Obstructive sleep apneaoccurs when an individuals airway becomes blocked during sleep, and air is prevented from entering the lungs. That includes exercise and bright light from devices. There is a trend that females report more somatic symptoms than males; thus, more females are diagnosed with somatic symptom disorder than males (APA, 2022). Generally, treatment for night terrors is unnecessary unless there is some underlying medical or psychological condition that is contributing to the night terrors (Mayo Clinic, n.d.). These symptoms usually are opposite of the effects of the drug. This often results in sleeping problems, and it can lead to signs of depression and anxiety. Rather, the ISS r ecognizes mixed states and depressive symptoms during manic and hypomanic episodes. (a) Delta waves, which are low frequency and high amplitude, characterize (b) slow-wave stage 3 and stage 4 sleep. In such instances, REM rebound may actually represent an adaptive response to stress in non-depressed individuals by suppressing the emotional salience of aversive events that occurred in wakefulness (Suchecki, Tiba, & Machado, 2012). A) a mole that looks cancerous B) nasal congestion C) change in heart rate D) issues with breathing Which of the following American health care systems is most known for requiring a referral from a primary care doctor in order to see a specialist? Common definitions of health include: a. optimal weight and endurance. Table 4.1shows the new recommendations, which describe sleep durations that are recommended, may be appropriate, and not recommended. Those who continue to have insomnia, particularly if it affects their quality of life, should seek professional treatment. Try going to bed and waking up at the same time every day to keep your biological clock in sync so your body gets in the habit of sleeping every night. Stage 1 sleepis a transitional phase that occurs between wakefulness and sleep, the period during which we drift off to sleep. Nicotine is highly addictive, and the use of tobacco products is associated with increased risks of heart disease, stroke, and a variety of cancers. This is illustrated by McCartys (2010) case study of a 50-year-old woman who sought help for the excessive sleepiness during normal waking hours that she had experienced for several years. typically follow the example of their parents more than their friends. In a lucid dream, a person becomes aware of the fact that they are dreaming, and as such, they can control the dreams content (LaBerge, 1990). Natural opioids, calledopiates, are derivatives of opium, which is a naturally occurring compound found in the poppy plant. Heroin can be snorted, smoked, or injected intravenously. In fact, this relationship is so robust that some view the presence of RBD as a potential aid in the diagnosis and treatment of a number of neurodegenerative diseases (Ferini-Strambi, 2011). It is also common for these types of drugs to cause hallucinations of body sensations (e.g., feeling as if you are a giant) and a skewed perception of the passage of time. 1. Individuals who do rotating shift work are also likely to experience disruptions in circadian cycles. Some people who have injected many times into their arms will show track marks, while other users will inject into areas between their fingers or between their toes, so as not to show obvious track marks and, like all abusers of intravenous drugs, have an increased risk for contraction of both tuberculosis and HIV. Our sleep-wake cycle, which is linked to our environments natural light-dark cycle, is perhaps the most obvious example of a circadian rhythm, but we also have daily fluctuations in heart rate, blood pressure, blood sugar, and body temperature. Acetylcholine functions as a neurotransmitter in motor neurons. Furthermore, slow-wave sleep after learning a new task can improve resultant performance on that task (Huber, Ghilardi, Massimini, & Tononi, 2004) and seems essential for effective memory formation (Stickgold, 2005). It is often prescribed for minor pain, and it is available over-the-counter in some other countries. Vaping as a means to deliver nicotine is becoming increasingly popular, especially among teens and young adults. Melatonin is thought to be involved in the regulation of various biological rhythms and the immune system (Hardeland et al., 2006). As we move intostage 2 sleep, the body goes into a state of deep relaxation. These episodes can last 1020 seconds or longer and often are associated with brief periods of arousal. Mindfulness meditation has recently become popular. c. absence of subjective symptoms of disease. . Reduced urine. At rather low doses, alcohol use is associated with feelings of euphoria. Theta waves still dominate the activity of the brain, but they are interrupted by brief bursts of activity known as sleep spindles (Figure 4.9). Although individuals suffering from night terrors appear to be awake, they generally have no memories of the events that occurred, and attempts to console them are ineffective. Participants were told they would not feel pain, but they could press a button if they did; while they reported not feeling pain, they did, in fact, press the button, suggesting a dissociation of consciousness while in the hypnotic state (Hilgard & Hilgard, 1994). Historically, somnambulism has been treated with a variety of pharmacotherapies ranging from benzodiazepines to antidepressants. Social programs like Medicare: a - offer health coverage for the older adults 24. It is also associated with paralysis of muscle systems in the body with the exception of those that make circulation and respiration possible. While it is probably the most commonly used drug in the world, the potency of this particular drug pales in comparison to the other stimulant drugs described in this section. Upon admission to an outpatient clinic for treatment of mood disorders, she met all of the diagnostic criteria for substance dependence and was advised to dramatically limit her caffeine intake. These initiatives include increasing access to treatment and recovery services, increasing access to overdose-reversal drugs like Naloxone, and implementing better public health monitoring systems (NIDA, 2019). One popular hypothesis of sleep incorporates the perspective of evolutionary psychology. We might even describe consciousness as a continuum that ranges from full awareness to a deep sleep. If people are deprived of REM sleep and then allowed to sleep without disturbance, they will spend more time in REM sleep in what would appear to be an effort to recoup the lost time in REM. Opium, Heroin, Fentanyl, Morphine, Oxycodone, Vicoden, methadone, and other prescription pain relievers, Decreased pain, pupil dilation, decreased gut motility, decreased respiratory function. In 2012, Kromann and Nielson reported on a case study of a 40-year-old woman who suffered significant ill effects from her use of caffeine. The body maintains homeostasis for many factors in addition to temperature. The early portion of stage 1 sleep producesalpha waves, which are relatively low frequency (813Hz), high amplitude patterns of electrical activity (waves) that become synchronized (Figure 4.8). (b) Heroin is cooked on a spoon over a candle. d. respond to illnesses much like the older adults do. The term was first coined by a physiologist named Walter Cannon in 1926. Like NREM sleep, REM has been implicated in various aspects of learning and memory (Wagner, Gais, & Born, 2001; Siegel, 2001). Codeineis an opioid with relatively low potency. The consequences of sleep debt include decreased levels of alertness and mental efficiency. Interestingly, since the advent of electric light, the amount of sleep that people get has declined. Marijuana, LSD, Peyote, mescaline, DMT, dissociative anesthetics including ketamine and PCP, Increased heart rate and blood pressure that may dissipate over time, Mild to intense perceptual changes with high variability in effects based on strain, method of ingestion, and individual differences, Understand what is meant by consciousness, Explain how circadian rhythms are involved in regulating the sleep-wake cycle, and how circadian cycles can be disrupted, Describe areas of the brain involved in sleep, Understand hormone secretions associated with sleep, Describe several theories aimed at explaining the function of sleep, Differentiate between REM and non-REM sleep, Describe the differences between the three stages of non-REM sleep, Understand the role that REM and non-REM sleep play in learning and memory, Describe the symptoms and treatments of insomnia, Recognize the symptoms of several parasomnias, Describe the symptoms and treatments for sleep apnea, Recognize risk factors associated with sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and steps to prevent it, Describe the symptoms and treatments for narcolepsy. The three types of sleep apnea are central apnea, obstructive apnea (OSA), and a mixture of central and obstructive apnea. In the therapeutic setting, a clinician may use relaxation and suggestion in an attempt to alter the thoughts and perceptions of a patient. Taking a different approach to explain hypnosis, the social-cognitive theory of hypnosis sees people in hypnotic states as performing the social role of a hypnotized person. Heavy meals may make you sleepy, but they can also lead to frequent awakenings due to gastric distress. D) the demographic characteristics of the person C) the severity and duration of the problem. Thus we sleep in safe areas to reduce the chance of harm. There is quite a bit of controversy within the scientific community as to the extent to which marijuana might have medicinal benefits due to a lack of large-scale, controlled research (Bostwick, 2012). She indicated that she had fallen asleep at inappropriate or dangerous times, including while eating, while socializing with friends, and while driving her car. Recent adaptations (e.g., Hobson, 2002) continue to update the theory based on accumulating evidence. Early versions of this theory proposed that dreams were not the meaning-filled representations of angst proposed by Freud and others, but were rather the result of our brain attempting to make sense of (synthesize) the neural activity (activation) that was happening during REM sleep. Again, this is an intuitive and appealing explanation for why we sleep. Aside from the role that REM sleep may play in processes related to learning and memory, REM sleep may also be involved in emotional processing and regulation. This causes blood vessels to dilate, and the skin may feel warm and flushed. Some research suggests that sleep deprivation affects cognitive and motor function as much as, if not more than, alcohol intoxication (Williamson & Feyer, 2000). However, alternative treatment options are being explored because consistent compliance by users of CPAP devices is a problem. The FDAs 2013 recommendation for tighter controls on opiate prescriptions left many patients addicted to prescription drugs like OxyContin unable to obtain legitimate prescriptions. Clonazepam, an anti-anxiety medication with sedative properties, is most often used to treat RBD. Acircadian rhythmis a biological rhythm that takes place over a period of about 24 hours. In such instances, the individuals schedule changes so frequently that it becomes difficult for a normal circadian rhythm to be maintained. In other words, dreaming involves constructing a virtual reality in our heads that we might use to help us during wakefulness. While there are variations, there are four parts that appear consistent in bringing people into the state of suggestibility associated with hypnosis (National Research Council, 1994). These synthetic drugs are so potent that even small doses can cause overdose and death. In addition to withdrawal, many individuals who are diagnosed with substance use disorders will also develop tolerance to these substances. Unexplained hemorrhaging, bleeding or bruising. Repeated use of these stimulants can have significant adverse consequences. While amphetamines are often abused, they are also commonly prescribed to children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). As one of their mechanisms of action, cocaine and amphetamines block the reuptake of dopamine from the synapse into the presynaptic cell. Watch this, Sleep, which we all experience, is a quiet and mysterious pause in our daily lives. (credit: Laurie Avocado). Several of the nurses interviewed commented that their work schedules affected their relationships with their family. Some can cause heightened sensitivity to physical stimuli. Drugs in this category include cocaine, amphetamines (including methamphetamine), cathinones (i.e., bath salts), MDMA (ecstasy), nicotine, and caffeine. Acute alcohol administration results in a variety of changes to consciousness. These effects can occur as a function of accumulated sleep debt or in response to more acute periods of sleep deprivation. In the brain, the hypothalamus, which lies above the pituitary gland, is a main center of homeostasis. Among a variety of neurobiological evidence, John Hobson cites research on lucid dreams as an opportunity to better understand dreaming in general. Sore throat. In addition, if a pregnant woman consumes alcohol, her infant may be born with a cluster of birth defects and symptoms collectively called fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) or fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). In 2013, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommended tighter controls on their medical use. When people have difficulty getting sleep due to their work or the demands of day-to-day life, they accumulate a sleep debt. Mescaline and LSD are serotonin agonists, and PCP (angel dust) and ketamine (an animal anesthetic) act as antagonists of the NMDA glutamate receptor. For example, withdrawal from sedative drugs often produces unpleasant arousal and agitation. Some newer CPAP masks are smaller and cover only the nose. In the variation of mindful meditation, the meditators attention is focused on some internal process or an external object (Zeidan, Grant, Brown, McHaffie, & Coghill, 2012). As already mentioned, the hypothalamus contains the SCNthe biological clock of the bodyin addition to other nuclei that, in conjunction with the thalamus, regulate slow-wave sleep. This section will describe several sleep disorders as well as some of their treatment options. THE INTERNAL STATE SCALE (ISS) Version 2 and the ChronoBook SCORING KEY AND SUMMARY Mark S. Bauer, MD . Incentral sleep apnea, disruption in signals sent from the brain that regulate breathing cause periods of interrupted breathing (White, 2005). In the latter part of 2013, however, the United States Department of Justice issued statements indicating that they would not continue to challenge state medical marijuana laws. Our experiences change dramatically while we are in deep sleep and once again when we are dreaming. Abnormal Motor Behavior. In our discussion of the mental symptoms I reported as an illustration of the suggestive treatment of the drug passion the case of a morphinist. While caffeine may have some indirect effects on dopamine neurotransmission, its primary mechanism of action involves antagonizing adenosine activity (Porkka-Heiskanen, 2011). These same women were awakened during REM sleep in order to provide a detailed account of their dream content. Dopamine activity is often associated with reward and craving; therefore, drugs that affect dopamine neurotransmission often have abuse liability. The following morning, he awoke to barking dogs and unfamiliar voices from downstairs. In fact, abuse of prescription opioid medications is becoming a major concern worldwide (Aquina, Marques-Baptista, Bridgeman, & Merlin, 2009; Casati, Sedefov, & Pfeiffer-Gerschel, 2012). His children and his wifes parents all agreed that Falater had an excellent relationship with his wife and they couldnt think of a reason that would provide any sort of motive to murder her (Cartwright, 2004). Infants should not have caps placed on their heads when put down to sleep in order to prevent overheating, and people in the childs household should abstain from smoking in the home. Heroin produces intense feelings of euphoria and pleasure, which are amplified when the heroin is injected intravenously. Meditative techniques have their roots in religious practices (Figure 4.21), but their use has grown in popularity among practitioners of alternative medicine. Rapid eye movement (REM)sleep is characterized by darting movements of the eyes under closed eyelids. Anopioidis one of a category of drugs that includes heroin, morphine, methadone, and codeine. Upon a search of the premises, police found blood-stained clothes and a bloody knife in the trunk of Falaters car, and he had blood stains on his neck. Ahallucinogenis one of a class of drugs that results in profound alterations in sensory and perceptual experiences (Figure 4.18). While awake, we feel alert and aware of the many important things going on around us. Jet lagis a collection of symptoms that results from the mismatch between our internal circadian cycles and our environment. It is much more difficult to awaken someone from sleep during stage 3 than during earlier stages. There may also be differences in both brain structure and function in infants that die from SIDS (Berkowitz, 2012; Mage & Donner, 2006; Thach, 2005). For example, a person may work from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Monday, 3:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, and 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday. In the central nervous system, it plays a role in arousal and reward mechanisms. A person withrestless leg syndromehas uncomfortable sensations in the legs during periods of inactivity or when trying to fall asleep. All of the following are true statements concerning the health of Americans EXCEPT: a. mortality rates from smoking have declined. How does hypnosis work? a. will be healthier than children because they are exposed to fewer infectious diseases.b. Generally, narcolepsy is treated using psychomotor stimulant drugs, such as amphetamines (Mignot, 2012). (a) This is a statue of a meditating Buddha, representing one of the many religious traditions of which meditation plays a part. Brainwave activity changes dramatically across the different stages of sleep. In Hilgards experiments, he induced participants into a state of hypnosis, and placed their arms into ice water. The substantial amount of research on SIDS has led to a number of recommendations to parents to protect their children (Figure 4.14). Following the initial rush, users experience 46 hours of going on the nod, alternating between conscious and semiconscious states. Research indicates that included among these possible benefits are increased capacities for creative thinking (Cai, Mednick, Harrison, Kanady, & Mednick, 2009; Wagner, Gais, Haider, Verleger, & Born, 2004), language learning (Fenn, Nusbaum, & Margoliash, 2003; Gmez, Bootzin, & Nadel, 2006), and inferential judgments (Ellenbogen, Hu, Payne, Titone, & Walker, 2007). The first stage of NREM sleep is known as stage 1 sleep. While there is tremendous variation in any given individuals sleep needs, the National Sleep Foundation (n.d.) cites research to estimate that newborns require the most sleep (between 12 and 18 hours a night) and that this amount declines to just 79 hours by the time we are adults. This shift in policy may be in response to the scientific communitys recommendations and/or reflect changing public opinion regarding marijuana. Sleep is characterized by certain patterns of activity of the brain that can be visualized using electroencephalography (EEG), and different phases of sleep can be differentiated using EEG as well. That is why individuals suffering from sleep deprivation can also put themselves and others at risk when they put themselves behind the wheel of a car or work with dangerous machinery. Infants younger than 12 months appear to be at the highest risk for SIDS, and boys have a greater risk than girls. These sleep episodes are often associated withcataplexy, which is a lack of muscle tone or muscle weakness, and in some cases involves complete paralysis of the voluntary muscles. describes our awareness of internal and external stimuli. Whether lark, owl, or somewhere in between, there are situations in which a persons circadian clock gets out of synchrony with the external environment. Two of them I didnt even know I was involved in until afterwards (Henry & Rosenthal, 2013, p. 52). Two sleeping children are depicted in this 1895 oil painting titled. 23. Unlike Freud and Jung, Cartwrights ideas about dreaming have found empirical support. LINK TO LEARNING: To learn more about some of the most commonly abused prescription and street drugs, check out the, LINK TO LEARNING: Feeling stressed? Understanding the impact of sleep on cognitive function should help you understand that cramming all night for a test may be not effective and can even prove counterproductive. Many individuals diagnosed with sleep apnea first seek treatment because their sleeping partners indicate that they snore loudly and/or stop breathing for extended periods of time while sleeping (Henry & Rosenthal, 2013). While people are often unaware of their sleep apnea, they are keenly aware of some of the adverse consequences of insufficient sleep. In this section, we will discuss each of these stages of sleep and their associated patterns of brain wave activity. It may surprise you to know that sleep deprivation is associated with obesity, increased blood pressure, increased levels of stress hormones, and reduced immune functioning (Banks & Dinges, 2007). A person with asleep debtdoes not get sufficient sleep on a chronic basis. Sleep deprivation, in general, is associated with a number of negative consequences (Brown, 2012). For example, around one third of individuals diagnosed with narcolepsy experience vivid, dream-like hallucinations during narcoleptic attacks (Chokroverty, 2010). Acontinuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)device includes a mask that fits over the sleepers nose and mouth, which is connected to a pump that pumps air into the persons airways, forcing them to remain open, as shown inFigure 4.13. Which of the following was an advance in science and medicine in the18th and 19th centuries? A few such benefits listed by the National Sleep Foundation (n.d.) include maintaining healthy weight, lowering stress levels, improving mood, and increasing motor coordination, as well as a number of benefits related to cognition and memory formation. The fifth edition of theDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,Fifth Edition(DSM-5) is used by clinicians to diagnose individuals suffering from various psychological disorders. Lucid dreamsare dreams in which certain aspects of wakefulness are maintained during a dream state. Variations and adaptations in cognition and behavior make individuals more or less successful in reproducing and passing their genes to their offspring. High doses increase agitation, paranoia, can cause hallucinations. To date, people have used a variety ofnicotinereplacement therapies in addition to various psychotherapeutic options in an attempt to discontinue their use of tobacco products. This can lead to people compulsively using stimulants such as cocaine and amphetamines, in part to try to reestablish the persons physical and psychological pre-use baseline. Aside from their utility as analgesic drugs, opioid-like compounds are often found in cough suppressants, anti-nausea, and anti-diarrhea medications.