Field emission SEM with ultra-stable, high current Schottky gun. Advanced optics and detection, including immersion mode, beam deceleration, in-lens TLD-SE and -BSE, DBS and STEM for best selection of the information and image optimization.
Shared facility operated by the Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience (NCMN). The function of the Electron Nanoscopy Instrumentation Facility is to provide hands-on access to electron microscopes, sample preparation equipment plus data collection and data reduction instrumentation, along with advice, training and research collaboration. The scope of the facility is materials characterization of the topography, morphology, elemental composition, crystalline microstructure, crystal defects, and atomic arrangements of materials, largely on a scale from 10 micrometers down to the near-atomic level.
Field emission SEM with ultra-stable, high current Schottky gun. Advanced optics and detection, including immersion mode, beam deceleration, in-lens TLD-SE and -BSE, DBS and STEM for best selection of the information and image optimization.
Fully digital 200 kV TEM and STEM system including the HAADF detector X-FEG high-brightness Schottky FEG. Super-X windowless EDX detector and EELS system. Biprism for holography and tomographic holder.
200kV, analytical mode, LaB6 filament, single-tilting and double-tilting sample holders. Gatan Erlangshen CCD camera, TSL texture analysis system.