Is the punishment inflicted on the men by Zeus justified or harsh? How does Zeus punish Odysseus crew? His hatred for the epic hero began after the famous Greek blinded Poseidon's son, Polyphemus. One of the strongest theories about how it began is because Poseidon is said to have favored the Trojans during the Trojan War, and since Odysseus was the hero that turned the tide in that war in favor of the Greeks . They do so one afternoon as Odysseus sleeps; when the Sun finds out, he asks Zeus to punish Odysseus and his men. Odysseus was not the one to provoke Zeus's anger, so he does not take the blame in this version of the story. How many men will Odysseus lose to Scylla? But the men continue to feast for six more days before sailing away. Tantalus. The remainder of the story corresponds in many details to Odysseus's voyage: Zeus's punishment, nine days of drifting, a strange king's kindness. We can infer that Zeus agrees that Odysseus and his men should be punished for the crimes that they committed. Why did Poseidon hate Odysseus in The Odyssey? For this, Poseidon punished Odysseus with what turned out to be a ten year journey home to Ithaca. Alive or dead. These awful acts cannot go unpunished. Question: Who Did Poseidon Kill? - Broadband phone Zeus whips up a storm for punishment and shoots a thunderbolt at the ship, wrecking it. Zeus strikes his ship with lightning killing everyone except Odysseus. why was odysseus cursed - Why was Poseidon angry with Odysseus? Strange things began to happen to the cattle that had been killed: they bellowed and moved. Poseidon was angry at Odysseus for three reasons. Finally, after his ship's crew ate the sacred cattle of the sun god, Helios, the remainder of Odysseus's men were slain by Zeus. For his position in the war, Zeus punished him differently from the others by making him hold the sky forever. Odysseus lies and tells Polyphemus (the cyclops) that his boat was shipwrecked off the coast of his island. This shows how the suitors are disloyal to Odysseus. Sisyphus tried to escape his fate, but Zeus had his eyes on him, and the founder and first king of Ephyra (Corinth) had to pay the price for his evil nature and misbehavior. The god Helios threatens that he will stop the sun from shining if his anger is not appeased at this violation, so Zeus sends down thunderbolts that destroy all but Odysseus, just as Circe had warned. They are ultimately punished when Odysseus comes back and kills all the suitors. Zeus fulfills Helios' demands by causing a shipwreck during a thunderstorm in which all but Odysseus drown. Why was Ulysses (Odysseus) punished in hell? - Quora After Odysseus men both eat and sacrifice the oxen they weren't to touch, Lord Helios asks Zeus to punish them. Odysseus survived the punishment. Why did Zeus get mad at Odysseus? As a result, Zeus demands that the parties in Ithaca agree to make Odysseus king and come to a peace agreement. punishment by Zeus. Tiresias, the prophet, revealed to Odysseus the route to Ithaca. Io was one of Zeus's consorts in Greek Mythology. The Odyssey a The trickery of the Trojan War b Odysseus ... Poseidon is mostly furious with Odysseus because the king of Ithaca blinded Poseidon's son, the monstrous Cyclops Polyphemus. . What is the Cyclops story? Zeus may have loved most of his children but he can't be biased in his judgment. One god's anger, however, fuels the plot of the Odyssey. Odysseus' Punishment Polyphemus then asked his father to punish Odysseus, causing him to deviate from his planned route even further. Alive or dead. Zeus was the god of law and the king of all the other . His men get curious and they open the bag and all the winds come out, blowing them far away from Ithaca and back to Aelous' island. b. Athena. Although Zeus, the head Greek god, does not often appear in The Odyssey, he plays a major role in the epic. The presence of Ulysses in Dante's hell should hardly be a striking image to one paying attention. Why does Poseidon hate Odysseus? They do so one afternoon as Odysseus sleeps; when the Sun finds out, he asks Zeus to punish Odysseus and his men. It is only the first of several incidents in which his crew's folly or disobedience cost Odysseus an opportunity to return home safely. Poseidon was furious with Odysseus and his crew because they blinded his son, the cyclops Polyphemus. The first is Leodes, who claims that he served as the priest among the suitors. What can we infer about how Zeus feels when he strikes the ship of Odysseus? Why does Poseidon hate Odysseus? The sun god Helios angrily asked Zeus and the other gods to punish Odysseus's crew for killing his cattle, and Zeus complied. Calypso is a style of Afro-Caribbean music that originated in Trinidad and Tobago during the early to mid-19th century and spread to the rest of the Caribbean Antilles and Venezuela by the mid-20th century. Why is Odysseus the only crew member allowed to hear the Sirens' song? How? The men reached the ship, and when they set sail, Odysseus boasted to Polyphemus by revealing his name. Also, I really wanted the Starks to hear about a punishment that they know is wrong even by Westeros' standards. Answer (1 of 2): * The Greeks and Romans had a variety of different values that were revered amongst the top, some of these differed. Rather, Athena and Zeus send Hermes to Calypso to persuade her to let Odysseus go, and he leaves. "Listen to me, you suitors, who persist in abusing the hospitality of this house because its owner has been long absent, and without other pretext than that you want to marry me" (Homer 290). Only he survived to go on. Being judged by the Greek gods was horrible, but receiving an eternal punishment was the worst that could happen. Why Did Odysseus Go On His Journey? In the first instance, the Titan had simply outwitted the king of the gods. He was enraged at Odysseus for blinding his beloved son. As soon as they were out at sea Zeus sent down a storm that . d.)the achaeans lose the battle to odysseus and his men as punishment for not showing hospitality to their guests. After the crew feasts for six days, they set sail. Punishment allows a community to have control and stability. The Lotus-Eaters offer Lotus to Odysseus and his men to reward them for their bravery in the Trojan War. The men fall in the water and drown, and Odysseus grabs on to floating pieces of the ship. The Suitors attempted to ambush and kill Telemachus, the son of Odysseus. As a result, Odysseus is punished by his crew when they eat the cattle of Helios, the sun god. The only way he was able to pull this plan off was by putting out the cyclops' eye. Calypso allows Odysseus to leave her island because she understands that, despite Odysseus sleeping with her, his heart longs for his wife and home. Sisyphus tried to escape his fate, but Zeus had his eyes on him, and the founder and first king of Ephyra (Corinth) had to pay the price for his evil nature and misbehavior. a battle with Polyphemus, a cyclops. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Poseidon and Odysseus are the most noticeable representatives of the theme of vengeance. In the Odyssey, Zeus creates one of the greatest sufferings of all. If a "just" king, like Odysseus, is punished by the gods, why would any king be just? Other reasons include their support for opposing sides in the Trojan war . Zeus sends dangerous storms to punish Odysseus and his men for their actions on the island of Cicones. 38. Who punished Odysseus' men? But the men continue to feast for six more days before sailing away. Odysseus and his crew sailed to the end of the world to gain access to the underworld. Although the gods trusted Tantalus, he . When Odysseus and twelve of his companions seek hospitality in his cave, the monster makes prisoners of the band and eats six of them. Being judged by the Greek gods was horrible, but receiving an eternal punishment was the worst that could happen. Prometheus and Pandora are just examples of some of the many people. What qualities are we to admire about Odysseus? In both the Iliad and the Odyssey it isn't overtly clear as to how Poseidon's grudge against Odysseus originated. Odysseus survived this by clinging to a limb of the fig tree on her rock. The men fall in the water and drown, and Odysseus grabs on to floating pieces of the ship. His son's humiliation prompted the god of the sea to use his powers to prevent the hero from returning home to Ithaca. moral: 'You did not forbear to eat guests: wherefore Zeus and the other gods punished you' (478-9). Odysseus and his crew sailed to the end of the world to gain access to the underworld. he is being punished in the Underworld by having vultures eat his liver. After the crew feasts for six days, they set sail. Who is the god or goddess that helps Odysseus the most? How Does Zeus Affect Odysseus? In fact it is Odysseus who has punished the Cyclops.s He and his men held up their hands to Zeus when they saw the giant's cruelty (294), but Zeus takes no part in the revenge. For six days, Odysseus's company feast on the kine of Helios. He does this because he knows that Polyphemus will destroy his boat if he thinks it is sitting out there. No obviously not. )the lotus-eaters offer lotus to odysseus and his men to reward them for their bravery in the trojan war. Zeus committed this latter action to appease Poseidon, Odysseus' primary antagonist (other than the ill-fated suitors, of course). Did Tantalus Deserve His Punishment. Protect himself by avoiding the woman b. The Phaecians helped Odysseus. The other Cyclops do not help polyphemuss because they. Poseidon's Grudge Possibly Begins During the Trojan War. Such an identity story, like disguise and self-restraint, has elements of both truth and . Mainly, Poseidon hates Odysseus for blinding Polyphemus, who is Poseidon's son. Zeus is unfair to many people but this instance he was especially unfair. Dante is, after all, literally walking in Virgil's wake for the entirety of the Inferno, and Virgil's Aeneid makes all of Homer's doubts about the figure explicit, dubbing him "that ringleader of atrocity" (6.709). The sun god Helios angrily asked Zeus and the other gods to punish Odysseus's crew for killing his cattle, and Zeus complied. When Odysseus and his crew set sail again, a thunderbolt from Zeus destroys their boat and all the crew members drown, except for Odysseus. The woman that Zeus needed to avoid i. Which God does Odysseus pray to? As punishment, Zeus blinds Phineus . Odysseus went quickly to rescue his men and ran into the god Hermes. For this crime, blinding his son, Poseidon decided to punish Odysseus by never allowing him to finish his voyage home. After Odysseus men both eat and sacrifice the oxen they weren't to touch, Lord Helios asks Zeus to punish them. Zeus kills the remaining crew of Odysseus. a storm sent by Poseidon. Hermes had advised him to use the herb moly to protect himself from Circe's sorcery. 8 . 39. Who survives the punishment? Apollo was punished by Zeus for killing the serpentine, Python, who was the child of the Primordial God, Gaia. This was the case, and much to Odysseus' relief, the raft was intact. Aeolus gives Odysseus a bag of winds.but he must let them out slowly. Medusa - punished by Athena (because of Poseidon's doings) Mount Olympus is his home, where he negotiates the gods' desires and grievances. Why Did Odysseus Go On His Journey? For this crime, blinding his son, Poseidon decided to punish Odysseus by never allowing him to finish his voyage home. Odysseus clung to the tree for hours, waiting for Charybdis to relent the water, and hopefully the raft, when she expelled the ocean. Athena created the olive tree. … Poseidon, being the king of the sea, was unable to be punished by Athena, so she punished Medusa instead, which was just because of a patriarchal and sexist writer and society. The Punishment of Zeus. The Titan, Atlas, was one of the strongest Titans of them all and was responsible for leading the charge against the Olympians during the Great Titanomachy. In order to escape from the cave of the Cyclops (Polyphemus), Odysseus blinds the one-eyed giant (Book 9). Strange things began to happen to the cattle that had been killed: they bellowed and moved. Poseidon, being the king of the sea, was unable to be punished by Athena, so she punished Medusa instead, which was just because of a patriarchal and sexist writer and society. Aeneas - punished by Hera (but not because of Zeus' doings) Agamemnon - punished by Apollo. With ships and crew lost, Odysseus "drifts to Ogygia," the island where Circe lives. . On the seventh day, the wind changes. Why do Odysseus and his men get close to Ithaca but then get blown away? Answered by Donna C #1091909 7 months ago 12/17/2020 9:45 AM. punished by Zeus through art] (of either Achilles or Patroclus) which causes the death of Patroclus, just as anyone who spurns the Litai in the allegory of Phoenix will be punished by Ate sent by Zeus. Odysseus' dark thoughts Though much of mythology is gods punishing mortals, it is not Zeus that does this most frequently. It's almost like Odysseus was a black dude in America. Homer's Odysseus is hardly a figure without ambiguity-this is a . Many were punished because of their behavior or crimes they committed. In punishment, when they finally sail away from the island, Helios successfully pleads to Zeus to send a thunderbolt at their ship, killing all the men except Odysseus. Echoing the prophecy of Alcinous' father, which the son, now King of Phaeacia, mentioned (8.631-641) just before Odysseus began the story of his wanderings, Poseidon vows to crush the ship that carries Odysseus home, sinking it (and all the men aboard) before the vessel can dock safely. In particular, hospitality is perhaps the foremost moral theme of The Odyssey, one of the two great epics of ancient Greece. encounters with the monsters Scylla and Charybdis. How does Odysseus escape death? It's a cardinal sin against Zeus! Second, the . Why are the gods mad at Odysseus? c.)zeus sends dangerous storms to punish odysseus and his men for their actions on the island of cicones. This was the punishment for slaughtering and eating Helios's livestock. What is the Calypso? Zeus destroys Odysseus' ship with a lightning bolt in retribution for his men killing the golden cattle of Helios. PART Three: Father and Son 40. Who helps Odysseus return to Ithaca after twenty years? So Zeus throws a lightning bolt and everyone, but Odysseus, dies. Punishment is the act that holds a community together. At Athena's request, Zeus orders Hermes to deliver orders to Calypso stating that "the exile must return." Zeus even makes Calypso help Odysseus construct a raft to sail home. In the epic's end, Zeus appears as well, when Athena asks him what he plans after Odysseus and Telemachus have killed the suitors. How does Zeus punish Odysseus crew? As soon as they were out at sea Zeus sent down a storm that . Wanted to know the prophecy, so Zeus can protect himself from being overthrown i. A nearby maid reads the sign and asks Zeus to send her a good omen that means the suitors will go away. Title: Part I The Adventures of Odysseus (page 981) What happens on Thrinacia. This idea came to him after ten long years of war. Odysseus and his crew arrive at Thrinacia after passing Scylla and Charybdis. It's almost like Odysseus was a black dude in America. But stealing fire for the humans was an act of theft and disobedience that Zeus could not let go unpunished. Zeus turns his back on this ideal code of conduct. Why Odysseus is angry at the idea that his bed could be moved outside. Why did Zeus eat his wife? All of Odysseus' men died on the return journey to Ithaca. . Why would Odysseus be considered as a hero? Let us look at the most famous persons in mythology: Odysseus - punished by Poseidon. As punishment, Zeus hit Odysseus' ship with a lightning bolt. The myth of Tantalus is one of many that deals with the punishments received by the gods. Zeus caused the pain of Odysseus directly as well as indirectly. First, Poseidon supported the Trojans in the Trojan war and Odysseus was a member of the Greek forces that defeated the Trojans. Zeus is set against him nearly from the beginning, and he cannot reach home without the intervention of the other gods. But the men continue to feast for six more days before sailing away. Argument #1: Zeus had a cruel side to him, like . This tempest is Zeus's punishment to them for pillaging the Cicones' community. Zeus a. After they set sail, Zeus keeps his word and the ship is destroyed by lightning during a storm and all of his men die. an encounter with a witch. Odysseus is considered an epic hero for his role as King of Ithaca, his participation in the war, and his journey home. As soon as they were out at sea Zeus sent down a storm that . Strange things began to happen to the cattle that had been killed: they bellowed and moved. What does Zeus do to punish Odysseus and his men for killing the Cattle? Zeus has tortured many towns and people. Why did Zeus punish Atlas specifically? The real answer is because Poseiden raped Medusa in Athena's temple. However, Odysseus had told his men to tie themselves under the animals. Explain. The raft, however, was drawn down into her abyss. The sun god Helios angrily asked Zeus and the other gods to punish Odysseus's crew for killing his cattle, and Zeus complied. Why did Odysseus kill leodes? Zeus turns his back on this ideal code of conduct. Poseidon punished Odysseus by sending him and his men multiple storms, forcing them to land on several islands that bring them harm. Read More » . . Zeus punished Apollo to purify him. Immediately after leaving the island of the Cicones, Odysseus and his men run into a violent storm at sea. In exchange for Athena's help with Odysseus, he allows Poseidon to hurt him. Tiresias, the prophet, revealed to Odysseus the route to Ithaca. Poseidon created the salt water spring or the horse. Once in Ithaca, whom does Odysseus visit . A hero has some type of superhuman ability, such as intelligence, physical strength, or bravery: Odysseus was known for his ability to think himself out of tough situations. Why do Athena and Poseidon not get along? Odysseus also visited with some of his dead comrades from the Trojan War, including the heroes Achilles and Ajax.Sep 10, 2021. Why is Zeus angry with Odysseus? Odysseus made the men swear an oath not to eat any cattle, but they were trapped on the island for a month by an inopportune wind; eventually their stores ran out and the men began to starve. Odysseus faces a number of challenges on his way home, including: sailors captivated by the lotus-eaters. The crew ate the forbidden cattle in Book Twelve of the Odyssey, as punishment, Zeus summoned a storm to kill them all but Odysseus. Shortly after the Achaeans set sail from Thrinacia, Zeus kicks up another storm, which destroys the ship and sends the entire crew to its death beneath the waves. The Achaeans lose the battle to Odysseus and his men as punishment for not showing hospitality to their guests. … Zeus knows that Poseidon, the god of the sea, is angry at Odysseus because Odysseus blinded his son, Polyphemus the Cyclops . Zeus punished Odysseus' men by destroying their ship and killing them all. Hera, Queen of the Heavens and Chief wife of Zeus, was jealous of all of Zeus's lovers because they would give demigods, but she could not, as . The Meleager episode is also regarded as reflecting almost exactly what happens later: the Achaeans have difficulty in the battle due to Odysseus also visited with some of his dead comrades from the Trojan War, including the heroes Achilles and Ajax.Sep 10, 2021. The story of Odysseus features many interventions, both direct and indirect, by the gods. Because he was their priest, Odysseus concludes that he must have prayed for Odysseus' death. Why was Odysseus punished by Zeus? being captivated by the Sirens. " (Newton 2). Odysseus and his crew were forced to sail away empty-handed and suffering a sound defeat. How Does Zeus Help Odysseus In The Odyssey? Zeus. Alcinous has him pour wine for all his guests to make a libation to Zeus before Odysseus leaves 'delicious and profound, the very counterfeit of death' . While there are some contradicting reasons, these reasons stand strongly that the punishment was necessary. The sun god, Helios, gets mad and threatens Zeus to go to the underworld forever if he doesn't punish Odysseus's' men. Echoing the prophecy of Alcinous' father, which the son, now King of Phaeacia, mentioned (8.631-641) just before Odysseus began the story of his wanderings, Poseidon vows to crush the ship that carries Odysseus home, sinking it (and all the men aboard) before the vessel can dock safely. For this, Poseidon vowed Odysseus would never see his home. Helios tells Zeus what happened and demands Odysseus' men be punished or else he will take the sun and shine it in the Underworld. The story tells of the adventures that Odysseus must face as he tries to reach his most desired goal, which is to go back home to his family in Ithaca. Why is Odysseus punished by Poseidon? What is Odysseus told to avoid when he reaches Thrinacia? Athena gives aid to the hero and his son, Zeus orders a nymph to send him on his way, and the ship's crew steals the cattle of Helios. What Did Poseidon Do In The Odyssey? The sun god Helios angrily asked Zeus and the other gods to punish Odysseus's crew for killing his cattle, and Zeus complied. In some versions of Greek mythology, Zeus ate his wife Metis because it was known that their second child would be more powerful than him. The only way he was able to pull this plan off was by putting out the cyclops' eye. Zeus whips up a storm for punishment and shoots a thunderbolt at the ship, wrecking it. After Metis's demise, their first child Athena was born when Hephaestus cleaved Zeus's head open and the goddess of war emerged, fully grown and armed. After the destruction of Troy, he and his men left for home without paying proper respect to Poseidon. Python was sent by Hera to find and kill Apollo's mother, Leto, for Zeus' act of adultery against her. See Also: Poseidon, Cyclopes, Odysseus Water nymph b. Zeus married her off to a man called Peleus c. During the Trojan War, goes to Zeus, and beg him to make the Greeks pay for this insult to her son 7. Tantalus was someone that the gods and Zeus favored, he was frequently invited to Olympus to dine with them. whilst aspects like being hailed by the gods and having a high battle IQ were universally lauded in both civilisations, some values were not so clear cut in both.. The Olympic god Poseidon is one of the many foes of Odysseus. Explanation: "The Odyssey" is the second work that was written by Homer, in Ancient Greece. That way, as soon as … What does Odysseus tell the Cyclops in order to protect his ship? He washes ashore on the island of Ogygia, where Calypso compels him to remain as her lover for seven years. Shortly after the Achaeans set sail from Thrinacia, Zeus kicks up another storm, which destroys the ship and sends the entire crew to its death beneath the waves. Poseidon's role in The Odyssey is that of a divine antagonist, hampering the main character's journey home. As soon as Zeus makes his decision in favor of Odysseus, the epic begins. Prometheus had not just helped men several times, but he had cheated Zeus twice. Why do Athena and Poseidon hate each other? Topic Sentence: We believe that the way Zeus punished Prometheus and Pandora was very unfair. 41. : // '' > How does Zeus do to Odysseus the route to Ithaca t biased... Olympic god Poseidon is one of the many people Zeus whips up storm. Order to protect his ship with lightning killing everyone except Odysseus vowed Odysseus would never his! Salt water spring or the horse Source < /a > How does Zeus Affect Odysseus? < >. The Trojans in the Odyssey, Zeus creates one of many that deals with punishments! Zeus mad at Odysseus for blinding his son, Poseidon hates Odysseus blinding... He had cheated Zeus twice Odysseus Rules the or Violates Xenia hospitality of... < /a Why! Up a storm for punishment and shoots a thunderbolt at the ship Io punished Greek Mythology thinks is! 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