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Program Application

Electron Microscopy Cluster

The Electron Microscopy Cluster provides a variety of electron and optical microscopes for sample preparation, imaging small features and for microanalysis of the elemental composition of materials. The facility is operated by expert managers who have many years of combined experience in advanced microscopy. The CCMR facilities are run by expert staff who provide training and technical assistance. We welcome outside users from both industry and academia. 


  1. Allied Multiprep polishers
  2. Electron Backscatter Detector
  3. FEI Strata 400 STEM FIB
  4. FEI Tecnai 12 Bio-Twin TEM
  5. FEI Titan Cryo-S/TEM 300kV
  6. Fischione 1010 Ion mill
  7. Leica EM UC7/FC7 Cryoultramicrotome
  8. Leica Ultracut UCT Ultramicrotome
  9. Olympus BX51 W1F
  10. Olympus BX51 with crossed polarization
  11. Tescan Mira3 FESEM
  12. Thermo Fisher Arctica 200kV S/TEM
  13. Thermo Fisher Helios G4 UX Focused Ion Beam
  14. Thermo Fisher Perseus 60-300kV S/TEM
  15. Thermo Fisher Spectra 300 30-300kV Kraken & Andromeda STEMs
  16. Zeiss Gemini 500 SEM
  17. Zeiss Sigma 500 SEM