokes around in the fridge for one of his disgusting shakes. Ten years later, after Ben has grown up and gotten an acceptance letter to Columbia University, he brings him back again. "Hell yeah. I mean, are there any questions off-limits, or, Yes, Natasha and Clint say just as Tony says Nope, none!, Tony glares at them. Last year they played truth or dare that ended up with Peter walking down the side of the Empire State Building, no mask. Tony is still up, working on his tablet in bed, sprawled with his feet poking out from beneath the silky covers. You know what really sucked though? "I'll go next because mine was just stupid". "Okay, never have I ever," Natasha paused in thought "Nope, I've got nothing, pass. Guys? Tony says. They were ready to get WASTED, with Vision on hand to make sure no one got alcohol poisoning. And why can't he stop looking at Devi. Its called being undercover. When Clint wakes the next morning, cotton-mouthed and heavy with a pounding hangover-headache, there's a dick poking into his ass. Also I miss the sex., Yeah, Clint says slowly. He hangs up Tony's discarded clothes while he's at it; he's a slob by nature, but Coulson's been a good influence. AU of the avengers where they are all in highschool in present time and it will probably not go anywhere but enjoy anyway lol. she exclaimed, her own speech interrupted by her constant giggles. She was the one to offer the cursed game. left kudos on this work! Right, yeah, that makes me feel a lot better, Tony huffs, but he doesn't move away. It's important to establish routines. He nods faux-seriously. I'm not great at relationships, Clint, Tony murmurs when they pull back for air. Yeah. They creep closer again, under the covers, until they're cocooning each other. Steve, Bucky and Sam were on one of the sofas, Bucky being leaned on by a straight-faced Sam who refused to move and ended up giving up, digging an elbow in the man's back as a petty revenge. Clint kind of wants to hug the guy. Mmmmmmm, he says approvingly and wriggles a little. Loki Peter put down his hand and gave his best friend a betrayed look. She lets him. All of the Avengers and Wade took a shot or for Wade, a sip of a juice box. Peter and Natasha were the only ones to drink. Tony and Clint fall over laughing, and even Natasha snorts, but it's a fond sound. Thor brings a keg a fucking wooden keg, ladies and gentlemen to the floor, and cracks open the lid. The spider kid was sat crossed-legged on the floor in front of the armchair Tony was sitting on. Yesh. Clint buries the urge to giggle, because whose idea was this, anyway? Natasha doesn't say anything when Clint tumbles out of Tony's room and into the kitchen late-morning, but she does hand him a coffee mug and fix him with a stare that says I judge you very hard right now. It's not needed; the genius does a fucking smashing job by himself, and Clint can't be bothered to give any shits. Clint snorts into the good Captain's neck. He stumbles forward and into Clint, scrabbling to get the phone back. Tony smirked, leaning forward in his seat and looking down at a blushing Peter. But when Tony returns with his own VSOP in hand, he hands Clint a bottle of Jim Beam. I was way too early to be awake on a lazy Sunday. Worst idea ever, woke up on the ceiling with no memory of how I got there or how I was covered in glitter," I say and everyone nods. You're not going to call your CEO and ex-girlfriend.. Not even a little? comes Tony's voice, sulking. We have to hurry or Mr. Stark will be mad at you for being late again." Of course I am, just gimme, he whines and tugs at Clint's sleeve. He flings an arm dramatically over his face too, in case Clint somehow hasn't realized that Tony doesn't want to talk about this. We are, aren't we?. I'm not really he huffs and his ears grow pinker. Tony's so goddamn pitiful like this, and a strange sort of adorable, and when he gives up, he grumbles and just slumps forward a little, hiding his face in the crook of Clint's shoulder. Tony, Steve, Bucky, Nat, Clint, and Bruce took a shot. Aye! Thor booms anyway. Clint rolls his eyes and tugs Tony's shirt off. He pockets the phone but doesn't push Tony away. Okay, but if Natasha kills me tomorrow, I'm blaming you. Sounds of Tony undressing, and Clint grunts in acquiescence. His arm comes down to trail across his chest instead. Clint knows he's feeling his pulse. He sleeps around a lot. Now he had had three shots, like the rest of the team. Natasha sets down her mug and walks out of the room without a word. That's how you got him to move in here, Natasha points out. Also this is kind of a rewrite of episode 3x04 but there is no Navarathri celebration and Kamala moved out long ago. Tough mission? Tony says and glances at the bandage covering Clint's shoulder. "Shit babe sorry." I travel because I'm awesome, Tony says. So he leans over and whispers, loud enough that he knows Tony will hear, He's really good at swallowing.. Youre going commando when you help little old ladies cross the street? Sam asked. We dated." as well as Clint just huffs, a sign of his exhaustion right there, and wrings off his clothes. What me and Bruce have is a special, special thing.. So he stumbles through the long hallway leaving to their other sleeping quarters that Tony got them probably for this exact reason, Clint muses as he bumps into walls and doors. Never have I ever Bucky started, stolen a friends clothes and lied about it so I could keep it.. Requests open again! Ben goes to a Clippers game with both Howard and Devi. Yet, here she was wide awake with a pain in her back, her baby doing what felt like flips and her stomach growling. #infinity Seriously. Tony said. You didn't tell me this!" Clint and I aren't, and have never been, in a romantic relationship.. Never have I ever filmed myself or had someone else film me having sex, Rhodey said looking directly at Tony. Random people in classrooms Tony sits outside Clint's door with bleary eyes and soot all over his shirt. It had been quite deep and he had to remove the thing himself. That doesn't mean I don't judge you, she says easily and cracks her breakfast muffin in two to share with him. "Tonight we were supposed to go out for a birthday dinner but he forgot and we are going to be late. Sensitive information and details from missions. Peter smiled, he never knew this. "Way way way wait. I wouldn't fuck off if you were interested in more than just casual hook-ups, I mean., Tony leans into the touch, barely, but his eyes don't stray from Clint's. No offense, Widow, but you scare the shit out of me.. 's is the best bed ever., Finally Tony's face cracks into an amused, drunken smile. "Okay, we're pausing, Peter, what in the actual fuck?" Sam, youre up!, Never have I everdone butt stuff in the bedroom. Okay, I suggest we go clock-wise with people asking questions, and I suggest that I start, since seriously, you guys. Clint's missed this more than he's missed the sex. Back the fuck up." Also, English isn't my native language, so if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes, please comment! Before they started, they all agreed to not let the game get sexual as there was a child present. Peter said. You can't do that!" Badly. When Peter protested he wasn't a kid, Tony reminded him he was drinking apple juice and had been building a new Lego set before they got the alert of the mission. Y'know, you're makin' it really hard for me not to come on to you right now, Tony says, but he's not touching Clint, so it's all cool. Yeah, Tony sighs out and nips lightly at Clint's lips. The only comfort Abby finds is watching her favorite Lilly needed a job. "Because we're like siblings and always want to remember that," Ava says and we drop our shirts back down. Okay? Nat smirked. But Devi Vishwakumar was something else entirely. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A MURDER VICTIM TURNS UP ON YOUR DOOR? This will probably be a few chapters or series. It made that particular shade of blue safe in Clint's mind again. #pp Yep, you got that right, Tony says and looks down at him. Parker (Never Have I Ever) Shira (Never Have I Ever) Zoey (Never Have I Ever) Grief/Mourning Hurt/Comfort Best Friends Developing Relationship Self-Harm Des has a dark side Panic Attacks Single Parents Depression Non-Consensual Groping Teen Pregnancy Dream Dad Devi's life is turned upside down after a night at a party. #marvel remain the property of their respective owners. Clint is an affectionate drunk, Natasha says, amusement and exasperation coloring her tone. Tell your friends about this story - short address I mean, ask anyone. "Oh shut up Buck. Stopping now., Clint doesn't know if Tony means that he'll stop talking or stop running, but the guy trails off, so Clint gets a part-answer. It's all right, Tony says and pats his forearm. Cindy had already said something, and some people put down their thumb, but he hadn't heard her. Otherwise, all bets are off. Instead he turns onto his side, a little closer to Clint but not really coming onto him not that Clint can notice, at least. In past attempts of the game (most notably in SHIELD), someone eventually jokes about something like plucking out eyeballs with their fingers, and Clint and Natasha will both take a drink being the only ones to do so and the joy's kind of gone once everyone is disgusted by them. Avenger's imagines and preferences! Clint has got to stop sleeping with the people he works with. Please tell me you're awake, Barton. 196 guests He looks up at Clint when he comes; grins. You didn't wake me up? Clint manages around a yawn and presses into Tony's warm hands. Could he do something about the fact that he had a bunk bed? Yeah, you're fucking hilarious, Stark. Clint pushes him onto his bed, gently, and starts unbuttoning Tony's dark-red shirt. Peter stood up. Paxton dealing with the break-up in season 3. Nalinis words wont get out of Devis head so Ben gives her something else to think about. Okay, Tony says with a wolfish grin. Tell me; when exactly did I become the reasonable grown-up of the two of us? No, wait, don't ask Pepper because she knows too much, he adds and waves his hands, stumbling to his feet. Which means he usually ends up getting way drunker than the rest, and with two superhumans, a demi-god, a borderline alcoholic and a Russian as his competitors, Clint is screwed before the questions even start. Oh, come on, Clint sighs and sips his coffee. We gotta have that rule. She takes a picture and texts it to her group chat with Eleanor, Fabiola, and Aneesa: our last brain cells, she captions it. He shifts his hips slightly, presses back against the hard-on there, and waits for a reaction. Tony said. ", Tony drank and everyone turned to look at Peter when he grinned and mumbled "Didn't get caught." Heh. In these Au's Loki is an avenger because I like that idea and him dying isn't an option whatsoever. Tony laughs more, and so does Thor, and then Natasha pushes at his back and says bed, now, and Clint stumbles off. This story is complete. Thats messed up man. Sam shook his head. He was excited to be able to drink legally and stuff it he was more excited to celebrate with the Avengers. That's a thing becoming more and more frequent, actually; the kissing. Pete, that means youre up! "Peter you go first" Wade said. Tony knocks back his bottle and glares at his science-brother. Of course, it does help that you're, like, mind-numbingly hot., Why, Mister Stark, Clint says and bats his eyelashes. So when Stark Industries called her, desperate for a housekeeper, there was no way in heaven she was gonna refuse. I'm falling asleep, Bruce says, and there's rustling. He stumbles forwards and clutches Clint's door frame to keep upright. Tony sighs and burrows deeper into Clint's skin. Wanda and Vision had left to their apartment, the other honorary members being in their own homes (or, in T'Challa and Shuri's case, country). He rolls his bottle slowly between his fingers. Clint squirms underneath the covers, reveling in the softness all around all of him, and lets out a happy noise into the fluffy pillow. Clint snorts and turns over so he can see the annoying asshole he's about to fuck, and sees a strange softness in Tony's smile that he isn't used to. Bruce was on a stool, placing the book he had been reading on the table next to the drinks when the others started talking, and Thor (who sat on a stool he had pulled away from the bar) decided to put his hammer on it. Clint chuckles, and Tony leans down to kiss him breathless before he can answer. Alone. as well as "What! Main Characters as of right now are Kate and Clint. My turn! Looks like I was right, he says out loud, and Tony sighs. Tss. I don't know, Tony whines and flops off Clint onto the sheets beside him. Michelle answered for him. I have an ally! Can I just crash here? He grimaces at the awkward phrasing, but Tony nods and scoots over. Clint quashes that voice so hard it groans in metaphorical pain and leaves him alone. avengers fanfiction peter falls asleep on tony avengers fanfiction peter falls asleep on tony (No Ratings Yet) . Wait, doesn't that defeat the purpose? Steve asks. He manages to wrangle Tony out of his clothes without much interruption, only a quiet Make-up sex? that Clint doesn't even bother to address. Ok, never have I ever made a list of all the people I slept with and been shocked by how high the number was, Sam grinned. #hulk Then Thor throws his head back and laughs, clinks his jug against Tony's bottle and takes a long swig. Requests are open! Natasha huffs a laugh and pulls back. He half wishes Phil were here so Clint could bitch at him about bad cupcake decisions, but their handler is currently in Arizona doing level 7 stuff that Clint is 'not privy to', no matter how good he is at hiding in Phil's ceiling. He couldn't deny this one, and now had four fingers. MJ walked in wearing a fancy dress. Your virtues are all intact. He pauses. You have reached the end of "Never Have I Ever". It's just bad form. Tony's voice is scratchy from alcohol and sleep, and pre-caffeine muddled, but definitely awake. Captain America: The Winter Soldier: completed He knows hers, too. Never have I ever been stabbed in the back, Natasha says and takes a pull of her Stoli. It's strangely optimistic, for her, and Clint wonders if the crazy genius has grown on her too. #starktower Tony, Rhodey, Steve, Bucky, Clint, Natasha, and Peter all drank. They all thought that things were going to be better now.