Location: Singh 107/108
Coordinator/expert user:
Prof. Jay Kikkawa (Physics) 215/898-7522
e-mail: kikkawa@physics.upenn.edu
This user facility allows users to perform a wide range of measurements. Equipment includes 2 Quantum Design PPMS systems capable of 9 T magnetic fields and temperatures from 1.7 K to 400 K, a Quantum Design MPMS SQUID magnetometer capable of measurements from 2° K to 800° K, a custom-built optical absorbance/photoluminescence system with detection bandwidth from 350 nm to 1.7 microns, and a glove box with micromanipulator probes. Between these systems, users are able to perform DC magnetic moment, AC magnetic susceptibility, 2- and 4-wire magnetoresistance, thermal conductivity, heat capacity, photoconductivity, photoluminescence, absorbance, Hall effect, and optically induced magnetic moment studies. We have a triple grating Raman spectrometer. We now have continuous helium reliquification for one PPMS system as well as our MPMS SQUID. Domestic and international users from institutions with historically underrepresented minority (URM) student populations are encouraged to discuss their measurement needs with us.