Mary, Mother of God, the joyful mysteries of your Holy Rosary remind me of the mysteries in which the Word was made flesh and you, the inviolate Virgin and Mother, performed your maternal duties with holy joy. At Nazareth, you knew that by saying Yes or No to Gabriel, you would be giving us life or leaving us in spiritual death. We obtain everything for our peace of soul in time and eternity from the Father through the Heart of Jesus and everything from Jesus through your Heart. You are ever imploring favors for the just, as well as for sinners. Once more He renewed His offering at the Presentation in the Temple. For your generosity the Eternal Father made you, through Christ, the dispenser of the riches of God. How often am I confused in the problems of life. You have entered into the highest state of power and glory in Heaven in order that you may help us in our journey through so many dangers to the kingdom of Heaven. Mary, My Mother, you stand in the presence of your Son, interceding for sinners. This is the very heart of your apostolate. Isaias called you a Virgin; "Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and His name shall be Emmanuel." 1. He who gives grace, takes your prayers for commands. Your Heart is also the most affectionate of hearts after that of Jesus. read more. Mary, My Mother, your first presentation to God, made by the hands of your parents, was an offering most acceptable in His sight. ." May I be found worthy of your frequent visits with Jesus to my heart in this life and of the invitation to come and live with You both for all eternity in heaven. That very same Christ is mine in the Holy Eucharist when I look upon Him as a Victim on our altars, when I kneel before Him as my Friend in the Tabernacle; when I receive Him into my soul as my Guest in Holy Communion. It is truly the will of God that all graces should come to us through you. I entrust my cause to you who are the Mother of Mercy, and I wish to offer you day by day my most reverent love. Angels came to escort you. The more you beheld yourself enriched, the more humble did you become, remembering that all came to you from the infinite generosity of your Maker. I earnestly want to be filled with the dispositions in which you expected the coming of the Savior and thus prepare myself for His coming into my soul by faith and divine charity, as well as for His coming at the hour of my death and judgment. Implore the grace of conversion for many pagans that they may come to the knowledge of the true faith and one day be united with the saints in heaven, there to love you and praise your mercy for all eternity. The seven sorrows are: The prophecy of Simeon (Luke 2:25-35) Help me to perform all my actions with youto look upon you as a model and helper. Thus you became in some way the source of that grace which Jesus would pour forth over all mankind. Sanctify them first, so that they may then more effectively sanctify others. Mary, Mother of God, your greatness began at the first instant of your existence with the privilege of your Immaculate Conception. And when Jesus instituted this Holy Sacrament, He surely thought especially of you. Feast, September 8 (Novena, Aug. 30-Sept. 7). He found joy in God, His Heavenly Father, and in the Holy Spirit, joy in all the wonderful perfections of God. I desire to place under your protection all my efforts in my striving for holiness and all the works of my daily life. Make me Eucharist-minded to the extent that my very life may be the Eucharistin union with you, Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament. To the Father you present in your Son, an adorer worthy of Him, and adoration and love of infinite value. You would not be completely happy in heaven if you did not know the interests of those souls redeemed at the cost of so much pain to Jesus and you. Mary, My Mother, you are Queen also because your are Co-Redemptrix. You died of no infirmity. Be pleased to lead mankind securely to certain victory over Communism through the triumph of your Immaculate Heart as you promised at Fatima: "In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph and an era of peace will be conceded to humanity.". Mary, My Mother, I am happy to be your child. Help us that our souls may be cleansed from the stains of sin. You are truly His beloved Daughter, the only one in whom there was never a stain. It urges my senses to lower desires, because I seek sensible pleasure in its every degree. How often I do not know where to turn. I believe that all graces, all heavenly blessings descend from Jesusas from the Headby means of youas the neckto the body of the Church. You have never turned away your eyes from souls in need. Have pity on the sinners of the world. We do not attribute to you the power of producing supernatural grace, even though you are the Mother of God, for this power belongs to God alone. The Annunciation Of The Blessed Virgin Mary. May I have more of their love for you so that I may experience more of their joy in being devoted to you. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Help of Christians because you are the Mother of the Mystical Body of Christ. Mary, Mother of God, you are more truly our Mother than any other mother by the way in which you have given us life. R. (1b) Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord! Mother Mary - Our Lady of Compassion September 15th Feast Day Liturgical Color: White The feast day of Our Lady of Compassion is every 15th of September. At your request He worked the first miracle of His public life. I cannot have Jesus for my Brother if I do not have you for my Mother. No one is saved, except through you, no one comes to life, except through you. Who can describe the anguish of your generous soul when with your Divine Babe in your arms you were willing to sign His death warrant with your own hands? In 1668, the feast in honor of the Seven Sorrows (Dolors) was set for the Sunday after September 14, the feast of the exaltation of the Cross. God could not have created a more beautiful throne for Himself than you; His Mother! 25. But you are not the adoptive Mother of the Son of God; you are His real Mother. I give you my heart by the gift of a tender and childlike love, because you are my Mother and you love me more than my own mother could ever think of loving me. May your name be the last sound that escapes my lips upon this earth and the first I breathe in heaven. I need virtues, especially charity and humility and purity. Mary, My Mother, the day of your Assumption was the great day of your triumph. At the very instant of your conception your mind was filled with the light of God, and your will was entirely conformed to the divine will. May these graces become most fruitful in my soul till I become like you, another Christ. We take a look at the story behind the indigenous peasant who came across the Patron of the Americas, and how he fought for her message to be heard. Previous; Play Quiz; Lent Day 6 - The Wedding at Cana. All souls belong to you and your Son. Here there was a sacrifice, and Jesus was the Victim. May my soul always find comfort in your holy name! The early writers of the Church already speak of you as a second Eve, who fulfilled in the restoration of mankind a role closely corresponding to that of Eve in the ruin of our race. Mary, My Mother, I turn to you rather for health of soul than of body. Jesus gave you to me to be my Mother that you may enable me at my death to say as He did with a sense of humble gratitude to God for His graces: "It is finished""I have done the work God placed me upon this earth to do. Intercede for us that we may win the victory over evil and that we may live and reign with Jesus, your Son. All-powerful though He is, God could not bestow upon a creature a degree of honor higher than that conferred on you as the Mother of His Son. Feast, October 16 (Triduum, October 13-15). I shall be blessed if I imitate you in bearing my cross till death. You commanded Him and He obeyed. 3. The more your humility was tried, the more lowly you became in your own estimation. Give strength and courage to those who work for the salvation of souls as apostles of our own time so that following the example of the divine Missionary, Jesus Christ, they may labor zealously for the spread of God's Kingdom. The divine maternity itself, more than any particular privilege, is a mark of God's unequalled love for you. 2. May I remember always your sorrows on Calvary, through which you begot us to God and became the co-redemptrix of our race. God would work a miracle so that you might remain a virgin, and yet become the Mother of God. Jesus had delivered Himself in His Passion to the will of His Father, and before His sacrifice for sinners could be perfect, He had to be forsaken by that Father. You expressed this to Saint Bernadette at Lourdes when you said, "I am the Immaculate Conception.". Each event of the sorrowful drama of His sufferings was a sword that pierced your motherly heart. Mary, Mother of God, you are called Mother of Mercy because of the fullness with which mercy is given to those who seek it at your hands. Today I am filled with joy at the thought that we are united with those first clients of yours, and in union with them we greet you, saying: O beauty of Carmel, glory of Libanus, purest of lilies, mystical rose in the flowering garden of the Church. Mary, Mother of God, your name means Lady and Queen. From Anne you heard the touching story of the chosen people. In presenting your only Son you present your all. Pray for us Christians who sigh to you in this vale of tears so that we may be comforted, enlightened, strengthened, guided, and finally saved! Bishop Columns. Your dignity as Mother of God is so lofty that nothing created can rank above it. Mary, Mother of God, your life, like that of your Divine Son, was a daily crucifixion and martyrdom. May the love and peace and happiness of your Holy Family reign in the Christian families of all times. How often do we see you restoring health to the sick who have recourse to you with childlike confidence? These chains are chains of salvation for me, and they will make me enjoy in death that blessed peace which will be-the beginning of my eternal peace and rest. Give me the same virtues in my state of lifea will inflamed with the desire that God's Will be done and a mind steeped in the knowledge of what that Will is. You were chosen as Mother predestined before all creatures, filled with all grace, all virtue, all holiness so that the Son, infinitely pure, who in Heaven has an immortal and eternal Father, on earth has a Mother exempt from all sin. 3. How generously you offered Jesus, your dearest treasure, as a Victim to the justice of His offended Father! You beheld Him suspended by iron nails. For vain joys or small profits people sacrifice much. But in you they saw a soul whose sanctity surpassed that of angels and of men, a soul which would glorify God more perfectly than any other creature ever had glorified Him, or ever would glorify Him. Filled with grief, you saw how the disciples removed the nails from the Redeemer's hands and feet, extracted the thorns from His head, and took Him down from the cross. The Holy Spirit would work in you the greatest work of His omnipotence, "The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee." 3. After the birth of your Divine Son, this grace grew in splendor within you as it daily united you more closely with your God. Mary, My Mother, may the example of your sinlessness urge us to that innocence and purity of life which flees from and abhors even the slightest stain of sin. Bless our prayers and labors for the conversion of the world and support them by your powerful intercession with your Son, Jesus, that His Kingdom of Truth and Life, Holiness and Grace Justice. Look with pity on me for in You is my hope. Mary, My Mother, glorious is your name for those who pronounce it at death, for they need not fear all the powers of hell. He follows up in my heart also the aim that brought Him into your wombHe wishes to be born in me, to grow, rule, and reveal Himself. The icon is now displayed in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, and the Russian calendar commemorates the feast of Our Lady of Vladimir on May 21. As the dawn precedes and announces the coming of the sun, makes the darkness of the night disappear, consoles the sick and rejoices all nature, so you went before and announced Jesus, "The Sun of Justice," who made the darkness of the world disappear by the light of His Gospel, consoled and cured the sick in soul and body and brought an abundance of graces and blessings to the whole world. Jesus is the only Mediator of justice, and by His merits He obtains for us all graces and salvation; but you are the Mediatrix of grace. Mary, I beg you to lead me to my Sacramental Jesus! It was fitting that you should be adorned with the greatest purity ever possible to a creature. How wondrous you are in your humility. September 15 | Recurring Event . I know that He wants you ever to be my Mother of Perpetual Help so that the graces He has merited for me may effect the salvation of my soul. Our Lady of Guadalupe, whom we acclaim our Queen and Mother, lead our country to God. You took your only Son to heart in all men born. Then, through your compassion be pleased to send down to us, your poor servants, a rich abundance of your graces and blessing. He had to crown the gift of His love with the grand gift of you, His Mother. 1. When still a child you consecrated yourself entirely to God, the Love of chaste souls; and afterwards you would rather be deprived of the great dignity of Divine Motherhood than to lose your virginity. Elizabeth proclaimed that you were the Mother of Christ and declared you blessed among women because you were the most holy dwelling of the Eternal God. We beg you for a burning charity for God to imitate the works of Christ. How fervently your mother and father thanked God for having given you to them and begged Him to accept the offering which they were making! You confidently accepted whatever God willed. In Jesus there was wrapped up the double love of a mother for her only Child and of the holiest creature for her God. You are a second and more blessed Eve. This thought wonderfully strengthens my confidence in you, Help of Christians. You fulfill the duties and enjoy the rights of a true mother. At the Crib, you were the first ostensorium of your Son, showing Him to the shepherds, to the Magi and to the world. Your Son, though He was Life itself, did not exempt Himself from death. Through you my own goal becomes more real, more attainable, for the lessons of your life are the doors to eternal peace and happiness. It has been reproduced many times in copies and in book illustrations. The Heart of Jesus was a pure Heart, symbolized by the light that St. Margaret Mary saw streaming round it. More than ever before, we have need of your help today. During my whole life you continue to take care of me until Christ be formed in me. May they consider it to be the greatest privilege bestowed upon them by God to dedicate their sons and daughters to His holy service. 1. But I see the relation between you and the Blessed Sacrament above all in your life after Good Friday when you began your new motherhood at the feet of Jesus in the Eucharist. Mary, Mother of God, though marriage and motherhood were the cherished ideals of every Jewish maiden, you vowed your virginity to God, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Online Saints & Angels Facts Feastday: December 12 Patron: of the Americas Author and Publisher - Catholic Online Printable Catholic Saints PDFs Shop Our Lady of Guadalupe An elder Mexican man makes his way to Mass in the early morning twilight of December 9, 1531. For He was everything to you, and all else was nothing without Him. Mary, My Mother, since it is the will of God that we should obtain all through you, teach me to turn to you in all my needs. As cooperator with your Son in that work of redemption, you also acquired the right to reign with Him. With heavenly homage the angelic messenger greeted you "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women" (Luke 1, 28). Through your prayers you will obtain forgiveness for my past negligence. Your holiness was due to this Spirit of Love, to Whose guidance you abandoned yourself. As the body of your Divine Son was preserved from the corruption of the grave, so you, from whom He took flesh, were also free from the power of earthly decay. How consoling to know that I have Christ, my elder Brother, "always living to make intercession for me," and you, my Mother, ever pleading for me before the throne of God. Jesus invites me to do so, for He said, "Take my yoke upon youMy yoke is easy and My burden light" (Matt. 1. Help me to love God with my whole soulso that all the faculties of my soul may be consecrated to Him, and that I may make use of them only to make Him known, loved and served. There before the tabernacle you relived in memory all the happy and sorrowful events of your life with Jesus. 10/7/2009 (1 decade ago) Published in Living Faith. 18, 3). I believe the teaching of the Church concerning the union of the human and divine natures in Christ: that Jesus Christ is God and man, perfect God and perfect man and that this divinity and humanity are united in only one person so that the actions of the divine nature or the human nature are the actions of one person, the divine Person. Corruption is a consequence of sin, but you were sinless. What joy He must have felt at the thought that His Sacramental Presence brought you such consolation! Though they had both vowed to consecrate their first-born child to the service of the Lord, they remained childless, a condition considered a disgrace among the Jews and a mark of heavenly disfavor. By your humility you have found such great grace with God that you were chosen to co-operate with His Divine Son in restoring man to a dignity far superior to that which he had lost by sin. With the Father you, too, can say: "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.". This privilege separated you from all the rest of the children of Adam. Mary, My Mother, you associated yourself with the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus in order that you might share in His glorification. Being filled with light from Heaven, you have shed brightness upon the whole world, by giving birth to the Eternal Light, Our Lord Jesus Christ, although still remaining in the glory of your virginity. The saints tell me that it is the foundation and guard of all virtues, since without humility a soul can possess no other virtue. DEC. 12 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE. Provide for our needs of soul and of body. You saw His virginal flesh torn open again when the soldiers pitilessly stripped Him of His garments. You were united with Jesus when He bestowed special favors. No one has found or received such grace as you. Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe celebrates 491 years Robin Bradshaw , Hearst Dec. 12, 2022 Comments This is an image of a Spanish Baroque altar located inside of the Monastery of Santo. Our founder, so moved by her image, vowed to live by her exampleand that's a promise our Mercy Home family still upholds today. You, who were yourself the Queen of Prophets, saw that from that moment "the sword of sorrow" would enter your soul and remain there during the rest of your days. Hence with Holy Church I repeat, "You are all fair, Mary, and the stain of original sin is not in you. Help me to see that humility is nothing more nor less than a just and equal judgment of myself, my talents, my opportunities and the use I make of them.