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Program Application

The Magnetic Resonance Laboratory (EPR, ENDOR, ELDOR)

Instrument types

Capable of basic X-band cw-EPR as well as double-resonance experiments; ENDOR, ELDOR. The special features of this facility include the ability to do optically and electrically detected EPR (ODMR/EDMR), with much higher sensitivity than can be attained with inductively-detected methods. Planned expansion of the facility includes *high-field* ODMR/EDMR, with the following features:

  • pulsed electron spin manipulation in the mm range at 240GHz and 330GHz
  • pulsed nuclear spin manipulation <600MHz
  • all common pulsed ESR, ESEEM, ENDOR excitation sequences will be possible
  • pi - times in the lower microsecond range (<4microseconds)
  • very good electrical and optical access, a sophisticated optical spectroscopy setup is part of the overall facility
  • the system will be setup such that it it can not inductively detect EPR (the conventional interferometric EPR detection), however, it will provide space so that this can be implemented at a later time at minimal cost - equipment less than 100k$, however, several years of postdoc work, this is what makes the EPR detection non-trivial)
  • it will be set up so that that DNP (dynamic nuclear polarization) is possible
  • it can function as a broad spectrum NMR spectrometer, even though specialized dedicated systems will be much better for this application

This facility may be useful in a broad variety of materials science investigations, but the level of collaboration for use of this facility will be fairly high, and with the Boehme or Saam research group. The equipment is not off-the-shelf and it is fairly sophisticated and specialized.