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Program Application

Electron Microscopy


  1. Carl Zeiss Zigma VP FE SEM

    The Zeiss Zigma is a high performance variable pressure scanning electron microscope, featuring the GEMINI column with electromagnetic/ electrostatic objective lens system (80ยบ conical final-lens) and water cooling for best thermal stability an

  2. FEI Talos F200X Transmission/Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (S/TEM)

    FEI Talos combines high-resolution S/TEM and TEM imaging with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy signal detection and chemical characterization with compositional mapping. Max acc voltage of 200 kV, additional configuration of 80 kV.

  3. Light Zeiss Axioscope A1

    High performance optical microscope with 5 objective lenses from 5x-100x, integrated imaging system (software and camera), variable stage movements. LED transmitted light and fluorescence light sources.

  4. Nova Nano FE SEM 450 with a NPGS

    HR FEG ultra high brightness field emission source.