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Program Application

Field Emission Gun Transmission Electron Microscope

Instrument types
Make / Model : 

FEI Tecnai G2 F30

A field emission gun transmission electron microscope (FEG-TEM) with an operating voltage range of 50 to 300 kV.  The high-brightness, high-coherency gun allows large electron probe currents to be focused onto nanometer-sized areas of the specimen.  Capabilities include energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), STEM imaging and mapping, and a CCD camera that allows magnification of thin samples (<500 nm) up to >1 million times.


The Tecnai G2 F30 microscope combines all imaging, diffraction, and analytical techniques at high spatial resolution and detection efficiency.

Application-Specific Modes

  • High-resolution bright- and dark-field imaging
  • TEM microprobe and nanoprobe analysis
  • Small-probe convergent beam
  • STEM bright-field, dark-field, and high-angle annular dark-field imaging
  • Hollow cone dark-field imaging


Specimen Holders - Single-tilt, double-tilt, and Protochips Aduro heating holders

Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer - EDAX rTEM EDS system with an ultrathin-window Si(Li) detector can detect characteristic X-rays generated by elements from boron to uranium.  Software allows for the analysis of signals, line scan profiles across specimens, digital elemental mapping, background subtraction, and automatic peak identification.

Electron Energy Loss Spectrometer - Gatan Enfina EELS spectrometer allows for the detection and quantification of elements as light as lithium with an energy resolution of 0.35 eV (FWHM). EELS spectra can be collected from point, line, or area scans, allowing for elemental and thickness mapping of specimens. Detailed edge structure can also provide information about the bonding state and chemical environment of a species.

Sample Applications:

  • Composition analysis structure of grain boundaries in ceramics.
  • Lattice imaging of defects semi-conductor epitaxy, growth, and defects in analysis and metrology.
  • Magnetic films on chromium.
  • Identification of precipitates in materials.


  • Sample size: 3 nm discs < 1 mm thick
  • Point resolution: 0.20 nm
  • Information limit: 0.14 nm
  • HR-STEM resolution: 0.19 nm
  • Maximum specimen tilt: 40°
  • Drift rate: <1 nm / min