FEI Helios NanoLab 660
<p>The focused ion beam (FIB) is an extension to a scanning electron microscope (SEM). With it one can image and modify a specimen with high spatial (~10 nm) resolution. Modifications include site specific material removal, material deposition and particle manipulation. In a FIB, a beam of ions impacts a sample and causes local sputtering, removing material in a controlled way. If a special deposition gas is introduced, it is decomposed on the surface and site-specific deposition occurs. This instrument also includes an SEM column for simultaneous imaging during ion beam modification and a manipulator for moving small particles. Applications include: efficient prototyping of complex patterns, site-specific cross-sections, 3D serial sectioning (imaging, EDS, EBSD), automated TEM sample prep, polymer/food/life sciences 3D-TEM prep, particle manipulation, crystalline grain imaging, and cryogenic studies via cryo-stage and preparation chamber.</p>