MRL Facility Director: Nathan "Fuzzy" Rogers fuz [at] mrl [dot] ucsb [dot] edu (805) 893-4495
The MRL as part of the UCSB Center for Scientific Computing (CSC) offers an array of specialized High Performance Computing (HPC) environments to support research. The CSC provides both the hardware to run calculations as well as consulting and training services to assist in the optimal use of HPC facilities.
High Performance Computing Environments:
The typical CSC computational resource is a linux Beowulf cluster. The CSC currently has 5 clusters of v arying sizes and most with optimized high-speed interconnect. Our standard hardware configurations cover the following environments.
We also host three 'condo clusters' where researchers buy nodes in a cluster used only by participating groups. The CSC pays for cluster infrastructure and administers the system, allowing all of the financial resources of the researchers to go to increased computational throughput.
High Performance Computing Software
Software can provide an important and critical step in obtaining research results in a timely manner. The CSC strives to meet the needs of its users and has licensed and installed the following software (some are licensed only to particular groups, indicated with *).
If additional software resources are needed but not listed, please let us know.
Facility Use
CSC accounts are available to UCSB students, researchers, and collaborators. Condo cluster accounts available only to participating groups.
No instruments are listed in this facility