The Dynacool PPMS has recently been installed at the UW Madison Nanoscale Imaging and Analysis Center.
The Quantum Design DynaCool is an instrument designed to measure a variety of a sample’s physical properties while controlling the conditions experienced by the sample. The Quantum Design DynaCool is a next generation Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS). The PPMS DynaCool is a completely redesigned instrument that provides all the capabilities of the PPMS without the need for any liquid cryogens. The system uses a single two-stage pulse tube cooler to cool both the superconducting magnet and the temperature control system, providing a low vibration environment for sample measurements.
Capabilities of this instrument include:
- 400 to 1.8 K with standard pucks, down to 0.5 K with the He-3 insert
- sample rotator
- switching card for Van der Pauw
- both AC and DC transport options, using QD electronics
- multifunction probe for custom experiments
- BNC breakout box for custom experiments