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Program Application

Atomic Force Microscope: Asylum Research MFP-3D System

Instrument types

The Asylum MFP-3D atomic force microscope (AFM) is equipped with a variety of imaging modes which include:

  • Contact mode: imaging using feedback on deflection; Height, deflection and lateral force signals available
  • AC Mode: Q-controlled imaging using feedback; Height, amplitude/phase, deflection signals available
  • Force Mode: Force curve aquisition in Contact or AC mode
  • Lateral Force: Frictional force imaging
  • Kelvin Force Probe Microscopy
  • Magnetic Force Microscopy

The system is equipped with a fluid cell for imaging in liquids. An electrochemistry cell is also available. The electrochemistry cell enables studies of deposition, oxidation, corrosion, and mass transfer of metals and other materials. Nanoscale topographical changes can be precisely monitored in situ as induced by electro-chemical reactions. The cell provides for heating from ambient to 60°C and can be operated in a fully sealed configuration.


  • 90 μm by 90 μm scan area with closed looped position control
  • Z range of 15 μm; the z range can be extended to 40 μm with optional head extended
  • Vertical noise of ~0.5 Å RMS
  • Sample holder for samples up to 3.4″x1.5″, including glass slides and coverslips.
  • Open user interface based on IGOR Pro incorporates professional-quality analysis and graphing capabilities. AFM analysis includes section, histogram, roughness, particle analysis, and masking.
  • Top view head which allows for high resolution optical imaging of tip and sample.
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