Its Postal Service contract is responsible for a fraction of that revenue, and just a fraction of that fraction is passed on to shareholders. Love ReDactded. Obama just threatens and insults him. He must takenPennsylvania I understand . maybe go to fox news. Lyme disease with its life-altering/life-threatening consequences has been misclassified as a low-risk and non-urgent health issue. [50] Snopes said that Attkisson falsely claimed that the Omnibus Autism Proceeding (OAP), which refuted claims of a causal link between vaccines and autism, was based primarily on Zimmerman's testimony, and that Zimmerman's nuanced views on the subject were kept hidden from the public by the federal government until 2018. Sharyl Attkisson was one of my favorite news reporters back in the 90s , a beautiful lady who covered stories well. I believe number 7, Thou shalt not commit adultery was not being obeyed. She earns an annual salary of $800 thousand. Never. The HISTORY of our nation has been altered because so much has been omitted in school books. Their demise will be eternal and painful. You are charged with a double homicide. Because I'd like to know how just HOW does someone who leaves the WHITE HOUSE and live like she has and be BROKE. This seems to give sellers a way to increase their profits by 25% by charging a fee on product imported BEFORE the tariff imposition. the injections are not vaccines at all, but experimental gene therapy. Those standards are applied without fear or favor. Miss your show, please come back. Current Address: SVWR NE 539th St, Old Town, FL. I think the barriers and ethical constraints against such conduct are fraying--seriously. I knownyoungbwomenntryingbto have babies and they cry because they can't conceive. She said we have to get away from having religion and religous beliefs affect our decisions. But fate turned cruel when only weeks later something terrible, something beyond reason and comprehension happened to the couple . Lizzy Caplan Bio, Age, Husband, Net Worth, Inside Job, Castle Rock, Movies, Tisha Campbell Bio, Age, Husband, Children, Uncoupled, Net, Movies, Cassi Davis Bio, Age, Family, Boyfriend, Net Worth, Movies, TV Shows. Biden has ties to China, Obama had ties to China through Biden. He was born in Poplar Plains, Kentucky to the late M.C. It imply takes ONE PERSON to start a movement. However, I believe the '96 telecommunications act that killed the public mandate was what turned all traditional news organizations into nothing more than mouthpieces for the corporations that control them. After investigating other homeowners in my township, I realized that I was NOT the only homeowner that was violated by breaking and entering into our homes without prior approval. [48], Attkisson has published stories attempting to link vaccines with autism, a position rejected by the scientific community. I am grateful you exist! CBRE Group is the largest commercial real estate firm in the world. Repeat, whos birth are we celebrating on December 25th? Oh yes! Mike Gibbons. Coincidence? There are only two (I know) worthy of the title "Investigative Journalist" today, Sharyl Attkisson and Judith Miller - maybe I'll add Jeff Gerth (from hearing about him in "Smear", which I just bought in Barnes and Noble.) Website: Enough of the same ole political jargon that leads nowhere and gets nothing done. "Well, I never heard it before, but it sounds uncommon nonsense". A couple of my favorite quotes - Governor Deal will not respond. Because of its psychological effect, for example, access to daylight and a view have been proven to help reduce the . Thank you, Sharyl for being you. Hillary Clinton who does not have one idea better than mine continues to ignore my ideas. This may be a bit off topic but I know of no other means to voice a concern and I hope you find it worth consideration. In 1982, Attkisson began her career in broadcast journalism as a reporter at WUFT-TV, a PBS station in Gainesville, Florida. Great job by you and your staff. I loved her book and watched her on CBS. Looking forward, very much, to seeing, hearing and Was the effort to focus America's attention on the idea of "fake news"itself a propaganda effort? PLEASE HELP CLEAR JUDGE KAVANAUGH'S NAME & DR FORD'S MEMORY, and in the process, you can stop the mob who will stop at nothing to destroy what's left of this man's life. Ms. Attkisson's show was also wrought with sound technical difficulties and points to a show that is being run by amateurs and speaks to her ineptitude within the political investigative arena. how much more Will we allow??? "[39] He quoted Sonya McNair, a spokesman for CBS News, who had told him the operation "maintains the highest journalistic standards in what it chooses to put on the air. I apologize for ranting. We should have an American Flag made in AMerica in every classroom. We can't go into history being known for such a great nation that we are, be remembered for killing innocent babies.snatching their little lives away before it begins. In 2013, she received an Emmy Award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism for her reporting on :The Business of Congress," which included an undercover investigation into fundraising by Republican freshmen. God bless. TRump might have faulted on bad business deals well so have I on a much smaller scale. She is a graduate of the University of Florida School of Journalism and Communications. Later that same year she won an Emmy Award for her Investigative Journalism about the American Red Cross. Have you considered whether your own computer intrusion experience at the direction of the U.S. Government might have some connection to the INSLAW Affair, i.e., the Department of Justice's covert misappropriation of the PROMIS case management software from INSLAW, starting during the first term of the Reagan Administration, for use in tracking the production of U.S. intelligence information and for the collection pale before the reality of perception management and the ignoring of any content not leading towards higher ratings, enhancement of power and position, etc. We must save our constitution,and the knowledge our founding fathers left for us. Here's wishing continued to success to her and that she will continue to serve as an inspiration to future journalists who care about their obligations to the American public. I have a popular online video show called Dark Journalist and I wonder if you would be available to come on and discuss your fascinating concept of "Astroturfing." I would like to have a back surgery that's around $15,000., Collusion to Control the Narrative (Part 2) Also interview those who knew Dr. Ford back in high school - maybe you'll find clues to this terrible mystery. This is a bot and written by someone in the Republican Party or Trumps inner circle. Attkisson is one of the few journalists to have flown in a B-52 on a combat mission (over Kosovo) and in an F-15 fighter jet Combat Air Patrol flight. [62] Two of the three judges on the panel agreed dismissal was justified because plaintiffs failed to name specific agents being accused of surveillance, and that they "failed to act diligently in pursuing that discovery, citing "significant periods of inactivity. Judge James Wynn Jr. wrote a dissenting opinion claiming that delays were not the fault of plaintiffs, but due to Justice Department lawyers deliberately using tactics to delay the process and "run out the clock" before Attkisson's lawyers could find those being accused. I've been around for 21 election cycles (watching 19 - you know Yogi Berra said, 'you can observe a lot, just by watching'), remembering my Creative Writing English teacher saying we should read the New York Times and the Herald Tribune to get good information (I am among the many who know how that turned out, remember Walter Lippman) and now saying BRAVA to you, Sharyl, for helping the average Jane and Joe (so busy working for the kids, paying taxes) to more understanding of the mechanism (and names behind) the BS assault which much of the MSM heaps on us every day. [3], Attkisson is a five-time Emmy Award winner, and a Radio Television Digital News Association (RTNDA) Edward R. Murrow Award recipient. Even with interviews I prefer the transcripts. Envy you getting to go in a B-52 and an F-15 though. Here is a blurp from If the ties don't influence policy in favor of them, then that is not bad. Thom, Jefferson said, " The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." Of course HUMOR. [27][28], In 2009, Attkisson won an Investigative Emmy Award for Business and Financial Reporting for her exclusive reports on the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and the bank bailout. There's some funny business going on here. We don't have a monitor which to follow on any given topic. Phone Number: (904) 641-FREQ. I'm a disabled/retired New York State Court Officer that was selectively persecuted just for requesting a transfer to a workplace closer to home after being diagnosed with major illnesses that eventually required major surgery. Though DNA obtained as the result of the attacker raping Cheryl produced a strong profile, no one D The Smear by Sharyl Attkisson should be center piece in political science, civics, government, whatever we call history today. [68], In 1984 Attkisson married James Attkisson, a sheriff's deputy,[69] and with him has one daughter. You have a great career, the end of which is not even in sight. What is her age? will look forward to your new show, also do you do speaking engagements ? Riverview Ram Nation - 78. Why does Hillary Clinton support my Human Rights Abuse? outstanding presentations and a joy to watch and listen to on tv. She lives here now. One of your viewers suggested that you expose the incestuous relationships between doctors and big pharm. Google Breaks Breaking into Houses or watch 99 Homes! [40] In this work, she accused CBS of protecting Barack Obama's administration by not giving enough coverage to such stories as the 2012 Benghazi attack and slow initial enrollments under Obamacare. How do I get on a mailing list for all of your articles. The media in this country is at a scary level as far as the amount of power they have over the public. It's not even that it's not true. I watch them too. . If this sounds politically incorrect then I do not care. She is 60 years old as of 26 January 2021. Thanks, I thank you for your contributions to the cause. His investment firm, Blum Capital Partners, L.P., is also the real estate firms fifth largest institutional shareholder. I am still reeling from reading Stonewalled! Would there be any way we could meet? [5] Attkisson has received criticism for publishing stories suggesting a possible link between vaccines and autism,[6][7][8] a claim that has been rejected by the scientific community. I don't know about "hosting" but share away in terms of linking to this. She was born in 1961 in St. Petersburg, Florida, United States. Colliver, Jr. and Mary Elizabeth Colliver. At the same time, Grove City's academics are second to none with a real 97% placement rate for graduates. Thank you for your hard work in bringing unknown facts of our corrupt public officials which I am quite sure there are many of them, then and only then the people can make up their minds to either re-elect them or get rid of the dishonest scum that they are. It is that part of the system that needs to be fixed. of intelligence information from U.S. and foreign government users of unauthorized copies of PROMIS? [50] Surgical oncologist David Gorski was sharply critical of the segment, calling it "nonsense" and a "conspiracy theory". Her death help keep secrets. With the dog's help, Cheryl's body was located about 200 yards from the car, in the woods, lying facedown under several . Thanks for being one of the few examples of genuinely intrepid investigative journalists. Online, go to this link for STIRR and watch anytime! In this piece, she accuses CBS of shielding Barack Obamas administration by failing to cover stories such as the 2012 Benghazi attack and the slow initial enrollments under Obamacare. You have so many Journalistic awards that you know, of course, you'll be swept off the market very quickly by a the type of network which reports, not edortalizes or ignores legitimate important stories, as well as for among the reasons mentioned above. Even if you did, nothing good would happen. Cheryl Atkinson lives in Old Town, FL; previous cities include Fanning Spgs FL and Fanning Springs FL. I don't rely on a single source for news. Since 2010, she has been nominated for two Emmy Awards for her reporting on members of Congress and the waste of tax dollars. You really need a full hour, exploding into a full hour 5 nights a week and a staff with your ethics and integrity helping with the research to get enough to fill such an ambitious goal! But fate turned cruel when only weeks later something terrible, something beyond reason and comprehension happened to the couple . But I'm on Dish and tried to find her show and nothing came up. I am a homeowner that Bank of America sent contractors into my home and made changes that I certainly was not made aware of. [31] In June 2012, Attkisson's investigative reporting for the Gunwalker story also won the CBS Evening News the Radio and Television News Directors Association's National Edward R. Murrow Award for Excellence in Video Investigative Reporting. They mostly work for nothing and promote only the betterment of humanity through appealing to the better angels or our nature from a basis of equity and decency. That's just how I see it. Not once did Ms. Attkisson press Trump for specifics. The depths of dishonest self-serving government are worse than I ever imagined. In September 2012, Attkisson received the Emmy for Outstanding Investigative Journalism and the RTNDA Edward R. Murrow Award for Excellence in Investigative Reporting for the "Gunwalker: Fast and Furious" story. Our ancestors fought so hard for a beautiful America and the Democratic Socialists are trying to destroy it with their totalitarian orders. The impact can be major. Her interview with Trump was a exhibition of weak journalism absent of any substantial inquiry for which she is known. Crayons Ready? "[50] Per Snopes, the OAP's verdict that there is no causal link between vaccines and autism was based on testimony by nine expert witnesses, and the views that Attkisson said were kept secret had already been made public in 2006 and were mentioned in the OAP. How wonderful to finally read a journalist who really reports the news without a bias- liberal or conservative. Yahoo !!!!! Are you an American Jack? Please do link to this page though (direct traffic here) so I can track the actual interest in the podcast and topics. Demand Proportional Representation Voting. [70][71] Attkisson is a fifth-degree black belt master in tae kwon do.[72]. Channel 47 Madison. Select this result to view Cheryl Rose Atkinson's phone number, address, and more. Expose that! [21], In 2010, Attkisson was nominated for two Emmy Awards for investigations into members of Congress and waste of tax dollars. HIlliary has been in hiding since Sept. Before she was out where with the Hollywierd elites RAISING money not spending her own money. However, this viral email gets some details including the name of the real estate company wrong. Trump is not able to bring America back to your vision of where it should have been to begin with. It must be taught from infancy. [43], In 2017, Attkisson created a media bias chart that was reused by right-wing blog PJ Media[44] and characterized as "a bastardization" of that produced by Ad Fontes Media. In 8 years of writing not one Journalist or Gov member has ever contacted me or reported me. PLEASE DO INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING ON DR. FORD'S ACCUSATION AGAINST JUDGE KAVANAUGH! After the bodies of 22-year-old Cheryl Henry and 21-year-old Andy Atkinson were found, on August 23rd and 24th 1990 respectively, Houston Homicide Detective Billy Belk was called to the scene to begin the investigation into their murders. Regarding the tariff imposition on China imports, I found an importer, Grizzly, Inc., who has stated that they are immediately charging 25% tariff fee on all imported products. NONE? "[39], Attkisson's book Stonewalled: One Reporter's Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama's Washington was published by Harper later in 2014 and became a New York Times best seller. You may be the last true investigative journalist left in the Western Hemisphere. [1][2] She hosts the Sinclair Broadcast Group TV show Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson. Trumps entire select group of insiders are nothing more than cronies and wall street elites. Her lawsuit was dismissed by a federal judge in 2021, who ruled that Rosenstein was protected by qualified immunity and that, even if true, none of the allegations took place in Maryland, where the court has jurisdiction. I don't know how common it is but I've long stopped watching/listening to News. Notice in this stream, how there are some who try diverting the discussion from the issues that Sharyl has worked so hard to bring to the public. On your topic of the outrageous cost of college, you should research Grove City College in Pennsylvania. And I would love to be able to have dental work done I need. TRump and Pence must save us here at home and not OBAMAS legacy but the Legacy of these United States.more importantly save the country for the many who have fought and died for her, around the world for FREEDOM., I hope Jack and Wendy and Alan that I did understand and agreed with you. Three requests have been submitted to Georgia Governor Nathan Deal to appoint a Special Investigator given the "Conflict of Interest" by Attorney General Sam Olens. Having said that, I found it painful listening to the C-SPAN interview of you by Erik Wemple of WaPo., The list of TV affiliates can be found under "About" at If you don't have an affiliate, you can watch live online at on Sundays at 9:30a ET or replays there anytime!