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STEM-JEOL 2010F; 2.0A Resolution, EDS, and EELS

Instrument types
Make / Model : 

JEOL 2010F

In a transmission electron microscope (TEM), a thin specimen (ideally 100 nm) is exposed to a high-energy (20 - 300 keV) electron beam. Images contain contrast due to diffraction, differences in atomic mass and/or thickness or crystalline structure. Crystallographic information can also be obtained from diffraction patterns. We can also collect elemental and chemical state maps via analysis of 1) emitted x-rays (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy - EDS) or 2) the energy loss of electrons that have gone through the specimen (Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy - EELS). We also have a range of sample holders that allow us to cool samples with liquid nitrogen, heat (up to 1000 C) in-situ, strain.

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