FTIR spectroscopy is used for structural characterization of organic and inorganic molecules in solids, liquids, gases, and on surfaces. Qualitative and quantitative information about the molecule may be obtained.
- Nicolet Series II Magna-IR System 750 FTIR
- Microscope offers 15 µm lateral spatial resolution
- Spectral range coverage from 9600-350 cm-1
- Spectral resolution to 0.125 cm-1
- Windows-based OMNIC® software for data collection and analysis
Equipment and applications:
- Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS50 FT-IR spectrometer with a built-in diamond attenuated total reflection (ATR). The detectors on the main bench are MCT-A (11,700 - 600 cm-1) and DLaTGS (12,500 - 350 cm-1). The detector on the ATR is DLaTGS.
- On the main bench, transmission, specular reflection, diffuse reflection and multi-bounce ATR measurements are conducted.
- The built-in diamond ATR is for single-spot ATR measurements.
- Thermo Scientific Continuum IR microscope with transmission, reflection and attenuated total reflection (ATR) objectives. The detector is MCT-A.
- IR microscopy is used to analyze micrometer-sized spots and generate a chemical map by scanning an area of a sample. The aperture size can be varied from ca. 20 to 150 micrometers. The motorized x-y sample stage's travel limits are 12 cm x 6 cm.
- Smart ARK 12 bounce HATR module with a 45 degree ZnSe flat crystal and a 45 degree Ge flat crystal.
- Multi-bounce ATR is typically used to analyze thin films. Comparing to single bounce ATR, the IR signals in multi-bounce ATR are stronger due to multiple-time interactions of the IR beam with the samples.
- Diffuse and specular reflection accessories for reflection measurements.