Wide-angle X-ray scattering is used to study structural characteristics and to identify powders, thin films, and crystals.
Microdiffraction can be used for x-ray analysis of very small samples or small areas of larger samples. The x-ray beam can be collimated down to a 50 micron spot size. A video-microscope and laser pointer allows for the beam's precise positioning. The multi-wire two-dimensional area detector allows for quick data acquisition and orientation information. This detector, combined with the 1/4 circle Eulerian cradle sample holder is perfect for pole figure (texture) analysis.
- Bruker-AXS Microdiffractometer with 2.2 kW Sealed Cu X-ray Source
- Incident Beam Monochromater
- 1/4 circle Eulerian Cradle Sample Holder
- Hi-Star 2-D Area Detector
- Temperature Control (-20° to 200° C)
- Optional Chromium X-Ray Source
- Phase identification
- Thin-film analysis
- Lattice parameter determination
- Purity/quality control of materials
- Determination of crystallinity of polycrystalline materials
- Stress analysis
- Orientation of single crystals
- Particle size determination
- Pole figure (texture) analysis
- Bruker-AXS Microdiffractometer with 2.2 kW Sealed Cu X-ray Source
- Incident Beam Monochromater
- 1/4 circle Eulerian Cradle Sample Holder
- Hi-Star 2-D Area Detector
- Temperature Control (-20° to 200° C)
- Optional Chromium X-Ray Source