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Program Application

Dual Source and Environmental X-ray Scattering

Location: LRSM 13
Supervisor/Coordinator: Iryna Golovina
Contact: Iryna Golovina
Phone: 215-573-9482
Oversight Committee Chair: Karen I. Winey

Dual Source and Environmental X-ray Scattering - Xeuss 2.0The heart of this facility is a state of the art instrument for ultra-small to wide angle X-ray scattering.  The Xeuss 2.0 from Xenocs permits characterization over length scales from 0.09 nm  to 600 nm and thus facilitates study of hierarchical structures in a wide range of hard and soft materials. Features and capabilities include:

The facility is available to Penn faculty, staff, and students, and to outside users on an hourly fee basis.

Non-Penn academic users: $60/hour
Non-academic users: $300/hour or $3000/24-hour day
There is no charge for initial training

DEXS Measurement Service is available at an additional 39% administrative fee to the total cost of service for outside users who are unable to visit the facility directly.

Cutting-edge research at Penn is conducted using DEXS equipment.

For videos, prepared by Paul Heiney, that provide an introduction to modern techniques of X-ray diffraction, please visit the X-Ray Scattering Lecture Series page hosted by the Penn’s Scholarly Commons.

DEXS long view DEXS inside view

Oversight Committee:

Eric Detsi
Zahra Fakhraai
Paul A. Heiney
Christopher B. Murray
Chinedum Osuji
Eric Stach
Karen I. Winey

Funding for this instrument was provided by a NSF-MRI grant (17-25969), a ARO-DURIP grant  (W911NF-17-1-0282), and the University of Pennsylvania.

Facilities users must include the following text in the acknowledgement section of their publications:

“The authors acknowledge use of the Dual Source and Environmental X-ray Scattering facility operated by the Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter at the University of Pennsylvania (NSF MRSEC 17-20530).  The equipment purchase was made possible by a NSF MRI grant (17-25969), a ARO DURIP grant (W911NF-17-1-0282), and the University of Pennsylvania.”

Facility Type: 


  1. Multi-angle x-ray diffractometer system (MAXS)

    The multi-angle x-ray diffractometer system (MAXS) incorporates a high-brightness rotating-anode x-ray generator, focusing optics, and a two-dimensional detector. The Bruker Nonius FR591 rotating-anode x-ray generator together with Osmic Max-Flux optics and pinhole collimation produce a bright, highly collimated beam. A Bruker Hi-Star multiwire detector provides highly sensitive area detection with very low dark current. An integral vacuum is maintained between the generator and the detector.