I don't want to make the same mistake again. Lincoln Loud: Patrick!, Squidward!, Sandy!, Mr. Krabs! robin. Luna: Did he by chance say what it was about? I'm sorry Lily: *reaches out to try to touch the bandages* Whut wappined Winky? *plays the recording on his phone, which tells of Lincoln's nightmare*. Wanting to try to prove I wasn't bad luck, I went to Lynn's next game, disguised in a squirrel suit. Rita: *still in tears* Lincoln, even if you won't forgive us, we just want you to know that from the bottom of our hearts how truely sorry we are. Maria: Lincoln, we don't want you to be in the city by yourself. *types on computer* Lincoln Loud. Receptionist: *while waiting for the results of the search to pop up* Are you his family? I know you're worried about me and for that I couldn't be more grateful. Ronnie Anne: *continues* Do you have any type of idea of the emotional trauma that could cause to Lincoln?! He slowly becomes friends with Loona she slowly begins to like him in return. My dads made it themselves. Let me check. That's ok, you can sleep with me Lily. Bobby: *smiles, puts his hand on his little sister's shoulder*. Supply Chain/Logistics. She started getting into fights and vent out all of her bottled up emotions in the process. Lincoln Loud by Colhan3000 on DeviantArt Description The Loud House and Lincoln Loud belongs to original creator Chris Savino and Nickelodeon. I still remember that time when you and mom told us you wouldn't get rid of any of us, some lie that turned out to be. Little scientist, Chapter 52. Lily: *still giggling, reaches out for Ronnie* Wonnie! Ronnie Anne: *places a hand on Lincoln's shoulder, smiles* I'm sure it was probably her most favorite memory. *smiles*. Maria: It sure is. Now, I know you're worried about me from the last text I sent you, but I want you to know that I'm safe, at least as far as I'm aware of. (It's usually giantess which means giant girls.). It can be found here and the second part is here on Javi's DeviantArt page. Maria: *turns to face the kids in the back seat* We're home. Baby Lincoln: *hugs his big sister* Y-y-Luna! During NSL, Lincoln is out in the cold unaware that his life was going change. Lynn Sr: *sits down next to Rita* No. A small, short montage of four images featuring Lincoln and Luan in some cute moments over the years. I am pretty hungry. I wasn't really hoping to have to recall that memory, and I didn't know the scratches had gotten like that. Lincoln: Pretty good. Lincoln, the one person in your family, who unlike a lot of you, would actually realize mistakes he's made and tried to make up for it! Bobby: I'm sure you were more than happy when I finally said it. Lisa: *thinking about what Lola said* That does seem logical. Luna: *carries Lily to Lincoln, sets her next to him and leaves with Leni*. Lori: *just as she thinks her morning can't possibly get worse, receives a text from Boo-boo bear*. Lincoln Loud getting adopted into another family along with his new siblings who all have to fight off strange and magical creatures to protect royal woods while trying to maintain there normal life. Luna: *thinks of something* Hang on, could he actually have been in the car with them, but hid when he saw us? Lisa Loud/Costumes. No No NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Lincoln: *can smell the breakfast* Smells good Mrs. Santiago. Lincoln: *smiles* I'll gladly help you buy some stuff to replace it. We don't want to scare him off. *holding his phone, debating whether or not to play the recording of Lincoln describing his nightmare from the night before, provided Lincoln is willing to let them know*. Lincoln & Ronnie Anne: *blush from what Ronnie's mother just said*. Lincoln: *still crying* If really felt like it to me. so much that I had the worst nightmare I ever had because of it. Leni: *joins in the hug to try to help calm Linky down*, Lincoln: *begins calming down, feeling much safer with two sisters that proved how much they care about him*. She does eventually sober up, and while she does forget exactly what she did, she has an idea that she did something bad. Ronnie Anne: Though her food is delicious. Rita: Oh honey! -I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU, LORI!!! The Price of Admission. Ronnie Anne: *kisses Lincoln on the cheek*. Lana: I guess it could be possible Lincoln might be here. Luna: Yeah, but the problem is they looked perfectly calm compared to us. BECAUSE OF MY DANG SUPERSTITIONS, I ENDED UP MAKING YOU FEEL UNLOVED AND UNWANTED, LINCOLN, WHICH DROVE YOU AWAY FROM US, POSSIBLY FOREVER!!! BECAUSE OF YOU, HE FELT LIKE HE WASN'T LOVED OR PART OF THE FAMILY ANYMORE, AND NOW HE'S GONE!!! Learn more. Lincoln: *sits on the couch and lets one of the recliners out*, Lily: *falls asleep against Ronnie Anne's shoulder*, Ronnie Anne: *sits down next to Lincoln, making sure not to wake up Lily*. Even though they love each other, he and Ronalda didn't really have much in common with each other to form a deep bond with. Maria: *grabs the car keys* We gotta get going if we wish to see Lincoln. It was inevitable, really, with five hormonal teenage girls and a handsome young man like Lincoln living under the same roof. Clyde: *angry, tears in eyes* HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO LINCOLN?!?! Lincoln: *picks Lily up, still wincing from the pain on his back* Looks like someone's tired. Lynn Sr: *hasn't noticed Lincoln in the car he just passed*. And for making you wear that squirrel suit! Originally written by Deviantart user videogames518. Bobby: *very shocked* Bro.. how long ago was this? Lincoln: I'm guessing you're here to take her back home? Lincoln: *while packing, talking silently to himself while filled with anger as hot tears fall from his eyes* If all they care about is the "good luck" wearing that stupid suit brings and not care about how badly this is affecting me, then I guess they really don't love me to where I'm part of this family anymore! Lincoln: *holding Lily* I don't know how, but your diapers always seem to get stinkier and stinkier each time, Lily wily! Lincoln: *surprised* Thanks, but it just wouldn't feel right if I didn't pay for the room. Ronnie Anne: Thanks, Mom. I knew I could trust the Santiagos with not telling anyone where I was. Patrick Star: Take It Easy Lincoln, I Was Trying to Make My Mother's Cake. Maria: One of the many best days of my life. Edit source. The sisters sit at the table. Lincoln means a lot to me, so if you really did try to convince the others to stop, you had better make sure you can get Lincoln to not only believe you, but also forgive you. Librados a su suerte y sus decisiones, los seres humanos son capaces de lo mejor. Ronnie Anne: Yea, grandma made a lot of those. The ENTIRE Loud family (Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn Jr., Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, Lily, Rita, and Lynn Sr.): *teary-eyed, crying hard of happiness* WE'RE A HAPPY FAMILY!!!! Luna: What about Lily? Luan: (shakes Lincoln in tears) Lincoln please wake up! Lincoln: *memories of his emotional trauma start flooding his mind* *still slowly backing away*, Ronnie Anne: *puts her hand on Lincoln's shoulder, assuring him everything's going to be okay*, Lincoln: *gives out a sigh, and reveals himself*, Loud Sisters: *about to start rushing towards Lincoln*. I don't know what I saw in you before. Luan: (hugs Lincoln tightly while crying) Lincoln, I had a nightmare about you dying! I love you so much! I'll be fine. No pixels were harmed in the making of this comic page. And it's the name of one of his sisters! Lincoln: *while eating dinner with the Santiagos and Lily* About this morning at Dairyland, I wanted to thank you guys for sticking up for me. Ronnie Anne: What about some video games? Lincoln: *stretches his arms and legs while giving off a somewhat quiet long yawn, indicating he's waking up, before starting to open his eyes*, Lincoln: *slowly opens his eyes, so they can adjust to the room's lighting*. What we did was cruel. Maria: *reveals scrambled eggs and bacon*. *goes to her room for the night*. *pulls up the texts from this morning to show to Lincoln* The last text you see is after I saw your text to sis and saw how upset she became, which is when I broke up with Lori. Ronnie: *smiling, quietly* Yea, your brother's still sleeping. Feeling extremely upset about what my friends and family and feeling like I had noone left to turn to, I came to your house, only for Bobby to stuff me in the suit himself and make me go with him and Lori on their dates. Just as a warning, I want to add that I don't approve of this type of behavior or actions in real life. Lance/Costumes. Not once did I see or hear any of you show any concern for how I was doing, and every time I got hurt while inside that thing, you guys would worry about if the suit was damaged instead of asking if I was ok. Family: *hit with large amounts of guilt, knowing what Lincoln said was right*, Ronnie Anne, Bobby, Maria: *shocked at hearing what Lincoln just said, mainly since he didn't mention those details when he described his nightmare*. Luna: *still hugging Lincoln, gently starts rubbing his back to comfort him even further*, Lincoln: *beginnig to calm down, but still crying*. Luan: *guilty, depressed* I still can't believe he almost died because of us. Hungry Growth Rita I Sisters: *too depressed to speak, raise their hands*, Lynn Sr. and Loud sisters, except for Lynn, Luan, Lucy, and Lily: *shuffle out the door to Vanzilla*. I also told you so that you guys would know that I was still alive and safe, even if I didn't know what I was going to do next. Luna: *feels bad for her little brother* Bro. *pulls Lincoln into another hug, trying to comfort him*. The Village of La Grange Park has started its Lead Service Line Replacement Program to comply with a new state law. *hugs her*. Submit your writing. Bobby: As you heard, he was so traumatized by what happened, his mind was turning some of his biggest fears against him in that nightmare. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Lisa: *shocked* Not only that, but he appears to have a small smile on his face. No self-insert oc this time. In my opinion, I hate it happening. Not because I hate holding grudges, but because how bad I feel for them. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Ronnie Anne: Perhaps you should get going before the others start wondering what's taking you so long. Lynn Sr: Probably. Leni & Luna: *become concerned* Nightmare? Bobby: *still shocked* Dude.. that's a nightmare I wouldn't even wish on my worst enemy. *smiles*, Lincoln: Yea, but it's getting better. Bobby: Lets have a nice fun day together! - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. We're going to find him. Ronnie Anne sees Lincoln kicked out of his home and decides to take him out of there. Takes place in the middle of the events of the infamous episode No Such Luck. *starts crying* After that, I tried going to you, only for you to break up with me, not wanting such a pathetically unlucky person like me as a boyfriend and that even with the suit, no amount of good luck it brings will make you see that I'm nothing more than a sorry excuse of a worthless waste of space, and that picking on me at school to eventually become my girlfriend was the unluckiest mistake you ever made. Post a journal. Thank you. Lily: *still horrified, hugs her brother tightly* *almost starts crying again*. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! *, Leni & Luna: *give a warm smile to their younger brother, kiss him on the forehead*, Lynn Sr., Lori, Lola, Lana, and Lisa: *soon spot Leni and Luna, but doesn't notice Lincoln*, Lincoln: *clearly not ready to interact with the rest of his family, tenses up and starts to slowly back up*. Listed on 2023-02-25. It was just a bad dream *rubs his back softly while hugging him*. And Lori, didn't you mention a couple weeks back that the Santiagos were going to visit their extended family for 2 weeks, then get a message from Bobby yesterday morning despite him saying they had gotten back late at night and that Ronnie had forgotten her phone at their house? Lincoln: *now starting to cry in sleep, doesn't hear Ronnie trying to wake him up*, Lincoln: *wakes up, tears running down his face*. It looked painful just to even look at them. Ronnie Anne: *while surprised, remains strong* Then why didn't you try to stop any of it from happening? Lily seems to want your attention at the moment. Complete abandonment, with no one left to turn to, that's gotta be the absolute worst possible feeling he could've had to where he wished he was never born thinking that his own birth was bad luck. The older Lincoln narrates things from there to give you an idea of what happened. Lynn Sr: *goes downstairs to answer the door, only to be met with a very angry Clyde*, Clyde: *angry, kicks Lynn Sr. in the leg*. It wasn't until that day the two of you started hanging out together due to the both of you wanting to try to get to know each other better. Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn: *with baby Lincoln*. Lincoln: Unless it was for me wearing that suit to give you guys your so called good luck, I felt so unwanted by you guys that I don't even know if I can consider you as my family anymore. She really misses you, and it doesn't seem like you're willing to come home any time soon. Receptionist: *sees them* How may I help you? Good night. Bobby: You can just stay with us. Lori: Seems he still could use more demonstrations. Lincoln: *smiles* Hey, can you hold her while your mom gets me real quick? The Louds: *flinches at Ronnie's sudden outburst*, Lincoln: *also flinches from Ronnie's sudden outburst*, The Louds: *knowing how Ronnie is, awaits the storm coming to them*, Bobby: *prepares for his sister's rage against the Louds*, Maria: *prepares for her daughter's rage against the Louds*, Lincoln: *realizing that although his so called family deserves Ronnie's rage, tries to calm down his girlfriend before she says or does something she might regret, and also to try not to draw attention to them, surprised that noone has already noticed what's going on yet* *hugs Ronnie tightly*, Ronnie Anne: *surprised by her boyfriend's actions, calms down*. Maria: Alright guys, leftovers are heated up. Bobby: *surprised, but happy he knows where Lincoln is* Well, now that we know where he is, we'll go to him. Lynn: *tears in her eyes* And I was stupid enough to start all this. Everything kept reminding me of that game, what I had put you through, what our family put you through. Lincoln: *while packing, talking silently to himself while filled with anger as hot tears fall from his eyes* If all they care about is the "good luck" wearing that stupid suit brings and not care about how badly this is affecting me, then I guess they really don't love me to where I'm part of this family anymore! Lincoln, the one person who carefully plans things out in advance hoping things can go right for him, only for you guys to ruin it for him! Even though I doubt he's going to want to see them again. Luna: Hehe oops. (Lincoln begins to head out Sophia's mansion, and heads in the direction the Loud House is. Lily: Mowning, Wonnie. Lincoln Loud, now a Freshman in Highschool, gets sweep in by the most popular Game known as Chaotic but one day when he receives a special code, he soon learned that Chaotic is more than a Game. Lana: *remembers something* Wait, wasn't that the Santiago's car we just passed not that long ago? Lastly, Sam, having undergone some sort of amnesia from the alcohol, discovers she is pregnant. And now he's gone! Lincoln: *gives a small smile* That might help take my mind off what happened Ronnie Anne: *kisses Lincoln's cheek* I wish there was a way I could've helped when it was happening, but the best I can do now is to help you get through this. Luan: (sobbing) It was the truck that Hit you! *smiles at seeing her daughter playing with Lily*, Lincoln: *smiles at his girlfriend playing with his youngest sister*, Ronnie Anne: *playing Airplane with Lily*. Sam's mind cracks and she ends up going crazy. Forgiving a Loud part 6. Luna: *still teary eyed* I was so worried about you when you disappeared! Not wanting to let what happened to her happen again, she continued to be tough, even though the caring part of her didn't want to be like that. Nov 2, 2022 - Description Un pequeito y corto montaje de cuatro imgenes con Lincoln y Luan en algunos momentos lindos durante los aos. Crossover - Sonic the Hedgehog & Justice League - Rated: M - English . Maria: That's nice of you two! The other immediately recognize what it is. Luna: *gives her baby brother kisses on the cheeks and forehead*, Rita: *comes into the room holding a camera* *takes a picture*. I couldn't even begin to imagine just how hot it was in that suit when we had that heat wave. Ronnie Anne: *sits on the chair next to Lincoln, lightly rubs his white hair* *thinking* His hair is softer than I thought. Lincoln: *begins to fall asleep from her lullaby*, Ronnie Anne: *rests her head against Lincoln, while still humming the lullaby*, Ronnie Anne: *smiles, kisses Lincoln on the cheek before resting her head on his chest* *closes her eyes, just waiting for sleep to take her*, Ronnie Anne: *slowly wakes up, still feeling all cozy with Lily sleeping on her while she herself is still laying on Lincoln, who still has an arm wrapped around her*, Ronnie Anne: *smiles at her sleeping boyfriend and the baby sleeping on her*, Lincoln: *smiling, still not showing signs of waking up yet*, Lily: *lets out a cute yawn, meaning she's waking up*. Bobby: *joins in on the hug* We won't let anything happen to you, bro. Lynn Sr: *teary eyed, extremely guilty* Come on girls, lets get going. Luna: Glad to hear you guys were having a good time. Lincoln: *continues* I would've told Clyde where I was going, but I know how his dads can get, so I couldn't risk telling him. I however, did not expect them to show up at the room I was staying in several hours later.. Lincoln: *continues* They then brought me back to Royal Woods, and when we passed Vanzilla last night, they didn't see me Leni: *doesn't see Lincoln since Luna is blocking her view of him* *still feeling extremely guilty* Luna, are you coming? Rita: *on the couch, guilty* *sees her husband walk in* Any luck? Explore the Best Lincoln_loud Art | DeviantArt Shop Get Core Join Log In User Menu Get Core Membership Theme Display Mature Content Get Help and Send Feedback Terms of Service Privacy Policy Submit Deviation Status Update Journal Literature Commission Poll Subscription DreamUp New! Lily: *hugs Lincoln tightly, tears running down her cheek* Sowwy, Winky! Lola, Lana, and Lucy: *start heading back home*, Lucy: *sees Ronnie Anne walking towards them*, Lana and Lola: *sees Ronnie Anne* *overcome with fear*. A fast hard knock can be heard coming from the front door. The day bad luck became good luck, Chapter 6. The series is currently ongoing. During the long drive back to Royal Woods, The kids head into the kitchen for breakfast. This is one big hotel. Lily: *looks at her older brother, confused* Wu wer wttact? Maria: Growing up, Roberto has always wanted a brother. After reading the note, the Louds were filled with guilt, and had tears in their eyes. Luna: *smiling* Mom, Lincoln just said his first word! User blog:BriceBlueGuy Wiki/Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru (re-write) C User blog:CartoniAnimatiMania/Brawl in the Friends (sequel of Back Out There) . *puts on a fake smile*. How much growing up do they need to go through? Ronnie Anne: *quietly* I guess you're right. I won't accept the money. Bobby: *walks into the living room and still sees Lincoln asleep with Ni Ni rubbing his hair* *whispers* Has he been sleeping better? Rita is caring toward her children, but is not afraid to punish and ground them if they go too far. Have you been with these guys the entire time? Lynn Sr.: *sees the Santiago's car* Well, this is where the car is. Rita: *picks up the crying Lily* It's okay, Lily. Miraculous ladybug crossover part 2 New family members. Bobby: *walks up to them* Yeah, it was just a few days ago. Lincoln: *having heard Leni, tenses up, clearly not ready for the others finding out about him*. We won't tell them where you are. Ronnie Anne: Lincoln. ! *steps out of Vanzilla*. Lincoln: I think the Milk-shaker is still the newest ride they have, even if it has been running for a little while now, though that ride might be something to go on last, since it tends to make people throw up, especially after they ate something, though it is fun to ride on. WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO HIM?! Objects can easily be replaced, but family is irreplaceable. Lincoln: *gets off the bed and opens the door*. Rita: *sighs sadly and guilty* Where could he have gone? Lily: *begins to calm down, looks up at her big brother with tears in her eyes*, Lily: *starts to smile for the first time in days since her older brother ran away*, Ronnie Anne: *sits next to Lincoln and Lily*, Maria: *smiles at the scene going on in front of her*. Lincoln: Alright. Description The Loud House and Lincoln Loud belongs to original creator Chris Savino and Nickelodeon. Sam also qualifies in the opposite direction. Marinette's kidnapping part 1 Putting the plan into action, Chapter 37. Literature. Lincoln: Well, none of it would have happened if I hadn't lied about being bad luck. Lincoln: I wish there was a way I can make it up to you guys, not just for today, but for going out of your way to try to help me through a rough time in my life. She's gotta be heartbroken at her missing brother. I tried everything in my power to convince the others to let him out of the suit! Maria: I'll reapply the ointment and change the bandages before you go to bed tonight. Ronnie Anne: *looks around for a bit then finally spots it* THERE! None of us do. Receptionist: Our cheapest room? Post an update . Lincoln enters the bathroom and deposits Luna's nightgown while Sam showers. Bobby: I'm beyond disgusted with you, Lori. Maria: *places a hand on Lincoln's shoulder, tries to calm him down* Lincoln, since we're here, why don't we go on some rides? Baseball game, Chapter 51. Ronnie Anne: *thinking* I guess some of them really do regret what they did. *lifts up his shirt, revealing his bandages* I just didn't want you to worry even more about me. Lynn: You wouldn't have needed to lie if I never threatened you to come to my game, only to lose, then label you as bad luck. Experimental One Shot. You treat him horribly! They know what they did, so now they can live with it. You knew what you were doing, and could've told the truth at any time, but it was because of all of us being stupid, including myself for believing in such a superstition, that it had escalated the way it did, forcing your hand, only for it to backfire on you due to us. Forgiving a loud part 8. The Old and the Restless. . Leni: *puts her arms around her little brother, lightly rubs his back* *broken voice* It's okay, Linky. Loud sisters: *sit at the table without saying a word*, Rita: *sees the girls expressions, knows why*, Lynn Sr: *finishes making breakfast and hands out breakfast*, Sisters: *too guilty to eat, glancing at the empty seat where their brother would be sitting if he hadn't run away*. This was that same morning that I had been locked out after having to had to sleep outside all night, with nothing but the clothes I was wearing. Lynn Sr: *walking to the front door and grabs the keys to Vanzilla, still feeling very guilty* Any of you girls wanna come with me to help look for your brother? It serves as an explanation for much of Javi's art that involves his OC Lina Loud, specifically the events that led up to her birth. Post an update . You're nothing but a heartless, pathetic excuse of an older sister. (Runs after him). WE'RE OVER!!! Lincoln Albert Loud [note 8] is the main character in The Loud House and The Really Loud House and is a supporting character in the spin-off series, The Casagrandes . Receptionist: *feels bad for Lincoln* The room's now free of charge. Lincoln: *surprised* Lily! here's Lincoln Loud from The Loud House! Lincoln: The dream was practically me having to relive what I've had to go through the past few weeks, but worse. Lincoln: *hugs his sister, but begins to feel bad*. Ronnie Anne: *rubs Lincoln's head, while hugging him* I missed you too, Lincoln. Leni: *caresses Lincoln's face, in attempt to calm him down* Linky, I don't hate you. Ronnie Anne: Hey Lincoln, do you by chance know what your first word was? It's okay Bobby: *thinking* If only you guys knew just how deeply the whole experience has really affected your brother. Linky! Lincoln: *no longer able to stand seeing and hearing Luna cry* Luna Luna: *stops, thinking her desire to find her brother is starting to make her here things* Lincoln, I wishing so much that I could see you again that I'm starting to think I can hear your voice calling out to me Lincoln: *walking up behind Luna* You're not just hearing things, Luna it's really me Luna: *turns around* Lincoln!? Rita: *notices Lori's sudden break down she read her phone* Lori, what is it? Feeling like I had just been repeatedly stabbed in the heart, then have it violently ripped out while feeling completely abandoned by everyone that ever cared about me. Lincoln: *angrily writes a note, angrily crying* Enjoy life without me! Lincoln: F-Four days ago *lifts up his shirt, revealing large scratch marks on his back*, Bobby and Ronnie Anne: *winces at the sight of the marks*. As he got older, the boys themselves became too interested in girls to pay much attention to him. Ronnie Anne: *notices the Louds* *texts Lincoln*. Part of me knew I did matter, at least to some people, but for the most part, I felt like I was nothing more than garbage, which is what probably caused the 2nd part of that nightmare to happen later on. Meeting Jordan's Aunt's and Uncle's, Chapter 36. Lincoln: *hugs Lily* It's not your fault Lily, I know you wouldn't do anything bad to me. It's okay. Receptionist: *feels bad* After what happened to you, you deserve the room. Lincoln Loud And Linka Loud And Mall Qt Female Male Boy Girl The Loud House Fanart Loud House Art The Loud House Lincoln.