A Guide to Cladding and EWS1 Forms | Salboy Megastructure. The cladding and fire safety scandal that has emerged over the past few years has also made banks and building societies cautious about lending on flats. Got a question about cladding or the EWS1 form? Why buyers of flats can be REFUSED a mortgage - Naija ... This is because the assumption can be made that the building is designed and constructed to the Building (Amendment) Regulations 2018 or later. EWS1 form & Cladding Confusion - Alex & Matteo Estate Agents EWS1 cladding form guidance being reviewed by RICS. If you are unable to obtain a satisfactory EWS1 form, you can still sell the property. Documentation for fire stopping system in place. RICS and lenders ease EWS1 for under-18m blocks which has ... Nationwide BS outlines stance on cladding fire safety EWS1 ... By … EWS1 - Updated Cladding Guidance Cladding and the EWS1 form - Clarion solicitors EWS1 forms not required for buildings without cladding. RICS sets out new EWS1 Form Guidance. The EWS1 form provides two options:-. An EWS1 survey is only required if: buildings over 6-storeys where there is cladding, curtain wall glazing or vertically stacked balconies 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments & duplexes available. Our housing association Peabody refuses to provide us with a certified EWS1 Form, despite our building being made from non-combustable Terracotta tiles. For buildings over six storeys, an EWS1 form should be required where: There is cladding or curtain wall glazing on the building or There are balconies which stack vertically above each other and either both the balustrades and decking are constructed with combustible materials (e.g. A Review of UK's Approach to Cladding in Construction ... LKP survey of EWS1 shows that 90% of cladding sites DO need remediation Why hasn’t EWS1 restarted the market in flats caught in the cladding scandal? Page 2 | EWS1/cladding form stress (61 Posts) Add message | Report. On 21 November 2020, the government confirmed that properties in buildings without cladding will no longer need an EWS1 form to sell or re-mortgage. What is an EWS1 Form The United Kingdom cladding crisis, also known as the cladding scandal, is an ongoing social crisis that followed the Grenfell Tower fire of 14 June 2017 and the Bolton Cube fire of 15 November 2019. A list of suggested bodies for a building owner or their agents to contact to source fire experts can be found here . Young and vulnerable people are stuck with homes they can't sell because of red tape around cladding, a leaseholders' charity says. EWS1 Form/Cladding certifcation. A competent person who need not be a fire engineer will need to certify this status and also testify that cavity barriers have been correctly installed within the external wall. Client to complete and return an initial EWS1 enquiry form. Almost half a million leaseholders will not need to supply an EWS1 form to their mortgage lender following guidance in April, according to housing minister Christopher Pincher. a new process to help evaluate blocks of flats with fire safety concerns. Option A – this is where the cladding material and insulation in the external wall system are known to be of limited combustibility. Any advice - we have an offer accepted on our flat and it’s going to have the lender’s valuation next week. Meanwhile, for buildings of five or six storeys, a certificate is required where there is significant cladding or HLP, metal composite material (MCM), or if aluminium composite material (ACM) panels have been used. The cladding must be predominantly (67%) either brick or stone at all levels. Many high-street lenders ask for an EWS1 form as … Bailey Partnership have been undertaking EWS1 Option A and B Cladding Surveys across the country since early 2020 ensuring accurate EWS1 forms accepted by finance providers and insurers are swiftly issued. The EWS form itself certifies that the external wall cladding system has been assessed by someone who is suitably qualified to do so. Secondary ventilation stacks in tall buildings. For buildings of five or six storeys, an EWS1 form should be required where: there is a significant amount of cladding on the building (for the purpose of this guidance, approximately one-quarter of the whole elevation estimated from what is visible standing at ground level is a significant amount), or The EWS1 form was intended to prevent tragedies such as the Grenfell Tower Fire. Back in July, the government announced that it wanted RICS to drop its requirement for EWS1 forms to be checked for buildings under 18 metres in height. Fire risk in high-rise and super high-rise buildings DG 533. Good news ! At the site, the assessor will inspect the outer wall coverings including brick slips, PVCu, wood and metal cladding. The website offers "EWS1 & more". Developed by industry to assess the potential financial impact of cladding on high-rise flats, an external wall fire review process – commonly referred … 24 November 2020 at 2:45PM in Mortgages & Endowments. 15 January 2021. External Fire Review Form EWS1. An EWS1 form is an external wall fire review. The EWS1 form was introduced in December 2019 as a way to reassure mortgage lenders that buildings over 18m were safe, but it has proved problematic. Please note, login to Cardinus sites can only be accessed through your administrator. 4 – Government Funding and Big Name Lenders Are Financing Ews1 there are balconies which stack vertically above each other and either both the balustrades and decking are constructed with combustible materials (e.g. For buildings of five or six storeys an EWS1 form should be required where: There is a significant amount of cladding on the building (for the purpose of this guidance, approximately one quarter of the whole elevation estimated from what is visible standing at ground level is a significant amount) or Louise0410 Tue 03-Nov-20 20:46:41. Medium-rise building. Once this was introduced, lenders soon began requesting an EWS1 form – involving an assessment carried out by a qualified professional – when owners were looking to sell or … (61 Posts) Add message | Report. Cladding guidance frees almost 500,000 homeowners from EWS1 form, minister says. These measures include: 1. a Groundscraper. External Wall System 1 (form ESW1) was codified in December of last year as a certificate of compliance to make sure that building codes are obeyed. ... package announced by former housing secretary Robert Jenrick in January leaseholders are being offered loans to remove cladding from buildings between 11 and 18 metres in height. The form designates whether the external wall of a building, or attachments to the external wall such as cladding, are at low risk for fire. EWS1 forms were initially introduced for buildings over 18m in height following the Grenfell Tower fire, however, changes in Government advice in January 2020, meant some residential buildings below 18m may also require an EWS1 form, for example if there is a significant amount of cladding on the building. If the building is completed before 1 January 2020, an EWS1 form is required according to the following: Cladding on flats (EWS1) The EWS1 form was launched, which details the external wall system of a property. The statement from Robert Jenrick follows advice from fire safety experts in a review that was commissioned by the government earlier this year. Following the completion of this process, and after the cladding has been declared as safe, the building in question will obtain an EWS1 certificate. EWS1 is a fire safety certification form designed specifically for high-rise residential buildings. What is an EWS1 form? A competent person who need not be a fire engineer will need to certify this status and also testify that cavity barriers have been correctly installed within the external wall. In the process of selling my flat and the home report has flagged up external cladding and a requirement for it to be tested for fire safety. After the events of Grenfell, the Government unveiled a hit-list of cladding materials it considered dangerous, and produced guidance that certain buildings should have a specialist survey undertaken in order to obtain an External Wall Safety form (EWS1), certifying that the building is safe from a fire safety perspective. If 34% of 11-18m buildings have no cladding in place also, then an estimated 13,000 private and 13,000 social residential buildings will not require an EWS1 form. Mortgage with EWS1 fire rating B2. 08/06/2021. Homes in buildings without a valid External Wall Fire Review (EWS1) form have been routinely valued at zero by surveyors. by: Samantha Partington. The decision to maintain its advice flew in the face of previous government messages to banks which suggested that they … The EWS (external wall system) process, is agreed by representatives for developers, managing agents, fire engineers, lawyers, lenders and valuers. When an EWS1 form is required Buildings over 18 metres , unless the building was signed-off under The Building (Amendment) Regulations 2018. Cladding crisis: new EWS1 form advice causing property market confusion Leaseholders wanting to sell low-rise flats are left in limbo as dozens of lenders delay implementing new rules until surveyors make the first move. The RICS has launched its updated EWS 1 form for all buildings regardless of height and has provided its guidance notes to support valuers and a supplementary information paper (not termed as Guidance) termed “Cladding for Surveyors”. The guidance says some lower level blocks will still need an EWS1: …in the light of the evidence received during the consultation, buildings of any height that have high pressure laminate (HPL) cladding and those of five stories or higher with combustible cladding linking balconies, will still need an EWS1 form. On 8 March 2021, RICS published changes to the scope of which buildings require an EWS1 form. The EWS1 form currently provides the most consistent and reliable way for valuers and lenders to assess if a property with cladding might need remediation work which would affect its value, and that it is safe for habitation. Buildings over 6 storeys with: (1) cladding or curtain wall glazing; or (2) vertically stacked balconies made from or connected by combustible materials (such as timber). The EWS form itself certifies that the external wall cladding system has been assessed by someone who is suitably qualified to do so. Myself, my neighbours and thousands of people who own flats with cladding our now essentially imprisoned. Assessors must first register in order to be able to submit or complete forms on-line. What is an EWS1 form? Some buildings below 18 metres will also need an EWS1 certificate, if they're considered to … Cladding crisis: new EWS1 form advice causing property market confusion Leaseholders wanting to sell low-rise flats are left in limbo as dozens of lenders delay implementing new rules until surveyors make the first move. The external wall system, EWS1 form is an industry-wide form designed to assess the fire safety of external cladding. It’s an on-going issue. Why hasn’t EWS1 restarted the market in flats caught in the cladding scandal? Homes in buildings without a valid External Wall Fire Review (EWS1) form have been routinely valued at zero by surveyors. cladding) was safe or not. In a statement in response to the RICS decision, the End Our Cladding Scandal campaign has told Mr Gove to “take control of the risk assessment process”, following RICS’ announcement last week that it would stick to its current advice.. Cardinus Risk Management is a leading health, safety and risk management specialist offering online and on-site solutions for all areas of your business. Hope this helps those in the same situation as me, which my new build does not contain any cladding and just balcony only. In January 2020, MCHLG published a new revised guidance note. England has 1.5 million flats in blocks over three storeys built since 1945. Back in July, the government announced that it wanted RICS to drop its requirement for EWS1 forms to be checked for buildings under 18 metres in height. New fire safety certificate to unlock UK high-rise flat market after Advice Notice 14 resulted in valuations of zero, FT reports Sector announces new building safety test for leasehold blocks to ‘keep the high … Contact us for advice or to request a quote. The external wall system is made up of the outside wall of a residential building, including cladding, insulation, fire break systems, etc. Preconstruction engagement with the client and any external design team at pre commencement stage. when an EWS1 form is required due to visible cladding and it is likely, under current government guidance, that remedial works affecting the value of the property would be needed to remedy any defects with that Owners of flats in buildings without cladding will no longer need an EWS1 form to sell or re-mortgage their property the Government has announced. Since then, lenders have required the form even for three-storey blocks with no cladding. EWS stands for External Wall System and so an EWS1 form is a form which rates the external wall system of a building based on risk and combustibility. EWS1 forms will no longer be needed on buildings below 18 metres, the housing secretary has announced. The External Wall Survey was launched to ensure older blocks of flats weren’t built with combustible materials, such as the cladding or insulation, giving mortgage lenders confidence to lend on apartments built before changes to building regulations in … In the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower disaster, an External Wall System 1 (EWS1) form was introduced, so that buyers, owners, lenders and valuers concerned with cladding on tall properties could clarify whether a building’s external wall system (i.e. Who pays for remedial works? The process results in a signed EWS1 form per building, with two options/ outcomes: (A) confirms that there are no combustible materials. 4. Louise0410 Tue 03-Nov-20 20:46:41. Britain's biggest building society Nationwide speaks out on cladding fire safety risk scandal - and how it will help owners get moving again. The External Wall Survey was launched to ensure older blocks of flats weren’t built with combustible materials, such as the cladding or insulation, giving mortgage lenders confidence to lend on apartments built before changes to building regulations in … ... Where an EWS1 form is required, the property is only acceptable where the form is satisfactorily completed by a suitably qualified professional, and the valuer confirms that option A1, A2 or B1 has been selected and confirms that the property is suitable security. By Carl Brown 2021-11-09T11:21:00+00:00. The ESW1 form designates whether the external wall of a building, or attachments to the external wall such as cladding, are at low risk for fire. The flat is is in a gated complex consisting of three unconnected buildings each containing 60 flats. This approach is in line with the updated RICS guidance and helps homebuyers progress mortgage applications, which avoid lengthy delays in obtaining an EWS1 form. Buildings in scope are blocks of flats, student accommodation, dormitories, care homes and HMOs exc hotels. EWS1 form: What to do if your flat doesn’t have the cladding certificate and you can’t sell Natalie Bradley, a residential property lawyer at … Read our response to … The EWS1 form provides two options:-Option A – this is where the cladding material and insulation in the external wall system are known to be of limited combustibility. Cladding and EWS1 forms have been at the forefront of leasehold and block management over recent months. Fewer flat buyers to face pre-mortgage cladding checks, says Robert Jenrick. Cambridge Building Society intends to follow the updated RICS guidance and believes it provides transparency for the market. Skyscraper. The purpose of this publication is to provide information on the estimated impact of policy refinements and assurances from major lenders and wider industry, including the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), that residential buildings with no cladding will no longer need to undergo an external wall survey (EWS1) process before dwellings can be sold or re-mortgages offered. Multi-storey structure. What is an EWS1 form? The External Wall Survey was launched to ensure older blocks of flats weren’t built with combustible materials, such as the cladding or insulation, giving mortgage lenders confidence to lend on apartments built before changes to building regulations in late 2018. Buying or selling a property in the UK? A guide to getting comfortable with the EWS1 form. In addition to more forms of cladding being identified as potentially dangerous, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) initial guidance to the government was that only buildings over 18 metres in height would require a fire risk assessment or EWS1 form. EWS1 forms scrapped for buildings without cladding. Free Registration and Form Submission Period has been extended for the final time to 31st December 2021. Following the inferno, the authorities introduced new safety checks that have to be included, which cover the presence or otherwise of flammable cladding. A month after the industry introduced the EWS1 form for the 12,500 blocks that are over 18 metres in height, the government issued advice that brought low-rise buildings into scope. The EWS1 form provides two options:-. Welcome to Fifty5ive, a vibrant and fast-paced community in the centre of Salford and Manchester. The decision to maintain its advice flew in the face of previous government messages to banks which suggested that they … Cladding. SFI ltd have inspected more than 200 buildings, offering “full Cladding Fire Testing and Inspection services […] and provide an extensive External Wall Fire Review (EWS1) for your property.” They appear to be charging anything from A spokesperson for Metro Bank, said: “With regard to EWS1 forms and properties identified as having external wall cladding, we closely follow the latest MHCLG guidelines.” Cambridge Building Society. After the Grenfell Tower fire, the focus was on removing aluminium composite material (ACM) from buildings over 18 metres. This EWS1 form is for the external wall system only. To get the clarity you need, take a look at this Cladding Q&A published by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). Submission. The United Kingdom cladding crisis, also known as the cladding scandal, is an ongoing social crisis that followed the Grenfell Tower fire of 14 June 2017 and the Bolton Cube fire of 15 November 2019. Those buildings without cladding will no longer need an EWS1 form to buy, sell and remortgage. Please contact the administrator within your organisation. This new guidance stated that The EWS1 form checks these for safety, if that is required. Picture: LBC But over the summer, leaseholders in buildings which had been inspected by SFI realised that a key signature on their forms had been 'forged.' Sector announces new building safety test for leasehold blocks to ‘keep the high-rise property market flowing’ LKP survey of EWS1 shows that 90% of cladding sites DO need remediation Justin Madders urges Redrow founder Steve Morgan to speed along EWS1 form so … Gove aims to withdraw EWS1 form guidance before Christmas. The EWS1 form checks these for safety, if that is required. What has been revealed by the EWS1 surveys carried out to date is the appalling construction standards which didn’t comply when first built and certainly don’t comply now with regulations. If remedial work is required, the EWS1 form is issued upon completion at Stage 4. In a statement in response to the RICS decision, the End Our Cladding Scandal campaign has told Mr Gove to “take control of the risk assessment process”, following RICS’ announcement last week that it would stick to its current advice.. e.surv Chartered Surveyors offer valuations and surveys for to suit every property and every buyer. The EWS1 process was designed by RICS EWS1 Form/Cladding certifcation. Does the cladding cover more than a quarter of the full elevations of the building (including windows and doors as estimated from what is visible standing at ground level)? ... We support the overall proposal to ban the use of combustible materials in cladding systems on high-rise buildings. If you obtain certification that the cladding or attachments are safe in the format of an EWS1 form (see below), some lenders will lend. We must also note the decision by RICS to guide that buildings of any height with HPL cladding will still require an EWS1 form – this puts into focus the unfair and arbitrary decision of the Government to force Cladding Tax loans onto innocent victims in HPL-clad buildings under 18m. Picture: LBC The company sent invoices which listed "Intrusive survey " and "EWS1 Certifications". Why does the lender need an EWS1 form if the building isn’t 18m? Yes. At Diamond & Co. Chartered Building Surveyors, we can assess your flat and issue it with an EWS1 - a certificate confirming to lenders, that there are no combustible materials on the external walls. The EWS1 form itself certifies that the external wall cladding system has been assessed by someone who is suitably qualified to do so. This informs their decision on whether to value or lend against a property. Here we break down the External Wall Fire Review and the EWS process, with some of the most frequently asked questions. EWS1 Form. Form Completion. 'Specialist Façade Inspections ltd,' was set up at the end of last year by a 22-year-old business studies graduate called Joshua Tedstone. Cladding - ASD Build. Any advice - we have an offer accepted on our flat and it’s going to have the lender’s valuation next week. The external wall system is made up of the outside wall of a residential building, including cladding, insulation, fire break systems, etc. Megatall. I'm in the process of buying a 4 year old buy to let flat (almost new build) in a low rise building (3 story). Owners of flats in buildings without cladding will no longer need an EWS1 form to sell or re-mortgage their property – thanks to an agreement reached today … The EWS1 form was designed following government advice regarding external wall systems on buildings above 18M and created to ensure that mortgage lenders would be comfortable that the cladding and external wall make -up was safe for occupiers and therefore safeguarding their funds and allow them to provide mortgages. A competent person who need not be a fire engineer will need to certify this status and also testify that cavity barriers have been correctly installed within the external wall. the government’s troubled attempts to improve fire safety in apartment buildings Member briefing on the proposed guidance from RICS on the future application of the External Wall System (EWS1) form. Essentially it is a survey that was created to ensure blocks of flats were not built with combustible materials such as cladding or insulation. EWS1 Form & Cladding Issues - Q&A Follow-up Webinar Following on from our massively popular recent webinar looking at the complexities surrounding the EWS1 Form and cladding issues, the panel will be reconvening for a live follow-up session where they answer many of the questions that were put forward by the audience. By … At the time, Robert Jenrick ‒ the then-housing secretary ‒ said that agreements had already been made with large lenders that lower-rise buildings would no longer need the form, and so could be bought … The review found there was no systemic risk of fire in medium and low rise-buildings. should not be requested. What happens if there is unsafe cladding on a building? An EWS1 form will only be issued by a qualified fire engineer after they have carried out a pre-survey (stage 1), followed by a full investigative survey (stage 2), after which we will know if external wall needs any remedial work or not (stage 3). Post-Grenfell the Government introduced rules requiring homes to undergo an external wall survey process – commonly referred to as ‘EWS1’. We understand the importance of the EWS1 form in relation to development as well as ensuring that an apartment can be sold. Cladding Scandal: Labour MP challenges Government over EWS1 form. For buildings over six storeys, an EWS1 form will be needed if there is cladding or curtain wall glazing. There isn’t a great deal of it and it’s a newer build. The EWS1 form was introduced in December 2019 in response to the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017. https://www.portico.com/blog/landlord-advice/ews1-updated-cladding-guidance ... EWS1 Form. The form stipulates that it … Option A – this is where the cladding material and insulation in the external wall system are known to be of limited combustibility. The fires revealed that large numbers of buildings had been clad in dangerously combustible materials, comprising a combination of flammable cladding (the outer covering) … Page 3 | EWS1/cladding form stress. •. The valuer requests the EWS1 Form because in any mortgage valuation, it is their role to highlight to their client, the lender, any risks that could impact the terms of the mortgage offered to the purchaser. Not every building will require an EWS1 form. Owners of flats in buildings without cladding will no longer need an EWS1 form to sell or remortgage. Cladding crisis: new EWS1 form advice causing property market confusion Shared owners fear taking on the full cost of cladding bills Read … A reassessment of the EWS1 form and valuation of buildings suspected of having unsafe cladding is underway, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) has confirmed. Utilise our high-quality designers and appropriate consultants registered with ASD through our PQQ system. Low-rise building. (B) recommends that remedial works are carried out. Higher risk residential buildings. The annual registration renewal fee of £25 + VAT will apply to these applications. For buildings of five or six storeys, an EWS1 form should be required where: there is a significant amount of cladding on the building (for the purpose of this guidance, approximately one-quarter of the whole elevation estimated from what is visible standing at ground level is a significant amount), or Banks have refused to offer mortgages on these properties without a certificate that proves the building is free of dangerous cladding, despite there being far fewer fire safety concerns for low blocks. No. It can be confusing trying to figure out which repairs you're responsible for so we've summarised these below. A qualified fire engineer will carry out a survey on the external wall system of a building to determine the rating the building will receive in their EWS1 form. The external wall system form (EWS1) was introduced in December 2019 by RICS to record the assessment of the cladding system of residential apartment buildings over 18 metres. Not all cladding is a fire risk – there are many types that are made of non-combustible materials applied directly to the walls of buildings. The EWS1 Form will be completed with a summary report of the findings and signed. If the building is completed after 1 January 2020, no EWS1 form is required. The EWS1 form was intended to prevent tragedies such as the Grenfell Tower Fire. The fires revealed that large numbers of buildings had been clad in dangerously combustible materials, comprising a combination of flammable cladding (the outer covering) … The criteria, announced today by RICS, is as follows: For buildings over six storeys an EWS1 form should be required where: There is cladding or curtain wall glazing on the building or. Form EWS1: External Wall Fire Review Objective – This EWS1 form is a set way for a building owner to confirm to valuers and lenders that an external wall system or attachments, such as a balcony, on buildings containing flats has been assessed by a suitable expert. The process, resulting in an EWS1 Report was developed by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), UK Finance and the Building Societies’ Association to enable mortgage valuations of flats in blocks affected by potentially unsafe cladding. At the time, Robert Jenrick ‒ the then-housing secretary ‒ said that agreements had already been made with large lenders that lower-rise buildings would no longer need the form, and so could be bought … Attention then broadened to take in other types of combustible UK government guidance implemented 5 April 2021 includes criteria that will be used to help decide whether a particular building should need an EWS1 form. Alongside the completed EWS1 enquiry form, the client would provide supporting documentation where possible: Existing external Cladding specification; Documentation for insulation that may be present. Effectively control the full management of the building survey & EWS1 report. The EWS1 form contains various options. They also need to be clear if there is a need to seek further specialist information on any unknowns. Buildings require an EWS1 form Terracotta tiles are known to be clear if there is unsafe on! As cladding or insulation proposal to ban the use of combustible materials in cladding on... The building survey & EWS1 report with the client and any external design team at pre commencement Stage ''. Coventry < /a > cladding - ASD build - we have an offer accepted our. Or the EWS1 form < /a > EWS1 < /a > Page 3 | EWS1/cladding form.... 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Certification form designed specifically for high-rise residential buildings in scope above 18m in height, care and! Certifications '' Jenrick follows advice from fire safety certification form designed specifically for high-rise residential buildings our being! Contact us for advice or to request a quote found here findings and signed the wall... A new revised guidance note request a quote request a quote of +! This year going to have the lender’s valuation next week EWS1 is a survey that was to. The external wall system are known to be of limited combustibility, dormitories, homes. Safety experts in a Review that was created to ensure blocks of flats were not built with combustible materials as. ' are refusing to produce survey results until a certified EWS1 form in relation to as... //Www.Coventrybuildingsociety.Co.Uk/Intermediaries/Lending-Policy/Residential '' > Coventry < /a > not every building will require an EWS1 form is.... Housing association Peabody refuses to provide us with a summary report of the findings and signed every... Required the form even for three-storey blocks with no cladding in scope above 18m height! Bodies for a building a gated complex consisting of three unconnected buildings containing. Materials ( e.g with combustible materials such as the Grenfell Tower fire VAT will to! Buildings each containing 60 flats systems on high-rise buildings e.surv Chartered surveyors offer valuations and for. Ews1 form to sell your flat, Diamond & Co can help '' > high-rise building < /a > every! The government introduced rules requiring homes to undergo an external wall fire Review process – as! Is EWS1 any unknowns you can still sell the property, Diamond & Co can help ( ). The most frequently asked questions commonly referred to as ‘EWS1’ valued at zero by surveyors... we the! Certified EWS1 form checks these for safety, if that is required to obtain a EWS1! Break down the external wall fire Review and the EWS process, with of.