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Program Application

Orientation Imaging Microscopy (OIM)

The OIM consists of a Philips XL40 FEGSEM, equipped with a large specimen chamber and a Peltier cooled CCD camera for acquisition of electron backscattering patterns. The camera mount has also been upgraded to a stepper motor driven screw drive, allowing the camera position to be controlled to meet the diffraction requirements of the experiment. Recently, provisions for fitting a hot stage to run in-situ annealing and orientation data acquisition experiments have been implemented, and have been preliminarily successful. Data collection is provided by commercial OIM software acquired from TSL, and runs on a windows PC workstation. The OIM is part of the Earl and Mary Roberts Materials Characterization Laboratory that houses the department's X-ray and microscopy facilities. The MCL also contains a classroom from which students can remotely control the microscopes.


  1. FEI Quanta 200 Field Emission Environmental SEM

    The microscope can operate in low vacuum (which helps to reduce charging during the analysis of insulating specimens) and is equipped with an EDAX/TSL orientation system and the Hikara high speed EBSD detector.

  2. Nova 600 NovaLab Dual Beam Focused Ion Beam SEM

    The Nova 600 is equipped with an EDAX/TSL orientation system and the Hikara high speed EBSD detector and is capable of milling thin layers from the surface using a focused Ga ion beam so that three dimensional orientation data can be collected.

  3. Philips XL40 FEGSEM

    Equipped with a large specimen chamber and a Peltier cooled CCD camera for acquisition of electron backscattering patterns. The camera mount has also been upgraded to a stepper motor driven screw drive, allowing the camera position to be controlled to meet the diffraction requirements of the experiment.